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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. Build videos,tips for each class etc for pvp and pve modes were the vids I mostly watched as their helpful anytime a player starts a new toon or the game in general. Like every one said watching gameplay gets boring fast in this game. If combat was more strategic based and not power crept spam fest i think gw2 combat could have been fun to watch.

  2. > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

    > > > Not really understanding why it's not fair for a ranger to build into its single target damage and for the burst to be beatable by 8/9 classes in the game while you have classes like Berserker and Power Rev who are capable of even higher damage against multiple targets with less visible effects to dodge.

    > >

    > > Maybe I can help. If a rev burst u and u either die to it,live through it with dps taken or avoided it with dodge,sustain skills etc where does that put the rev? Puts it in melee range with low energy and skill on CD. Ranger does its crazy high unlockable burst wheres that leave ranger? Still at 1800 range in safety. Huge difference. Make revs hammer drop hit consecutive times at 1800 range with a 40% dps modifier and I'd be broken as well lol before u say revs a might boon monster so its different it really isn't hassle gets more than enough dps modifiers and boons ontop of sic em. Revs burst was definitely OP but it's all it had and it got deserved nerfs,power slb can be built far more ways than power rev


    > This doesnt make sense. How did you get into melee range against a rev, but not into melee range against a soulbeast?


    If a rev does its s/s burst as I'm assuming that's the burst ur talking about that puts the rev in melee range at end of burst. Slb burst is done at 1800 range with ranger still being at said range. Slb burst doesnt end with it next to the opponent like revs does. High reward with zero risk. That doesnt make sense? Most agree that range attacks should have less burst or dps potential than melee do to way less risk, especially when it's the only class that can dps from that range. Yet slb range burst has zero risk or drawbacks with unblockable on top just to make sure it's that extra kind of op lol

  3. > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

    > > > Not really understanding why it's not fair for a ranger to build into its single target damage and for the burst to be beatable by 8/9 classes in the game while you have classes like Berserker and Power Rev who are capable of even higher damage against multiple targets with less visible effects to dodge.

    > >

    > > Range versus Melee. Melee range requires more risks and gap closers to land the burst while ranged combat requires less risk and can land burst from 0 range to 1800 range. This is why melee dps tends to be higher in almost every game, single target or AOE, than range dps. Hammer power rev needs retuning just like the soulbeast though.


    > Usually that would be correct, but gw2 completely tossed logical balance designs out the window a long long time ago and arent going back.


    > The risk of range is reflects and poor map geometry.


    > Risk of something like a melee warrior is... well nothing aside from heavy condition pressure and boon corrupts.


    > Theyve given melee classes the ability to gap close like juggernauts so staying in range with a soulbeast isnt a difficult task.


    Ranger can use gs and owl to easily stay out of ange of most classes. That set up had even kept up with my thief enough to keep pew pewing me to death while trying to run away.

  4. A 20% damage modifier would only be considered useless by players that have come accustomed to the grossly over tuned skill. Any dps skill or trait on any class that's 20% is deemed as not only useful but a necessity on power builds more times than not. If u think sic em would become useless if providing 20% increase to all attacks while providing reveal than slb is most definitely over performing cuz any player on any other class would be happy to have a 20% increase that can easily be made unblockable compared to the usual 10 to maybe 15% modifiers most classes get with criteria having to be met for such gains ie 20% dps gain if opponent is under 50 hps or 15%if all endurance is used. Slb have been spoiled far to long.

  5. > @"iKeostuKen.2738" said:

    > Not really understanding why it's not fair for a ranger to build into its single target damage and for the burst to be beatable by 8/9 classes in the game while you have classes like Berserker and Power Rev who are capable of even higher damage against multiple targets with less visible effects to dodge.


