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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > > i dont see any other class spamming illusilons all around, be happy

    > >

    > > Ironically some (most?) mesmers want illusions gone and an illusionless spec.

    > > I know most anti-mesmer crowd (not saying you belong here) say stuff as "A.I. carried", the truth is illusions just cripple mesmer, they're dumb as heck and because of them mesmer sustain damage is pitiful.


    > Exactly, it's kitten annoying to play with a mechanic that 1) relies on inconsistent ai 2) gets cleaved down randomly 3) necessitates balancing around, leaving weapons skills etc worse than they could be.


    Yeah sounds exactly like shroud and stealth, definitely not a problem unique to mesmer.

  2. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > can we have 500 hp mounts like before friday?

    > > im tired of being circled cus i dont run meta build neither i have kitten load of dps so i basically blow just about every single chronomancer skill then he finally jumps off just before he gets knocked off and all i got left is some shield block...

    > > kitten yea mounts where totally needed in WvW..

    > >

    > > or they circle me untill their butt buddy comes to help him out, now i dont really care for him tanking me waiting for his buddy but let me already take down alot of his cooldowns instead of em having 2 full non cd's toons ramming away on me while i blown everything on first guy trying to unmount him..

    > >

    > >

    > > if 500 HP isnt the option then here u go, take mount HP and if 10k hp has been dealt with then u insta lose 10k HP on dismount.

    > > if u dismount ur self before 10k HP u still lose x amount of HP that has been dealt to you already.

    > >

    > > or just remove the stinky mount from WvW :D , put vendor in lions arch every1 happy.


    > 500HP would be way too low as it would get people dismounted with weak NPCs attacks like harpies, dredge, and ogres.


    > It would have to be at least 5K so they can survive a couple of 2K hits from NPCs.


    That’s the downside to the mobility gain. Don’t get hit by npc’s and watch where ur running,not hard.

  3. The whole ganking argument solves nothing in the end.solo players gank,small groups gank and zergs will follow a line player and gank lol we all gank in some form and is only a problem when we’re the ones beenbganked. It’s a open world pvp where everything goes and is fair game as it should be so who cares? I had a group of 5 mounted run by me as I was solo and one player branched off and dismounted in front of me while the others took off so I figured cool why not so I dismounted and we began to fight,few seconds later the rest of the group ran in on mounts and 5v1 destroyed me lol is what it is.

  4. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Same reason mesmer got stealth and ports when those were thiefs thing no? I think u correct that mesmer shares a lot of skill types with other classes but not because their copied from mesmer but because mesmer when all specs are considered had one of the most bloated kits. It has burst,lots of evade frames, ports,invisibility,blocks ,invulnerability,ranged attacks,Wells etc etc list goes on. It’s not surprising there’s a lot of overlap with other classes,as if ur complaining about the state of mesmer lmao seriously.

    > Ironically everything you complainted about is belong to a thief as well and he excell way better in these than mesmer except he doesnt have true invul .

    > Delusional thief mains, lmao seriously.


    Wow u mesmers players wonder why u guys get all the hate lmao u go around saying the 90% of the community is wrong about mesmers being broken calling them delusional all while making ridiculous post making ridiculous claims that make u seem like ur the delusional one lmao mesmer is far more broken than thief could ever dream about while having all its strenths and more in its kit,lmao u mesmer players are just as much to blame as the class is for the hate it gets wow lmao by ur guys post u think mesmer should do everything any class can do the same or better or u whine like babies that it’s not fair lol well that’s not possible considering ur class can do everything so it obviously can’t do it as well or better than any class it shares a skill type with or I’d be even more broken op than it already is. Delusional? What a joke!


  5. Same reason mesmer got stealth and ports when those were thiefs thing no? I think u correct that mesmer shares a lot of skill types with other classes but not because their copied from mesmer but because mesmer when all specs are considered had one of the most bloated kits. It has burst,lots of evade frames, ports,invisibility,blocks ,invulnerability,ranged attacks,Wells etc etc list goes on. It’s not surprising there’s a lot of overlap with other classes,as if ur complaining about the state of mesmer lmao seriously.

