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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. Love the revanant (herald) class and find it really enjoyable in wvw but having a hard time disengaging when being focused by multiple players and no hope of winning/surviving the fight. U kno rev has ports that need enemy or non friendly targets with sword and staff 5 gains u some distance but they are very undependable for the purpose of escaping. I'm not asking or saying rev needs more disengagement skills at all just wondering what the long time rev players do if they need to escape situations that are dire for them?

  2. > @"Lunia.2736" said:

    > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > Core guardian

    > >

    > > Attack: <3 <3 <3

    > > Defense; <3 <3

    > > Control:

    > > Mobility: <3 <3

    > > Evasion: <3


    > Could you imagine if out of all the classes they nerfed Righteous Instincts and took away the only crutch Core Guardian still had, the Valkyrie amulet.


    > Oh wait... :/



    Guard having RI is not right yet sic em is? Go figure eh lol dont kno the logic there

  3. Every trait pic shows a ninja, the descriptions said all describe ninja type combat. Ninjitsu is the militant espionage side of ninjas and taijutsu being the hand to hand combat side of ninja.thiefs utility skills like caltrops, smoke screens,trip wires etc are definitely ninjitsu inspired.the class uses daggers,swords and a staff.The class is definitely a mix of rogue,ninja and sniper which all fall under an assassin theme and is prob designed to be bit of all three.

  4. > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > revenant is the most broken class but it's role can make it feel that it's not the case if you're playing solo and your team is bad


    > the 2nd most broken class is thief


    > the 3rd most broken class is scrapper


    > the 4th most broken class is holo


    > the 5th most broken class is chrono (it's good but they cant really keep point and aren't omnipotent especially vs + duration conditions)


    > the 6th most broken class is warrior



    > something like that, the first 3 for sure but for the rest you can argue and it's situational


    > problem with thief/rev is that if u have nowhere to play then you can't abuse how broken these classes are so there are still scenarios in which they appear weak but make no mistake - if you played another class you would find yourself in such scenarios way more often than thief/rev on higher elo.


    > the worst class in the game atm (apart from meme specs) is condi mirage, unless it gets some of its stupid nerfs reverted the class will become a meme like berserker or any random spec u can think of that hasn't been good for pvp


    Rev's one viable build is strong(power herald) it has quick high burst but mediocre sustain and crap disengagement ability compared to comparable classes.sure it could use a shave down in its quick burst but that's all it's got, it would need compensation in alot of other areas.id argue it still now needs slight improvements to its core and renegade specs. Thief is just ur biased hatred for them lmao thief is nowhere close to OP these days, s/d and d/p builds have fallen behind the powercrept classes have gotten and DE got a much needed change though not the best. So soulbeast is fine to u? Lol I think ur list is as far off as op's list is

  5. No was in open grass and tele between me and a bridge with a guard npc on it but was no where near as far as the bridge nor guard at the tele end location so no way they targeted the guard.must have been a rabbit or bird that they killed cuz I looked for anything else lol

  6. > @"gavyne.6847" said:

    > 1. Unbalanced match ups, servers get put in tiers they don't belong or get links they don't need. I'm not sure how many are like me, but as much as I complain about certain things with GW2 WvW, I still enjoy it and have lots of fun playing the game. But, this is a big but, the fun is not there when there is nobody to fight, or when you are constantly getting severely blobbed down.


    > There's nothing more demoralizing when your raid driver logs off because a group of 20 can not fight a group of 50+ and there's literally nothing smaller to fight. And everything from your opponent is T3 and there's *nothing* you can do about it. Same with the reverse, nothing worse to have everybody in your guild logoff because there's nothing to fight! Nobody wants to pve in wvw, wvw is about player engagement. Fixing server balance has to be the #1 priority for the devs. This game mode simply can not sustain with the already dead T4, dying T3, and unbalanced T1/T2.


    > 2. Skill lag, it's been there since the dawn of time, and we've all gotten used to it. But it's not fun nor acceptable, pressing 1 because nothing else is activating sucks. Imagine telling PvE raiders or sPvP players to just press 1 due to lag. How quickly do you think these other game modes would die? Yes it's limitations in the game's engine, it's not easily fixable with better servers and more bandwidth. But it's just not fun when you can't use your abilities. We want these large scale RvR battles, but the game chokes whenever a map blob meets another map blob. Gets worse if a 3rd server is anywhere near as well.


    > 3. Class balance, even though I've been a lifetime necro and I've always had a spot in WvW raids, I feel for those that can't play the class they enjoy. I play a necro because I enjoy playing this class. If I'm ever told I'm not accepted, I will simply not play this game at all. We don't want to tell our friends or someone new to the game mode "sorry, you can't play xxx class with us, meta only". If new players are told these things, there's a good chance they'll never be back, and hence the churn rate. All classes should have at the very least 1 build that is suitable for WvW raids.


    > This means Anet, you gotta stop giving some classes everything. People blame the necros for how things are today, I disagree. Necros are only needed in large numbers because without enough boon corrupts, you won't beat good guild groups. Firebrands and Scrappers have been overtuned, Firebrands being the one class that can do everything is not healthy for the game. Classes need to have specialties that are wanted in WvW raids.


    > 4. Skills balance, some skills need work. The top 3 damage classes in a typical WvW raid are: 1) Weaver, 2) Herald, 3) Scourge. Usually in that order, +/-. You can see Weaver's meteor shower, and you can see Scourge's circles. But you can not see the damage coming at you from Heralds. It's not fun when you're just hammered for over half of your hp out of nowhere, it's literally unavoidable damage. Herald skills need more visual cues. As fun as it is to do high damage, it's not healthy for a competitive game mode when you can't see the damage coming at you.


