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Everything posted by Dawdler.8521

  1. > @"Gwaihir.1745" said: > Downstate should go. You lost the fight, spawn and get back to it. Also removes enemies bleeding you out. But you didnt loose the fight yet. Its the same as saying *"the enemy is below 30% hp thats it I won."*. Have you won?
  2. > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > @"Svennis.3852" said: > > > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > > lest us never forget the original trailer for the game. If anything, it shows you the detachment of knowing what players actually want: > > > > Oh my, I have never seen that... What a batty trailer!!! > > > > > > I honestly still can not work out what this trailer was for, or what it was even meant to mean. > Spray paint a wall with 'Blue paint' but red comes out, 'our time is now' time for what? > > Step on some fire with your bare feet, swim in a sunken earth cruise ship and emerge on the other side as a norn with tatts? Like they had an entire game to make the trailer from but they used unrelated footage, with very little connection to the game. > > > I mean they may prove us wrong down the line by giving us Blue red spray paint to use ingame. PR department: *"We need a trailer that capture the MMO feeling!"* Anet artists: *"Ok we got lots of high action clips of fights and scenery"* PR department: *"No we mean FEELINGS! With an epic voice!"* Anet artists: *"... you mean like a story mission voiceover about Tyria?"* PR department: *"NO, FUCK it we'll do it ourselves just give us some characters walking across a beach and yelling or something."*
  3. > @"Gwaihir.1745" said: > Hes leaving out the part where fb's are becoming semi rare in wvw because well theyre kitten to play, even amongst commanding players. Poor things lost the lootstick. The world weeps for the guardian.
  4. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > But, i mean, they could sell the race change the same as makeover kits. They could monetize it. For how much, idk, but i don't think it changes that much to be worth 12k gems or something. It probably has more to do with Anet not be willing to code that in because it's not "useful enough to waste time on" or whatever... It doesnt change much, but the point is that it *bypass monetization*. A character can have what, 6000+ gems worth of upgrades? You cant just put a race change in the same category as a makeover kit when it comes to cost.
  5. Its still guardians except now they're even more bunker with minstrels and even better at it as firebrands.
  6. > @"GameTheory.8059" said: > You think a commander can’t dedicate a group of players to holding camps. Or another commander can’t form a roaming squad to defend objectives? Hahahahaha... most commanders seem to think that 1 roamer is enough to take a T3 camp defended by 20+ enemies because its keep is about to upgrade. They cant even dedicate a group to focus party nowadays, let alone something more complicated. And the other commander would instantly be told to tag off because the main commander need **everyone** on him, even if the other commander was there first. GW2 is meant to let you do whatever you want. Giving rewards for being on voice is biased because it implies thats how its meant to be played and anything else is wrong. The very fact of being on voice is already an advantage. You might as well just give 5 bonus pips for login in with a guardian and -5 for login in with a ranger.
  7. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > Personally, I believe that if you did the story line on all the races ... maybe you should be able to change. I have no clue what game coding challenges that provides though. > > Another option ... if you delete a level 80 ... you get a level 80 booster in return ... maybe a compromise? Long ago I posted a sequence that would require little to no coding challenges. A "race change" in GW2 is just a series of database changes. TL;DR is just an automatic version of the manual way - create a new character->transfer everything over it->delete the old. If you put extreme conditions on it, such as it deleting everything on your character and inventory (the only thing transfered would be the gemstore unlocks) you would skip alot of the conditional inventory management that would otherwise need to take place. People also keep saying "oh buh buh buh story will mess up!". No. That's not a problem if you only allow race change for level 80 characters that has completed the main story. Since you cant do that again and it's literally only text on a screen, it's irrelevant. The actual story arc information in your character menu could just be a diffuse "you're a Norn adopted by the Asura and that's why you did the Asura things in your youth, later in your life you became a raven worshipping hippie dont ask". But as I keep saying after all that, it'll never happen. Because GW2 is a game for alts. You are *meant* to buy a new character slot and you are *meant* to spend gemstore cash on inventory slots and you are *meant* to cry about not having templates and then giving in and spending more cash. This is what the GW2 monetization is all about. Race change is the complete opposite of that, unless you make it cost so much people would choose the former anyway. Though I suppose some would *still* spend say 12,000 gems on a race change and tbh at that point Anet can just do it manually.
  8. > @"Excursion.9752" said: > > @"Sorlis.9238" said: > > Honestly, I don't even think this game is worth playing. I have a lot of hours in it, and I regret it. > It may be more helpful to list the reasons why you regret it. What would it matter if he listed it? I could probably have learned fluent Japanese with the hours spent in GW2. Or taken a black belt in karate. Regret is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is whether you enjoy doing it and have the time in your life to spare.
  9. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > 3. Make it so that when you cap objectives you gain X number of pips to the reward track. Recipe for disaster because the only thing it will lead to is **zero** defense so they can flip things over and over as fast as possible because thats the most rewards, defending is just wasted time. We already see it today but at least its mostly just worthless karma. Your idea would make it 100x worse. If you double it for defense you completely break the game because on the "accidental" T3 objectives that cant flip easily, you can just whisper the enemy to shoot at a wall so you can repair and then return the favor for them. Or just login to an alt account and start feeding pips. It literally removes the reason to play for the actual game mode.
