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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Dave.6819" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Hey Dave! Maybe see u in game,got ESO made a dark elf nightblade toon,combats not quite as fleshed out as gw2 but man everything else seems so much better.nightblade just got some nerfs but still feels like it has far more identity as a rogue class that what's left of thief here. DD now worse +1 and will still be a garbage 1v1,d/p had flavor added with repeater but nothing to actually make it viable against the powercrept state of game and DD d/p is even worse now lmao. Clueless balance team,maybe try playing the classes for a decent amount of time before changing them just for the sake of changing them.good luck everyone with s/d for the next year.id give the next poster my gold but I only have 8g left so not very wealthy lmao.


    > I saw what they did to Physical Supremacy. They made daredevils steal 600 range. lol... I was still rockin Daredevil always. D/P for PvP. Staff for PvE. Now.. i'm rly glad i quitted this game. To think that thief will be buffed to have those empty hopes? How naive of us. They nerfed it even more haha. I gotta check the news on ESO btw been awhile since i played. Didnt hear what they did to nightblades. I'm sure they r still alright tho.


    Magblade took a decent hit last patch, stamblade builds not as hard.the new necro class is aperantly really strong.

    Yeah no sense hoping to see thief get anything meaningful.arenet balance team tends to either go too far with buffs or not far enough and when its regarding thief it's always not far enough due to arenanet not wanting backlash by biased non thief players so itl most likely stay a weak disengage class for the games entirety.

  2. Hey Dave! Maybe see u in game,got ESO made a dark elf nightblade toon,combats not quite as fleshed out as gw2 but man everything else seems so much better.nightblade just got some nerfs but still feels like it has far more identity as a rogue class that what's left of thief here. DD now worse +1 and will still be a garbage 1v1,d/p had flavor added with repeater but nothing to actually make it viable against the powercrept state of game and DD d/p is even worse now lmao. Clueless balance team,maybe try playing the classes for a decent amount of time before changing them just for the sake of changing them.good luck everyone with s/d for the next year.id give the next poster my gold but I only have 8g left so not very wealthy lmao.

  3. What a surprise.the patch notes change nothing.if arenanet want to make a thief spec a viable 1v1 they need to make preparedness baseline,piggyback some boons on steal traits to DA and CS traitlines that way a thief player has the option to sacrifice some utility etc to gain dps so they can make a viable 1v1 build.arena net needs to actually play thief for a bit and not listen to community non thief player whiners,they dont play the class and are posting most times out of biased dislike for the class.its like arenet initially wanted thief to be fast and deadly which seems legit but tuned them down to much due to whiners.d/p DD even weaker now due to swipe BS.wasnt viable before due to be ming inifective against the sustain and dps other classes have these days especially considering it's own sustain and that's not changing anytime soon.the repeater addition is flavorful but that's it and not somthing that actually adds effectiveness.theif needs significant dps buff since it's a agile low sustain character. A low sustain class needs to take its opponent down fast but than whiners make post and the dps gets lowered it kilks the class and its builds.the dd changes are not enough and will make it a worse +1 class and a garbage 1v1 class.have fun with s/d for another year,tried out ESO and yeah combats not quite as giod but literally everything else is so much better,nightblade even after recent nerfs feels like a decent rogue class unlike this garbage version.plus getting sick of three day bans just for criticizing thier game so least moderators dont need to bother any more lmao.

  4. > @"Cyric.7813" said:

    > > @"Derm.4932" said:

    > > > @"Cyric.7813" said:

    > > > Who is the topic starter? Bronze /silver chrono/scrapper/fb who can't dodge?

    > > >

    > >

    > > > Uu and sic em have icons : see them - slbst going to attack, use dodges invulnerables and etc. Learn to play.

    > >

    > > You realize that no one is going to pop sicem and uu, wait a little bit, then burst right? They're instant casts...you use them the frame before your attacks hit when it is too late to adjust for unblockable. How you going to call people bronze and then proceed to say something that only a bronze player would think is a viable strategy? Even boyce thinks this trait is too strong and he is easily the best Ranger right now.