    Maybe I can help. If a rev burst u and u either die to it,live through it with dps taken or avoided it with dodge,sustain skills etc where does that put the rev? Puts it in melee range with low energy and skill on CD. Ranger does its crazy high unlockable burst wheres that leave ranger? Still at 1800 range in safety. Huge difference. Make revs hammer drop hit consecutive times at 1800 range with a 40% dps modifier and I'd be broken as well lol before u say revs a might boon monster so its different it really isn't hassle gets more than enough dps modifiers and boons ontop of sic em. Revs burst was definitely OP but it's all it had and it got deserved nerfs,power slb can be built far more ways than power rev


  6. > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > People have complained about 20k+ burst since it exists (and it shouldn't on a single skill). Soulbeast just happens to have the highest range, unblockable and some stupidly overtuned synergies on top of it. Mounts have nothing to do with this. You can just look for other threads. They existed before the mount. It's just additional stuff on top.


    > Exactly, it's the fact that they can land said burst through a mount because of the range unlike other builds.


    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > wich profession is better in an isolated 1 vs 1 doesnt matter in roaming, as most fights in roaming are not isolated. boonbeast is trash compared to sic em ranger for roaming. it might be better in a limited space 1 vs 1, but else it will just be kited and/or ignored. and thats basically for all the tankier builds, they cannot force a fight, they cannot finish a fight against a target that doesnt want to, while they still can be bursted down by some burst and run builds if they dont react fast enough or have everything ready, such a situation can easily be made.

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > Boonbeast has enough damage and mobility to finish fights, the only thing holding them back now is mounts.

    > > > > > > > > > > if you think so, guess thats why even before the mounts they were pretty much non existent in WvW roaming.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > They really weren't, boonbeast has 2 dashes too, and often sits in snow owl while soulbeast has to go out of smokescale and wait 10 seconds before they have 2 dashes. I mainly played boonbeast pre-mount and i can tell you it's way better.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > from previous threads i have to assume what you call roaming is something completly different than what i call roaming. for me they were just a 0 risk fight that might take a little longer and still i saw maybe 1 boonbeast per 50 LB snipers. while the snipers are easier to kill, they at least could kill me in return too so it was still the more dangerous fight.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You play deadeye which can get away from anything, i never had trouble killing/catchging anything but a thief(both specs) on my boonbeast, or other bunker specs ofcoarse.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Wheres the oneshot DE complaints at? Or mesmers? Gone, because they can't do it through a mount.

    > > > > > > the condi mesmer got some nerfs around the time of the mount wich reduced their numbers significantly, sure there is still power mesmers but thats not braindead enough to have many people running it.

    > > > > > > similar with deadeye, with the mount patch the stealth time from silent scope did get reduced from 3 to 1 seconds. this doesnt have much effect outside of highly outnumbered fights and making oneshot deadeyes play a bit more defensive at times. but what it did is reduce the number of the only rather few deadeyes that were left after the mark changes.

    > > > > > > complains are usually an indicator of how much a build is played. sic em soulbeast provides now the best results for minimal effort after the nerfs to other mechanically easy builds. that has nothing to do with mounts.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It has everything to do with mounts as oneshot DE is useless aslong as they are on a mount.

    > > > > as long as who is on a mount? i can dismount people just fine with oneshot DE, but there usually is no need to.

    > > > > i play WvW. in WvW people on a mount do not contribute as long as they stay on the mount. they can not kill anything, they can not contest anything.

    > > > > i really cant understand why you try so hard to hunt mounts, when you could have a ton more fights if you were hunting players that do contribute. i feel like you hate the mount so much that you try to turn every topic you find here to blame the mount. i dont think there are enough players that focus only on ganking players on the road that it would affect this much what builds you run into, the ease of play is a much greater factor.

    > > >

    > > > Because i play for fun and not for some random rewards nobody cares about. Why should i care if they take their kitten camp? Like why does it matter?

    > > i play for fun too, who would have thought. i dont get a pay check for this :anguished:

    > > for reward i do play some PvE, because indeed the WvW ones are not good.

    > > it doesnt matter and it does matter alot if they take the camp. it doesnt really matter as the matches are very unbalanced and not competitive. however the moment they want the camp and you do not want them to take the camp, you will compete over the camp. thats still just a minor objective. you can also take/defend larger objectives, make sure something doesnt/does upgrade etc, whatever you do you will find someone that will compete for it. and often it will involve fighting the other person but not just for no sake. the game is not balanced for isolated 1 vs 1 so it would bore me too much to just fight some random dudes just to fight them. but if the fight happens in a little larger context of competing over something it gets much more interesting and you often then will fight the same person multiple times with them adjusting their approach not just kill and forget, they often change their builds and even profession for that.

