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Super Adventure Festival 2020

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey everyone, it's that time of year when spring is in the air and our minds turn to the timeless seasonal pursuit of collecting baubles. There are some timing changes to the Super Adventure Festival this year that we don't want to take you by surprise, so let's get to it.


The Super Adventure Festival will activate in mid-April this year, instead of overlapping with April 1st. The Super Adventure Box originally started as an April Fools' Day joke, but it's expanded into a real festival over time. Since we usually do a little something for April Fools' Day anyway, having that minor holiday overlapping Super Adventure Festival caused a yearly headache to ship both events simultaneously or temporarily turned off. This year we're going to give the Super Adventure Festival some space from the 1st to let it and April Fools' stand independently.


This doesn't mean a new World is happening this year. There will be new secrets to find in the Box, a new meta achievement reward and a new set of weapons to collect – a different twist on the original set rather than the usual new color – but the doors to Worlds 3 and 4 will remain shut. However, we haven't given up on a larger addition to the Super Adventure Box, and even if it isn't this year or the next, we'll be chipping away at it behind the scenes. You may even see some new assets in the Box this year from outside the Worlds you know…


Finally, if you have a few minutes I'd like to collect a little feedback about the Super Adventure Festival. Feel free to answer the following questions to help us make the game, and the game within the game, better than ever!


- What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


- Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?


- What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?

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> What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


The first level (W1Z1) is my favorite one (specially in tribulation mode, I don't like it in normal mode) because of how colorful it is, and because it's the one that feels like a "Zelda" level, honestly. The clever use of bombs and weapons there makes it feel like an adventure. On other levels it's way too obscured by light, shadows or impossible guesses. You can still find every secret if you try hard (I got all of them), but it's seriously not as fun as in the first one.


> Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?


A weekly vendor, for a festival that only stays a few days up a year is a terrible idea. Please don't do something like this. Weekly vendors only make sense if they are up the entire year. Let us enjoy the festival vendors just as normal vendors.


> What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


New worlds is definitely the top 1 of most desired addition for players, but I'd love if we could give lives to our friends. I was doing tribulation mode with some friends and one of them lost his last life at last boss, without gettint it. It really felt very annoying and not team-friendly. I would love if I could give him some of my lives so he could continue playing with us.

- I take into account that I have the endless coin, so I could give endless lives to my friends with this change. Honestly, at the price the coin it is right now, it deserves such an update and it would feel right.

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I'm horrible at jumping puzzles but probably the most memorable part is getting people to coordinate the bell on Pain Cliffs. I don't really have a favorite level, but that element plus the movement of the block in order to change elevation highlights the instance for me.


As far as additions to the vendor: Compedia of Masteries I think.

Anything that reduces meaningless grind is a good step. It wouldn't affect me but it is a huge turn off to newer or returning players when there's a large ep grind just to open the essence chests for example.

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Even without an ETA it is very encouraging to hear World 3 and even World 4 will eventually be open to exploration. Speaking of, exploration is one of the things I enjoy most about SAB; tons of secrets, hidden shops & rewards, and even short-cuts for those occasions when you're low on time and want to quickly get your dailies done.


Now that mounts are a thing, I do wonder if they could somehow feature in future SAB content. The focus should of course remain on the jumping puzzle approach to exploration, but maybe specific areas where special SAB mounts have a small role to play? Just as an example, maybe you get to actually fly and control Short Cut Eagle the way you do a griffon or skyscale.


Maybe new worlds could introduce new bauble types that give you access to new upgrades as well as new rewards.


And I hope it goes without saying that new SAB worlds means new Tribulation Modes. Perversely I'm rather looking forward to dying 73 times trying to work out which of 3 tiny identical rocks is safe to jump on to ...

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World 1 area 1 is the best by far for me. It just encapsulates what the content is meant to be about perfectly without trying to frustrate


World 2 level 1 is also good for it's variety


World 2 levels 2 and 3 are awful. I can't even bring myself to do level 2 anymore because it is so long, so boring and just not very fulfilling. By the end I've thrown in the towel. It really could have ended with the glove boss and it would have been better.


Tribulation mode I hate. It doesn't hark back to retro gaming at all. It's just trial and error vs invisible paths. That is not the in the spirit of the games it calls back to.


New rewards? I'd like new mount skins...buuuut I worry they'd look out of place in open world and open world is visual mess now I'm not sure I actually want the further intrusion given how bad things are right now with visual noise. Maybe a mount based level or mini game in the Box


Love the weekly vendor though. Brlliant addition to festivals

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> @"Elrey.5472" said:

> A weekly vendor, for a festival that only stays a few days up a year is a terrible idea. Please don't do something like this. Weekly vendors only make sense if they are up the entire year. Let us enjoy the festival vendors just as normal vendors.