  6. > @"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:

    > hell man shadow trap is still broken it works 50% of the time 25% of the time, shortbow 5 will still eat my ini and not shadowstep me while saying its obstructed with no more lead attack ooc its hurts doubly so and sword 2 return hasnt worked sometimes either. in all honesty shadowstep needs a good rework because im playing a class where some of my skills straight up dont work and at points punish me for even taking them. hell even our traps suck too compared to other trap skills that get a nice big circle we get a box. our traps arent even that good anyways i get a knock down, one that doesnt work, one that summons a thief (but theyre useless in pvp because we dont have anytraits to buff them) and the only usefull one that only works if your playing condi but why take that when you can take the venom.


    I totally ageee,arenanet needs to stop focusing on ways to nerf thief and actually think of ways to bring the class up to levels of other classes.traps need updating bad,not only are they horrible dps the aoe range to trigger are small compared to other classes. Half the time scorpion wire,shadow trap and other shadowsteps buff out and usually lead to death. Infiltrator arrow is inconsistent as well,half time u don’t port but lose initiative or ill get obstructed places u shouldn’t be. Almost all thief utilities exept a few are a waste of a spot these days and are in need of updating bad.

  7. I tried using it in wvw and unless the opponent is sitting still it pretty much is a 100% Miss,when it connects it seems to fail more times than not I’m guessing from all the perma boons most people are running. Really worth a spot in the utility slots lol though it’s funny when it works

  8. Is there such thing as a ganker really? Is it only a ganker when solo or small groups kill other solo and small group players? Cuz I’ve got “ganked” multiple times by zergs or large portions of the Zerg that have literally chased me down as a solo player so. Gues it’s ok if ur part of a zerk lmao.

  9. Yeah remove bulwark self barrier and make it a forgotten gyro again,good stuff. The bulwark does what it’s supposed to do making scrapper sustain high with its moderate dps,sneak gyro on the other hand is excessive,12 seconds on same CD would have been more than adequate.

  10. > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

    > > > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > >

    > > > Your sole argument is that you don't want to lose your free out of jail ticket, how is this fair in any way? Even if you say you understand that people that just want to run and fight literally can't play the game anymore.

    > >

    > > They still can, I haven't seen anyone not being able to play the game at all, does having amount stop you from engaging in fights if they are dismounted? Does it stop you from logging in and running from camp to camp or towers and potentially running into someone and attacking them? In my experience before the mounts were added people didn't engage unless they thought they had an advantage (be class or build or just that you didn't see them), the only difference is now is someone might be able to out run you. Or maybe, just stop using your mount and others might come to attack you since you "can't run away". You just have to think of ways to encourage folks to engage you instead of you always initiating the fight.

    > >

    > > I'm okay with the mount the way it is, but if it absolutely added, it should just have a short range (600 range might be even to far, I like 300 more after thinking about it)


    > But nobody dismounts because they don't care about the objective.



    > Poeple i find like that just mount up and run.


    > If i dismount poeple still walk past me unless they are multiple.


    > Encouraging people to attack me doesn't work because it puts the choice of conflict on the defender which insures that fights either don't happen or as a gank.


    > Also, why such a low range? How do you even get next to someone to dismount them then? Oh wait, you don't! Just like you intended.


    > You haven't seen anyone not be able to play? All my roaming friends have quit either WvW or the whole game if they only did WvW.


    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > How about after some war kitten fixes we do somthing about the ridiculous scourge spamming in wvw,zergs and all the classes in it are literally forced into ranged battle due to one classes ability to spam aoe’s in such a ridiculous manner,the literally drive every Zerg.


    > Nono Thieves are broken, not necros, necros just disregard the broken kitten they are and just call everything unfair because Thieves and Mesmers are broken even though they just excell in different areas.



