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Elite Spec Ritualist for both Necromancer and Revenant


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This isn't an argument thread, and i'm not going to argue here with you guys about it. I'm more interested in the speculative design of them and as such I'll be giving you a piece of my take on how each of them could function. Ritualist is a difficult class to try and fill the shoes of and in either case its an up hill battle. And the issues I see is a loss of what makes each of these classes them. Necromancer loves corpses and disease. Ritualist does not. Revenant can rupture time and space. Ritualist cannot. Both have strong defining elements that hinders their relationship.


Lore aside, Mechanics is what I'm interested in at the moment and each has complications but Revenant has more so most of this post will likely be doing everything I can in order to solve the Revenant's mechanic problems with Ritualist.


Now you may be wondering why I'm doing this? Well, if Revenant or Necromancer gets ritualist I want it to be the best it can be and as on point as possible. I love both of these professions and their flavor and identity is extremely important to me. I wont go through ever possible trait and skill because that's way too much. This is just an outline of the general themes and how each should play. And their mechanics will be accounted for. We're going to start with necromancer since that is the easier of the two and then I'll follow it up with Revenant.


# Necromancer: Elite Specialization Ritualist


**Ashes of our Ancestors**

The new shroud, and yes it is a shroud. Conjure the ashes of the dead and change your skills in this new shroud. This Shroud will be different to the normal shroud as the necromancer would not gain extra life from it but rather just the skills as it slowly degens over time. The shroud will have several skills which function as support and their auto will be a Mid ranged Cone attack similar to the Firebrand's Tome auto.

**Shroud skill:**

* **Essence Strike**: Strike foes in a cone in front of you. This skill is modified through traits and can be modified by a new trait renewing blast which causes it to heal allies.

* **Ghastly Walk**: A short ranged teleport that would grant protection to allies or some other boon while damaging foes.

* **Lamentation**: a aoe ground targeted fear that partially revives allies for about 10% and is a minor heal.

* **Feast of Souls**: Allies within range during the channel steal life with their attacks. Damage foes as you channel.

* **Spirit link Aura**: Bind yourself to your allies. They take no damage for the next few seconds but each time they're struck you lose life force. During the duration you take damage to your life force.


Thats the general idea of the shroud I was thinking about. Something highly supportive that offers resurrection and life stealing as this is what the necromancer and Ritualist used to do in GW1. So I thought I'd give them this here as well. Its a fun little mechanic.


**Weapon: Trident**

The Trident seems like the right choice here, since doubling up on the torch sounds kinda boring and its a new expansions o anything is possible. So land trident. The trident would be a heavy support weapon with minor control and a fear. Because fear is very much in the Flavor of Ritualist, so why not more?


**Skill Type: Spirits**

You can't have a ritualist elite spec without spirits and that's not Controversial at all. The spirits that the necromancer would get would be a Mix of Offense and Supportive spirits.

**Supportive Spirits:**

* Preservation: The heal skill which would passively heal the ally with the least amount of health every few seconds. It can be Sacrificed to cause a burst of healing to allies in its AOE.

* Shelter: Passive damage reduction to allies at the cost of its own health. It can be sacrificed to create an aoe field that breaks stun of allies or a protective dome. Whichever sounds better.

* Purging: Will pull conditions from allies onto itself and pulse them out to foes. It can be sacrificed to pull more conditions from allies and transfer them to foes.


**Offensive Spirits:**

* Pain: Basic power damage spirit that throws ranged attacks at foes. It can be sacrificed to cause heavy damage.

* Wanderlust: Auto attacks inflict torment on foes. It can be sacrificed to cause fear to foes around it.

* Elite: Call to the Spirit Realm: Summon the spirits of Spirit of Anger, Spirit of Hate, and Spirit of Suffering. This spell turns over and allows you to summon all of current active spirits to target location.


The goal of the spirits I want to do is get the feel for as many possible builds as possible. Ritualist is a diverse profession and just having offensive spirits would be a major mistake in its design. one of my all time favorite builds is the Soul Twisting build from GW1 which used protective spirits like Shelter, Union and Distortion along with Soul twisting to keep them up as long as possible making my allies extremely tanky. Although nothing that powerful should exist in GW2 because it would trivialize a lot of content it would be nice to see. The necromancer Ritualist is an extremely supportive design which is intentional as the Ritualist is a support class.


