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Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

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Posts posted by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

  1. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > > > If thief got a more support spec I think it'd be more fitting to be a "spell thief" style thing, Bard doesn't fit at all and tbh I'd rather have Paragon as a spec for Guardian since that's the guild wars bard equivalent.

    > > > >

    > > > > Bard fits. Thief has a lot of references to dungeon a d dragons built into their kits. When we look at the design of the bards in 3.5, and pathfinder 1.0 and 2.0B, and 5e we can see that their lives started off as a martial rogue that eventually picked up spell casting. In fact, they made better spell blades in 3.5 and pathfinder than the actual spellblade.

    > > > >

    > > > > Build wise they are incredibly versatile, from being a bruiser, a ranged user, CC demon, or a mastermind. Itd be a nice addition to thief.

    > > >

    > > > Spellthief is from DnD too, we don't really have a class with a boonstealing focus yet and with mirage taking from thief we should have a thief spec borrow from mesmer in that regard.

    > >

    > > What is a bard other than a yhief signing away his soul for mesmer abilities


    > It can be a lot of things, but 'stealthy' isn't one of them which is pretty core to the theme of thief IMO. While I agree that thief could use a support spec, I'd rather bard just go to mesmer(like how they showed mesmer as a bard before 'breaking the illusion' and revealing mesmer officially leading up to the game's release) and thief get something along the lines of spellthief. A thief who focuses on stealing boons and mimicking magic users would be much more thematic than a thief who plays music in combat.


    You probably have not played bard if you think they can't be stealthy while performing.


    A performance does not need to be a song. It can simply be an act, a speech, or what ever. Ive already had a scary as hell assassin that was a full bard. His performance used ventriloquism and that magnification cantrip to make voices while he created shadow puppeys with the light.


    Shadowdancers, requires 6 ranks in Perform(dance).


    Rogues or Bards (who gains sneak attack) with shadowstepping and shades.

  2. Eh... Where would you pit it? Deadly arts is general damage. And traps so far.


    Critical Strikes is for critical hits.


    Trickery is boons, initiative, and steal adjustment.


    Acrobatics is mostly thieves evasion and mobility.


    Shadow arts is sustainability which leeching venoms do. They're nice when you use venoms with some healing power.

  3. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > > I'd have to get hit by it again but I want to think I normally see the light beam connecting for the duration of shot being fired and landing even in odd peripheral angles over other stuff, and in larger fights. The beam is softer when it's from a rear corner angle maybe and the camera is panned in on it and tighter from a normal view. I think I see the beam connect then nearly right after the shot sound feels like it's very quickly pulled taut and snapped out at me. I'm trying to put some weight to the sounds but I might not be describing them right.

    > >

    > > Rear corner angle?


    > Over the shoulder from behind.


    Ah ok. I think the players who don't have a problem with that actually adjusted their camera position sk they can see more around themselves from all angles

  4. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > If thief got a more support spec I think it'd be more fitting to be a "spell thief" style thing, Bard doesn't fit at all and tbh I'd rather have Paragon as a spec for Guardian since that's the guild wars bard equivalent.

    > >

    > > Bard fits. Thief has a lot of references to dungeon a d dragons built into their kits. When we look at the design of the bards in 3.5, and pathfinder 1.0 and 2.0B, and 5e we can see that their lives started off as a martial rogue that eventually picked up spell casting. In fact, they made better spell blades in 3.5 and pathfinder than the actual spellblade.

    > >

    > > Build wise they are incredibly versatile, from being a bruiser, a ranged user, CC demon, or a mastermind. Itd be a nice addition to thief.


    > Spellthief is from DnD too, we don't really have a class with a boonstealing focus yet and with mirage taking from thief we should have a thief spec borrow from mesmer in that regard.


    What is a bard other than a thief signing away his soul for mesmer abilities. A lot of bard spells are often some form of hypnosis, suggestion, sonic attack, mind flay, and some of it requires the bard to be perceived.

  5. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > If thief got a more support spec I think it'd be more fitting to be a "spell thief" style thing, Bard doesn't fit at all and tbh I'd rather have Paragon as a spec for Guardian since that's the guild wars bard equivalent.