    Yeah it’s pretty funny to read a necro calling any class op in wvw consideriing how ridiculous they are in the game mode. They complained high mobility classes “gank” on their way to their Zerg,in wich the walk and spam aoe’s accumulating more kills than the roaming class does in 3 hrs of play lol

  11. How about after some war kitten fixes we do somthing about the ridiculous scourge spamming in wvw,zergs and all the classes in it are literally forced into ranged battle due to one classes ability to spam aoe’s in such a ridiculous manner,the literally drive every Zerg.

  12. The problem is every strength or mechanic arenet designed to balance thiefs glassyness etc has been eventually nerfed or changed with very little compensation. Add to that most of what separates thief from other classes became redundant as other classes ended up with the very things that were the thief's strenths all while initially being ballanced around their original designs which did not and voila thief is where it’s at and prob not ever gonna change.

  13. > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > > @"Voluptus.3509" said:

    > > I've played this game since just a few months after launch and the only thing that kept me going lately is because I got the Chaos Gun. So, I finally made Quip and the moment I try to stealth near a guard, I am revealed?

    > >

    > > So then I check the mechanic and it says I get revealed *if I enter stealth* while marked. So I stealth *before* getting marked.

    > >

    > > Still no good, got revealed anyway.

    > >

    > > We're MASSIVELY outnumbered, I'm out there trying to take a few camps. Enemies are all running around on Warclaws and I can't get even 1/4 of the way across the map before being turned into a bag. My ONLY hope is stealth.

    > >

    > > And now that's been taken from me.

    > >

    > > ANET, if you want Warclaw then you have to get rid of reveal because people can move fast enough that anyone roaming get spotted from mounts passing by. All someone on a mount has to do is run around in a circle at high speed and then pick roamers off.

    > >

    > > This is why it's impossible to move on the map by yourself while getting hit with revealed.

    > >

    > > Revealed needs to go or you may as well kiss every thief goodbye. I and many others will NOT change to professions we don't like to play. We play thief because we *like* thief, or we did.

    > >

    > > As long as reveal is a thing, I'll go give some other company my money. Tonight my money is going to go to Assasin's Creed Odyssey but I'll check back here after Tuesday's patch to see if I'll be away another week.

    > >

    > > And I'll just check back once a week until it's safe for me to play.


    > Good luck. All the terrible players here think that thief is cheesy and easy and only kills them bc blah blah blah and they refuse to get good. So they cry for more and more nerfs and call every thief a gAnKeR. Revealed does need to be removed from marked but I also believe they should change it so that stealth can only be stacked via blasting smoke along with that change. So that a player must exit stealth before using another utility to apply stealth. This would still allow for things like d/p thief to p5 d2 leap into backstab if quick enough. You just wouldnt be able to leap it multiple times.


    > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > > @"Voluptus.3509" said:

    > > I've played this game since just a few months after launch and the only thing that kept me going lately is because I got the Chaos Gun. So, I finally made Quip and the moment I try to stealth near a guard, I am revealed?

    > >

    > > So then I check the mechanic and it says I get revealed *if I enter stealth* while marked. So I stealth *before* getting marked.

    > >

    > > Still no good, got revealed anyway.

    > >

    > > We're MASSIVELY outnumbered, I'm out there trying to take a few camps. Enemies are all running around on Warclaws and I can't get even 1/4 of the way across the map before being turned into a bag. My ONLY hope is stealth.

    > >

    > > And now that's been taken from me.

    > >

    > > ANET, if you want Warclaw then you have to get rid of reveal because people can move fast enough that anyone roaming get spotted from mounts passing by. All someone on a mount has to do is run around in a circle at high speed and then pick roamers off.

    > >

    > > This is why it's impossible to move on the map by yourself while getting hit with revealed.

    > >

    > > Revealed needs to go or you may as well kiss every thief goodbye. I and many others will NOT change to professions we don't like to play. We play thief because we *like* thief, or we did.

    > >

    > > As long as reveal is a thing, I'll go give some other company my money. Tonight my money is going to go to Assasin's Creed Odyssey but I'll check back here after Tuesday's patch to see if I'll be away another week.