    > > but hey maybe you just havent roamed enough to be bored of just killing random dudes for the sake of it yet.




    > Ehh, their form of competition is "take something else where i am not at instead", not fight over stuff, unless they got a group ofcoarse. Fighting is for no sake how? It is fun and what the mode is about, it also does grant warscore.


    > I am not bored of killing randoms, i AM bored because lack of being able to kill randoms.


    Lmao people are not complaining about the range of the slb siccem burst because it can dismount them from range,that's minor. Their complaint is about the high burst, unlockable and crazy range at which slb can damage a player regardless if mounted or not. Slb isn't broken but sic em is and even more so when combined with unstoppable union. Mount is inconsequential.

  7. A class can be under powered but have one op burst that carries it and bad players as good players wouldn't rely on it to begin with. Sisic em builds definitely are not as well rounded performance wise as boon beast not is it as good as boon beast in 1v1. That however doesn't change the fact 20 k at 1800+ range on top of being unblockable is not in line with most classes. The damage modifier needs to be dropped to 20 at least to be in line with other classes modifiers. This is nothing more than a cheese sic em player scared with all the attention that the OP cheese build has gotten that it will get nerfed and not be so unusable afterwards. It's easy to see. Real balance would be sic em reduced to 10% when used outa melee range and 20 in melee.

  8. A class/spec can have a skill,trait or a single burst type that's OP and needs to be nerfed while retaining a semblance of balance throughout the rest of the class. The problem with sic em slb builds is the potential to do things that no class should be able to do. For example ur in wvw and see one of ur allies in a fight and from 1500 range merge,pop sic em and and either point blank shot followed by rapid or just use rapid and literally one out right kill opponent or atleast drop 90% of their health. They didnt dodge cuz they were focused on the fight or have used their dodges all while ur attack was unblockable and done without even joking the fight. Way too much reward for risk. I've used sic em alot in wvw and DE also and I can assure u as both are very trolly atleast DE is very clunky to use in comparison. I'd feel far more competent on a ranger if fight turned into a 1v1 though both are able to disengage easily. Stating that soulbeast builds arnt OP due to other aspects of the spec does not negate that sic em damage modifier is to high and not in line with other classes as any that existed were nerfed,look at guard RI. Also stating that the burst isn't useful in high AT's also doesnt mean that it's not OP on it's own.

    The fact that a skill can easily be made unblock able while achieving a 40% + damage through traits and and utility skills is enough for it to be considered op let alone at 1800 range. Its incredible it has lasted this long as it is.

    I've been running on my mount and got dismounted and downed in a single sic em burst as I have also done the same to others. I've never seen a single class do the same. U mention thief,I dont run DE and my sb sure as heck isn't dismounting anyone and if I port and try dismounting through melee I've got nothing left when the fight happens lol but usually mounted players can easily about being dismounted by a non DE thief by running forward lol.

  9. > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > Most of the problems with thief stem from not what the thief currently has access to or is lacking in , but what other professions have too much of. If you take thief on its own outside a few small changes I would like to see (Prepardness baseline, tweaks to a small number of traits and utilities) it well balanced. The issue is in places where it should be dominant the gap has narrowed with other professions in that they can now do much the same.


    > Giving Engineer stealth Gyro as example was a huge mistake. They have enough ways to sustain and should never of gotten Sneak Gyro. When you add in things like watchtowers revealing the thief the impact on thief is exponentially larger than on Engineer simply because Engineer can is not as reliant on that stealth .


    To take this further not only has the uniqueness if stealth been taken away and is in some cases better on other classes it's also been rendered useless in so many cases between reveals and towers etc.

    Mobility gap has been lessened to a great degree as well. So many times a soulbeast etc has mounted up and or used its mobility skills ie swoop,gs and range to delete my thief while my thief is unsuccessfully trying to out run its opponent. Almost all classes can keep up with a thief yet theif has never got any compensations for its strengths either being rendered less useful or out right given to other classes in a better form.

