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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Honestly it's a bit silly. Having 3/4 or more of ur health deleted by one skill due to OP modifiers as well as often being unblockable needs to be looked at and fast. What makes it worse is that it's done from 1500 + range lmao. Things arenanet nerf and the things they dont are baffling


    > Except it is not 1 skill, it is 4 skills as you use 3 of your utilities for it. Those modifiers do take up slots and aren't free lol.


    Really? That makes it ok? Using sic em,owp and unstoppable union bedore using one skill to delete 3/4 of a players health bar from safety at 1500+ range is balanced? It will definitely get nerfed just a matter of when,though I do hope it doesnt get over nerfed as arenanet has a habit of doing.

  2. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > > you know what else is not good? putting updog on the shelf

    > >

    > > What do u mean DD not good?

    > > U saying adding like 2% sustain to class with otherwise horrible sustain didnt put it into a good viable brawling position.

    > > Is it not good because the slow and easily interruptible skills like dust strike and weakening strikes usually end up u eating damage.

    > > Or is it because the swipe change almost deleted DD d/p builds.

    > > Or maybe it's because DE had to spend 85% of its playtime leaping through smoke fields wasting ini when scrapper can do 12 sec(was 15) at a click of a button lol

    > > These dev's are somthing else lol


    > I havent said DD is bad I said that also putting updog on a shelf is bad.


    Haha sry I didnt mean to quote anyone, was supposed to just be post on the topic.

  3. > @"Shade.8971" said:

    > Anet actual reason was a trade off philosophy. DD gave extra tools on top of core thief so a nerf to DD steal was the tradeoff. Ironically enough, core thief was meta in SPvP before swipe came. What is even more ironic, no other elite spec was nerfed for this ridicoulous tradeoff kitten. Holosmith gets every toolbelt skill like core engi but with an extra I Win button. Chrono and mirage are miles better than core mesmer yet were untouched. Even core rev was buffed with a new skill so herald wouldnt get nerfed. Its total bullcrap. Daredevil was a spec that did not need to be touched. After much needed nerfs in HoT and powercreep of PoF, Daredevil needed only tweaks


    I honestly think the balance person who decided on the trait changes thought they were giving DD enough sustain to be a viable brawler. It's great in what they were trying to do it's just the changes were not close to providing enough sustain for the DD to stand toe to toe in a fight. I get that the dev was probably worried about pushing DD into OP territory and the surely to follow forum cries but they were far to conservative with the changes. With all the soft and hard cc that the dev's have given to classes they need to actually give DD more considering even with these trait changes it still cant take a hit. They should let the person who did the scrapper changes work on DD lol if they need to shave some things a little after so be it. Better than having a weak class.

  4. Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.

  5. I cannot believe I got a warning for making a thread about not seeing many thieves anymore in wvw and saying good job arenanet. The moderators really need to chill out.that should not warrant a warning.ive spent alot of my money on this game and people should be able to speak their mind,within reason of course but that's ridiculous.

  6. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > -7 years later- toxicity of stealth remains and worsen since the video was posted while other games stealth mechanic are continuously being monitored and addressed. 'Guild Wars 2's Stealth Mechanic'

    > > > > **This toxic broken mechanic must be completely removed for the health of the game**

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Even when people bothered with stealth builds in wvw it was never as bad for the game as I guess you are at playing against it. Don't do the work of making excuses for bad streamers, you could be playing the game and getting better vs stealth instead.

    > >

    > > I didnt bother to check but by chance are those vids recent? Guy has a habit of using very out dated vids from 2015 etc lol mesmer player complaining about unfair designs in gw2 lol


    > I don't even know, I just talk trash because he's so super serious.


    It's his mission in life. Just imagine the look of disgust as he looked at ur avatar lol

  7. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > -7 years later- toxicity of stealth remains and worsen since the video was posted while other games stealth mechanic are continuously being monitored and addressed. 'Guild Wars 2's Stealth Mechanic'

    > > **This toxic broken mechanic must be completely removed for the health of the game**

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Even when people bothered with stealth builds in wvw it was never as bad for the game as I guess you are at playing against it. Don't do the work of making excuses for bad streamers, you could be playing the game and getting better vs stealth instead.