+1 this. I understand that weekly vendors are weekly cus they sell very valuable stuff but i think a normal vendor with limited number of buys is better than a weekly one.

Better would be if buying until x amount had a reduced price, and then a very increased one (the same way wintersday gift works), this way players willing to "farm" the event will have something to do other than getting in, playing one or two worlds and then leaving to return only next week. Events stay only for a few weeks and the market would soon recover from any impact this new farm could cause anyway.

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>What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

W1Z3. Has the best secrets, the best atmosphere, and tons of explorations aside from the usual path. It also has multiple ways of exploring adding to the experience and a fun last boss


>Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?

Probably more SAB stuff like the rare drops that can only be obtainable through the tp or chest drops


>What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


I would love to see some strike mission to defeat a boss with 10 people, or a time trial to see who gather the most baubles. Or maybe a race on foot inside the worlds to see who get to the end first.

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I don't really have a favorite world- I blow through W1 pretty quickly and W2 doesn't really captivate me tbh, seems incredibly tedious

The weekly vendor definitely needs to up its rewards- consider things that are very grindy for players and hard to obtain. Try to get away from LS currencies which are really easy to obtain anyways. Charged quartz crystals e.g for people doing their skyscales, more generous amounts of mystic clovers to save people the forge RNG frustration, BL weapons or ticket scraps, maybe even throw in a Raven armor box considering those things are 1500g atm for one piece alone.


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> @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

> - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

I would say that W2Z1 is probably my favorite, because it is fairly diverse in design. I'm not a total fan of its length though, and always felt that the W2 zones could be cut in half in general (the normal mode shortcuts are okay though).


> - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?

* Season 3, Season 4, *and* Season 5 map materials on a singular vendor.

* Ascended and Legendary materials; e.g., Obsidian Shards, Mystic Clovers, Deldrimor Ingots, etc. - where the normal vendor offers the same item, the weekly vender should be decently cheaper.

* Exchange for other festival items (e.g., trading for snowflakes or candy corn)).


> - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?

1. World 3 Zone 1. Yes, just the one new zone. I would like to see all of Worlds 3 and 4, but I would definitely enjoy just getting one zone a year too.

2. Bonus / Secret Zones for Worlds 1 and 2 (and 3 and 4). Hidden away just like the shortcuts, they would give special rewards in both normal and Tribulation modes.

3. Arena Combat - a mini-game where you would face off against increasingly harder foes for the highest score, probably best to do with foes for W3 and W4 designed, including fighting the world bosses. Example for the scene could be an arena with Lord Vanquish looming over, laughing as the player fights, as if the player had gotten trapped.

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I dont have a favorite Zone or part in the SAB i love every part of it. The little secrets and hidden stuff it is sooooo much and i love it. The eastereggs from zelda are so perfect. I love the style.


For the weekly vender i dont know what to say i dont see the sense in a weekly vendor if the event only last for 3 or 4 weeks. So put the items in an overall weekly event vendor. So ppl could farm the whole event and use the farmed items to buy things every week the whole year.


New world is first priority but it needs to be on a level with the old worlds and at the same time it should not lose the w1 w2 spirit.

I would love to see a strike/mini raid for 10 ppl like we got for wintersday (but pls much better and not so borring)

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I'd like baubles to be turned into a curency or a material. So much bank space wasted yearly.



As for favorite level... W1z1 - fun to explore, great aesthetic while not being too hard or tedious to get thru, unlike most of W2... Which isn't hard, just... "Sigh."


As for weekly vendor stuff, the legendary shards are a nice touch. A few clovers, mystic coins, matbags, or even like... A black lion statuette type thing would be appreciated. One a week for three weeks wouldn't devalue them, but could make that daunting goal of a skin, mini, finisher, etc that mich more obtainable for those who can't buy/farm BL keys.

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Learning that world 3 and 4 is in the works is the best news I've heard since... since expansion 3 was announced I guess.


> @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

> - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


World 2 zone 1 probably, mainly because of the amount of secret rooms and moving platforms.



> - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


More than anything I want to see new world, but if I had to pick something outside of that... Perhaps something that stays on the "classic video game experience" theme.