    > nah, nobody complains about powermesmer's stealthburst, that can oneshot even in nowadays( i was with maradeur amulet+divinity runes), i dont see anything wrong in sic em and uu, ranger not so effective if somebody press him in melee combat, thats fair


    Um everyone complains about mesmer burst mostly mirage, to a point they got tired of complaining lol

  5. > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > I blame conquest. You cannot avoid this mentality unless it’s buffed to OP carry levels, but that’s equally unhealth

    Revs are taking the +1 role and a lot of classes can get to nodes fast. I think most people that pvp thief now do it cuz they like the class more so than effectiveness. Can a sb with gs and bird or a mesmer not decap fast all while standing chance in 1v1 if it had to? I wouldn't be surprised if their play rates drop in near future

  6. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

    > > And at viq. You said a key word. Thief WAS the had the most mobility. Mostly cuz noobs didn't know their classes... But now everyone know their classes, thief mobility and stealth been nerfd many times, classes have more ports, swiftness, quickness, pulls, knockdown, cripples, clones, disengages, detargets, stealth, that all kills thieves engagements or disengagements. And i forgot the count stuns and dazes for interrupts. Not to mention the ridiculous tracking skills that hit a ton

    > > I'm looking at u mesmer specter 3.. Ranger longbow 2... Ele air a tuned specter... Warrior 5 which distance and speed is never consistent.

    > It's always the best mobility class in this game.

    > Are you seriously mentionning scepter 3, ranger 2, ele fa, when you have **perma vigor** with many skill who refresh endurance ? The only situation where I can think about a thief being hit by a scepter burst is under a CC combo with trait who immobilize on rupt, good luck put a lock burst combo on a thief who isn't rollfacing.

    > Wasting an evade on thief mean literrally nothing, you can evade 2 sec later, endurance bar still ok, not even mentioning weapons evades timing.

    > In the worst case, burn CD, run around decap a point, in 30 sec it's back.


    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > These days thiefs mobility isn't the advantage it once was.rev can hunt u down and burst u while ur trying to escape,ranger can keep close enough to easily down u with long bow using gs/bird,mesmer for obvious reasons,warrior clears alot of ground fast with gs,engine's if built for it can cover alot of ground quick as well etc arenet really need to figure out what they want thiefs identity to be and make some changes to help put thief back in line with its fellow classes.


    > no one rev, ranger, warriors can teleport up and down vertically like thief. Only staff mesmer (pretty rare in +1 direct damage builds btw.) can do strong vertical kite and it's purely defensively. I'm not even mentionning mirage mobility because if a mirage use sword to be mobile he die next 10 sec because no more endurance so can't evade attacks. Difference is that thief can kite horizontally, vertically and ignoring LoS on many skills. It's ok it's the class design but counterpart is that it's weak in duel.

    > And what we talk about is that kitten thief have tools to manage other less mobile class while keeping top mobility. And yeah thief having 5 sec godmode versus mesmer is really fun in +1 vs +1 matchs were 1 fail for the mes is way more punishing than for the thief.


    > Hopefully there is really few good thieves who didn't faceroll and know their class advantages.


    I love posters like this basically amounts to

    I dont play thief

    I dont like thief

    Theif has mobility and teleport skills(multiple classes do now)

    They should have the least hp and defensive skills

    They should have to hit me 10× more than I have to hit them to win fight

    I should be able to sustain thiefs dps indefinitely unless I'm +1 by thief on my super powercrept class

    All this because even with all the powercreep they still have slight advantage in mobility and oh one sb skill allows them to tele vertically SOMETIMES for mobility purposes only where as some classes like rev/guard can do it to burst an enemy.


    This all sound about right? If powercreep continues they way u guys want pvp will just be warriors etc lol

    And to top it off they usually have some magical thief players theyve witnessed thatprove theif is a strong dueler.oh wait I'm in a mesmer forum lmao

  7. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

    > > And at viq. You said a key word. Thief WAS the had the most mobility. Mostly cuz noobs didn't know their classes... But now everyone know their classes, thief mobility and stealth been nerfd many times, classes have more ports, swiftness, quickness, pulls, knockdown, cripples, clones, disengages, detargets, stealth, that all kills thieves engagements or disengagements. And i forgot the count stuns and dazes for interrupts. Not to mention the ridiculous tracking skills that hit a ton

    > > I'm looking at u mesmer specter 3.. Ranger longbow 2... Ele air a tuned specter... Warrior 5 which distance and speed is never consistent.