    > >

    > > And I'll just check back once a week until it's safe for me to play.


    > Good luck. All the terrible players here think that thief is cheesy and easy and only kills them bc blah blah blah and they refuse to get good. So they cry for more and more nerfs and call every thief a gAnKeR. Revealed does need to be removed from marked but I also believe they should change it so that stealth can only be stacked via blasting smoke along with that change. So that a player must exit stealth before using another utility to apply stealth. This would still allow for things like d/p thief to p5 d2 leap into backstab if quick enough. You just wouldnt be able to leap it multiple times.


    So much this ^ non thief players hate the way that theyve died to thieves so much that due to its mechanics I can only gues they go around trying to spread some delusional bull crap about thieves being op somehow meanwhile they’ve been been taken down pretty hard over the years so not only were they already one of the hardest classes to play well now they’ve been nerfed so many times their always at a disadvantage. To top this all of its usually mirage players of all players who cry the most lmao. All these players that say thiefs op would get farmed hard if they tried playing the class yet the talk shit.

  14. > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:


    > > Who is talking of reset?

    > > Every stupid mount player just escapes from fight and don't even engage one, it's not about resetting a fight, but don't take it in the first place.


    > Again, it's nothing new. Some classes could already do that even before, or even escape during the fight and then do whatever they wanted (avoiding the fight included).

    > So it's fine if some classes can do it, but not if everyone else can as well? People just aren't answering this question.

    > The people that are complaining about it sure weren't complaining before the mount was introduced, else we would have got many threads about it. So what changed, apart from anyone else being able to do something that was deemed perfectly fine before? It was fine as long as it was a privilege limited to some classes? It was fine because some classes could just force other classes to fight when they wanted to, avoid them when it wasn't convenient, and escape the fight if it wasn't going well?

    > And now that mounts make some of that fair for the other classes as well it's suddenly bad for the mode?

    > Oh, how awfully convenient.

    > If it's bad, it was bad even before the mounts were introduced and it will be bad even after the mounts will be nerfed. So what about having some nerfs- pardon, they're called fixes - about those issues too?


    I’ll answer the question cuz it’s easy to understand and answer. Classes that can disengage are balanced to do so are glassy mobile classes that for some reason don’t have the damage of medium or slower classes but for good reason don’t have the sustain of the other classes,soulbeast being an exception. Why should classes being balanced with great sustain,more hp,more dps etc be able to disengage as easily as classes that are meant to disengage and are balanced(poorly at that especially with mounts added to wvw)by having low sustain,hp and in a lot of cases dps?

  15. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > U trying to say thief tops dps charts still?

    > yes it is. You can us yours favorite web page search system, and find current SC benchmarks.

    > Current today 1 and 2 place have thief. And own 3 position from first 5 builds.

    the newest benchmarks say August 2018 has there not been changes to DE? DE rifle at top and power staff DD in 4th on golem,s/d,pp,d/p are the sets I said are in need of damage buffs as they are not in line with Mom st other classes especially after the dagger auto nerf etc.also u see the stack of self buffs most classes can give them selves,u see the lack of them compared to other classes. Yeah gues not,a class is considered viable for more reasons than dps also, how often is a group glad a thiefs around for any reason other than maybe a rifle or staff auto bot on a few bosses? U can argue all u want it’s obvious when playing other classes the disparity between them and thief regarding dps on standard skills disregarding MBS etc. I played thief for a few yrs and was immediately noticeable when I switched as it is for the posters in last few days who have made threads commenting on the lack of dps on thief compared to the classes they were previously using so.

  16. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > I will also warn you that you'll get A TON of hate as a thief player. You will either get hate from the enemy players for just farming them or from your teammates if you arent doing everything at once in spvp. Just ignore all of the negativity.


    > That's fine, if my enemies are mad I know I'm doing good. If my allies are mad there is nothing I do about that, they'll just have to get over it.


    That’s definitely a good mindset to have,and if u get engaged by a sb or holo run,run so fast and never look back lol

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