    Bard fits. Thief has a lot of references to dungeon a d dragons built into their kits. When we look at the design of the bards in 3.5, and pathfinder 1.0 and 2.0B, and 5e we can see that their lives started off as a martial rogue that eventually picked up spell casting. In fact, they made better spell blades in 3.5 and pathfinder than the actual spellblade.


    Build wise they are incredibly versatile, from being a bruiser, a ranged user, CC demon, or a mastermind. Itd be a nice addition to thief.

  6. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > I despise Deadeyes and i dont like the class. It separated from Thieves and now fakes to be us. I want them gone. But cant do anything about it. Every player who was thief before is now a deadeye. It is like a plague that consumes Thief specialization. For worse it is so good people actually want to play it. I hope next exp will bring something that will resurect thief class and puts up competition for these blink blink bang bang amateurs


    Look out every one, we got a bad ass over here


    > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Gatvin.6510" said:

    > > Right now it feels like Deadeye is in a good place. Playing against them dodging at key times prevents them from doing damage. They occasionally kill me, I occasionally kill them, and unless I'm low on cooldowns from another fight or something I can always see a line of counterplay, even if I fail to execute it correctly.

    > >

    > > Playing it I don't always have access to stealth. I've got enough stealth that I can use it effectively defensively and still net positive against my opponent's healing skills in terms of damage.. I can kill them if they aren't playing well. I feel comfortable enough with the rifle that I don't ALWAYS need to rely on my secondary weapon set as a part of regular combat, so that becomes an option for flexibility in gameplay. The deadeye IS still lacking in the aoe department, so I usually run shortbow as my secondary for aoe purposes.

    > >

    > > Right now, its both fun and effective, and even if its not perfect, I think ANet's done a pretty good job.

    > >

    > > Edit: Specifcally talking about Rifle here.


    > Rifle/Rifle with Energy Sigils, same sort of build can be used in WvW with endurance regen foods ontop of the Energy Sigils... Just a low tier scrub player




    This looks more like you're playing the map better than the enemy, who chose to fight a high ground deadeye for some reason. But when you were on the ground you got punished horribly

  7. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > I'd have to get hit by it again but I want to think I normally see the light beam connecting for the duration of shot being fired and landing even in odd peripheral angles over other stuff, and in larger fights. The beam is softer when it's from a rear corner angle maybe and the camera is panned in on it and tighter from a normal view. I think I see the beam connect then nearly right after the shot sound feels like it's very quickly pulled taut and snapped out at me. I'm trying to put some weight to the sounds but I might not be describing them right.


    Rear corner angle?

  8. > @"Skeletor.9360" said:

    > Even if you are not deaf...super ridiculous concept given that these guys can insta stealth over and over. while changing position quickly. You can't even AOE them because of it.


    > Lets list the problem :-1:

    > 1.) Attacks from stealth with only an audible warning that is very brief and if you have ANY lag you can't avoid.

    > 2.) Can stealth in about the same time someone can look around and target them.

    > 3.) Even if you see them and cast an AOE...its too late because they have moved while is stealth.

    > 4.) Class can stay in stealth and choose targets. - NO risk.


    > Fixes...Make that specs stealth ability cause super slow movement while in stealth.

    > Make reentering stealth take a long time after an ambush.


    I think you need to actually take some time to play the class before complaining. Or at least learn to change your playstyle.


    1) It's an audible and visible warning. So far most people in WvW -IN A ZERG ON ZERG CLUSTER TRUCK- I've fired on have a perfectly easy time avoiding my shot if I didn't count their dodges. Malicious backstab is the one with little warning. And in all fairness, if the deadeye gets you with that, he's earned your head on a silver platter. Either you stood still and let him back stab you. He burnt a lot of utilities. Or he took Infiltrator's Signet, which isn't really that good in most circumstances.


    2) They are thieves... they don't exactly fight fair. But this isn't a new concept as other classes in the game also have something infuriating about them. Warriors with two endure pains, and with intelligent management can be pretty hard to kill. Firebrand being able to get frequent access to Aegis. Reaper with three health bars. Thieves apparently get the most flack because they can do insane damage and escape, never mind not being able to take a hit. Are we supposed to sit there and take it master? Or maybe you honestly expect someone to stay and fight when the fight is going south against a class that's designed to get in your face and stay there.