    The balance team has done such a poor job over last few yrs it's almost unbelievable, regardless of class.

  10. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > Something Something Dodge.

    > > > Something Something Its a meme build so it's ok.

    > > >

    > > > Something Something no one plays it so it's ok.

    > > > Something something you're a mirage [ Insert generic mesmer hate and derail attempt]{ LOL}

    > > Wasnt at monthly NA 2 sic em soulbeasts? I didnt see if there were 2 but for sure at least 1 was sic em xD

    > > But anyway I think holo deserve way more and harder nerfs than soulbeast, lol


    > For some reason I don't encounter very many Holos. Way more SLB where I play. Both definitely need to be toned down though. Could start by addressing overtuned Holo healing and overtuned SLB damage.


    Though I agree both need nerfed the reason u see more slb especially in wvw is the ease at which it is to cheese people from 20 000 hp to 0 in seconds from 1500 range unblockable

  11. I get they tried to give DD some sustain through the traits and woulda been decent on a different type of class,one that already had decent sustain. With thief I feel like they shoulda jumped the 10 % to 20% damage reduction,20% dps on full endurance dropping 5% for each bar used and shoulda changed all steal skills to something that's actually significant to a brawler spec. Having all three dodges available as f skills also woulda added great flavor and interactivity to the spec as it could actually adapt on the fly to different circumstances. Such a waste of potential to what coulda been a really unique class. If ur gonna have a class that gets 2 shot by all other classes if a mistake is made its gotta do enough dps to down other classes on it's own quickly or its gonna be delegated to a +1 decapper spec along side core.

  12. Arenet is clueless about their own game. Just as their clueless about soulbeast their clueless about holo and the rest of their game. Holo is so busted it literally is great at everything.sustain,hard cc knockdowns and insane burst to follow it with yet the balance team neuters other classes so they cant compete all because whiny little cry babies that fill most of the community but atleast their fotm classes are op. Good job devs as usual lmao cant wait to see how this game is in a yr. Probobly be no different.

  13. Sic em and mauls damage modifiers need nerfs hard but ranger needs love in other areas to make it so it doesnt need reliance on ridiculously high damage modifiers and one trick burst builds to be viable pick in pvp again. Boteb above doesnt want those modifiers lowered but needs to think about how ranger will prob never see any significant buffs as long as it had things like sic em,maul and unstoppable union as a crutch.

  14. I could be wrong but it really seems like the team that does the balancing lacks the experience and knowledge to properly balance each class. Yes perfect balance is impossible but the balance changes over last few years have been unacceptably poorly thought out and implemented. This is the balance teams job and they took on the responsibility so if that means playing each class in each game mode on a regular basis to get a firm grasp on its build states and how they interact and fit into each game mode than so be it. If they dont want to invest the time to do so than than arenet needs to find a team that will. Balance will always be poor unless the people doing the changes kno each class in and out and judging by the last few years this team doesn't just going by simple over sights that have happened let alone changes that have been poorly thought out impacting classes and their builds that were clearly not intended but occurred due to poorly thought our or rushed changes. We all have to do things and commit our time to things at our jobs we don't enjoy to perform our best at it,game devs are no different. It is also very frustrating when changes that clearly were rushed or have a far more reaching impact on a class than intended wont get reverted, I dont know if its embarrassment or the fact they think if they dont revert it and just bandaid fix it that the players will think it's intended. A company willing to admit their mistakes and make changes to properly resolve them will garnish far more respect and loyalty from its playerbase.

  15. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    > > > In WvW (as this is the WvW) forum, a 30K hit on someone sitting in nearly glass isn't something to be concerned about.

    > >

    > > No..

    > > A 30k hit from anything other than a thief or mes ( or war in some cases) is ok.

    > >

    > > As soon as this comes from either of those two classes. The world ends and it needs to be nerfed to the ground.

    > >


    > It's funny because it's true :D



    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > Agree, 30k is ok. Why not? The main concept of deadeye is critical big damage value. So we have what was planned.


    > Wh... Are you lost?


    Maybe hes implying sic em soulbeast is this games dead eye.

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