    > It's always the best mobility class in this game.

    > Are you seriously mentionning scepter 3, ranger 2, ele fa, when you have **perma vigor** with many skill who refresh endurance ? The only situation where I can think about a thief being hit by a scepter burst is under a CC combo with trait who immobilize on rupt, good luck put a lock burst combo on a thief who isn't rollfacing.

    > Wasting an evade on thief mean literrally nothing, you can evade 2 sec later, endurance bar still ok, not even mentioning weapons evades timing.

    > In the worst case, burn CD, run around decap a point, in 30 sec it's back.


    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > These days thiefs mobility isn't the advantage it once was.rev can hunt u down and burst u while ur trying to escape,ranger can keep close enough to easily down u with long bow using gs/bird,mesmer for obvious reasons,warrior clears alot of ground fast with gs,engine's if built for it can cover alot of ground quick as well etc arenet really need to figure out what they want thiefs identity to be and make some changes to help put thief back in line with its fellow classes.


    > no one rev, ranger, warriors can teleport up and down vertically like thief. Only staff mesmer (pretty rare in +1 direct damage builds btw.) can do strong vertical kite and it's purely defensively. I'm not even mentionning mirage mobility because if a mirage use sword to be mobile he die next 10 sec because no more endurance so can't evade attacks. Difference is that thief can kite horizontally, vertically and ignoring LoS on many skills. It's ok it's the class design but counterpart is that it's weak in duel.

    > And what we talk about is that kitten thief have tools to manage other less mobile class while keeping top mobility. And yeah thief having 5 sec godmode versus mesmer is really fun in +1 vs +1 matchs were 1 fail for the mes is way more punishing than for the thief.


    > Hopefully there is really few good thieves who didn't faceroll and know their class advantages.


    Can revs, guard not tele vertically with targets? So cuz sb5 can tele in SOME spots vertically it deserves the spot it's in? Especially with all the no taget/terrain spots that u cant sb5 to when u should especially wvw. Lmao sb5 Is lame arguement for class being way it is

  8. > @"getalifeturd.8139" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Dave.6819" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Yeah most games that have different class architectypes usually have a fast agile glassy type that hits hard but cant take a hit and has to use active defenses not passive defenses to stay alive. Gw2 is the only game I've ever played that had a fast agile character that hit decent and ticked the other boxes that was changed due to complaints to a fast agile character that doesnt hit hard,cant take a hit and has to use active defenses to compete with classes that now are fast,agile,hit hard and have tons of passive defenses in comparison but thiefs bit more agile so it's ok lmao. While thief slowly got ruined all its strengths got scattered around to other classes.

    > > >

    > > > i tell u what.. just for example in ESO on my "thief" (nightblade) class i gotta be active and focus. its risky and on edge... but hell i'm able to 1v3 when i play really focused. skill = reward. in gw2 tho...... totally another story. that's the main issue. skill = nothing. passives = everythin.

    > >

    > > Not to derail the thread but been thinking on trying eso, is it worth getting into these day?


    > ESO also has passive procs but they're linked to gear grind. The best monster sets require DLC and the best gear requires grinding pve. The main difference is your skill use in ESO is based on magicka or stamina. This means you can't just rotate through all your skills off cooldown or you'll run out of resources.


    > Magicka classes will use damage shields (http://esoacademy.com/faq/what-is-a-damage-shield/) to protect their health with restoration staffs or their class abilities. Meanwhile stamina classes will block with shields or try to dodge all of the attacks. Stamina classes also have an advantage when it comes to being crowd controlled as they can break free more often.


    > In ESO you need some form of magicka or stamina recovery depending on your class. There are many skills that return resources and there are many different armor sets.