    3) The trick is prediction, and some CC rather than damage. A long time ago, thieves used to have the ability to break roots in a large number of ways. (which engineer has a huge one on off hand pistol, and druid's got one to my immediate knowledge). A rooted enemy is unable to dodge or in most cases shadowstep. Thieves can't shake root as easily anymore. Plus since the largest complaint so far is Deadeye with Shadow Arts... Shadow arts only removes a condition every second if they are speced for it. Most of the time they aren't, they're speced for Last Refuge (Lesser Blinding powder at 25% hp). A threshold so low that you'll be able to kill the thief before it pops.


    It would be worse if they had Acrobatics which has Cat's Grace, reduces the recharge of endurance to about 5 seconds. It used to give core thief effectively 3 dodges before the nerf and release of daredevil.


    But, Trickery is too good to give up because it gives us a manageable initiative pool in fights where things are able to outright stop damage without moving. And it has arguably the second best interaction with a core mechanic. Steal. This limits the build options that a thief really has, and is why Thieves have been screaming out to Anet to standardize our initiative.


    And if they do give up trickery, you will notice it. Because they won't be able to escape or do a lot of burst. You'll just dunk on them.


    4) There is a risk actually. Thief's utilities are a mix of "Save my Arse" and "what I need to kill this target". Normally thieves will change their utilities based on the upcoming fight. They aren't very general purpose outside a few select things. When Deadeye builds entirely for stealth, there's generally going to be very little that will actually save him when a competent player catches him.



  9. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > ‘Allo Fellow Tyrians,

    > >

    > > We wanted to let you know that next Tuesday the Systems team will be releasing a smaller balance update. This update is coming out a bit earlier than we normally release a balance pass – consider it a little bonus! The release is focused around **updating some weapon traits to make them more broadly usable and splitting some skills between game modes.**

    > >

    > > Cheers,

    > >

    > > The ArenaNet Systems Team

    > >

    > Making weapon traits more broadly usable seems like not tying them to just one weapon type anymore and splitting skills between game modes sounds like there will be pvp and pve versions of certain skills.


    > I'm not really sure why this triggers so much negativity because it sounds very positive to me, but I guess Gail used the world "balance" and that's all some people need to go into a black rage (yes, this is a Warhammer 40k reference).



    Yeah I am curious to see where this goes. I'd like to have more options with thief... rather than using the weapon that hasn't been nerfed to hell. Or use the nerfed to hell weapon because it's the only one that deals with the spontanious BS from other specs.


    The dagger auto nerf was absolutely horrendous. If it was a 16% total damage reduction via an even spread... that would have been perfectly fine by me, and I wouldn't have cared... instead it's like the first two auto attacks have a massive 20+ reduction and the third one if you're luck to hit it deals the most damage. And there's not a lot to offset it like what acrobatics does for the Sword

  10. It'd be nice to wear the skins of other armor weights. But I think I can understand why Anet is reluctant on this.


    The armor weights do a very good job at telling players on a glance what they are. Are they a Caster (Ele, Necro, Mesmer), An adventurer (Thief, Ranger, Engie), or a fighter(Guardian, Warrior, Revenant)?


    Letting an elementalist wear heavy armor skin would get confusing fast.

  11. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Also consider alternative methods to get clovers, might be faster than grinding shards.


    > Spvp and WvW reward tracks (unique ones will reward 7 upon completion for example), the 30 day log in reward chest offers 7 too.


    > That way you can skip the middle man and save a ton of gold and frustration too.


    Dont need the clovers anymore. Just need a bloodstone shard which is 200 shards.

  12. > @"Pelto.9364" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > >

    > > No. Stealth is a major part of thiefs defenses, along with their mobility. Remove it, and you'll have to compensate them. Which you probably wont like.

    > >

    > > The stealth protects them by giving them a needed buff to damage resistance to protect them from AoE spam, and to break targeting of moves that will kill them. Also remember that a thief that is perma stealth has several major vulnerabilities. Condi, cc, and limited escape options.


    > Then why my core power necro does not have stealths, mobility, evades, block etc? Core power necro needs them too. ((Any top necro player could 1v1 with core power necro vs deadeye?))


    because necro has other means of protecting themselves and staying alive.

  13. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Turn on standard enemy models and they'll ALL look like Humans from Ascalon!


