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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Steal is thiefs main mechanic. Stealth was just somthing relevant to a rogue class so they got it just like mesmer,ranger/druid and aperantly scrapper who has best stealth skill imo with stealth gyro. With stealth nerf on DE and ini cost perma stealth builds are annoying to play because the constant need to stealth stack,u literally spend 90% of ur play time stacking stealth if ur running a stealth build,fun!


    > what about Initiative?


    Very true my bad that and steal lol. If u mean why I brought up ini? Because u less u are against wall u burn all of it heart seeking thru smoke field.between constantly using all my ini on stealth stacking and the act of doing it it feels like that's all I'm doing lol some of that is my fault as I dont usually use stealth utility skills.

  2. > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > If this is a legit thing just cancel cast the skill and they'll reliably waste their dodges.


    > However I also doubt anyone in pvp is using this. There are people who can reactively dodge really well. Especially people with low ping. You've got people with 10,000+ pvp games and very high lb ranks in the arena who are just killing time between games.


    That may be true in some cases but I've seen for example abthiefrunning duel daggers 1v5 and we hit the thief enough time to down 3 scrappers and his hp barely moved and he most definitely did not continually evade all 5 of our attack and after few minutes of us trying we just walk away and the pugs I was with were like that's legit lmao

  3. Steal is thiefs main mechanic. Stealth was just somthing relevant to a rogue class so they got it just like mesmer,ranger/druid and aperantly scrapper who has best stealth skill imo with stealth gyro. With stealth nerd on DE and ini cost perma stealth builds are annoying to play because the constant need to stealth stack,u literally spend 90% of ur play time stacking stealth if ur running a stealth build,fun!

  4. Nice! I bought ESO last week after reading the patch, wasn't just this patch but but the culmination of past patches destroying thief plus maybe burnout since thief has garbage build diversity last few yrs. Been enjoying ESO alot but the pvp players are pretty hardcore compared to me so be a while before I'll attempt to join the pvp scene lol

  5. > @"SehferViega.8725" said:

    > > @"killy.3278" said:

    > > > @"fluidmonolith.3584" said:

    > > > It seems odd to me considering many elite specs were designed to have three different 'roles' they could play - one for each row of traits. For example, rather than making DrD choose from one of three defensive traits at Adept, it could choose either a defensive trait, an offensive skill, or a CC / Physical one. And the same type of choice would be available at Master. Then you could build a 'tankier' DrD by choosing two defensive traits or an aggressive DrD by choosing two offensive ones., or a CC-oriented one with the third trait selection.

    > > >

    > >

    > > This.

    > >

    > > I'm really disappointed by the new traits layout. Basically no matter how you slice it, DD is forced to take one defensive trait and one damage trait. There's no room for optimization for the style the player prefers. So regardless of which combination you go with, both offense and defense ends up mediocre at best.

    > >

    > > I suspect ANET is scared of pve thieves stacking staff master + havoc specialist + weakening strikes. That's potentially +22% damage and 240 power, whereas previously staff DD already had competitive DPS in raids from the old traits granting +17% damage.

    > >

    > >



    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/74348/reorganize-new-daredevil-traits-in-a-better-order#latest


    > Anyone who play Daredevil know that the actual traits layout is a nerf and kills builds' diversity. I made a poll, we can discuss, I only hope they do something to fix the huge damage they made in DD


    Nothing will be done unfortunately.they are probobly under the impression these were good changes lmao and think all the thief players are wrong.plus they basically never revert changes as if it's to hard for them to admit they were wrong, real mature behavior.

  6. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > Yes, I hate thief but maimed it for years.


    > Weakening strikes its pretty kitten strong now.


    > Wvw.


    Nah its garbage noodle dps still, so is the healing damage mitigation traits lmao they literally do nothing and are un noticeable in today's iteration of the game.who u trying to fool?