# Revenant: Elite Specialization Ritualist


Now we get to the hard part. There is a LOT that needs to happen with this one since its not such an easy fit. BUT I can make it work because I'm awesome. Praise me. PRAISE ME! Jk jk! So, lets get started with their new elite spec mechanic.


**Ashes of the legend**

So the skill two of the Revenant Ritualist will actually be the Urn of your inactive legend. And to gain this you loose access to your weapon swap as these ashes will replace your weapon skills with the powers of your inactive legend. While you're using the Urn you can't swap legends and it does count as a legend swap when you conjure the ashes. This lets you stay in your primary Legend for Longer so that the Revenant can maintain a better control over their primary means of fighting. Each of them will help enhance the playstle you're looking for while still holding that urn ritualist flavor.

* **Cruel was Mallyx**: These 5 skills would embody the aggressive nature of Mallyx and force you to attack with claws and almost ape like fashion. Heavy slams and swift attacks make up its kit.

* **Treacherous was Shiro**: Conjure twin swords taking on the combative prowess of Shiro becoming swift and evasive against impossible odds.

* **Wise was Jalis**: Conjure a Melee hammer to devastate foes and provide yourself with defensive abilities.

* **Peaceful was Ventari**: Gain the ability to heal allies through your actions.


I'm not going to go through what each skill would do, just know these would be needed to be maintained so they would drain your energy and would go away after a while regardless. Hopefully they could be worth while to use, but this gives you some fun options. I want the Ritualist to do as much as possible and this seems a good way to put some Ritualist flavor into the Revenant. If you guys want to design there skills please do! I'd love to see what you come up with!


**The Legendary stance: Emperor Usoku**

BLOWING YOUR MIND RIGHT NOW! We really need more Villainous legends and he seems like a superb candidate for this elite spec. His Xenophobic policies and ties with the Ministry of Purity and exile of the Tengu seems like this could be an interesting character to channel. We know very little about him as a character and I'd love to get to know how such a man thinks. This choice for me also gives me a better means of creating unique skills. since we can use the Dragon Emperor himself.


**Ashes of the Legend: Tyrannical was Usoku**: The last of the legends to channel, Usoku's legend would be primarily offensive and allow him to conjure forth lesser spirits and strike foes with Spectral Rifts and the Skill Dragon Emperor's Rage! How he would play i'm not sure. My thought would be he would be a very ranged summoner type who would use control and aggression to get his way.


**Legendary Emperor Stance**

* Soul of Preservation: Summon a spirit of Preservation to heal allies. Can be traited to heal downed allies. _I didn't want to do this for necromancer since it has some redundancy with their traits so we'll just put that here._

* Souls of Purity: Summon spirits of members of the Ministry of Purity to strike at your foes. 2 spirits.

* For the Empire!: Sacrifice spirits to damage foes in an area.

* Unity of the Empire: maintain this skill to transfer some of the damage of you and your allies to your summoned spirits.

* Elite: The Royal Lineage: Conjure forth Spirits of the royal lineage to strike at the very essence of your foes.


How each of these will is a bit sketch, but I think the idea is we go with almost a summoner type that summons spirits that can be out a bit longer that the Emperor stance can then use for either damage or Support. Its a bit of a unique take on this idea, but I really don't like the idea of muddying up their skills with 5 spirits skills which would make the spec feel really clunky. Having a few that spawn a good number quickly so you can get back to the combat seems to be the right choice for Rev.



Yes, that's right, TWO weapons. I honestly don't think just a scepter would really work with this spec. you need both. And I think at least one of them could summon a lesser spirit so you can fuel your skills in other ways. These would be ranged and possibly hybrid weapons. What it will do I'm not sure. But I wanted this spec to be as good for the revenant as possible. Considering this spec would lock you out of Swapping Weapons in combat, I feel its appropriate regardless...


Either way, this is my two takes on the potential they could go. And honestly, I'd be pretty hyped for either. The revenant is definitely a bit more of a departure from what we might traditionally consider the Ritualist to be, but its just taking from Different elements to Fill a more unique design. Traits, I'm not going to worry about at the moment. This was just a fun thing for me to do. Now feel free to discuss your thoughts.

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**Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah


People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.


Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.


Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.


Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.


I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.


But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> Revenant can rupture time and space. Ritualist cannot. Both have strong defining elements that hinders their relationship.


The Spirit Rift skill existed. It's more obvious in GW2 because skill descriptions in GW2 sometimes give some fluff rather than just what they do mechanically, but ritualist clearly does have the ability to open rifts. There was also at least one GW1 quest which involved a ritualist opening a portal, although to be fair, the one I'm thinking of might have been a havroun thing rather than a ritualist thing specifically.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > Revenant can rupture time and space. Ritualist cannot. Both have strong defining elements that hinders their relationship.


> The Spirit Rift skill existed. It's more obvious in GW2 because skill descriptions in GW2 sometimes give some fluff rather than just what they do mechanically, but ritualist clearly does have the ability to open rifts. There was also at least one GW1 quest which involved a ritualist opening a portal, although to be fair, the one I'm thinking of might have been a havroun thing rather than a ritualist thing specifically.


Rifts are not breaking down spacetime. If this was the case necromancer would also be doing it as well. Ghastly breach specifically mentions that its breaching the realm of torment. So not quite. Neither Necromancer or Ritualist can breach spacetime. A spectral rift, which necromancer is very capable of doing, is not rupturing space time.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > Revenant can rupture time and space. Ritualist cannot. Both have strong defining elements that hinders their relationship.

> >

> > The Spirit Rift skill existed. It's more obvious in GW2 because skill descriptions in GW2 sometimes give some fluff rather than just what they do mechanically, but ritualist clearly does have the ability to open rifts. There was also at least one GW1 quest which involved a ritualist opening a portal, although to be fair, the one I'm thinking of might have been a havroun thing rather than a ritualist thing specifically.


> Rifts are not breaking down spacetime. If this was the case necromancer would also be doing it as well. Ghastly breach specifically mentions that its breaching the realm of torment. So not quite. Neither Necromancer or Ritualist can breach spacetime. A spectral rift, which necromancer is very capable of doing, is not rupturing space time.


...if opening rifts isn't what you're referring to, where is the revenant "breaking down spacetime"? Citadel Bombardment? That's opening a rift to a fractal in the Mists that's replaying an event in history. Continuum Rift is the closest thing we've been shown to actual time travel, and even there we've had indications that it's actually a special type of clone rather than time travel, similar to the trick that White Mantle Mesmers use.


Incidentally, to comment on the proposals here...


The necromancer one, I can certainly see working out. Not the way I'd do it, but there's definitely potential there.


The revenant one... ehhh. Personally, I think Kalla already does a good job of having spirits offering a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities, and Ventari's Tablet performs much the same role that protective and healing spirits do, so having another legend based on those principles right after Kalla feels redundant. But you probably already know that's my opinion on that particular matter. In isolation, I could see it working, in practice, I think it's too soon coming right after a legend based around summoning what are basically spirits in catsuits.


The ashes are an interesting mechanic, although I'd possibly be inclined to make the ashes be that of your current legend rather than your inactive one (basically representing an even closer attunement to the legend than normal such that the legend takes over the entire skillbar instead of just the right-hand side). It is, however, a mechanic that I feel would be wasted if combined with a humanoid legend - with Mallyx and, for the sake of argument (although it'd never happen) Glint, I could see this having the potential for a set of replacement attack skills that really make you feel like you're embodying the legend physically rather than just assuming their power. For more humanoid legends like Shiro and Usoku, though, it'd probably just feel like an alternate weapon swap. Seems a bit of a waste to take a mechanic that could be used to really sell a nonhumanoid legend (or at least one that doesn't fight with conventional weapons) and applying it to a human spellcaster.


Speaking of, I'm uncomfortable with losing weaponswap as a tradeoff, especially when there are already tradeoffs (losing Ancient Echo and, as much as people like to forget that this is a tradeoff, losing the choice of a third core traitline) - the reason why revenant got weaponswap in the first place was that its weapons weren't properly designed to work without a weaponswap. Mind you, the way things are going, by the time the expansion arrives core revenant might be down to so few viable weapon sets that you might not miss the weaponswap if you have a functionality that replaces it. Similar to engineer, you can probably choose your weapons to account for the weaknesses of the urns available.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > Revenant can rupture time and space. Ritualist cannot. Both have strong defining elements that hinders their relationship.

