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April Fools Prediction Thread

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> Anet has announce that there will be a Aprils fools effect outside of SAB. What are you predictions.

> My prediction: turning on the social awkwardness debuff in the entire game.


That was genuinely going to be my guess too. :D


I'm not sure how it would work around the bank, trading post etc. but other than that I think it could be funny.

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Unless the OP has a different source than the announcement from yesterday my guess is they were only referring to the April Fools Patch Notes and commenting that it’s a pain to create fake, funny patch notes and release SAB on the same day so they are separating the two.


_Since we usually do a little something for April Fools' Day anyway, having that minor holiday overlapping Super Adventure Festival caused a yearly headache to ship both events simultaneously or temporarily turned off._



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