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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. If arenet wasn't lazy with DD design and did something creative while improving build diversity like giving all three dodges a f key so the DD could actively react and tailor its evades to the situation I would fully be behind swipe being a downgrade. As it is now bound is easily avoided and punished by knowledgable player,UC is a hindrance if a conditions cleansed and the dagger dodge is weak sauce. Other than looks I'd say normal dodge is more reliable than the others in more situations and the access to third dodge is the only improvement overall where dodge is concerned.

  2. > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

    > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > > We already have plenty of ways to casually play the game with barely any effort. Is there not a way where you guys can make some parts of the game more difficult? I understand that your main audience is not hardcore, but please leave some hardcore content for your hardcore fans that have been with you for a while. That is all that we ask for. Legendaries are nice...but we prefer harder content. I would trade my existing Legendaries for difficult content.

    > >

    > >


    > And yet when a new mount comes out 90% complains "its too difficult"....

    > If they bring harder content. Do it like raids: a seperate part of the game which isnt linked to the main story or main game. And be clear from the beginning its difficult, hard and prestige content


    I think their complaints aren't the difficulty of the content but the amount of grinding and time it takes to get mount. I think the content being easy actually makes this issue worse because for alot of people easy is boring.

  3. > @"kalgregor.9187" said:

    > I'm struggling to see the point of this change. Was there some powerful build that triggered this change or something? Rangers had shouts in GW1.


    > As these shout runes aren't cheap, all it's done is annoy people who have previously spent gold building armour\rune sets (or even alts) around this.

    > For me it was more of a roleplaying alt, as I had a second ranger in GW1 that was a beastmaster.


    Welcome to everyone else world where their class is hit with confusing changes that reduce build deversity. Did u think ranger changes would be any different as it's not like a different balance team is working solely on ranger lol

  4. Soulbeast makes a better sniper than DE currently as it was designed to be great at range through multiple Avenues. DE was designed to be great at range through stealth but only arenet devs would think repeated nerfs to stealth with zero compensation would leave the spec in a good spot. I wouldn't expect this team to fix anything.

  5. > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > Balance patch day - Hope for the best expect the worst. Correction..abandon hope expect the worst. Understand they rotate nerf ferocity to encourage extended play through class diversity and bandwagon hoppers get some action.


    Was it confirmed any balance changes were being made? Last one had a preview for build theory crafting. The patch if there is one will prob be bug fixes etc.

  6. > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > More damage mitigation and insta tele on wurm would make it almost a perfect class.


    > Tele part is insta. It's the summoning that's not.


    Lol I mean tele as u summon or leave the minion on ur current location. If u haven't preemptively summoned wurm u often get killed in the small delay before teleporting. Also minor reduction is shroud CD to promote weaving in and out of shroud would suport a more active gameplay.

  7. Lol wow thief over holo and warrior for out numbered. I thought I've seen it all lmao. Either most the voters are unsure what out numbered means or their just picking the class they hate most. A thief doesn't win a out numbered fight when it runs away lol.









    Be far more accurate in a 1vx fight


    Small group that's out numbered would still be similar except if fb present scourge could be the mvp

  8. > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > > Believe what you want ... if you think Anet doesn't have a plan they are implementing based on what they want to do, then you don't really know much to begin with.

    > > > >

    > > > > Chromomancer was designed to be a defensively orientated support spec. Mirage was designed to be a dps condition damage spec. Chronomancer massively out performs Mirage in dps on 75% of the raid bosses and in 95% of other PvE situations. Power GS Chronomancer is also far more deadly and lethal than mirage varients. That probably wasn't planned.

    > > > >

    > > > > Anet clearly has some overall philosophical goals. Like spellbreakers should be a top 1v1 spec. Necros and guardianss should team fight. But if you don't think wackamole and community feedback has a driving factor in balance you don't know what you're talking about. Just look at how impactful the Jawgeous rant was.