    > It would'nt work. Cuz if he is a good role player, he knows it's all in his mind & that some Charr are hiding among the humans.

    > Just something i had to add to make you go insane.. :P


    Nah... The ascalonians must die. Destroy them all! How dare they take our land!

  14. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > I have always wanted a video like this as well. However, i'm going to explain a few things that might clear the air as to why something like this hasn't been made yet.

    > >

    > > First, games played in ESL tier are much different than ranked arena games. One detail of this is the idea of double dodging. For the most part, most players in ranked games wouldn't blow all their dodges. However in ESL, Double dodging is a good way to mitigate a burst coming from the entire opposing team because if they are focused on someone, the burst will be significant. Double dodging gives the players team enough time to react with group heals and support, thus mitigating a teams coordinated effort to kill a player. So in ESL games, you will notice quite often players double dodging.

    > >

    > > Second, is that very good players know how to mask their bursts by being very unpredictable. For example. Sindrener is one of the pioneering thieves to put forth the strategy to "Dodge Steal" because Steal when dodged kills a thief's sustain if they use Improvisation. Dodging Steal can be easy if the thief in question is very predictable. IE; Using Black Powder and heartseeker+Steal. Once you've identified that that's how the enemy thief bursts, you can from there on predict that whenever they use black powder, they will attempt to spike you, thus you can easily dodge their steal, kill their sustain and eventually defeat the enemy thief.

    > >

    > > A good thief will use Steal in a much much different manner, using it not to land their biggest bursts, but to interrupt key skills, or to use it on you at any random moment in order to ENSURE that they can continue sustaining, even if they had the opportunity to burst you successfully.

    > >

    > > Third, one of the most important things is that this game isn't so much about executing players through bursts or avoiding attacks, but rather, maintaining enough counter pressure in order to play offensively, and forcing you to play defensively. Pressure can't be mitigated through cycling of dodges or having lots of invulns and Block skills. A good example of this is thief clusterbomb. Clusterbombing a player while they are melleing you is a good way to relieve that melle pressure, while at the same time, instilling pressure to force the enemy to go on the defensive. Dodging clusterbomb is kind of silly because of how low initiative it is, and is just a small part of a thief's arsenal to take you down.

    > >

    > > So to put it all together, Simply dodging this, blocking that, isn't exactly the best way to beat someone. There are key skills in the game that you should avoid, such as Thief steal, Warrior F1, or Holosmith PF 5. But sometimes, a holosmith in PF will simply kill you by auto-attacking you to death under quickness (Pressure).


    > Thanks for the feedback, i wasnt thinking a lot into team fights but probably a guide how to face profession by profession.


    > For example while roaming if you encounter a dragonhunter and dodge his f2 you are already ahead in the fight.and you can already take advantage of it.

    > Same if you dodge holo3 and deny his stab(if he doesn't run elixir u) you are already in a pretty good spot ready to counterplay the holo. This skill can also be blocked, but.some skills like holo elite or revenant staff5 must be dodged or evaded forcely.

    > Seeing it in a video would be very explanatory, seeing the difference if you dodge or dont dodge even if you use a stunbreak right after.


    Adding onto what justice said, therr are some attacks that you have to find some other means of avoiding. Seven sided strike, and rangers volley fof instance. You cant actually dodge the full duration of thede attacks. .any people try and wind up getting themselves killed.


    These mkves are really strong at pressuring, because thry do so much damage quickly, and most professions except thief and mesmer can't break thr targeting. The only means of countering is to rely on passives, body block, break li e of sight, or guard.

  15. Let me make this recommendation which will save you frustration.



    Do world completion to get black lion keys. Its an uncommon but surprisingly high chance to get a tyria map voucher or what ever it is called. One of those will give you 300 dungeon currency in the map you choose. It won't be hard to get two.

  16. > @"gavagai.1795" said:

    > just do it


    > [youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0](



    Why do that when theres a perfectly juicy back for me to carve like a roasted turkey on mid?


    Now good sir, if you do not have a succulent back that needs stabbing, take your business elsewhere!

  17. Thief in general hits hard on the initial blow. They don't need malicious backstab to give you a last surprise.


    Generally, the build is Zerks with Mug and Executioner, Assassin's Signet, Rune of the Scholar or Infiltration, and blinding powder.