    I didnt bother to check but by chance are those vids recent? Guy has a habit of using very out dated vids from 2015 etc lol mesmer player complaining about unfair designs in gw2 lol

  8. > @"zengara.8301" said:

    > I honestly don't get it. Why do people want ganking to be stronger o.o?

    > People got builds made for blobs, these builds are not good in a 1v1 combat therefor they are trying to reach their blob, yet they are not able to switch fast enough to counter a thief/ranger even though they would defeat them on their other builds.


    > If it was actually about skill, or people abusing the mounts to win fights (1v1, roaming or blobs), then I would get it. But this post is directly and only about making ganking targets easier, so they will get dismounted and jumped by xx ppl.....?


    > At least this thread is somewhat direct though, and is not trying to hide that to an extreme measure like other threads.


    Cuz wvw is more than just bobbing,if it weren't it get boring fast. U are right people run builds for blob but others may prefer to run builds for small group or roaming as people prefer to play different roles and player styles in a open world pvp mode. Having more options and diversity within the game mode sets it apart from mode capture conquest :)

  9. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I wasn't crying though,I wanted to kno so I could try it lol bit of a difference


    > That's fair. Then you missed your best shot at it by not checking the logs, that would solve pretty much everything here :p


    Haha that I did that I did.

  10. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > > > I swear, some guy on this forum once said "It seems like when ever someone gets killed by a DE, it feels like his game alt tabs and opens up on the game forum's PvP section with pre-typed name "OMG DE DAMAGE OP" or something"

    > > > >

    > > > > Yeah it feels cheesy, but actually the stealth mechanic is the only form of defense DE has.

    > > > > DE was slaughtered already, the rest is on you. If you still die to it, it's on you.

    > > > > And if the big red circle on your head does not tell you that you're gonna get blown up in a few seconds so you should LoS, invuln, just run away, I'm not sure what can.

    > > >

    > > > That sounds pretty much all around broken, doesn't it? Stealth at will with no restrictions or cooldowns is just plain stupid, particularly as the only defense a class has. And if the only way to survive against it is to "LoS, invuln, or run away", does that not also indicate a broken design?

    > >

    > > Apologies for my poor wording. My point was that DE has many flaws to play around even besides "LoS, invuln or run away" and if anyone still dies to a rifle DE even after all the nerfs, I would suggest to that player to create a DE himself and try to climb with it. Then that player would see all the flaws I meant and then be able to abuse DE into uselessness.

    > > But I think that will never happen. It's way easier to make a complain thread than to improve.


    > You're forgetting. It doesnt matter how effective it is or not. That's not how the Spvp subsection works. If the past year is any indication of the status quo here, it's all about how FUN something is to play against. Yes DE can have many holes and classes that hard counter it. But if it isnt fun to play against it needs to be nerfed to the ground.



    I agree 100%

    Prob is it has been nerfed to the ground. Although dying to a DE is anoying at this point ifur dying alot to a DE it's a 100% l2p issue. Also what would OP expect the DE to do? It's not like I'd stand a chance in a fight lol that's not DE's nor the players fault that's on arenet for designing DE to be too weak in a fight and having to resort to said mechanics. This is problem with thief in general. At this point nerfing them more they may as well grey out the thief in select characters screen until it's fixed lol

  11. Lazy it was. I'm glad their trying to change things up as that's definitely a good thing but when it comes to thief their heavy on nerfs and to conservative on buffs,almost like they let the community steer their design. They need to be less conservative with thief buffs if they want DD to be a truly viable brawler,is some things are orphan shave it later like scrapper. Better than having a disappointment of a spec,like it is now

  12. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Honestly it's a bit silly. Having 3/4 or more of ur health deleted by one skill due to OP modifiers as well as often being unblockable needs to be looked at and fast. What makes it worse is that it's done from 1500 + range lmao. Things arenanet nerf and the things they dont are baffling

    > > >

    > > > Because it is not a very big problem in WvW, if you compare the SB to the rest of the server in stats you would not even notice them.

