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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > but what about the dodges?

    > > >

    > > > What about them?

    > >

    > > i said this many times in other threads but

    > >

    > > swipe is not supposed to be equal to core steal it's supposed to be a downgrade for getting the benefits of DrD dodges (which aren't mentioned in any discussion). i'm not saying this because "change was good anet perfect *slurp slurp*" as some ppl seem to take it but rather that we should improve the DrD dodge mechanic to where a downgrade to steal would be justifiable rather then put swipe on equal grounds with core steal.


    > I kinda agree, but daredevil in its current state is not able to compete with any duelers/team fighters in spvp. Imo dodges are fine, it just lacks more survi. Ur out of dodges and ur dead in 1 secs.

    > So rn dd is not able to roam properly, nor duel nor teamfight


    The problem is arenanet needs to stop listen to non thief players who dont want thief to be a viable dueler,and theres more non thief players than thief players so the feed back has alot more thiefs OP and thiefs sustain and dps is fine l2p etc. U cant tell me the dev balancing thief is doing 1v1 on DD thinking yeah this seems viable lol or maybe thier thought is it seems weak cuz I dont play it much but I'm sure it's fine for players who play it lol or maybe they just go off number data lmao

  2. > @"Xenji.4907" said:

    > I hope ANet is seeing this. Some of the symptoms of the last patch. Losing confidence in the profess and the balance team. In turn, losing confidence in the game and warning others about it.


    It wont matter, arenanet dev team is like that friend who will never admit thier wrong or that they messed up even if it had negative effects. U will never see hey guys we tried somthing different and tho on paper seemed good it didnt fit well in game and with the players who have invested in the class so we're going back to the drawing board as we definitely want to change some things up on DD to further push its unique identity as a spec.thank u all for the feedback.lol will never happen

  3. I cant believe exhaustion is still on unhindered combatant on a class that only lives by evades, when classes in today's iteration can have instant rez pets,sic em,herald can walk around with perma fury,might,regent and swiftness,guards have pulsing free blocks among countless skill blocks as well as invulnerability,scrappers out stealth thiefs and almost perma cleans aoe with gyro,holes have great everything.its like classes that had hard downsides added to the past dont get any changes when arenets future changes give more power creep to other classes with zero downsides. Let's nerf a glassy stealth rogue classes ability to stealth for long periods and than later on give a non stealth class a pulsating 15 sec of stealth that follow the class around lmao the balance in this game literally couldnt be worse of the development team just grabbed random people off the street to make changes.

  4. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > And seriously, this player base needs to cool off with its "but I've played thief for X hours and I'm rank Y" identity politics. Thief has always been incredibly broken due to having zero weapon skill CDs despite them granting easy access to teleports (both ground-targeted and those which go through terrain), high-damage attacks which are insulated with protracted damage negation periods, and instant invisibility which has never had any consistent counters in the game (inflicting Revealed had never been present in GW2 for years, and even with options for it within the current game iteration, nobody deliberately takes them for tray specific feature because Revealed application as a standalone mechanic is a waste of a skill/trait slot). Just because thieves lack the willpower to stand back and look at the game holistically doesn't mean that their class is "underpowered." In fact, the reality of other class builds stomping out thief PvP presence is evidence that the game is effectively beyond saving.


    Haven't read a post wich such biased ignorance in a while, u would get along with incisor well.

    To ur ridiculous points

    Thief has no weapon cooldowns_trade off are ini is global resource.once used no weapon skills are useable which translates to being worse than having cd's especially since some skills like IA take 1/3 of ur ini per use. Also all utilities have cd's.


    Lots of easy access to teleports

    What class doesnt these days? Kidding aside all tele use ini or have appropriate CD lengths. Tele on thief is there to balance its low sustain unlike some classes with access who have sustain. Most tele dont do dps.


    High damage skills?

    Just this shows u do not play thief and are just but hurt as u must have got lardely outplayed by a thief and are mis placing the anger at the thief and not towards your aperant low skill level.