  7. The dev's dont spend alot of time playing most classes so the go off what little they see when they do this the reason for the confusin un thought out changes.due to not knowing each class well they depend on overall feedback from community wich largely dislikes thief do to playstyles arenet pushed for in the past ie MBS etc. Theres actually non thief players in the community praising arenanet for these changes not because they were good but because they wreck the speck and they love it and arenanet cant see that aperantly. I've switched class and mostly all but left game and until enough thief players drop the class to see a large player/class drop nothing good will come to thief from these dev's

  8. I honestly an outa words how arenanet who knows classes like soulbeast,warrior,scrapper/holo,scourge and fb exist yet this is what they do with thief lmao good luck arenanet hope uve got other game ideas for ur future endeavours cuz ur failing this one hard. Lol u know u failed when high level streamers try it than say it's not even worth playing in pvp lmao find change!

  9. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > 100% weakness uptime for free (minor trait)... 10% damage reduction from weakened foes. Further 10% damage reduction when you don't trait physical skills.


    > Perma weakness and another 20% damage reduction on top...


    > ...but yea 600 range steal is a gamechanger because thieves have gapclosing issues (esp. when running dash which alone covers 450 distance). Thanks for the laugh! You can even use your superspeed dagger storm for gapclosing right next to tons of other options.


    > All the thieves feel hardcountered by pew pew rangers now because of.... because of what actually?


    > That buggy Sleight of Hand cooldown reduction sucks, but will be fixed in the next few days.


    I love how a reaper player comes into a theif forum to tell thiefs their now dead spec is actually great lmao if u played thief ud realize all the things u mentioned translates to zero Impact in a fight,u literally get downed as quickly as the buffs were way to small to make any difference with the damage output classes put out these days and the sustain buff is minuscule and garbage.

  10. > @"mordefelix.5826" said:

    > Anet devs, y'all have to fix berserker... Removing berserk and F1 abilities (when not in berserk) mode is probably the worst design choice you've made in a while to a class


    Welcome@ they ruined DD as well.

  11. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Assault_(soulbeast)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Assault_(soulbeast) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Assault_(soulbeast)")


    > this skill has greater teleport range (750) and can be unblockable with [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union") which also makes soulbeast mode a stunbreak on 10 second cd


    > and you dudes reduce steal range to 600.


    > lol


    Thered be a huge list of things u could point out that's ridiculously more broken than steal range was that got left untouched.no point in trying to follow arenets logic,I learned a while ago its pointless

  12. Honestly it's our fault as much as the clueless balance team,cant put all the blame on them.theyve slowly been ruining thief for yrs and we keep playing it.if every thief player dropped the class they'd have no choice but to acknowledge class is garbage now as they only understanding they seem to have is class play popularity

  13. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > > Didn't play yet, but on paper only real nerf is the range of steal. Outside of that I see only buffs

    > > >

    > > > The buffs are small they will literally be insignificant and un noticed but the steal nerf was significant and will be noticed.

    > >

    > > U basicly gain free dmg mitigation and deal more dmg to weakened foes, which u apply after every dodge. Instead of pi, u can have 15% increased dmg. It's 22 %of dmg increase already. U can also have around 13-14 k hp on full Berserker with 10% dmg mitigation or cleanse + 500 hp on evading an attack. I see much more build diversity even for d/p.

    > > I'm not saying steal range is fine cuz it's kitten rn, but saying that given buffs are unsignificant is also kitten. We need more testing. D/p is excluded from +1ing in pvp, but in wvw d/p will shine imo



    > tried d/p its okay cus of skill 3 which is more or less ur main port nowadays but tbh its no worse or better then before.

    > ur still a glass cannon the 10% dmg mitigation is nothing the +15% increase will barely ever happen so that trait is kitten, so your most likely going for the +120 power and another +120 if wielding a staff


    > the dodge + cleanse / HP ye could be good, but then again most fights are chosen in WvW ur also likely to burst kitten out of ur enemy who doesnt stand a chance so also i dont really see point of this trait unless ur dueling


    > anyway i tried today d/p / staff -10% dmg + -10% dmg food and staff mastery thing for +240 power and bounding dodger or w/e skill name is.

    > didnt felt any different then pre patch. do wrong thing u insta fall over.


    > swipe is kitten with the range.



    > in my eyes i know every1 will disagree (even i do i would personally do something else if i could) thief dmg needs to be increased by a hell alot.

