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Everything posted by Dawdler.8521

  1. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said: > > > > Every class can pick speed rune and every class with traps can benefit from trapper rune. Fun fact: trevor plays a class that can use traps and that can benefit from trapper rune. So his class is the one that comes closer to thief than dh ever could, as it has more mobility than dh and traps on top. > > > > > > "Every class can benefit" is bs. It you play guardian you can't benefit from rune of the chronomancer, on a mesmer you can't get anything from rune of speed, a warrior won't be to get anything from rune of the ranger. That's because on some classes it's actually impossible to get value from these runes. > > Uh, a mesmer gets permaswiftness with speed runes and 50% boon duration using the signet. > > > > Please tell me you're trolling. I need to know you are not being serious rn. Ok then mesmer get nothing from rune of speed in fact they move slower with it.
  2. > @"Fangoth.4503" said: > > @"Cuks.8241" said: > > > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > > 2 - How can I see players in my instance on the mini-map? If they aren't in my party, or dead/resurrectable, then I don't see them. Is there a setting to change this? > > > > Invite them to a party. I always do that at the start and most players accept. > > > > > > just don't, it's super annoying to receive invite when you choose to go in public to not have to deal with a group Well you are still there and they could annoy you with open text chat if they wanted. So I'm curious what it you would have to deal with that make any difference whatsoever. Unless potentially showing your dps to someone running arcdps make you feel naked, I suppose.
  3. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > > @"KrHome.1920" said: > > Every class can pick speed rune and every class with traps can benefit from trapper rune. Fun fact: trevor plays a class that can use traps and that can benefit from trapper rune. So his class is the one that comes closer to thief than dh ever could, as it has more mobility than dh and traps on top. > > "Every class can benefit" is bs. It you play guardian you can't benefit from rune of the chronomancer, on a mesmer you can't get anything from rune of speed, a warrior won't be to get anything from rune of the ranger. That's because on some classes it's actually impossible to get value from these runes. Uh, a mesmer gets permaswiftness with speed runes and 50% boon duration using the signet.
  4. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > Well in WvW you're supposed to use siege to get inside towers and keeps. Otherwise it's an exploit because you can bypass a mechanic. A siege where anything above 5 people means certain classes become unviable due to the heavy boonball zergmeta because then you can literally bypass anything as you run over single targets while being immune to damage, CC and conditions. I'm not concerned about the thief "bypassing" there, or the mesmer. Its a very specific utility on a class mostly used for very specific things. But imagine the scenario if portal was a core guard skill. The scourge tp is the only real issue there, they should never have gotten that.
  5. This thread was dead over a year ago, but now its alive again just like Dragons Stand.
  6. > @"Mil.3562" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > @"vier.1327" said: > > > Now go for 10ks rank. Become a legend. > > And then when you are a legend, realise no one care because you are just another lootbag. > > Do WvW legends have a chance to drop ascended loot bags? No but you might get a broken spork.
  7. > @"Tyncale.1629" said: > Fishing would be cool, but there is so much that can go wrong. Its true, Cantha is not in the Tyrian single market and customs union so its not worth it trying to export your caught fish.
  8. You can have multiple of the same yes, with all stat selection.
  9. > @"vier.1327" said: > Now go for 10ks rank. Become a legend. And then when you are a legend, realise no one care because you are just another lootbag.
  10. > @"Vombs.5917" said: > > > @"Svarty.8019 " said: > > Let me check... 4 queues at prime time... yep #dedgame. > 4 queues during primetime?! PLEASE delete the thread mods I've made a huge mistake :( WvW is in the best shape it's been in years! I wish the mods had a sense of humor and deleted this thread. Not because of this sarcastic comment of course, but rather due to your previous statement being so hilariously false. Because yes, there can actually be 4 queues in this dead mode. And no, they're not all roamers running away from each other. The good roamers left the game long ago. *Of course*.
  11. Europe already have servers and Asia has an entirerly different version of GW2.
  12. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > since i played much more FB lately... it would be nice if full dead were NOT rez-able. > > people swarm out like mosquitos and go then "rez plies" ... downstate is okay. it's a tactical mistake to not cleave downed any way. sign of misunderstanding tactical movement. This serves zero purpose other than delay further fights after you lost some people, most often in a situation where you are already at a disadvantage. Being able to res someone fully dead has never been an issue in WvW.
  13. > @"Threather.9354" said: > If they really want to keep it, what they should do is redesign desert map as neutral map then throw it alongside EB. *Mother: "I want an abortion!" Doctor: "Uhm... You're not pregnant?" Mother: "My son is 6 years old but I want an abortion!!!"* "If they want to keep it" isnt really a thing 6 years down the line and multiple fixed versions later that barely resemble original DBL. Whether they should have done so from the start and kept even 3-ways - or not done it at all, just remade ABL into desert version to keep borders uniform - is another argument.
  14. > @"Khisanth.2948" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > Well, an HD400 GPU in chromebook has 115 gflops of fp32 performance. > > > > In comparison an RTX3080 has 29770 gflops of fp32 performance. > > > > I'm sure it will run... uuuuh... great... depend on how old it is I guess. Newer chromebooks might be better. > > > > Edit: HD600 is a blazing 125 gflops! > > If we just go by fp32 performance a chromebook could do it ... well at least it meets the minimum system requirement ANet list on the purchase page. > > Minimum requirements > GeForce 8800 GTS 512 - 416 gflops > Radeon HD 2900 XT - 475.5 gflops > > Asus Flip C436 chromebook with Intel Core i7 10510U > Intel UHD Graphics 10510U - 441.6 gflops > > but that turns into "what is the best gaming laptop you can buy for $1000?" Its unlikely it will maintain absolute max boost for long while gaming with passive cooling though. Typical is probably below min. But hey I *have* played GW2 on a Surface Pro 2, which has a roughly similar GPU (little less powerfull, the low core count really hurts them). "Played" being a relative term, since it took about 10 minutes for me to become nauscious and nearly vomit because it was so choppy.