    U can literally build full zerks and pop assassins sig and pound on most classes using most of thiefs standard skills and due to the passive and active sustain classes have these days they will block,go invulnerable and or out heal ypure damage all while downing u in 3 hits,any three hits.. As a rogue character that's supposed to be glassy,mobile and deadly the balance is way off in this games version of thief. Only reliable dps or burst thief has is cheap one trick pony builds like perma stealth MBS etc which is annoying to die to as much as it is annoying to rely on. This promotes unhealthy playstyle and alot of salt from the opposition


    Tele thru walls is a issue with other professions as well as thief so. Also these skills suffer from no line of sight issues at inapropriate times just as often.


    Mentioning thieves ability to get to different elevations is also a silly point as its ability to do do isn't any worse than a rev,scourge or mesmer to name a few attacking elevated surfaces from range with aoe'S and clones or attacking through wall,some classes JI on guard can set up it's big burst tele to an opponent at an elevated surfaces yet u pick on thiefs ability to access them for mobility or disengagrment purposes? Ok.

    Anyway I think if most people legitimately spent time on thief they'd see how underperforming they actually are but that in itself is a ridiculous thought.

  5. Just making preparedness baseline would open up the possibility of running DA and CS which would help alleviate thiefs dps-sustain issues as well as add build diversity as trickery wouldn't be a need to have traitline in every build. I really dont know how arenanet hasn't seen that but maybe I'm wrong and it's not a good idea.

  6. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > For one using a ridiculously OP spec as a reference of being able to easily deal with scrappers is silly and I think u know that. Not that I think scrappers are super OP now but a soulbeast deleting a spec easily is just a situation where a crazy OP dps build out damaged a OP sustain build. Also before the scrapper was buffed in the first place I could have just as easily went into buff scrapper post and said I do fine with scrapper u guys just need to l2p but if 95% of the scrapper playerbase is telling me that its underperforming hmmm I donno,just my two cents.


    > Well, the point of that video was that you can kill a scrapper with one of the glassiest builds out there. But if you see it as one OP spec Beating the other... Not sure what to say. What profession are you playing?


    I was playing thief for 4 yrs now but other than mobility the class sucks compared to when I started playing it and got continually worse over the years.now trying to learn scrapper/holo, spellbreaker and rev. Been playing more ESO nightblade lately so learning the classes in and out been bit slower. Think maybe just a bit of gw burn out aswell lol. Holo and rev have been really fun to learn,cool visuals and great burst,engi is so versitile. Core warriors been fun in pve cuz feel like a beast,not good enough yet to pvp with it yet,only level 50. Dont like using scrolls when learning,donno how many hundreds of them I even have from wvw lol

  7. For one using a ridiculously OP spec as a reference of being able to easily deal with scrappers is silly and I think u know that. Not that I think scrappers are super OP now but a soulbeast deleting a spec easily is just a situation where a crazy OP dps build out damaged a OP sustain build. Also before the scrapper was buffed in the first place I could have just as easily went into buff scrapper post and said I do fine with scrapper u guys just need to l2p but if 95% of the scrapper playerbase is telling me that its underperforming hmmm I donno,just my two cents.

  8. Swipe woulda been easier to swallow if the team actually changed DD to be even close to a viable brawler, most the classes will still stomp thief in a fight.changes wernt enough to counter the swipe change so now class isn't a better brawler it's just worse version of what it was before.

  9. Deed is right imo.no way arenanet would have conceived swipe as a side or upgrade even with unblockable added. If so than I dont kno what to say lol. Problem is the need to do more to make DD a more viable brawler,than swipe would be a fair trade off and would have been warranted. The trait changes really dont add dps or sustain in any significant amount.

  10. Thiefs been gutted enough and unfortunately needs whatever carry skills it has. Atleast it's a carry skill and not a carry build or class like most.theres more for arenanet to worry about than dagger storm

  11. Well alot of people are telling me that so hopefully they fix it soon so I can see u guys there lol. I'm only level 15 and have had great performance so far so hopefully that doesnt change.

  12. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > How is this not a nerf?


    > The mechanic should have changed from steal and we lose stolen abilities, like reapers lost core shroud and gained reaper shroud (different abilities). Deadeyes Mark is a differnt ability (tradeoff).