  10. > @"nopinopa.4861" said: > > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > my goal is to not put my hopes up no matter how much they hype stuff, they have done plenty in the past and they never fail to disappoint. > > Yeah, after The Champions, I think, this is the best strategy. Don't wait for anything good, especially from EotD. If it will be just as quality as champs, you won't be disappointed, and if it'll be something good, you'll be surprised in a good way. > > I think, I should set it as my goal as well, lol Whatever do you mean, surely alliances will come with EoD.
  11. > @"Mauzi.5892" said: > For what it's worth: I just did HoT map completion and almost all HPs solo with my scrapper. Not underpowered and you certainly don't die very fast, at all. Keyword there being "scrapper", which if it is a power build is *much* better equipped to fight HoT mobs compared to a dire core engineer. Even if your experience with HP trains has been horrible, that's the answer for PvE if the mobs - especially the HP mobs, for obvious reasons - is giving problems.
  12. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"anduriell.6280" said: > > * Player has a constant "faster than normal" speed > > Chronos have constant "faster than normal" speed. :tongue: Them banning thieves from WvW because mount->leap->dismount->tp skills->mount->leap->dismount->repeat is faster than just just mounting and running normally would also be acceptable.
  13. > @"GameTheory.8059" said: > I’m NA prime time commander on JQ, recently came back to the game and 95% of the time run open. > > Honestly, I think players need to be rewarded for joining a squad + voice comms. How would that work? Let commander pre determine squad comp and reward players for fulfilling a purpose in that comp. As for voice comms? Not sure, the best way to reward people here.... aside for staying the obvious: If you are in voice comms you will live longer & get more bags. > > But hey if you want to start paying commanders, slide into my DMs LOL. I honestly, don’t think it will fix the root of the problem. I don’t command because I get bunch of legendaries out of WvW I command because I love the challenge and enjoy building a team / squad. That sounds awfully biased. Why shouldnt I get a reward for rushing to camps and towers in desperate attempts to hold on to something on the map that the commander dont give a shit about as he spends 45 minutes scrimming with an enemy zerg outside bay accomplishing nothing. And at the end, with the current system that *already* gives commanders bonus pips and the very design of the game giving the zerg 10-20 times the loot of the roamer.... you just want more. *More more more!!!*. Well, at least its like the real world.
  14. > @"Svarty.8019" said: > I read ~~most~~ some of the OP. > > I believe the great idea here is to remove the target cap on fixed siege - or something like that. Using zerg-size to mitigate damage is cheese of the highest order. Wensleydale or Double Gloucester or somesuch. ... siege has a current target cap of 50. What do you want to increase it to, 100? I doubt it will make a difference.
  15. > @"chat.4062" said: > Really disappointed, as usual. As i understand u find global dps too high so there is reduction for all class, efficiency of boons is the same way. > But in the same time u touch cd of weapons and you go far far away , til 5 scd ( main hand). There is no way autoshot to be fun. Assume more dps reduction but let a rotation on the weapon. The game have to stay fun and dynamic. My 2 cents This thread is a year old, you necro skills seems to still have enough dps.
  16. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > people said that warclaw has the "griffon bug", means when mounting up, the cam gets stuck/locked into position and u gotta move it around a bit to get fine again. name's coming from, bc the griffon apparently has the same issue when mounting up, idk since i don't own one. Because the warclaw is mechanically a griffon, they just cut off the wings and gave it another model. Thats why it looks so chunky.
  17. 500 people prime in WvW? There are 15 servers in EU, so each server would have to field 33 players in total. Ignoring Obsidian, each server has 4 different borders to be on. That means each server has 8 players average per EB and borders. Now, how exactly does each server have 8 players on say EB when it's literally queued every prime (80+)? Even if we assume that *all* the players are there... you still only got 33 players. That's not enough to make a queue. And normally in prime, there are 1-2 borders queued on top of EB being queued, ie ~200-250 players on a single server Now, I know there are a *alot* of zerglings running around but come on... They're not all bots? Also around 340,000 deaths has occured in 3 days of the EU matchups (+ reset hours). Those 500 players got some serious moves.