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> What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

I wouldn't necessarily say I have a particular favorite level, but I can offer this: I love punishing mechanics. The verticality and acid water in Kingdom of Fungus and the rapids, ice, and wind in World 2 are good mechanics that make you think and add some chaos to the gameplay-- especially the superfast rapids we had originally. And I adore the Tribulation Modes. The more tears of relief at the end of a run, the better. That's what I think of when I think of SAB: something chaotic and fun because it's punishing, making the stakes high but still fun enough to keep us laughing.


> Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?

Not hugely important to me. I'll refrain from giving half-baked feedback here.


> What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?

Aside from a new world, I love the idea of mini-tribulations. Make challenges that shake up the way SAB is played. SAB is such an amazing playground to mess with, and I think finding new innovative ways to shake up the existing levels would be fun. Ideas like:


- low gravity

- the insane darkness from Storm Top Tribulation mode but in every level

- all surfaces are slippery regardless of level

- shopkeepers are hostile

- every avoidable enemy has been replaced by a storm cloud boss

- bring back the super fast rapids from the original release of SAB world 2

- hordes of enemies but you're given a shotgun (yes I've been playing Doom Eternal, why do you ask?)


Be creative. Make some of them silly and fun. Be harsh. Make us sweat a bit. And make it all optional so everyone can pick their own pace. Though I personally prefer the more punishing side of things, I still want it to be accessible for everyone. Let the mini-challenges be a way for the dev team to really let their fun sides explore and find new ways to shake things up, benevolently or otherwise. That's what I want from SAB: pure fun without restrictions in creativity.

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> What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

I enjoy W1Z1 in Tribulation Mode the most. The level has a nice flow to it, the visuals are great, and there are some incredibly tight jumps to skip sections that add a nice risky challenge. I haven't explored the second world in Tribulation Mode yet, but I also like the style of normal W2Z1, although the wood raft part is a bit lengthy. Not a big fan of W2Z2 and W2Z3, they are long, quite confusing and some mechanics just don't feel good (such as the ice).


> What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future?

I would enjoy a nice Winter Wonderland-like race, I believe it would fit the theme rather well. Instead of having multiple paths for the whole course, there could be multiple path choices as you go through the race, depending on how daring you are - to suit both new players and those who enjoy tribulation mode. And of course, a new World would be great.

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> What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

W2Z3 for me is the best, the AESTHETICS, MUSIC, PUZZLES are all top notch that only W2Z2 comes close, and the boss fight at the end is one of the most fun!

> Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?

How about some global festival currency that can get you some real unique rewards (new legendary accessories or new skins? hmm?).

> What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?

New world is ofcourse TOP request. Other than that, i feel like mount puzzles would be cool in SAB (not in all worlds, just for some mini games within the zones or something). Also the uniqueness of SAB are the puzzles that you can do whatever you want without limit, so add to that.

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> @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

> Hey everyone, it's that time of year when spring is in the air and our minds turn to the timeless seasonal pursuit of collecting baubles. There are some timing changes to the Super Adventure Festival this year that we don't want to take you by surprise, so let's get to it.


> The Super Adventure Festival will activate in mid-April this year, instead of overlapping with April 1st.



If i may commend on this, rn i have no complains on the non endgame instanced pve aspect of the game, you are killing it with the pace between pvp support, lw, visions and festivals, but, i think n1 priority should be to keep a consistent cadense to lw, 2 to the 2 month schedule that your've set and prioritise that above festivals and visions. If that leads to april 1st and sab dropping together thats a worth it imo.


Lw is what most ppl prob engage with from the crowd that does casual pve so pls try to be consistent with it.


> - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


All of world 1 and like w2 z1 and abit of w2 z3 i do t really dog z3 tbh but thats mainly due to ice.


> - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?



Maybe some sab themed armor and or mount skin for bunny ( sab monkey)


> - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


I think sab nails the solo experience but what about group content? Rn its you vs a world and you progress by jumping and puzzling, what if we had some other mode that had its own zones but designed for groups?


Have the group tackle group puzzles or split to each do some diff section so they can all move to the next zone (open a gate or smth. Its prob not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and certnainly not for the ppl that pug but sab that focushes on party play sounds exciting to me.


Also group version could toe well woth sab specs* lile a bomber, a sneaky dud, someone who can fly, a puncher etc that each have diff enemies and mechanics they excell at/can deal with.


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> @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

> The Super Adventure Festival will activate in mid-April this year, instead of overlapping with April 1st.


This is a welcome change, as I wasn't able to play Super Adventure Festival nearly as much as other festivals due to it overlapping with final examinations in university.