    > > >

    > > > You guys are in here venting and expressing ur opinions and ideas on the recent mesmer changes etc and being told what ur being told (not rehashing)but go to warrior section and see same person doing the same thing basically that u guys are with the class they play, but it's ok cuz they stated that its different cuz they kno how to give real feedback. Gues u guys dont so it's not ok lmao

    > > I cant understand anything from this... Also you cant see much of threads "this change is nonsense blablabla" because mesmer playerbase either dead or just given up(because "knowledgable community" always crying, they manage to cry about focus offhand....somehow....)


    > Having a hard time parcing it myself as well.


    > But I can tell you that the Rampage thread in the warrior section is leaded with tons of "Rampage is fine" and "Warrior is ONLY decent because of rampage" vs "Okay something is going to get hit on spellbreaker and we need to make sure it's the right nerfs that don't hurt the build but we won't really actually propose anything just any nerf suggestions people just are never 'the right way to nerf'"


    I'm saying obtena is in alot of threads where players are not happy with changes to their class,whether their venting due to disagreeing with changes or discussions on how arenet could have made better changes or nerfed differently basically telling players just like in this very thread that community input had no bearing on arenets class changes; that arenet have a clear idea of what their doing when making balance changes/nerfs and that they are not bad at balancing or their nerfs are not poorly implemented just because the playerbase doesnt agree with what changes/nerfs they make to their own game.even arguing same thing u guys are in warclaw threads yet their in warrior threads etc doing the same thing regarding recent zerker changes and how he/she doesnt like the recent zerker changes or state its in. I'm guessing cuz they play the class. It has been proven many times in the past that a abundance of comnunity complaints about a certain spec or skill does have a impact on the future changes to the class being complained about and often times the nerfs are in fact implemented in a way that negatively effect other areas of a build or even other already weak areas of its other specs leaving long time players scratching there heads. I bet next balance patch sic em sees changes whether it should or not, same for holo.

  9. > @"Yoci.2481" said:

    > Yes you did but it is so frustrating especially if everyone and their dog plays those classes.


    That's why they play those classes. Rangers not great zerg class but every third person u see is a slb in wvw, almost as prevalent as fb and scourges these days. At least in my server. U see a few of those gimmick crazy fast power burst chrono and few thieves but now it's all holo,war and slb roaming. I've been seeing more ele's around though so that's also different.

  10. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > And people still don't understand that meta builds will always exist.


    > You can balance the game even 1000 times, there will be always that 5-10 builds which will be stronger and effective to use over others.


    > The problem are not meta builds themselves, the problem is how a completely kitten player can pick up holo or warrior or boonbeast, or duo fb-scourge or whatever and reach at least low plat with zero to little effort with just few days using the profession, the skill level to play certain build and specs is lower and lower every expansion, remember when core engi had to use multiple kits and over 30 skills comboed to be effective, look engi now, both scrapper and holo just press 2 or 3 godmode keys off cooldown and they are good to go.



    Classes in this game that have a higher skill ceiling and require more skill and practice to be effective on the same level of a low skill ceiling class get zero reward considering how much more punished ur mistakes are.In gw2 a face roll sustain filled class gets same mobility, burst or over all dps than classes that have less sustain or have to rely on a active style of sustain to stay alive. Then u have classes that are great at one thing but nerfed everywhere because it's great at one thing while other classes like holo as an example are just great at almost everything. The balance disparity between classes is soo bad right now.

  11. > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > Believe what you want ... if you think Anet doesn't have a plan they are implementing based on what they want to do, then you don't really know much to begin with.


    > Chromomancer was designed to be a defensively orientated support spec. Mirage was designed to be a dps condition damage spec. Chronomancer massively out performs Mirage in dps on 75% of the raid bosses and in 95% of other PvE situations. Power GS Chronomancer is also far more deadly and lethal than mirage varients. That probably wasn't planned.


