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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:

    > there is nothing to fix,


    > we are the epitome of balance


    > only a few more nerfs here and there, and thief is done


    Lmao they are never done when it comes to thief nerfs even after they halt all support for the game the devs will pop in periodically to throw some random nerfs on thief for good measure lol

  2. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Consideration is a unrealistic expectations from people of today. Just adapt,get gud and just dodge are all just troll replies by either players trying to justify or defend their broken spec/build or are posting just get gud or l2p on threads that players are either complaining about a nerf or are asking for a buff on a class they have a bias dislike for. It's always been this way and will never change, certainly not for the better lol.


    > So when the Warriors dominate the NBA, the response from other teams shouldn't be to adapt their strategies?


    > "Just adapt" isn't a troll response. It's the rational response to competition.


    I rational response that can be used in a rational discussion yes true but also a irrational response to irrational discussions that are the norm here. As a example 3 out of9 classes could be blatantly over performing and dominating all other specs and one could just say adapt in response :) or instead of nerfing permastealth DE's arenet could have buffed their stealth and damage more and us thieves could have simply replied that all the players just need to adapt or get gud lol

  3. > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Soulbeast escapes again lol


    > ahem, Firebrand /cough Scourge LOLOL


    > What do you play?



    Thief :(, trying to learn to be decent on reaper in wvw recently tho and it's been fun. Before u say reapers op I kno reaper shroud hits hard as well lol

  4. Consideration is a unrealistic expectations from people of today. Just adapt,get gud and just dodge are all just troll replies by either players trying to justify or defend their broken spec/build or are posting just get gud or l2p on threads that players are either complaining about a nerf or are asking for a buff on a class they have a bias dislike for. It's always been this way and will never change, certainly not for the better lol.

  5. Yeah I know. I'm trying to find reasons everyday to just finally uninstall the game. Summers basically here anyway so the gf and i arent inside much in the sumner and I'd like to finally finish witcher 3 lol don't get me wrong thiefs not the only fun class in the game but the disparity between the balance of each class is far beyond a joke at this point. Honestly I have zero words with regards to the balance teams decisions over last few years of the game. All I can say is good luck to them lol to rest of the community just get gud, just dodge and adapt lmao

  6. Lmao welcome to thief life every patch. Yet soulbeast and left untouched. Honestly this game woulda been better off everything was left as is at release and if the balance team never touched anything ever.

  7. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > I think it would be cool if something else other than swipe was given.


    > Like f1 activates "daredevil mode" and your weapon bar is replaced with a bunch of stuff that allows you to stay in the fight...temporarily.


    > I mean we lost 600 units, whats another 600 lol




    If the skills were done well and made DD a viable brawler this would be sweet.

  8. U play much thief? Or u a necro making claims on a class u know little about?

    Anyone who plays thief or knows anything about the class knows DD was never a upgrade from core as its basically a sum of needing acrobatics and taking a trait from it and extending it into a new elite spec. Core has always been prefered meta build due to it being superior at +1 and decapping role as neither specs were good for 1v1. With that said sure DD was slightly better at 1v1's than core but being as bad as core was for 1v1 that's no feat and surely sisnt make DD a food 1v1, was just beat it had at the time. The thiefs class as a whole need its non cheesey/gimmicky bursts buffed badly for it to to be viable at anything other than decapping and disengaging. The range nerf on steal would have been better accepted if arenet went far enough with that trait changes to actually make DD a viable brawler,which I suspect is not what u really want seeing as how warclaw saved ur wvw experience from all us horrible gankers lmao.

  9. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > No single skill should have one shot potential. Period. Glassy builds should have potential to rush down opponents and combo them to death quickliy, but no single ability from any should be reaching close to 20k no mater how glassy they build. Heck, few skills should be hitting 10k unless they're long channels like Hundred Blades.


    If its mirage or thief nerf it to ground, if it's any other class just dodge it


  10. Lmao when other classes other than mirage or thief get actual OP skills/builds just dodge it becomes a wide spread meme throughout the gw2

    forums from all the players defending the powercreep that's been added to their mains. Where were all the just dodge it replies when mirage and thief were a threat lmao

  11. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > > Thief is the worst duelist in the game so I think the original poll says more about the average skill levels of players being polled and not the OPness of said classes.


    > I love hearing blatantly false statements like this.


    Yes thief is a competent 1v1. That's why their delegated to be a runner decapper cuz its too cheesey and easy to duel on them and decapping is the most fun role. They also are best +1 due to how high their crazy burst are,especially compared to specs with weak bursts like rev lmao. Seriously.

  12. > @"Philkafou.7481" said:

    > hey guys just here to say that dragonhunter is supposed to be a spec in this game too. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


    I agree as well, lb needs love

  13. > @"Kaitori.8564" said:

    > it is not that bad and the unblockable is actually very useful


    Yeah it definitely is when u take last few yrs into account. Last patch just added to the pile. Uve got great player like sind mentioning in his vids not being able to burst anyone down outside of +1's and commenting on the crazy burst of other classes ie rev etc. If such a hardcore player cant burst most classes down while maining the class with the least sustain that points to the balance in this game being way off. Whether other classes need toned down in burst and sustain or thief is brought up either way somthing needs to happen for the class. Honestly the community needs to quit whining about everything and be able to tell the difference between annoyance and op. Some things are designed to be annoying and need to succeed at that to be effective,making less annoying just just makes it ineffective at what its designed to do. Changing the design of thief from ground up is the only way to make a class like thief remain effective while removing it's annoying nature. It's ok for a spellbreaker or a fb etc to walk a half mile to thier camp entrance with 4 people unloading on them whole time while they just shrug it off,but thiefs OP cuz DS and sb5 lmao. And before people start saying that core thief is doing well in conquest and throwing their rating around with a good team any ok thief can use sb5 and good map awareness to do its job as a runner decapper and win matches and get goot ratings. Theres other classes that do +1 better now like rev. Their should be more to a class than running and decapping between three specs,real fun job. Weird thiefs would want a spec good at actually fighting in a mmo with good fighting mechanics lmao. Not to mention theres more to the game than conquest. Thief doesnt add anything but strait dps to any group pve,fun times. Hows DD the brawler spec doing against other 1v1 specs in wvw? Seriously barely see theives other than odd one these days,must be so OP people dont play it cuz it's to easy lol.

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