    > (https://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Sets)


    > In my opinion ESO rewards a player who keeps their cool and doesn't rage. A player who can think ahead and plan their resource use patiently countering the game's mechanics. Many of the game's mechanics are simple but when layered upon each other in areas such as Veteran Maelstrom Arena the game's complexity shows.


    > You can tank up in heavy armor in ESO with a shield and not do much damage. Then there's light armor in the case of magicka using damage shields to protect their squishiness while doing massive AOE DPS. Or there's stamina DPS in medium armor which will generally be your fast-moving gankers. Notice how there's sacrifices made in ESO for their different gameplay styles.


    > ESO probably is a worse game compared to GW2 when it comes to the pvp. But it's a unique mmo and it brings its own fun if you give it a chance. The game will make you rage at the simplest things sometimes such as being killed by crowd control when you're out of stamina. Sometimes a game doesn't need to be complex to be challenging. It just needs risk vs reward and when you realise that your resources are running low you have to play more intelligently.


    > ESO doesn't reward spammers when it comes to pvp and in fact punishes them by making them die from lack of stamina/magicka. When you realise you died because you spammed all your damage mitigation away for nothing there is noone to blame but yourself. ESO takes time to appreciate its depth and if you don't mind a game that takes a lot of time investment to get your fun then it will give you that.


    > The only real fault of the game is the champion point system which gives players who have played since launch a big advantage. But there are non champion-point battlegrounds which are quire popular and 4v4v4 pvp. In cyrodil which is the WvWvW system of ESO there are massive zergs and massive lag. Because there is no aoe limit it can often cause lag but maybe that's because I'm Australian who knows?







    Australian? Man I'm jealous, always wanted to visit there. One of my buds not out doors type alway joked Australia go outside and ur dead lmao.hes afraid of poisonous stuff lol anyway thanks for the info.being used to thief the slow combat is what worries me but rest sounds great.was thinking red guard nightblade

  9. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I keep seeing in streams that eso has gotten better,questing and story etc are the best of mmo's blah blah blah is it really that good? I've never taken the jump to try it cuz was so buggy at launch.


    > ESO still has the animation cancelling garbage gameplay which makes your chatacter look like he's having seizures, and that's all I need to know to not play that game.


    > I played it while leveling and it's bar none the best, most RP immersive leveling, lore rich experience out of all MMO's, but once you reach endgame and are expected to perform optimally via animation-cancelling, the game died for me.


    That what I keep reading, best mmo out in all aspects but combat mechanics suck. So the combat basically ruined the experience? Is it as bad as skyrim combat? Great RPGs but crap combat lol

  10. > @"Dave.6819" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Yeah most games that have different class architectypes usually have a fast agile glassy type that hits hard but cant take a hit and has to use active defenses not passive defenses to stay alive. Gw2 is the only game I've ever played that had a fast agile character that hit decent and ticked the other boxes that was changed due to complaints to a fast agile character that doesnt hit hard,cant take a hit and has to use active defenses to compete with classes that now are fast,agile,hit hard and have tons of passive defenses in comparison but thiefs bit more agile so it's ok lmao. While thief slowly got ruined all its strengths got scattered around to other classes.


    > i tell u what.. just for example in ESO on my "thief" (nightblade) class i gotta be active and focus. its risky and on edge... but hell i'm able to 1v3 when i play really focused. skill = reward. in gw2 tho...... totally another story. that's the main issue. skill = nothing. passives = everythin.


    Not to derail the thread but been thinking on trying eso, is it worth getting into these day?

  11. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > > > > > @"glennypenny.9625" said:

    > > > > > > They can move as fast as Mesmer they hit as hard as Necro and they can survive better than guard

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I think we move a bit faster than Mesmers. Mesmers are one of the slowest classes in the game, especially condi.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I can also confirm that we don't hit harder than Necro as Necro has the highest potential multi-target DPS in the game and most of our damage is single-target and melee.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Surviving better than guard depends on both the guardian and the warrior's build. Core guard and DH have some impressive sustain, but a core warrior or defense spellbreaker might have them topped through healing signet, adrenal health, and Rousing Resilience in longer fights. Strength Spellbreaker has very little sustain and doesn't even come close. And if you're trying to compare it Firebrand, um... no?