    You pop assassin's Signet and Blinding Powder. Revealed trainingYou start the animation for the backstab, and you steal onto your foe from behind. Deadeye is self explanitory. Daredevil will usually take havok mastery for the additional 7% melee damage. And Core Thieves can take what ever the hell they please.


    You also have Trickery, and you'd want to bring Leading blows up to 15% by spamming weapon skills at nothing.


    The way it works is the Mug hits first and usually chunks people. If they have no toughness they will normally drop below 50% if they are not a heavy health class.

    Your next blow to land is backstab which will ruin a large chunk of your foes health. Executioner gives an additional 20% of damage. Scholar gives 10% if you're above 90. Or Rune of Infiltration, which gives 12% more when they are below 50.


    Even if you are revealed, because the sneak attack animation is already in motion, you get the damage value for that plus the revealed bonus power.

  18. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > I think that whatever you're smoking is bad for you and you should stop it.

    > Ehhhh...... Isn't that just pure toxic without adding any value to the conversation?


    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > No. Anet had dumbed down versions in LS3 and it didn’t change anything.

    > > I also still stand by that if players want the raid rewards then they have to earn them like everyone else and actually do (or participate) in the actual raids.


    > Bigger picture! You are being blinded by the rock and don't see the rest of the beach!


    > This change will accomplish two things:

    > - No raiders will have an opportunity to sample the Raids mechanics and lose the fear to begin with it.

    > - It will introduce no-raiders to raids rewards. Having access to an small sample of the long term rewards will make some start raiding just to be able do something with those LI. It works with the black lion chests i don't see i can't work with this.

    > - To avoid failing to meet the weekly quota probably more players will join.

    > - Hardcore raiders will have an opportunity to play the raid once more but somehow different! For more rewards!

    > - More people playing the content (Raids) in words of MightyTeapot means more resources from the company to develop more content!


    > But Hey! I see most of the voters here(62% at this moment) (Raiders i guess?) don't want new opportunities for new players to join! And then here complain about why it takes so long to develop a raid...



    You're either a troll, or you're providing a loaded question with one sided answers.

  19. As the title says, would you like to see profession specific challenges? Basically very similar to Adventures, but for the professions themselves. The whole idea is early on they teach you about some of the basics of the profession. And later on they challenge you over some of the more advanced features of the profession that you might not know about.


    They'd appear as several levels and unlocked at certain points of the character's life span. Adept, Master, Grandmaster.


    So, Adept would simply be the early levels. Where a character would normally be going through the tutorial for the game. And it's just over very basic elements. Ranger sending his pet after something. Thief backstabbing. Warrior's adrenaline mechanics. You can basically burn through them without being pressured.


    Master Unlocks with a level 80 character. These challenges are more difficult, but will teach you some of the more advanced things by showing an NPC off to the side doing a certain action as your hint.


    Finally Grandmaster when the master Challenges are done. These are timetrials with puzzles that tests you on such mechanics.


    Like Thief racing through the map by rapidly chaining shadowsteps and Steal on enemies. The map for them would use the PvP logic that allows you to shadowstep anywhere that you can normally walk.

    Engie having a similar race called "Rocket Man" where they're jumping through platforms using the boots.

    Warriors having a Gauntlet where they start with low health, must use defiance stance to sustain themselves.



  20. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > I just don't understand why we can't have at least a personal DPS meter. The technology exists in the special forces training room, why can't we see what our DPS is on at least our own characters?

    > >

    > > Basically because it encourages toxic behavior from raid commanders. If a user no longer has no excuse about not monitoring their dps. You can run into situations where you could just out right be kicked for not maintaining unrealistic expectations.

    > >

    > > It also prevents DPS boasters. The sort of people who feel it is their duty to always show you their dps... Because apparently people care.


    > Except before DPS meters entire classes werent allowed in content. Necros, Rangers, Thiefs, all got denied from content "because they sucked" but nobody really had any proof they did or did not. When DPS meters became a thing, it opened the doors for all classes to take part in content, even though some may be less optimal for said content they can still be ran provided the player is actually pulling their weight, and if it wasnt for DPS meters youd better believe that it would go back to being that way.


    > So while im against 3rd party DPS meters, an ingame DPS meter would be amazing to have.


    Truuue... I remember that bs all too well.

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