> > >

> > > The Spirit Rift skill existed. It's more obvious in GW2 because skill descriptions in GW2 sometimes give some fluff rather than just what they do mechanically, but ritualist clearly does have the ability to open rifts. There was also at least one GW1 quest which involved a ritualist opening a portal, although to be fair, the one I'm thinking of might have been a havroun thing rather than a ritualist thing specifically.

> >

> > Rifts are not breaking down spacetime. If this was the case necromancer would also be doing it as well. Ghastly breach specifically mentions that its breaching the realm of torment. So not quite. Neither Necromancer or Ritualist can breach spacetime. A spectral rift, which necromancer is very capable of doing, is not rupturing space time.


> ...if opening rifts isn't what you're referring to, where is the revenant "breaking down spacetime"? Citadel Bombardment? That's opening a rift to a fractal in the Mists that's replaying an event in history. Continuum Rift is the closest thing we've been shown to actual time travel, and even there we've had indications that it's actually a special type of clone rather than time travel, similar to the trick that White Mantle Mesmers use.


> Incidentally, to comment on the proposals here...


> The necromancer one, I can certainly see working out. Not the way I'd do it, but there's definitely potential there.


> The revenant one... ehhh. Personally, I think Kalla already does a good job of having spirits offering a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities, and Ventari's Tablet performs much the same role that protective and healing spirits do, so having another legend based on those principles right after Kalla feels redundant. But you probably already know that's my opinion on that particular matter. In isolation, I could see it working, in practice, I think it's too soon coming right after a legend based around summoning what are basically spirits in catsuits.


> The ashes are an interesting mechanic, although I'd possibly be inclined to make the ashes be that of your current legend rather than your inactive one (basically representing an even closer attunement to the legend than normal such that the legend takes over the entire skillbar instead of just the right-hand side). It is, however, a mechanic that I feel would be wasted if combined with a humanoid legend - with Mallyx and, for the sake of argument (although it'd never happen) Glint, I could see this having the potential for a set of replacement attack skills that really make you feel like you're embodying the legend physically rather than just assuming their power. For more humanoid legends like Shiro and Usoku, though, it'd probably just feel like an alternate weapon swap. Seems a bit of a waste to take a mechanic that could be used to really sell a nonhumanoid legend (or at least one that doesn't fight with conventional weapons) and applying it to a human spellcaster.


> Speaking of, I'm uncomfortable with losing weaponswap as a tradeoff, especially when there are already tradeoffs (losing Ancient Echo and, as much as people like to forget that this is a tradeoff, losing the choice of a third core traitline) - the reason why revenant got weaponswap in the first place was that its weapons weren't properly designed to work without a weaponswap. Mind you, the way things are going, by the time the expansion arrives core revenant might be down to so few viable weapon sets that you might not miss the weaponswap if you have a functionality that replaces it. Similar to engineer, you can probably choose your weapons to account for the weaknesses of the urns available.


This isn't a proposal. Its speculative. This is the design that I could best come up with that would fit the fervent desires of some of the revenant community. There are a lot of people who want this so, inspite of what I want for the class or what would be best for its design moving forward I created this ritualist spec to be as accurate to the feel and playstyle of the GW1 Ritualist. You mention these issues and I'm very acutely aware of them.


The Revenant community knows that if they don't get Ritualist now they'll never get it. And I don't think they ever will. But that doesn't mean I won't build concepts. I rather enjoy doing it.


Personally, for rev I want a greatsword with a legendary norn and animal totems they channel to embody aspects of the spirits of the wild.


I don't even necessarily want a Ritualist for necromancer either right off the coat tail of the Scourge which is far more ritualist like than Renegade even is. In both flavor and play style.


But that's not really the concern. I wanted to design them as a though experiment. I want Rev to embrace its martial aspects and I want Necro to embrace summoning[so minions].


Either way, both specs have crossover with previous specs of their respective classes. Because, well, arena net kinda served both communities at once since this is hotly debated.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

>And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah


I think it would be cool to have Togo.

Togo is an extremely important Ritualist master and also for one other relationship : His relationship with Shiro.


Oh what fun if they start bickering in my head.