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > A mirage can outpace a meta warrior now but it requires a number of fringe picks and assumptions; sword ambush+plus mimic blink+ blink + illusionary ambush + jaunt + jaunt. And desert distortion for 3x sword ambushes.

    > > > >

    > > > > 600

    > > > > 600

    > > > > 600

    > > > > 1200

    > > > > 1200

    > > > > 1200

    > > > > 450

    > > > > 450

    > > > >

    > > > > 6,300 units of movement speed. Plus it requires sword which is not great for 1v1 builds and illusionary ambush requires a target and mimic is a very fringe choice. So really the only build that can come close to running this load out is powermirage and its giving up 2 best in slot utilities to do so.

    > > > >

    > > > > Meta condi mirage currently has phase retreat, blink, maaaaaybe illusionary ambush, and jaunt.

    > > > >

    > > > > 600

    > > > > 1200

    > > > > 1200

    > > > > 450

    > > > > 450

    > > > >

    > > > > =3,900.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ive already calculated that meta spellbreaker has 5,800 units of pure unbroken movement chaining in previous threads.

    > > >

    > > > It's a bit of a disingenuous way to compare them purely by distance traveled for example rush and blink are both 1200 range yet rush takes much longer to travel that distance resulting in much lower velocity.

    > >

    > > Not really. Distance is distance and for the mirage that beats warrior they're both completed in the same amount of time even with a lot of mesmer's being instant teleports.


    > Distance isn't what matters, every build can go the same distance just by walking. Velocity is what matters when comparing mobility which is distance over time so yes time is very relevant. Warrior may still be faster, but need to do a more in depth calculation than just adding all the distances, or do timed races.


    Ingame time velocity diference sounds like alot irl though it just means the warriors literally right behind mesmer lol

  12. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > no. any bonuses that can be used in combat should be gained from combat.


    That's what arenet thought behind lead attacks seems to be. So all boons and modifiers that influence dps in any way should only be possible to engage when combats initiated? Wow that be quit the huge change(nerf) across the board to all classes if arenanet didnt stop at lead attacks lmao maybe they should.

  13. Regardless of everything most classes in this game can out sustain thiefs damage all while dishing out more in most cases. This should not be the case for a class archetype such as thief. Whether it's a case of thiefs dps is to low now,is fine,other classes have too high dps/sustain it doesnt really matter. This game is full of classes that have tons of passive sustain with more sustain at a push of a button all while hitting high dps leading to hard carry classes.thiefs sustain is almost all active and very punishing if mistakes are made yet has to trade triple the blows to enemies most times if that's even enough to successfully win a fight,that's ridiculous balancing and ontop even then alot of times u can hit ur opponent three times more than they hit u and they'll outsustain ur dps and connect few hits and ur done. So the arguement is u can disengagement at will? Most classes these days have great mobility and anti disengagement skills to utilize, just because thief an run away it should be at a disadvantage in most engagement? That's silly. Thiefs traps areout dated as well and mostly useless outside of niche builds. Anyway dry for the incoherent rant, I'm sure thiefs exactly were most the community wants it to be lol.

  14. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"lightningz.1465" said:

    > > Sic'em and unstoppable union needed to bop that scrapper, one of the reason why many soulbeast switch from boonbeast to sic'em sniper..hope anet doesn't nerf it to oblivion..


    > You can nerf scrapper and the power damage creep in builds like Sic Em Sniper at the same time. Fancy how that works.


    > I'm sick of seeing Soulbeast used to justify scrapper and scrapper used to justify soulbeast as things that should be allowed to exist at that level of power creep.



    Though cant say I'm surprised at people making such silly arguements to try and justify their carry class lmao we need sic em to deal with scrappers and game needs scrapper like sustain to deal with sic em builds lol wow.