  18. > @"kash.9213" said: > > @"anduriell.6280" said: > > > @"kash.9213" said: > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > > > @"anduriell.6280" said: > > > > > I think we all agree with the notion stealth is trash mechanic. Not only for thief but also for druid, dragon hunter and engineer. > > > > > I'd like to say the stealth on dodge from [silent Scope](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silent_Scope) and the revealed removal from [shadow Meld](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Meld) are very toxic mechanics at the same level of [Ancient Seeds](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancient_Seeds). > > > > > > > > > > But if Anet remove those mechanics the Deadeye will be really useless. And it will not address the main issue wich is a mechanic with no counter like it is stealth. Any other nerfs to the class will not work as the thief can circumvent all the nerfs to stealth or mobility (which is also an issue in a class with no cooldowns when it can reset the fight whenever they want but the enemies can't reset the cooldowns). > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > As such i will again propose this: > > > > > * **First : While stealthed the character enters combat.** This is very important as i'm able to mount while in stealth. > > > > > * Deadeye converts all incoming stealth to extended [Camouflage ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Camouflage). For each application of stealth it is converted to camouflage plus additional seconds so the effect last longer. Camouflage makes the deadeye invisible but it can not perform any actions, not even movement. I gains stealth in [Death's Retreat](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Retreat) and in [shadow Flare](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Flare) and [shadow Swap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Swap) which is a cantrip with no use. So everytime it uses a teleport can be seen for less than a second. > > > > > * Stealth from thief and smoke fields only makes invisible to enemies farther than 600 units. Any enemy closer than that to the thief will be able to see the thief but not reveal it. A trait could be so the range is reduced to 300 only for the thief. This will fix not only the Thief but also any other means of stealth like the druid, the trapper runes, etc... > > > > > * Stealth from mesmers works the other way around. The mesmer is invisible to enemies in a range of 600 with a trait to make it wider up to 900. > > > > > > > > > > And like that we fix many issues and open squad spots for thieves and mesmers, as the first will guarantee stealth while approaching while the other stealth on close. > > > > Or you could just tweak **existing mechanics** to actually have some meaning: > > > > > > > > - Each second someone remains in stealth adds a second to revealed which gets applied when the person exits stealth (either by attacking another player or stacked stealth expiring). > > > > > > > > And there you go. Problem solved. If a deadeye want to stay stealthed for 1 minute, he can be. But afterwards he cannot stealth for 1 minute. If a tp theif want to stealth for 5s, appear to do a single attack and stealth again then infinetily repeat it as they teleport back and forward... nope. You can stealth for 5 seconds sure. But that means you cant for 5 seconds. > > > > > > > > Simple and effective. > > > > > > That's a more realistic compromise. Silent scope isn't even that bad, you have spend Initiative bouncing out to keep distance or to swap and evade some which rifle doesn't have. Guy mentioning no cooldowns like everything is free is a good preview to the rest of his idea. > > > > I like your idea. **But deadeye can remove the revealed with [shadow Meld](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Meld).** That elite has 2 charges. How are you proposing to fix that? Are you thinking now adding a _new reveal_ which can't be removed? And then Anet adds a new stealth which can remove that reveal? That is the equivalent to power creep but for invisibility. > > > > That's why i thought about camouflage. The idea is to allow the DE to be stealthed for long periods of time with the only requirement to not to perform actions. Also Camouflage would fix the fact you only see the DE attacks when they hit you (with the only exception of [Death Judgement](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Judgment) which can be circumvented by using quickness so the 1 second precast is minimized) . Which means the DE can land an attack like [spotter's Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spotter%27s_Shot) from invisibility immobilise you then a [Three Round Burst](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Three_Round_Burst) and go back into stealth while you are still bussy cleansing the immob. > > > > **Camouflage would disappear as soon as the DE hit the action button in opposition to when the projectile hit you**, which gives the player the opportunity to perform a counter play if the target is quick enough. Now the first impact is hit guaranteed. I understand the concept may be difficult to see but there is a big difference between stealth and camouflage. > > > > That's why i came up wit the idea of the visibility radius for normal stealth. **The point is to give the target the possibility to dodge or perform an action and to understand what happened even if that margin is very slim**. Right now i can one shot some glass eles or mesmers even before they can do anything. > > > > I see it as a very cheesy mechanic which i understand is very unfun to play against. > > I think his idea shouldn't have to take Shadow Meld into consideration because that Elite Skill should be replaced. A DE Elite skill should be something that strengthens Kneel stance, like adds some defense and counter measures and allows temporary slow movement in crouch or something. I've also suggested before having some kind of proximity visual filter (only visual, while stealth mechanics still apply) that would force a stealth user to plan their resources and utilities to land a deceptive opener or heavy hit, but then people would need to be cool with something like that being a thing, which they most likely wouldn't be and there would be endless threads about that. Anet changes other skills willy nilly so Purity Of Purpose can hit the thief too, yes.
  19. Yeah the guild is kind of the point here. 50 people - or 1/10th of a max size guild - doing the meta would only need to provide 3 shovels each. Fairly sure thats simple to get and if you make something too simple its not really any better in an MMO literally built to be a gameplay loop.
  20. I played zerg necro yesterday for the first time in years and know exactly what the skills do thank you very much. I have no idea why the commander keep yelling push and breech though, I'm not pregnant.
  21. Fluff. Just extra fluff. All I want is the ability to hover over a tag and see the description that the commander has set so people stop fucking joining expecting a zerg tag when I run havoc, roaming or scout tag. Colors and shapes have become meaningless. Tag up and all you get is a bunch of seagulls going "pass?" in chat.
  22. Most important lesson here thats unfortunately not noted until the end of the video and somewhat glanced over - EoTM is not real WvW.
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