  15. Well, an HD400 GPU in chromebook has 115 gflops of fp32 performance. In comparison an RTX3080 has 29770 gflops of fp32 performance. I'm sure it will run... uuuuh... great... depend on how old it is I guess. Newer chromebooks might be better. Edit: HD600 is a blazing 125 gflops!
  16. Are there even laptops with 3000 series available yet? I havent seen any. Anyway, the problem isnt the GPU. It's the CPU. All laptops run crippled CPUs that will downclock heavily to run cool. Around that price range you can get a *decent* machine and they will pretty much run the same lines of CPU ~10700H-10800H with the same lines of mobile RTX2060-2080. As an example, Amazon.de has the Razer Blade 15 with a 10875H and 2070 Super Max-Q at €2500. But then again I would argue that you would see minimal difference in GW2 with a 10750H and 2060 or similar specced machine for €500-1000 less (especially if you dont "need" that 300hz screen). Do note that the Max-Q ones are almost full fat RTX cards, unlike the "regular" RTX mobile cards, a big chunk of performance difference. Got to consider if it's worth it for other things, not just GW2 (which applies even more so for laptops).
  17. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > But we know that’s not an accurate representation of population. Even if it was accurate for the actual population and activity, it doesnt represent effectiveness. A 10 man attacking guild can *dominate* a border during more quiet times even when defenders have 20+ on the border. Even during peak times with 50+50+50 zergs on the map fighting and killing each other for hours... whatever side is *actually* capping things is the winner on that border even if they loose the fights.
  18. > @"Helicity.3416" said: > Obviously I am not saying that. > Not every scrapper holo is a hacker, that's a ludicrous idea. > > However (so far) the only ones teleporting 6-7 times in a row while in downstate _are_ > > On a side note, you seem sort of hell-bent on making covert ad-hominems in every post here, and I'm finding it a little unpleasant. Well the thread went from being about "uncatcheable mortar engies everywhere" to *actually* being about potential hackers (or lag, those videos you caught would be neat to see). So yes I am a little argumentative because I questioned your initial post.
  19. Oh you mean you want a tag system that works exactly like the commander tag works? We already have that. It's called the commander tag. You can even hide it so there is no public marker and do whatever you want with the squad.
  20. > @"Helicity.3416" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > @"Helicity.3416" said: > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > > > > > > So what's this thread about? Seen neither increase or decrease in engineers lately - core are rare encounters, 95% of scrappers are still running zerg minstrels and holos are pretty much on the same power roamer builds since PoF release (and nowhere near the numbers pre range nerfed what-was-Anet-even-thinking holo shockwave). > > > > > > This thread is about, that for the past two weeks I'm seeing more and more of them in T1/T2 matchups, and I am wondering why. > > Havent seen anyone else note there are more mortar engies, nor seen anything like it in T2/T1. > > The mortar also hasnt been changed for... well forever I think. I dont know when it was last for WvW. It's only been nerfed in sPvP and that was almost a year ago. > > > > Anyone else seen mortar engies that are uncatchable proliferate these last weeks? > > > > > > > > To elaborate, I'm specifically curious if this increase is also related to the downstate teleporting scrappers I've been catching on video Ah so you saw someone either lagging or hacking and that means something is up with all these mortar spamming engineers that's suddenly everywhere in T1/T2. Got it. Possible I guess, but nobody rational would pick scrappers to hack with just for the mortar and being uncatchable when the thief and ranger exist.
  21. > @"Helicity.3416" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > > So what's this thread about? Seen neither increase or decrease in engineers lately - core are rare encounters, 95% of scrappers are still running zerg minstrels and holos are pretty much on the same power roamer builds since PoF release (and nowhere near the numbers pre range nerfed what-was-Anet-even-thinking holo shockwave). > > This thread is about, that for the past two weeks I'm seeing more and more of them in T1/T2 matchups, and I am wondering why. Havent seen anyone else note there are more mortar engies, nor seen anything like it in T2/T1. The mortar also hasnt been changed for... well forever I think. I dont know when it was last for WvW. It's only been nerfed in sPvP and that was almost a year ago. Anyone else seen mortar engies that are uncatchable proliferate these last weeks?
  22. Then you would presumably know that certain classes are better than others with their mobility and reaching out. Also melee ele is one of the strongest dueling builds in the game while nike warriors remain *far* more "uncatchable" than engineers (and lets not even talk about counter built spellbreakers) and lf regen superbunker necros are one of the most common cheese builds as of late. So what's this thread about? Seen neither increase or decrease in engineers lately - core are rare encounters, 95% of scrappers are still running zerg minstrels and holos are pretty much on the same power roamer builds since PoF release (and nowhere near the numbers pre range nerfed what-was-Anet-even-thinking holo shockwave).
  23. > @"Bazsi.2734" said: > If class identity is still a thing in this MMO, then guardians don't get to wield stealth. An agreeable compromise would be that no other class get stability then.
  24. > @"Helicity.3416" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > But it wouldnt surprise me if you now come in with "omg did I even say I loose against them I always win" and it turns out you are playing a permastealth DE as main. > > That's an awful lot of assuming you're doing there bud. Thats true. Cant help but notice you didnt say what you played though.
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