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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> # Necromancer: Elite Specialization Ritualist


You have some interesting ideas here. The greatest relation I see between Ritualists and Necromancers is the forceful desire to bend their creations to their will. "Ritualists channel other-worldly energies that summon allies from the void and employ mystic binding rituals that bend those allies to the Ritualist's will. " When it comes to summoning spirits and channeling the lightning energies of the Channeling Magics I agree that the Necromancer is well suited.


A couple of thoughts though. I would be interested to see the Necromancer's shroud fueled and enhanced by the presence of spirits. Not just the Ritualist spirits, but Ranger spirits and Renegades summons too. Some changes to the shroud that you proposed could be:


Essence Strike- Deal X lightning damage. Receive X% Life Force if near spirits.

Spirit Walk- Teleport to nearest spirit. Instant Recharge if there is a spirit, random teleport with ~10 sec recharge if no spirit present.

Lamentation- I like what you did here, except drop the resurrection part.

Binding Chains- Link nearby enemies to nearby spirits. They take X damage and move X% slower while chained. Enemies move out of range immobilize X seconds.

Rupture Souls- Destroy all nearby spirits. Enemies take X lightning damage and are blinded. Downed allies are partially revived based on number of allied spirits destroyed.


I think there should be a strong correlation between the Necromancer's new shroud and the usage of spirits. The developers could add interesting gameplay while simultaneously creating an inherent trade-off.


When it comes to the Revenant I feel strongly you are on the right path with the summoning of urns and ashes. Usoku is great legend choice. Other great choices could be Master Togo, Saint Viktor, Archemorus, Kuunavang, any of the heroes revered in the Tahnnakai Temple, or for a curve ball Brother Mhenlo. There are so many great choices in Cantha, so many different directions the Revenant could go. ArenaNet may not even bind them to Ritualism at all. I'm excited to see what is in store for us!

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah


> People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.


> Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.


> Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.


> Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.


> I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.


> But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.


They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.


Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)


This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> >

> > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> >

> > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> >

> > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> >

> > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> >

> > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> >

> > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.


> They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.


> Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)


> This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~


Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.

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> @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > # Necromancer: Elite Specialization Ritualist


> You have some interesting ideas here. The greatest relation I see between Ritualists and Necromancers is the forceful desire to bend their creations to their will. "Ritualists channel other-worldly energies that summon allies from the void and employ mystic binding rituals that bend those allies to the Ritualist's will. " When it comes to summoning spirits and channeling the lightning energies of the Channeling Magics I agree that the Necromancer is well suited.


> A couple of thoughts though. I would be interested to see the Necromancer's shroud fueled and enhanced by the presence of spirits. Not just the Ritualist spirits, but Ranger spirits and Renegades summons too. Some changes to the shroud that you proposed could be:


> Essence Strike- Deal X lightning damage. Receive X% Life Force if near spirits.

> Spirit Walk- Teleport to nearest spirit. Instant Recharge if there is a spirit, random teleport with ~10 sec recharge if no spirit present.

> Lamentation- I like what you did here, except drop the resurrection part.

> Binding Chains- Link nearby enemies to nearby spirits. They take X damage and move X% slower while chained. Enemies move out of range immobilize X seconds.

> Rupture Souls- Destroy all nearby spirits. Enemies take X lightning damage and are blinded. Downed allies are partially revived based on number of allied spirits destroyed.


> I think there should be a strong correlation between the Necromancer's new shroud and the usage of spirits. The developers could add interesting gameplay while simultaneously creating an inherent trade-off.


> When it comes to the Revenant I feel strongly you are on the right path with the summoning of urns and ashes. Usoku is great legend choice. Other great choices could be Master Togo, Saint Viktor, Archemorus, Kuunavang, any of the heroes revered in the Tahnnakai Temple, or for a curve ball Brother Mhenlo. There are so many great choices in Cantha, so many different directions the Revenant could go. ArenaNet may not even bind them to Ritualism at all. I'm excited to see what is in store for us!


I think its important that Necro/Rit isn't bound by the spirits so they can function without them. We don't want to hyper Homogenize the builds so those suggestions you have would work better in trait slots.


As for Rev/Rit, I wanted a legendary that would really push the Ideas being told in the story. Kuunavang was more an elementalist though. Would be a cool Channel for sure, but I don't think Kuunavang is in the mists. I think he's still kicking around in Cantha. Kuunavang might be a Pillar of the story tbh.