    > There is no way this is anything but a nerf. This "trade" is useless when anyone can 1-2 shot you or peg you to death with ranged before you can do anything. Staff ain't this gap closing maching.


    > It needs to be a completely different skill that makes sense with daredevils. We could already be unblockable. It's 4 years too late...and if you had done it 4 years ago, we still would have raised hell.


    > Forever, and ever decap and +1 bots. Beep boop booopoty decapped...mission complete.


    > THIEF THIEF DECAP! OMG How you DIED? WHY you mid? RES ME!


    > Guess it's off to ESO to kitten up some mud crabs with my nightblade.


    Lmao thats exactly what I'm doin

  13. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > all I hear is qq this qq that. steal range nerf 100% correlates with lack of damage and sustain. please go back to school. more then half of the thieves that use steal to engage instead of rupting a heal die to whatever bad build im playing. oh no I cant tele through terrain as much anymore, something anet said they were going to do something about like 2 years ago. oh no theyre finally doing something about it!


    > People who don't play thief calling justified complains as _"qq"_ is exactly why we got where we are.

    > Two people who know something about thief told you that using Steal to engage was primary most effective gameplay for d/p and you just go on babbling the same _"oh I don't play thief but people using the only relevant burst combo to do burst combo are bad"_ and then proceed to describe an S/D thief Steal-gameplay even further prooving your complete lack of knowledge and experience with Thief, so tell me, how do you even dare to keep babbling your nonse around here when you are clearly lost?


    Welcome to thief threads lol non thief players posting about how thief players are just a bunch of bad players,always statingbthey know other magical thief players that say the class is strong lmao. It's like they think it will some how result in thief being kept as a decap bot so they wont need to worry about thieves standing a chance against their prefered class in a fight,as if arena net needs help with that lol

  14. I've played yrs of s/d what are u on about? U have survivability by s2 away and engage other than that u have no more survivability than any thief build,sure may be an improvement on survivability but still is garbage as is sword damage compared to what other classes are hitting.u have an unblockable sure but over all dps of s/d is low and any burst with it are far lower than other classes burst that have far more innate sustain. Why are u so fixated on s/d? Theres more to a class than one build.atleast in a proper balanced game there should be which seems to not be what u believe.anyway not wasting any more time arguing nonsense with a biased rev player,ur arguing with a long time thief player who left thief for rev cuz it's better in all ways except getting to decap and disengagement lmao it's taken a role from thief in conquest and sure is better than thief in wvw as far as being effective in zergs etc.

  15. > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Haha yeah ur right it's all us bad s/d thiefs that relegated thiefs to a +1 class. Get real. Gues sind is a bad thief? Heard him in streams mention noodle dps on thief multiple times but he must not be good since he knows to avoid most 1v1 cuz to risky and waste to much time lmao


    > S/d thiefs have more survibily and escape+ dis abilities than Rev .

    > What does Sind or whaever he called to do about it ?


    > You are telling me that Reve , have more survibility and i corrected you that S/d have more .

    > Can you read ?


    Lmao are u serious? I have been playing rev alot lately. U keep saying s/d has more disengagement than rev and more sustain.i never once said rev had the same or more disengagement ability compared to thief,can u read? Of course thief has more disengagement than rev and I even stated being able to disengage is one thing I miss on rev.what I did say is that rev has higher dps,higher dps bursts,more types of bursts and better IN COMBAT sustain. Saying theif has good sustain is like saying theif has the best sustain in the game because it can just run away(though alot of classes if played right can catch them most times) so than in ur mind it's ok for a class to be garbage in a fight because it can run away? That's ridiculous. Seems like a class that isn't viable in combat due to being able to run from it would be a fun realistically balanced class lmao. Sounds awsome to just run from everything,would u like to play a class demoted to that? Lmao a rev player actually complaining about thief, thiefs good at 2 things, recap and +1 and revs now better at the one kinds fun role thief had.