    > > > I'd love to see how many SB kills there were compared to the arc divider berserker in the no downstate week.

    > >

    > > Seriously? Lol I am constantly see people being deleted by sic em rangers on walls or a group of them pew pewing down people keeping groups at bay. Maybe the rangers on ur server arnt good lol. Literally every third player i see in wvw is soulbeast now and it's not because it's a good merging class lol it's because u can no skill delete people from 1500+ range with unblockable sic em rapid fire,often times killing squishier classes in one burst. Seriously who u trying to fool?


    > I wish you the best of luck playing with your ranger against servers like wsr or ros.


    I am in no way implying that rangers are a good class for zergs as I said previously. What I am saying is that it funny that a class that isn't great at zerging seems to be the class I see most of by far and I'm implying that is due to how brain dead easy op it is to get alot of downsjust running around pew pewing people withe thesis em build. Yeah they arent a big factor in zergs,no oneis saying they are

  13. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Honestly it's a bit silly. Having 3/4 or more of ur health deleted by one skill due to OP modifiers as well as often being unblockable needs to be looked at and fast. What makes it worse is that it's done from 1500 + range lmao. Things arenanet nerf and the things they dont are baffling


    > Because it is not a very big problem in WvW, if you compare the SB to the rest of the server in stats you would not even notice them.

    > I'd love to see how many SB kills there were compared to the arc divider berserker in the no downstate week.


    Seriously? Lol I am constantly see people being deleted by sic em rangers on walls or a group of them pew pewing down people keeping groups at bay. Maybe the rangers on ur server arnt good lol. Literally every third player i see in wvw is soulbeast now and it's not because it's a good zerging class lol it's because u can no skill delete people from 1500+ range with unblockable sic em rapid fire,often times killing squishier classes in one burst. Seriously who u trying to fool?

  14. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > > I really appreciate the argument of get better but the point is how can I become better, like learn to avoid, counter, etc. ...against a class that **comes out of stealth and one shots **in less than one second?

    > > In this particular game at some point that DE killed me capping and a DD trying to bust him - both in some seconds. xD

    > > This kind of 'interaction' is far from being named 'competitive PvP'.


    > +1


    > **'Any good computer game must be totally fair. It must be possible for the player to reach the objective and win'**


    > -Tim Barry


    > **'An important trait of any game is the illusion of winnability. If a game is to provide a continuing challenge to players, it must also provide a continuing motivation to play. The game must appear to be winnable to all players, beginners and experts, but it must never truly be winnable or it will lose its appeal'**


    > -Chris Crawford


    Coming from some one pro mesmer no? Lol

  15. > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > Stop this right now.

    > >

    > >**Mesmer **wasn't "nerfed" it got "neutered". It's on par with Renegade now. It is seriously garbage tier and there is no reason to complain about it.

    > >

    > FTFY.

    > As for DE being trash as you say its not true. Faeleth the only DE that can actually play the spec and he is doing fine. Even winning with DE the most tryhards team on AT's.


    Lmao so in ur statement this one person can play DE effectively out all the how many players that play it? You realize ur contradicting ur self right.sure seems like the specs fine if that one person is effective using it lmao. Little hint for u any really highly skilled player can be good with even a underperforming class,but the fact as u said it that most average players are not effective with it kinda leans towards being more underperforming than over performing. Get outa here with the mirage was over nerfed crap,theres enough of those post and the post is clearly not discussing mesmers or its specs. Isn't there some rampage or arc divider is OP threads that u can throw ur mesmers are gutted posts into lmao

  16. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > I really appreciate the argument of get better but the point is how can I become better, like learn to avoid, counter, etc. ...against a class that **comes out of stealth and one shots **in less than one second?

    > In this particular game at some point that DE killed me capping and a DD trying to bust him - both in some seconds. xD

    > This kind of 'interaction' is far from being named 'competitive PvP'.


    What class/stats u running

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