And thank you, the Urns idea I had for rev was one of my favorites. Its kinda a departure from what you'd normal expect from Rev. But then again, So was Scourge from Necro. So Its probably fine.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> > >

> > > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> > >

> > > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> > >

> > > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> > >

> > > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> > >

> > > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> > >

> > > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

> >

> > They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.

> >

> > Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)

> >

> > This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~


> Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.


Doesn't matter if he is important, he fits the bill. He is a mist being so compared to togo he is VASTLY more powerful just off the bat; That and I mean you could shove togo here and make it so he is our invocation legend. I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> > > >

> > > > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> > > >

> > > > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> > > >

> > > > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> > > >

> > > > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> > > >

> > > > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> > > >

> > > > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

> > >

> > > They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.

> > >

> > > Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)

> > >

> > > This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~

> >

> > Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.


> Doesn't matter if he is important, he fits the bill. He is a mist being so compared to togo he is VASTLY more powerful just off the bat; That and I mean you could shove togo here and make it so he is our invocation legend. I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.


I don't want Rit on Revenant either. I'd prefer it to get its own profession entirely. But that's a different topic.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

>I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.


If you can't get over the fact that you're playing the spiritual successor to Ritualists, well then there's eight other professions you can play.


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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> >I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.


> If you can't get over the fact that you're playing the spiritual successor to Ritualists, well then there's eight other professions you can play.



Its also the succesor to dervish as well, I dont mind that it has a lot of homage to both. But the Ritualist has SOOO much more to it than what they could give on Rev, it would be a shell of itself. So if you want a less than stellar watered down version of rit by all means; It does deserve to be its own class but its ties to necromancer and necromancers less cumbersome mechanics make it Ideal. Now if they could get rev to work; And find a way to work in ALL of what rit was into the revenant Id be down but as it stands now they are two totally different animals. And the mechanics of one doesn't work well with the mechanics of another, I dont want a ritualist that is dumbed down to fit into Rev's kit. ( I mained both dervish and Ritualist, So this is near and dear to my heart. I now and a Rev main.)


I just don't believe they can do it right using Rev's kit and I don't feel if they do that it should be an E-spec, if ritualist comes into play here then I want it to be core and come with a rework of Invocation. Id like them to just roll it into the class and fill in the gaps using the ritualist and its theme, that in my ideal world would be the case and Id love to see them roll more of the dervish as well. Make the revenant the perfect baby of the two but this requires a lot of work and Im not sure that they would do it, and not cut corners due to the sheer work load.


I know as someone who loves all three classes, Merging them together would be perfect to help the class find itself and gain its interesting nuance back. Neither dervish or Ritualist should be E-specs... they should either be more flushed out in a core class, or become classes themselves.

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> >I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.


> If you can't get over the fact that you're playing the spiritual successor to Ritualists, well then there's eight other professions you can play.



Too bad Revenant plays nothing like a ritualist, has a different temperament, different armor class, different lore, different magic, and a lack of skills in general.

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> >I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.


> If you can't get over the fact that you're playing the spiritual successor to Ritualists, well then there's eight other professions you can play.



If we're talking about spiritual successors, that's actually Engineer.


ArenaNet was actually pretty upfront around the time Factions launched that when they made the Ritualist what they were really looking to do was make an engineer-like profession (such as seen in Team Fortress), but because Tyria at the time didn't have the technology to support that, ArenaNet found a fantasy way of achieving the same playstyle. The advanced timeline and technology of GW2 allowed them to go back to the original concept. Turrets are the spiritual successor to spirits (Supply Drop can even be considered a GW2 version of the PvE Signet of Spirits) and weapon kits are essentially the GW2 urns. Weapon spells aren't there, but they were pretty much just a special form of buff anyway.


Now, how Engineer actually plays in practice is quite different, but that's the result of balance tweaks made post-launch, particularly turret engineers being OP point holders in sPvP at a time when ArenaNet was still largely refusing to split balance between modes.


Revenant, by contrast... well, there were a lot of threads going around pre-HoT along the lines of "well, we know we can't have Dervish because that's tied to the gods*, and we can't have Ritualist because Engineer already fulfills that playstyle, but could we get the playstyle of the Dervish and the lore of the Ritualist by having a 'spirit warrior' style profession that gains power through summoning spirits into their own bodies?" And that's pretty much the general idea behind the Revenant, although ArenaNet put some of their own twists on it.