> What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


My favourite levels are the ones with the best music. While all the music is really fitting (though sometimes repetitive), the boss rooms and secret areas often had _way_ better music than the rest of the level. It would be nice that, if new worlds are faster-paced or tougher, the music would increase in intensity as well. Like, as least somber and peaceful as possible. I think the best music tracks were the really cool-sounding, faster ones with a higher BPM.


[King Toad](


[shortcut Eagle](




[storm Wizard](


[bonus Stage](



I think people would also enjoy if the [chiptune Guild Wars 2 theme](

) played on the Character Select screen during the festival again.


> Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?


Provisioner Tokens, Supreme Runes of Holding, Amalgamated Gemstones, Mystic Aspects, Mystic Motes.


I need these most as a 35,000+ AP player. The Tyrian Exchange Voucher is my favourite of the existing items. I really like the addition of Weekly Vendors; please don't remove them. The prices on the SAB Weekly Trader might have been a bit high compared to the other festivals, though; getting that many Bauble Bubbles in a week is really tough.


> What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


I like to go as fast as possible, and moving fast just feels better, so I wish I could unlock a skill that I could use to apply swiftness (similar to a warhorn), or buy a consumable inventory item with baubles or coin that would give me swiftness in the Super Adventure Box. Or an item from the in-world shops. It may allow for otherwise impossible or difficult shortcuts in Tribulation Mode to be more possible, making it even more fun to play. While it's possible to find [speed Boost powerups](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_Boost_(Super_Adventure_Box)) in barrels, they don't appear often enough or they're usually out of the way.


Character unlocks / progression are one of the best parts of Super Adventure Box, so I'd like to see more. However, while I only play Super Adventure Box on one character, I think people would like the character unlocks to be account unlocks instead, as there is little reward to repeating it all on one's other characters. Though it's nice that there's a character API endpoint for SAB unlocks.


Also, **could you _please_ make it so entering the Super Adventure Box doesn't clear all our nourishment, buffs, and boosters?** Their remaining time could keep ticking down or pause, but they should really just have no effect while inside the Super Adventure Box rather than being cleared entirely. Same for buffs that are removed when entering PvP/WvW/Raids, which should be hidden and have no effect instead of being removed. In the past, it also caused some issues with certain collection achievement buffs being irreversibly removed. It's really annoying to not be able to use any consumables during the festival unless they're used on a character that won't be entering the Super Adventure Box.


Lastly, it would be nice to have more valuable tradable drops or rewards so that people have a reason to do lots of SAB after they have all the unlocks. Festivals are more fun when there are great moneymaking opportunities.

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What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

I enjoyed W1Z2 the best, it felt like there was so much to explore, but it also didn't take too long to run through the level quickly if I wanted to get to the boss. I liked being able to climb up and jump around in the canopy. The world 2 levels had amazing designs but it took foreeeever to find all the baubles, I think they could have been a bit shorter personally.


Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?

I can't think of anything special, just some more stuff that I can use to show my love of SAB in the open world? :) Especially anything that lets me hear some SAB sound effects like the super warhorn skins (even if it's something only I can hear, I don't want to bother others who don't like them!)


What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?

Maybe some more challenges like where you have to deliver a piranha to the... cat(???) in W2Z2. That was a different way to play around in the zone and I found it fun. But World 3 would be the best!!

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> - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


1-3 And 2-3 have to be my favorite levels. It's probably the non-straightforwardness of them both that set them apart for me, and they're both really fun tribulation mode levels in my eyes (Except for the tribulation clouds, they could use some work to feel more consistent). 1-3 also has some really creative skips in tribulation mode that weren't intended but still contribute to a more fun run.



> - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


While new content (and a new world) is an obvious choice. I'd like to suggest some fixes? If possible, making trampolines in 2-2 (and the shortcut worm in 1-2) act entirely client-side instead of server-side would save a lot of players some headache (Add some artificial lag to see what I'm talking about.)

I'd also personally love some changes to the physics so weird things like this can't happen. (Happens around 5:30)

As someone who loves to speedrun, these jumps are incredibly inconsistent and require the use of macros to pull off more consistently.

But other than that, I'm really happy that SAB is getting some new stuff!


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* My favorite levels are W1Z2 because it isn't as short as Z1 but won't force you to stay on the branches like Z3, and W3Z3 because there's lots of exploration unlike W3Z1 but you are not basically on a tightrope with mostly air all over the place like W3Z2.

* For weelkly vendor items I'd go only for things you can get the rest of the year, but are always nice to have. Never anything unique. Unique rewards should be put in the Festival vendors in LA all year round so people who had any issue that made them miss some days of the festival can still get something with whatever currency and trophies they could earn. Stuff like:

* 1 weekly BL Key

* Teleport to friend.