  15. Lead attacks makes no sense due to not being able to LEAD the attack,was a stupid change and NOT over powered in the slightest. It only became an issue with deadeye and on that not any more OP than some of the bs (sic em) classes apparently are allowed to do but oh no not big bad thief lmao. It should been changed only to effect DE as no one complained about it before DE was a thing.

  16. Yeah I'd be up for a trap update instead of signets as right now thier little aoe strips of useless. Small aoe trap that Mark's enemies who trigger it allowing u to tele to it lmao how niche can somthin be really? Thief really does need some love or arenet needs to hard tone down the other classes across the board

  17. These days thiefs mobility isn't the advantage it once was.rev can hunt u down and burst u while ur trying to escape,ranger can keep close enough to easily down u with long bow using gs/bird,mesmer for obvious reasons,warrior clears alot of ground fast with gs,engine's if built for it can cover alot of ground quick as well etc arenet really need to figure out what they want thiefs identity to be and make some changes to help put thief back in line with its fellow classes.

  18. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > > > > > > > > > Hmmm, Scourge this, Scourge that, but no mention of the fact that without strong support a Scourge is meat for the grinder. No toning down 12K Drop the Hammer? 10K CoR? Scourge been hammered every patch, and yet let's go ahead and keep cutting.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > You really want to nuke Scourge? Make them choose whether they want ranged shades, or self-centered shades.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Lmao a rev hammer is trivial compared to a scourges impact in a zerg.sure its effective in a zerg but not even close to the same level as scourge.no zerg lives or dies by rev hammers and rev hammers aren't responsible for the whole playstyles that zergs follow now,as a matter of fact rev hammer is widely used and effective as a way to try and combat the scourge spamming as it allows u to hit from ranged and not get instant dead by the condi aoe puke. I wonder how popular rev hammer would be if scourges didnt oppress zergs into ranged battles? I certainly wouldn't be using hammer if zergs were melee oriented.Also them needing support doesnt change anything.scourge isn't OP in other modes but its mechanic is obsurd OP because the way wvw is and the fact there will always be supports within the zergs.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You have 0 idea about zerging. It is pretty obvious from the "rev hammer is trivial compared to scourge in zergs".

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > No I zerg all the time and I've zerged on both many many times I'm just not biased. A group of scourges are far more effective than revs and I dont see revs dictating how zergs fight nor cutting off whole sides of structures so defenders cant attack the attackers nor filling a downed entrance into a structure with endless death carpets. I stated revs are definitely very effective but trivial in comparison and I stand by that

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This statement is ridiculous. 2, just 2, Drop the Hammers in an area, and the opfor in that area are dead. You can survive 2 shades in an area pretty easily. Scourge excel in area denial, moving the fight around, and doing steady damage, but nothing beats a concentrated rev spike. Top damage? Yeah that's likely going to go to a Scourge simply due to the fact that they are hitting more players. Top spike, which is what kills players, is going to hammer revs.

    > > > >

    > > > > Lol yeah u saying anything's ridiculous than saying a hammer drop means instant downs, I'm on zerker everything built for dps and my hammer doesnt one shot anyone but already half dead enemies lmao i hit people with it and hammer 2 and their usually still kicking with today's sustain and 2 hammers? Who stands in the way of one let alone two hammers lmao u can argue all u want yeah hammers are effective sure and deadly- no where close to groups of scourge stacking aoe's everywhere. Funny how when people discuss things regarding wvw balance hammer rev barely comes up,u kno what always does? Scourge/fb and ofcourse rev outspikes scourge that's not even a question but revs burst doesnt effect wvw anywhere close to how scourge condi aoe stacking does.

    > > >

    > > > "condi aoe stacking"? You honestly think its the condies that make the difference? Maaaaan, this is so wrong, so ignorant, I dont even know where to begin...

    > > >

    > >

    > > Lmao not ignorant at all lmao this mode will never change.every zerg is literally 90% scourge spam circles everywhere,I've seen half of whole zergs just deleted and all spewing at the respawn,I'm talking literally 15 or so players deleted from groups of scourges just walking forward spamming. Real skilled gameplay lmao u can keep ur garbage mode itl never change and people actually thinking the way scourge works in wvw being ok lmao that's ignorant and at best a joke. People complaining about gankers killing few here and there and comparing revs to scourge/fb spam who single handedly are the reason that wvw zergs battle the way they do(pirsteship bs) wow I'm ignorant lol


    > It is scourge.