  16. > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > You havent meet thiefs S/D

    > Strange for a person that play for 4 years


    > Edit: its different things to get away like the classes you listed , and different things to Kite (cc while dpsing)


    While thief chases or disengages its either using all its ini with sb5 and cant use any weapon skills if caught which can happen with mesmer,sb or warrior so their dead.or usetheir utilities in which u dont escape far enough from and still use all ur weapon ini on sb5 all while soulbeast can keep.close enough to delete u with one rapid fire or rev with one burst lmao sound like ur clueless

  17. Haha yeah ur right it's all us bad s/d thiefs that relegated thiefs to a +1 class. Get real. Gues sind is a bad thief? Heard him in streams mention noodle dps on thief multiple times but he must not be good since he knows to avoid most 1v1 cuz to risky and waste to much time lmao

  18. > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > > > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > > > > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > > > > > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > > > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > unrivaled mobility.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > lol......LOL.......

    > > > > > > > > > > # LOL

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > SB 5 is strong for sure and effective in a game mode like conquest but it's not OP in any way and suffers from drawbacks like 6 ini cost and no line of sight bugs and becomes less important in pve with mounts. SB skills 1-4 are objectively worse than other bow skills,sure thiefs learned to make best with what they got ie choking gas on downed opponents,pre cast clusters with steal(not with swipe lol) and cluster in fields etc all inch uses except maybe a low dps way to tag enemies and kilm clones due to auto ricochet lol. Sb as a whole is not a reason a class is OP or needs to be underpowered in the slightest.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > This is PVP MY DUDE who cares about mounts.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > If you put all the weapon skills side by side it is not possible to argue that Infiltrator's Arrow hasnt singlehandedly won more conquest matches on it's own than any other weapon skill. That is objectively overpowered conpared to every other class weapon skill.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Portal got rebalanced for being heads and shoulders above all other utilty skills and singlehandedly winning more games than any of them. It's time to give Infiltrator's Arrow the same treatment.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > They can take that away after they give something (many things such as more health, sustain, moar damage, better attacks, and a button dedicated to reliably under every circumstance 1-shot mirages) back, unless you want to give infiltrator's arrow 10,000 range. I'll take that portal treatment.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you want more damage in attacks , then give all other ranged characters the ability to kite any Meele spec (and i mean real kite , like 24/7 with cc and slow ) . in order to give up the bases and kite your kitten :)

    > > > > > If meele must do major damage , then the ranged must kite forever .

    > > > > > And strafe attack (reduce the angle that you can run away , while attacking

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ootherwise if meele character , keep all the tools to stay on target , give the defenders more survubily or damage

    > > > >

    > > > > Range classes can kite very well, they don't need buffs. The ones that can't kite so well do massive massive mastiff damage or melt you with AOE, the other is a non-stop evade machine.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > When i mean Kite , i dont mean dodge once , do a cripple and then getting attacked again by the meele in 2 sec .

    > > > More like the P/P Daredevil thief and his dodge get away trait .

    > > >

    > > > I would love to get this treatment on Regenate(Revenant) , whie all his utilities offers aoe buffs (place totems)

    > >

    > > While thief would love a power house weapon like hammer in wvw and would love the multiple higher burst dps options revs have making them a better +1 class etc. Revs also got more sustain compared to thief. Only area rev loses to thief is disengagement. I say this as a rev also player.


    > Thiefs dont allow the target he escape + they can disengagement .

    > Sothe victim must have more survibility .... ring a bell ? :P

    > The victim (slow character) either will kite or have more survibility


    Revs and most other classesd ont need disengagement seeing as they can actually win fights lmao I miss disengagement when I rev somtimes but miss the dps and sustain that I had on rev far more often when I I thief so. Running away instead of being able to stay in fight is far less enjoyable playstyle aswell. I also disengage quite well on my mesmer,soulbeast,scrapper and warrior :)

  19. > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > Except initiative is a global mechanic across all the specs which makes it relevant. And all weapon sets are usable by elite specs which means stealth/mobility/damage are all relevant to it as well. If elite specs locked you into those weapons then maybe you would have some ground to stand on but that isn't the case. I can pick deadeye and choose not to go rifle at all and go D/D and SB still.