* Mystic clovers.

* New possible content:

* Away to get a tradable material that can be used to craft SAB infusions in the mystic forge with enough of them along other materials, adding additional colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and black.

* A comptitive activity:

* SAB is kind of an activity by itself, but there's no PvP activities in it. Since the game is all about classic old games, Moto could get an apprentice calleds something like "Pong" who would introduce players to Holo Tennis, an activity in which players sides basically play something like Tennis, Dodgeball or Discs of Tron 5v5 with SAB baubles.

* There could also be a musical minigame, not like the choir bells, but like a walking piano. Players would be put on a large piano, get a number of keys assigned to them, and they would have to jump on them following the cues given, and all players in the instance play the same melody.

* Races:

* The trickery used for the Eagle shortcut is greatly underused. Why not using it to create an virtually 'endless' race? Talking with a holo racemaster would take you to a small instance in which many players are put in a 'treadmill box' that looks like a beach at the bottom of a short cliff of rock or ice, with a giant creature like a yeti or a mole welcoming players. Then on the water a Tsunami appears, and the Yeti would jump to the wall and begin digging forward, starting the race.

The players in mounts would be pushed back towards the tsunami with an effect like the one used in Storm Tracking and the floor and walls would look like they move towards the tsunami, simulating the whole thing actually moving forward when it isn't. Obstacles would appear as the Yeti digs forward, like rocks on the ground, flying rocks, and even bonus items that speed up the scenery and slow everyone else to make it seem like they are rushing forward. Anyone who doesn't avoid them would lose health and get slowed down for a bit. At the back of the treadmill the tsunami would have piranhas pop out of which would bite anyone who gets too close. Anyone who loses all health or is engulfed by the tsunami is teleported back to a waiting room, which is basically another treadmill 'box' with the same creature waiting at the beach, where players wait for the race to start again.

All of this would be in a single treadmill that fakes all the tunneling, scenery and the tsunami moving with visual trickery, so the race can be as long as it needs to be without needing a large map for it. Since these treadmills would actually take very little space, it would be possible to set several of them in one map. It would also be possible to speak with the large digging creature and get teleported to a solitary box or instance to play an Adventure version of the race instead waiting for the vent.

* There could also be something like Mario Kart like GW1's rollerbeetle races. Rollerbeetles would be too fast in GW2, but something else could be used, like raptors, jackals, or unique mounts made for it that use a combination lower body chair sitting animations and upper body skill animations to simulate people riding carts or golems or something like that. Or just hide the characters and use something like charr tanks, but holographic. Players would have the engage skill removed and dismount disabled, and ride in their mounts in a circuit while getting boost items that add skills to their skill bar. 1-5 to attack players, 6-0 to defend and rush ahead.

* World 3 and 4, but not as more complex jumping puzzles that take a lot of time and effort to put together, but as different styles of classic arcade games.

* W1 is more of a 'straightforward' platformer like Mario games. Some alternate routes and secrets, but relatively short.

* W2 has more exploration, secrets, and backtracking like Metroidvania games.

* W3 could be more like a beat'em up or shoot'em up games like Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Golden Axe or Metal Slug, focusing more on combat and having combat mounts you can unlock to use within its levels that work like the Golden Axe mounts or the Metal Slug. The Shortcut in W3Z2 would then be like a mix of the Cadillac in Cadillacs & Dinosaurs and the Steel and Fire tank, all players would ride it and zoom forward running over enemies.

* W4 could be more like Zelda games. A single large map with 3 'dungeons' inside, and Lord Vanquish castle in the middle. You'd use all the unlocked weapons and tools to navigate and explore this large map, solve the puzzle rooms in the dungeons, return to dungeons with new upgrades to solve previously impossible puzzles, and gain access to the castle. The mount unlocked in W3 could be usable here to run faster between dungeons, kind of like Epona in Ocarina of Time.

* W5 could be a single Zone, Lord Vanquish castle, which could be like one of those gauntlet TV shows, like American Ninja Warrior or Takeshi's Castle. A straight run forward pushing through obstacles that would require all the skill upgrades to complete.

A version of this could also become a competitive activity, with half the players taking turns trying to complete the course while the other half use environmental weapons and trap controls to stop them.

* Some people would love Polymock to come back as part of SAB, but I think such a thing would be better if it was always available as its own thing, not part of SAB, and also playable without running the game, like as an APP that has crossplay with the in-game minigame.

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