    > It's not condi.


    > They're playing **power scourge**. Condi wouldn't work as there is too much cleanse available. The condi you see is just leftover from the aoe boon corrupt and incidental with the other scourge aoe attacks. Check your combat log and you'll see it's the power portion of the skills doing the majority of the damage along with CoR and Hammer from backline rev.


    I know that the scourges are built for power these days that's common knowledge but their condi skills at base and was i just typed condi in there while typing fast lol my apologies

  19. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > > > > > > > Hmmm, Scourge this, Scourge that, but no mention of the fact that without strong support a Scourge is meat for the grinder. No toning down 12K Drop the Hammer? 10K CoR? Scourge been hammered every patch, and yet let's go ahead and keep cutting.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You really want to nuke Scourge? Make them choose whether they want ranged shades, or self-centered shades.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Lmao a rev hammer is trivial compared to a scourges impact in a zerg.sure its effective in a zerg but not even close to the same level as scourge.no zerg lives or dies by rev hammers and rev hammers aren't responsible for the whole playstyles that zergs follow now,as a matter of fact rev hammer is widely used and effective as a way to try and combat the scourge spamming as it allows u to hit from ranged and not get instant dead by the condi aoe puke. I wonder how popular rev hammer would be if scourges didnt oppress zergs into ranged battles? I certainly wouldn't be using hammer if zergs were melee oriented.Also them needing support doesnt change anything.scourge isn't OP in other modes but its mechanic is obsurd OP because the way wvw is and the fact there will always be supports within the zergs.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You have 0 idea about zerging. It is pretty obvious from the "rev hammer is trivial compared to scourge in zergs".

    > > > >

    > > > > No I zerg all the time and I've zerged on both many many times I'm just not biased. A group of scourges are far more effective than revs and I dont see revs dictating how zergs fight nor cutting off whole sides of structures so defenders cant attack the attackers nor filling a downed entrance into a structure with endless death carpets. I stated revs are definitely very effective but trivial in comparison and I stand by that

    > > >

    > > > This statement is ridiculous. 2, just 2, Drop the Hammers in an area, and the opfor in that area are dead. You can survive 2 shades in an area pretty easily. Scourge excel in area denial, moving the fight around, and doing steady damage, but nothing beats a concentrated rev spike. Top damage? Yeah that's likely going to go to a Scourge simply due to the fact that they are hitting more players. Top spike, which is what kills players, is going to hammer revs.

    > >

    > > Lol yeah u saying anything's ridiculous than saying a hammer drop means instant downs, I'm on zerker everything built for dps and my hammer doesnt one shot anyone but already half dead enemies lmao i hit people with it and hammer 2 and their usually still kicking with today's sustain and 2 hammers? Who stands in the way of one let alone two hammers lmao u can argue all u want yeah hammers are effective sure and deadly- no where close to groups of scourge stacking aoe's everywhere. Funny how when people discuss things regarding wvw balance hammer rev barely comes up,u kno what always does? Scourge/fb and ofcourse rev outspikes scourge that's not even a question but revs burst doesnt effect wvw anywhere close to how scourge condi aoe stacking does.


    > "condi aoe stacking"? You honestly think its the condies that make the difference? Maaaaan, this is so wrong, so ignorant, I dont even know where to begin...



    Lmao not ignorant at all lmao this mode will never change.every zerg is literally 90% scourge spam circles everywhere,I've seen half of whole zergs just deleted and all spewing at the respawn,I'm talking literally 15 or so players deleted from groups of scourges just walking forward spamming. Real skilled gameplay lmao u can keep ur garbage mode itl never change and people actually thinking the way scourge works in wvw being ok lmao that's ignorant and at best a joke. People complaining about gankers killing few here and there and comparing revs to scourge/fb spam who single handedly are the reason that wvw zergs battle the way they do(pirsteship bs) wow I'm ignorant lol

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