Kalla is already a nod to the link to Ritualists. Ventari/Kalla is probably the closest thing you can play at the moment to a support Ritualist. But we don't need two elite specialisations in a row trying to make the Revenant into a Ritualist. Let it forge its own path.


*Personally, I think the only thing that was explicitly linked to the gods were the avatar skills, but that was the conclusion people had.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> > > > >

> > > > > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> > > > >

> > > > > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> > > > >

> > > > > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> > > > >

> > > > > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> > > > >

> > > > > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> > > > >

> > > > > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

> > > >

> > > > They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.

> > > >

> > > > Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)

> > > >

> > > > This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~

> > >

> > > Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.

> >

> > Doesn't matter if he is important, he fits the bill. He is a mist being so compared to togo he is VASTLY more powerful just off the bat; That and I mean you could shove togo here and make it so he is our invocation legend. I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.


> I don't want Rit on Revenant either. I'd prefer it to get its own profession entirely. But that's a different topic.




Ritualist and Necromancer share the same chemistry while Revenant never existed in Guild Wars. I agree with you as well to have Ritualist as its own Profession. Necromancer/Ritualist are the perfect match to each other and should remain so.


side note-

here is a very old video of a Necromancer/Ritualist in harmony




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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > > > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> > > > > >

> > > > > > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

> > > > >

> > > > > They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.

> > > > >

> > > > > Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)

> > > > >

> > > > > This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~

> > > >

> > > > Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.

> > >

> > > Doesn't matter if he is important, he fits the bill. He is a mist being so compared to togo he is VASTLY more powerful just off the bat; That and I mean you could shove togo here and make it so he is our invocation legend. I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.

> >

> > I don't want Rit on Revenant either. I'd prefer it to get its own profession entirely. But that's a different topic.

>Revenant never existed in Guild Wars.


You keep using this ("in gw1 it was like x!") as if it's any kind of argument. But it exists in gw2 and that's what we play, so it really isn't an argument at all. :(

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > > > > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~

> > > > >

> > > > > Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.

> > > >

> > > > Doesn't matter if he is important, he fits the bill. He is a mist being so compared to togo he is VASTLY more powerful just off the bat; That and I mean you could shove togo here and make it so he is our invocation legend. I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.

> > >

> > > I don't want Rit on Revenant either. I'd prefer it to get its own profession entirely. But that's a different topic.

> >Revenant never existed in Guild Wars.


> You keep using this ("in gw1 it was like x!") as if it's any kind of argument. But it exists in gw2 and that's what we play, so it really isn't an argument at all. :(


instead of tracking me down whenever i mention Guild Wars in my posts, try to understand why. Even the Op agrees and others agree with Ritualist being the best fit for Necromancer specialization, all i am doing is agreeing with them


and yes.....once again, I am mentioning Guild Wars 1 because this forum mentions a Profession in it

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > > > > > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.

> > > > >

> > > > > Doesn't matter if he is important, he fits the bill. He is a mist being so compared to togo he is VASTLY more powerful just off the bat; That and I mean you could shove togo here and make it so he is our invocation legend. I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.

> > > >

> > > > I don't want Rit on Revenant either. I'd prefer it to get its own profession entirely. But that's a different topic.

> > >Revenant never existed in Guild Wars.

> >

> > You keep using this ("in gw1 it was like x!") as if it's any kind of argument. But it exists in gw2 and that's what we play, so it really isn't an argument at all. :(


> instead of tracking me down whenever i mention Guild Wars in my posts, try to understand why. Even the Op agrees and others agree with Ritualist being the best fit for Necromancer specialization, all i am doing is agreeing with them


> and yes.....once again, I am mentioning Guild Wars 1 because this forum mentions a Profession in it


How am I tracking you down? I just answered in another thread in this subforum, lmao. Big ego I see :+1:


I do understanad why: you fail to move on and think that gw2 shouldn't be anothing more/else than gw1. Which is wrong.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > > > > > > > **Absolutely down for Scepter + Focus Revenant**, even if it ends up not being Ritualist related (Khilbron for instance would be a great choice). I also think if both Necromancer and Rev were to get "Ritualist" Specs, that Necromancer could get the "more ritualist" spec while Rev could get more channeling magic aspects of it, with a matching legend. This way they wouldn't have to go all in necessarily on Ritualist for Revenant (especially since Kalla is already a "spirit summoning" spec). I think your version of it though is quite interesting! And Usoku would be a more interesting choice than Togo or other big ritualist names. Only other one I would consider would be Razah

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > People seem to think I hate revenant. I don't. I actually love the class. It fluctuates between my top 4 all the time. So if I was to design a ritualist spec I would want it to be as good and diverse as my 3rd favorite profession in GW1.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Revenant doesn't have a lot to do at range unfortunately. And even with my design they still lack a real ranged option to pair with Usoku. They're an extremely martial profession, more so than most. Which puts me in a bind when trying to design a ranged spec for them.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Even just playing as a renegade and trying to juggle Kalla with another legend I find myself in this awkward spot as there isn't another ranged option aside from Mallyx's corrupt enchantment spell. This is a hurdle for their design when trying to design ranged specs.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Revenant honestly needs more core skills to round out its kit. One more legend would do the trick maybe 1 extra skill for each legend and a set of signets. But that's beyond the point.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I do agree the best possible spec for revenant would use greatsword and be more melee focused because that's where revenant shines.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > But more on topic I'm actually proud of my unique mechanic concept. Filling the flavor of urns while keeping it uniquely revenant.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > They could do razah in invocation due to him being anything he desires to be, so he could fill any role we need him to fill. And give us scepter + focus as a core weapon set which do just as trident does underwater swap to fit our legends at the time. This would give us a "Ritualist" spec and legend of sorts, and would keep us from becoming a ritualist which could then in turn leave it for the necromancer. So that way both have something to do with them, just Razah is like a primordial extra-dimensional being who formed in the mists much like the six gods. So he is more about the mists, and doesn't really use the skills and theme of the ritualist as much as being a homage to the class in a different way.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Then the real ritualist spec could go to the necromancer, and both can be happy and both win. Revenants channel an otherwise god level mist being who is still alive somewhere, and is unique in of himself as well giving us another legend and core weaponset. And necromancers get an E-spec which is all about the ritualist playstyle, which would probably make me play my necro more. (Don't like how they are handled in guild wars 2 right now.)

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > This also opens us up to getting a norn legend, for the E-spec for Rev and getting either duel daggers (I hope so) or greatsword(Everyone wants it, for some reason.) I feel like this core addition to rev will have to come out in the saga and I HOPE they will do it. Leave invocation as it is and make Razah a legend about siphoning health and imbuing ones self with the mists to be defensive. This would make him good with any legend and if his utilies swapped based on your stat-set to fit the role better that could be cool, I feel like we could even have some throw backs to abbadon here and maybe some margonites. Who knows~

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Razah is an extremely minor note character. He was never that important, just a gimmick of GW1. I liked Razah, but he wasn't that important.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Doesn't matter if he is important, he fits the bill. He is a mist being so compared to togo he is VASTLY more powerful just off the bat; That and I mean you could shove togo here and make it so he is our invocation legend. I just DO NOT want Rit on rev; I don't care how they justify it and I don't care how they try to sell it, do not shove that class into this one when this one already has its own issues. I trust it going to necromancer far more, because at least then I have confidence it could be done correctly and heck they could add in a ritualist head-piece for the light armor classes. Or even ritualist armor ..... there ya go.... But do not take my rev and shove togo in it as an elite spec... I don't think we can handle another kalla.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't want Rit on Revenant either. I'd prefer it to get its own profession entirely. But that's a different topic.

> > > >Revenant never existed in Guild Wars.

> > >

> > > You keep using this ("in gw1 it was like x!") as if it's any kind of argument. But it exists in gw2 and that's what we play, so it really isn't an argument at all. :(

> >

> > instead of tracking me down whenever i mention Guild Wars in my posts, try to understand why. Even the Op agrees and others agree with Ritualist being the best fit for Necromancer specialization, all i am doing is agreeing with them

> >

> > and yes.....once again, I am mentioning Guild Wars 1 because this forum mentions a Profession in it


> How am I tracking you down? I just answered in another thread in this subforum, lmao. Big ego I see :+1:


history never lie :)

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