    > we are suppose to be top dps toons no? even a guardian can spike harder then a thief a warrior can crit with normal 1111 like i would do with a backstab and go on no hard feelings towards these classes i could mention a holo also who suppose to be in middle if u ask me not super dps neither super glass cannon and go on.

    > we thiefs have no middle path i cant go tanky and still deal proper dmg i cant go full tank mode and sustain hell alot of hits cus i still die like a moron

    > all we can do is dodge and dps or port in and out from fights till person dies (which is what every1 doing nowadays)




    Exactly this^

    If DD was to be a viable side noder that doesnt have to evade every attack(have a reasonably forgiving sustain level) against the powercrept classes that are out there today thief would need far more sustainability to be a viable brawler.the tiny buffs they gave DD in sustain are trivial

  14. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"Xenji.4907" said:

    > > > @"Sniper.5961" said:

    > > > i will clarify that i meant to nerf the range only for daredevil and not for core

    > >

    > > Oh I see. The nerf was aimed at staff builds. They are great for mobs and now they can dual better with the sustain buff. However the trade off is reduce the range of steal to reduce the chase potential for them because it might be too much. However 600 is a bit too much. **900 please, Anet! <3**

    > >


    > better sustain? u cant even have a proper opener right now since pretty much every class ports around with more dmg then thief nowadays, i dont mind the remake but swipe is doing no good at all for thief in WvW cant speak for other gametypes.


    > i mean ur better off using d/p shadow shot which has 900 range then kitten swipe :p


    This is my issue to have a DD build can effectively side node etc that doesnt have to evade all damage and can take a few hits(being forgiven wing within reason) DD would need way more sustain buffs than arenanet is giving them so it's still bad brawler and its gap closing burst is nerfed on top so it's just all around bad now.

  15. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > Didn't play yet, but on paper only real nerf is the range of steal. Outside of that I see only buffs


    The buffs are small they will literally be insignificant and un noticed but the steal nerf was significant and will be noticed.

  16. Issues the same as has in past,they aren't good at balancing classes. It honestly feels like the balance team on what little time theyve played have spent that time on a few favored classes all while being in charge of balancing all the classes resulting In balance and skill changes being done by what it appears like is someone that has very little knoledge of how a class is performing and how its mechanics work in game. That's why everyone scratches their heads at most balance patches and why new content can be added at a faster pace,they can communicate more often yet game will continue to decline. If u communicate more but disregard player feedback communication means little. If playing theme content is not enjoyable by bad balancing,lowered build diversity etc than new content is meaningless.


  17. If arenet wanted to make dd a melee spec why not change steal to monks focus wherethe spec hones its focus and has a new set of cool staff attacks like reaper shroud but no player morph just an aura.the skills could be heavily favored toward sustaining and performing well in a 1v1 etc. I donno anything better than this

  18. Definitely wasn't one shot as I heard and could tell I took damage for atleast 3 hits,after first I looked for a ranged player but no one around, than took another and there wasn't much I could do as nothing was visible and third downed me than I was stomped all while nothing was visible

  19. > @"Straegen.2938" said:

    > Gutting a thief's gap closer when trying to make the spec more melee focused is the most moronic thing I have heard in a while. They should have made it 1500 without unblockable and make the core thief steal unblockable. Then those pew-pew rangers and the like would see more melee which if I am not mistaken is the entire point of their change.


    No that's OP in their mind but soulbeast 100-0 most classes with rapid fire and one or two auto's from a safe distance is ok,sic em dps modifier is ok,scrapper sustains ok,holo''s high sustain high dps is ok,fb's boon spam is ok and scourge in wvw is ok lmao game is literally a joke now.

  20. > @"Alexei.4698" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Range nerf and swipe CD not reduced by slight of hand.they made changes to the spec to push it towards melee without meaningfull changes to it to make it viable in a straight up fight lmao who decides this stuff?


    > LOL, now they can add CD reduction to a future patch and claim "Daredevil has been buffed!"


    Probobly! Wouldn't surprise me in the least

  21. Range nerf and swipe CD not reduced by slight of hand.they made changes to the spec to push it towards melee without meaningfull changes to it to make it viable in a straight up fight lmao who decides this stuff?

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