    > If that build began to be decent in sPvP, what would Anet do then? They would have to alter the deadeye spec traits and deadeyes mark which affects rifle due to core weapon sets?


    > You can't ignore core mechanics just because you are trying to change an elite spec. The changes affect everything.


    > I am going to assume development in any way shape or form isn't your career like it is mine, but when adding new features to a website or a piece of software it is usually best to keep them agnostic of old features as it can become a mess. Whether the new features make old ones harder to maintain or straight overshadow older features. Which is the case anet ran into.


    > They introduced a variable(elite specs) but didn't keep them agnostic of the core. So now you have a jumbled mess where something on paper to them(changing steal to swipe and giving it 600 range) seems to make sense but in turn deleted D/P from viability.


    > Anet doesn't look into what effects changes can have which is development 101. Which is why changes should be tested before being launched. Just implementing something without thorough testing would get me canned in no time. So actually I am surprised the balance team even still has jobs after the layoffs.


    Hopefully for them the higher ups at ncsoft dont frequent the gw2 forums lately.

  20. > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > > @"Woof.8246" said:

    > > > > @"Gundam Style.8495" said:

    > > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > > > > unrivaled mobility.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > lol......LOL.......

    > > > > > > > > # LOL

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Objectively true. If you look at weapon kits, Shortbow 5 easily outclasses every other professions weapon 5 skill in terms of just how much it swings games. It is objectively the strongest weapon skill in the game in terms of game impact. It's like old mesmer portal in terms of how OP Portal is over other utilities but in terms of weapon scale. I think once Shortbow 5 is addressed, maybe limiting it to 450 units, we can see thieves moved into a more fair role where they can be more consistent 1v1ers and team damage dealers.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > SB 5 is strong for sure and effective in a game mode like conquest but it's not OP in any way and suffers from drawbacks like 6 ini cost and no line of sight bugs and becomes less important in pve with mounts. SB skills 1-4 are objectively worse than other bow skills,sure thiefs learned to make best with what they got ie choking gas on downed opponents,pre cast clusters with steal(not with swipe lol) and cluster in fields etc all inch uses except maybe a low dps way to tag enemies and kilm clones due to auto ricochet lol. Sb as a whole is not a reason a class is OP or needs to be underpowered in the slightest.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This is PVP MY DUDE who cares about mounts.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you put all the weapon skills side by side it is not possible to argue that Infiltrator's Arrow hasnt singlehandedly won more conquest matches on it's own than any other weapon skill. That is objectively overpowered conpared to every other class weapon skill.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Portal got rebalanced for being heads and shoulders above all other utilty skills and singlehandedly winning more games than any of them. It's time to give Infiltrator's Arrow the same treatment.

    > > > >

    > > > > They can take that away after they give something (many things such as more health, sustain, moar damage, better attacks, and a button dedicated to reliably under every circumstance 1-shot mirages) back, unless you want to give infiltrator's arrow 10,000 range. I'll take that portal treatment.

    > > >

    > > > If you want more damage in attacks , then give all other ranged characters the ability to kite any Meele spec (and i mean real kite , like 24/7 with cc and slow ) . in order to give up the bases and kite your kitten :)

    > > > If meele must do major damage , then the ranged must kite forever .

    > > > And strafe attack (reduce the angle that you can run away , while attacking

    > > >

    > > > Ootherwise if meele character , keep all the tools to stay on target , give the defenders more survubily or damage

    > >

    > > Range classes can kite very well, they don't need buffs. The ones that can't kite so well do massive massive mastiff damage or melt you with AOE, the other is a non-stop evade machine.

    > >

    > >


    > When i mean Kite , i dont mean dodge once , do a cripple and then getting attacked again by the meele in 2 sec .

    > More like the P/P Daredevil thief and his dodge get away trait .


    > I would love to get this treatment on Regenate(Revenant) , whie all his utilities offers aoe buffs (place totems)


    While thief would love a power house weapon like hammer in wvw and would love the multiple higher burst dps options revs have making them a better +1 class etc. Revs also got more sustain compared to thief. Only area rev loses to thief is disengagement. I say this as a rev also player.

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