    > Anet clearly has some overall philosophical goals. Like spellbreakers should be a top 1v1 spec. Necros and guardianss should team fight. But if you don't think wackamole and community feedback has a driving factor in balance you don't know what you're talking about. Just look at how impactful the Jawgeous rant was.


    You guys are in here venting and expressing ur opinions and ideas on the recent mesmer changes etc and being told what ur being told (not rehashing)but go to warrior section and see same person doing the same thing basically that u guys are with the class they play, but it's ok cuz they stated that its different cuz they kno how to give real feedback. Gues u guys dont so it's not ok lmao

  12. All these post and FUN doesnt seem to be much of a factor which seems weird considering the topic is based around a video game. Maybe implementing rewards for each individual player based on their performance in each match with a additional reward for the team if all players preformed well. If a players does very little to contribute to the match ie very little kills,recaps,full caps or alot of deaths they will lose standings not the teammates. Maybe that's a horrible idea but might make the mode more forgiving for people to play the builds they enjoy and not just what they kno is optimal as some meta builds gotta be boring for people by now. Also the players chosing meta builds wouldn't be punished by teammates trying various builds for fun.

  13. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > I guess you like having arguments not relevant to the topic ... that's fine. I simply won't qualify you with a response that will enable you to have one.


    > Anet is open to feedback ... good feedback to be precise. Since I know how to give it, I did. What they do from there on is whatever the game will be. It's irrelevant if players like it or not; they can choose to play any other class/spec/build they want. CHOICE is the ultimate answer, and we have lots to choose from.


    That's just the type of replies u post when players of other classes post about changes to other classes isn't it? Also regarding feedback and u knowing how to give it lol so other people's feedback are invalid but urs is because u believe u know how to give it where as most of the other players dont? I've seen countless threads on other classes where players did not like changes/nerfs or a direction arenet was going with a class and ur posts all referred some way that arenet knows their own game and why they make the changes they do and have their own direction for the class and it not for the players to divide or have a say in said changes or direction. Also saying that players have no impact on class changes and its coincidental when changes fall in line community ideas or complaints yet seems ur here doing the same thing other players are. Is it cuz u play warrior? Not trying to argue at all I'm just wondering is all.

  14. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > The trade off justification for the current state is flawed. The trade off exists in berserker mode between offesive and defensive stats ... No problem. What am I getting as a trade off in non-berserker mode?


    > Basically, we are getting 'double dipped' in trades for partial access to berserker mode. Once for the stat flip and another for a largely non-functioning traitline in non-berserker mode. Is that your idea of a reasonable tradeoff? I'm certainly not of that belief. As a few people said already ... if the minors still functioned at some level in non-berserker mode, there wouldn't be a (design) problem and in recognizing that, it's the first point in my assessment. Truly, if those minor traits still functioned in non-serker mode SOMEHOW ... I wouldn't have made this thread. I regard that as a design flaw in the spec.


    > You can't simply point to 'trade off' and say current berserker state is OK because warrior is not a class with many options to act and react ... the fewer passive/triggered effects this class has in ANY state, the less effective it is. If you look at how the other traitlines are built, you can see that even Anet acknowledges this disadvantage with the class. It is NOT unreasonable to expect that at the very least, the non-berserker mode functions with the same level of 'actions' as any other warrior spec, EVEN with Anet having tradeoffs for it. I don't mind having tradeoffs. That's not the complaint.


    > I mean, if it stayed as it is, I think it would be a shame ... it's a really appropriate theme and it adds a huge amount of flavour to the class. This is impressive given that it's the most archetypal MMO class you can


    arenet know what their doing and have their vision of how classes/specs should be and us players have little reasoning behind asking for changes due to the fact that arenet make changes based on what their vision is and not players so this thread is moot no?

