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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. Arenaneys been devolving thief for a while now, its identity as a class has been spread so thin across other classes and most of its rewards arent worth the effort anymore. It will never happen but arenanet needs to actually listen to vet thieves and or take some time playing it themselves and descide what they not the community want to do with it as a class cuz right now it feels like a class that is made up of the sum of nerf crys and not what its design was intended to be

  2. Yeah the energy/CD took a bit getting used to and learning which legends etc for each situation took a bit.there are good vids on the legends on utube guides,usual mix of shiro,glint and jalis lol. Once u get used to managing skills and their energy consumption and cd's it becomes a blast to play. To me almost every skill feels impactful and rewarding when used at the right time which is the feeling I lost these days when playing theif.

  3. I love when a large group of scourges just spam the wall and keep any class but rangers at bay while the take the gate/wall down or when a large group of scourges sit behind a destroyed wall spamming shades cutting off the entrance than watching half ur zerg disapear to spawn while the half remaining alive get destroyed by the loss of a huge numbers of aly's all because one spec.fun and healthy playstyle lol

  4. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

    > > Interesting, so they want to make attacking easier and more rewarding. That's great news if I'm on a well-populated server, or plan to transfer to one. If not, I guess all I get for for my underpopulated server's successful defense is a **sense of pride and accomplishment**.


    > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


    I spent some time talking small group of friends(5) into trying gw2 specifically wvw. They all lasted one evening due to the way scourge and its shades synergy with zergs, their reactions were priceless and I know 5 people is no great gain nor lost to the most but I cant help wonder if this has happened or turned others off of the mode.

  5. > @"glennypenny.9625" said:

    > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > Without having tried your build


    > Yeah you’re right, the way it plays is like your describing it. I’m a lot slower and struggle to decap constitently as I do on core thief.

    > It is fun and I like the dead eye aura effects on my character so much!!


    > Thanks for your insights, I’m probably going to stick with core or try out a new class like rev or spell breaker ultimately :)


    As a old theif player that switched to rev, rev is a blast

  6. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > The damage modifier needs to be toned down without a doubt. The modifier is far to high as was RI guard trait,funny how arenanet catches that but leaves sic em lmao

    > >

    > > I agree either nerf the dmg or reduce duration. 2-3 seconds of 40% dmg would be acceptable I think, as someone who tends to run without sicem. At least now they only have 1 rapid fire and a few AAs or a single gs burst. Leave the "revealed" duration at full but reduce dmg buff to 3 seconds.


    > Do we also reduce the CD or just straight up nerf a utility that only has 1 purpose AND needs a target?


    Target requirement isn't to detrimental to skills like sic em, not like needing a target on teleport etc is, target one opponent any opponent with sic em and once activated u can reap its benefits vs any target. A 25% 6 sec damage buff that synergize with soulbeast skills and other traits the way it does now with reveal on top would be more in line with the game.cd doesnt need reduced.

  7. I dont get this whole wvw isnt pvp its wvw mentality, it clearly makes no sense and is literally players deluding themselves regarding the game mode to match their prefered playstyle. Irl wars over territories which wvw basically is were lone soldiers ignored by scouting parties etc when they were discovered en route? Was there some rule that only large groups were to engage with the enemies large groups?no that sounds rediculous. Large zergs also chase down and gank solo players often so that's better than a solo player engaging a solo player? Like seriously. Small groups on mounts also troll and gank solo players so gankers are not the only players with reasons to feel that mounts have no place in the game mode.

  8. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Its It's strange with all these advantages thief has it's literally considered widely as a +1 class due to its poor capabilities to fight an opponent toe to toe without resorting to stealth one shot attempts through MBS etc, again resulting in salt. Maybe if all the non thief players refrained from complaining every time they got killed by a thief maybe they wouldn't have been repeatedly nerfed until either several resets or cheap one shot attempts would be needed to down an opponent. This also limits the viable builds/weapons thief can use to be effective. Having a class that's used solely for its mobility to decap and having to attack already engaged opponents to down them without being at a disadvantage is not balanced no matter the class mechanics nor is it fun for the player or the opponent. Mobility isn't the advantage for thief these days given the mobility of other classes now nor is stealth,even scrapper has easier access to long duration stealth on a low cooldown.thief has a few decent burst but its general dps needs increased to fall in line with today's version of the game or the dps/sustain needs to be shaved down on classes across the board which is unlikely.


    > I love that the 1 shot isn't even all that strong. It's like 6k backstab. All that set up for just 1 measely 6k. A sic em ranger instagibs most things. Like 25k worth of dps, so does rev, power Chrono. Then we have 6k backstab that requires a combo to stealth, to hit within a few seconds and steal on the right time from behind. Lol. kitten that. I basically quit hief n played something else. It's just stuipd. Life in gw2 is just wait better when not thief.


    Yeah I left thief to after almost 3 yrs, I to found life in the game more enjoyable after the switch which was hard cuz had so much completed on thief but oh well just doing it all again on my guard and rev.

  9. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > @"piko.2874" said:

    > > Just encountered this guy, account .


    > > Lost me a couple of games. I don't mind much since I'm just farming the chest rewards but this shouldn't be Allowed by Anet. He seemed to be a bot though, just placed there for griefing.


    > you can't blacklist ppl here, edit your post before you get banned


    > He's not a bot, I've seen him trash talking ppl when they asked to report him.


    > He also has near 50% winrate which is very unlikely to someone that just sits base.


    Now we know who's bot it is lol I'm kidding

  10. Or nerf aoe, spam hard so every battle isn't a literal aoe spam fest,that will probably solve the crazy amount of constant instant multiple damage calculations as well as draw people into the mode. All 6 of my buds I talked into trying it within three hrs were like f this garbage lmao and left cuz the scourge aoe spamming. Dont blame them either,I'd have left by now if there was a better mmo out there.

  11. Its It's strange with all these advantages thief has it's literally considered widely as a +1 class due to its poor capabilities to fight an opponent toe to toe without resorting to stealth one shot attempts through MBS etc, again resulting in salt. Maybe if all the non thief players refrained from complaining every time they got killed by a thief maybe they wouldn't have been repeatedly nerfed until either several resets or cheap one shot attempts would be needed to down an opponent. This also limits the viable builds/weapons thief can use to be effective. Having a class that's used solely for its mobility to decap and having to attack already engaged opponents to down them without being at a disadvantage is not balanced no matter the class mechanics nor is it fun for the player or the opponent. Mobility isn't the advantage for thief these days given the mobility of other classes now nor is stealth,even scrapper has easier access to long duration stealth on a low cooldown.thief has a few decent burst but its general dps needs increased to fall in line with today's version of the game or the dps/sustain needs to be shaved down on classes across the board which is unlikely.

  12. Necro has no blocks invulnerability skills etc cuz shroud is soposed to be a second health bar yet it’s far from it, stealth on thief is always hated on due to crazy MBS burst and rifle burst DE had when it could perma stealth causing arenanet to nerf thief in the only way arenanet knows how which was ways that also hit core and DD builds that didn’t use stealth,same as mesmer being balanced around its mechanics often times causing nerfs to mesmers leaving mesmer players confused as to why it was touched and the things mesmer mains knew were op and stated needed toned down wernt even touched. There are a few classes that have specs over nerfed or left under powered due to arenanet not having a clue how to balance the class as a whole around the mechanics that are causing the problems

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