    > Anet has a weird sense of humor when it comes to stealth in this game. No other MMO allows a class to pop in & out of stealth while in combat, while you're actively engaged with them, while they're using high damage skills. There's too much stealth in this game, it's not fun fighting people you can't see or target. Stealth as opener is fine, that's been accepted in MMO's since forever. Repeated stealth during combat is something that needs rework.


    > 5. Sieging T3 keeps is pure cancer, luckily I think the devs know about this as per their upcoming changes. Sieging T3 keeps currently feel like banging your head against a wall, all the while getting ac, mortar, and trebbed on. We need more player engagement, less banging our heads against the wall. Oh yeah, certain classes can toss siege disablers while using an unblockable ability, making them able to disable siege even when you have a shield on it. Please fix, this makes everything so much worse when attempting to break a T3 keep.


    Scourge aoe spam is far more broken and obsurd in wvw than fb and scrapper will ever be, but yeah fb and scrapper are definitely 2 of the many op specs

  7. My biggest gripe while defending from a wall is when a group of scourges literally cut of the whole top edge of the side their attacking while they bust the gate. They control the offence as they do with zerg battles. The profound impact of that one spec in wvw is incredible, so much so the mode would play out significantly different if they were changed in a way to remove the aoe spam.its also crazy arenanet hadn't done so.

  8. > @"rapthorne.7345" said:

    > Any skill, ability or trap that can be used to dismount someone instantly will lead to an even bigger sway in favour towards thieves who can already dance around huge numbers of players with no risk to themselves. The warclaw pounce is one of the only decently effective weapons against this insanely unbalanced WvW gank class, and allowing them to instantly dismount people gives them even more power.


    Lol hit the thief twice and prob solved,pure l2p issue.very rarely see permastealth de/dd these days.

  9. Well that's interesting, I made it a point the second time he did it to make sure I wasn't crazy. Not first time I've seen classes port away from me that I swear have no ports.oh well not a surprise

  10. > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

    > im just gonna throw my 2 cents in here ( idc about grammar so come at me )


    > over 2k ranked thief games ( most before season even came out) /age 5.6k hours / 2.1k days

    > i've always soloq, and i pretty much only wvw and pvp.


    > to Op most these people here are just anti stealth, dont listen to them. your feelings are correct. Anet has nerfd thieves almost every update since i can remember. almost exclusively IMO. now before someone ask " well do you play any other classes?'', yes. i have one of each class and 2 mes. all has countless hours in wvw .. some have more than others in pvp.

    > thief gets nerf'd because of people laziness. now some people complaints are warrant. but still mostly L2P.

    > **Example**; thief stealths and goes for backstab. noob panics, blows all cooldowns doesnt thow AOE on top of self, turn cleave turn cleave dodge cleave , stand back to wall.... naw just does random. complain on forum, anet nerfs back-stab adding 1s delay ( on 3 sec stealth i was d/d thief for 2 years) if you get blocked, miss ,they are invul, they blind you, etc....and every class has abundance of access to these skills, on top of high damage, evades, stealth, stealth reveal, AOE etc., now while BS did hit kinda hard.. and you could stealth stack, they not only nerf'd the stealth via the delay, but lowered damage, stealth stacking in many attempts.


    > OMGLUL thief removed all my boons via a 2 step skill that has no cooldown . _Anet_ : remove less boons add delay tone damage down.OMGLUL they can port to us and not have to port back. _Anet_: NERFHAMMER!.. Thieves : well what about our porting issues? _Anet_: ADD MOAR.


    > i can go on trust me

    > the amount of nerfs that thieves have recieved are ridiculous. Mesmer tho? takes what 4 seasons? holosmith still doing everything lol... heck revs are better thieves than thieves without stealth. thieves are wet papers that is still expect to perform like heavy duty paper. and thats how it use to be. now... i hardly touch my thief and i always .. and i mean always go for thieves first even before necro... easy kill




    No ur wrong! go to the anti theif forum aka mesmer forum (for some reason) and u will clearly see thief is op broken and can be played and be very effective by noobs.steal is as effective as MC was,our ports are better,damage better and ini should be reduced 50% lmao cant believe u guys are complaining about a spec that's barely received any nerfs and last few yrs have just been buffed.i mesam look at all the crazy damage dueling with s/d does, the burst is crazy on sword not to mention the damage d/p does especially the pistol oh man drops people like crazy and just eats thru their sustain.l2p :)



  11. Rev,guard,mesmers,necro's and engi are all really fun.dont go thief. It depends on what content u enjoy most as some classes are suited more for different content.ranger and necro are face roll easy for pve etc,guards are meta for suport in all game modes via fb and scourge rules zerg life in wvw. Mesmers ,guards and revs can be viable in all modes of ur looking for somthing to go anywhere with.

  12. Warclaw removed almost all threat from the spawn camp to the location of the zerg. That's great for zergers and I'm glad now they enjoy the mode more now that the can play their zerg builds with very little worry of an engagement between spawn and zerg. Its unfortunate that we as human show our true colors in how the pro warclaw players have little or no disregard for the other half of long time players that enjoyed the actual danger imposed during travel whether they were roamers or not.half the excitement was removed from the mode for players that liked there to be risk during travel, but as long as u the zergers are happy lmao. People as a whole are garbage,present company included.

  13. Revs more fun imo, u lose the ability to change utilities but more often than not most classes have a handful of useful utilities and the rest useless so u usually only swap between a few anyways and with rev u get 2 sets to swap between at anytime. Both guard and rev have great skill visuals and effects. I'd say revs skull cieling is higher.

  14. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > then i want to remove rifle from thief

    > > it belongs to warrior and engi first, and rifle makes no sense in the all "sneaky sneaky" gameplay of a thief when suddenly you fire laser beams that you can hear on the moon still


    > You have no idea how much I agree with that.


    I 2nd that lol

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