    So I gues though the players arent happy with the zerker changes they will have to accept that this is what arenet wants for zerker and we will just have to accept they know what their doing when it comes to warrior changes as who are we to judge. Or maybe that applies to non warrior classes only. :)

  15. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > It's funny when people talk about balance ... like they know better than Anet about what Anet wants to do with the game. Mounts in WvW is a great example that ... people complain that mounts even exist ... but clearly Anet thinks it's a good idea to have them.

    > >

    > > Because Anet dont play their own game, their balance patches are irrelevant for the most part, they dont know how to balance their game.

    > >


    > You don't know they don't play their own game and how they balance the game depends on what they want balance to be, not what you think it should be.


    > But yeah, please tell me how Anet is balancing the game based on what players want while player wants go unfulfilled all the time ...


    Seriously? Players go unfullfilled because when they do do changes based of nerf cries they do them in a way that nerfs what the community is whining about but take very little of the communities suggestion on how to do so and because they dont know their own game their nerfs literally destroy other builds with in the class or as a consequence of the nerf another already weak part of a spec gets nerfed leaving long time players of the class in question scratching their heads. This behavior is the same reason when they make a change to a spec that alternatively needlessly nagatively effect other specs of the class that are already weak and or are obviously bad changes to the point every one in the community calls out the mistake arenet always refuses to revert any changes they've made. Arenet wont revert changes admitting due to them that is like admitting they made a mistake with balancing. Goid example lead attacks was never a issue until deadeye but they didnt know their game enough to know how the change would effect core and DD. Swipe change they prob had no clue as to the impact I'd have on d/p. They did a great job on berserker eh? Im guessing Next patch sic em will be nerfed in some lazy way. This games powercreep is at a all time high and sic em has aperantly been fine to them up till now so why change it? Guessing enough cries have been in forums lately for arenet to work their magic on it lmao gonna be interesting to see what they do.

  16. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > It's funny when people talk about balance ... like they know better than Anet about what Anet wants to do with the game. Mounts in WvW is a great example that ... people complain that mounts even exist ... but clearly Anet thinks it's a good idea to have them.


    > Because Anet dont play their own game, their balance patches are irrelevant for the most part, they dont know how to balance their game.

    > Look how long it took to "balance" mirage, look what they did with DE, and to fix it they screwed any other stealth user with the marked mechanic.

    > Not to mention how many core classes they screwed trying to adress the powercreep in elite specs.

    > they know how to make toys and chairs but balance ? Hell no.



    This ^

    As much as anyone can try and say that arenet doesn't listen to nerf whines by the community the past is proof they do. The only rebuke people have to that statement is it is purely coincidence which is obviously lame. Not only do they listen to nerf cries they often listen to the wrong ones. It is pretty obvious by the decisions they have made regarding balance that they in fact do not play thier game enough nor have enough of a understanding how classes are performing as a whole to make proper balance changes. Not that the community does either as that to is all over the place. The arguement of who's OP and who's not based on AT's needs to stop as well as that's a rediculous way to gauge how well as a whole a class is performing through out multiple game modes as what can be op in pve and wvw can be sub optimal in conquest and vice versa. Honestly unless the devs in charge of balance dont start actually devoting time to playing EVERY class often and take the time to see how its performing in each mode this games complete mess of balance isn't going to get any better as more band aids on top of band aids causing more issues elsewhere until their band aid fixed will continue until eventually a new mmo with a similar combat comes out and gw2 will be dropped soo hard by its playerbase or it will kill just die out.

    But hey :) we got a new episode and skyscale.

  17. The two builds on meta battle are what a lot of people used. The stealth on dodge was nerfed so ull spend a lot of ur playtime stacking stealth through smoke fields on rifle or d/p. Go to low leve pvel map and do the stealth stacking rotations until there in grained into ur muscle memory or ull get farmed in any pvp mode as its ur only defense against being one or 2 shit by any skill of any class. Once u can do that ull do ok, in wvw anyway. Sry vague on build but that be alot if text. Check out malicious one shot build on meta battle should give u a place to start.

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