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Everything posted by kamikharzeeh.8016

  1. yeah, some kinda Wvw tournaments would be pretty good. people ppt for whole nights either way... i'd like to get more customization options. i'm aware this never existed for mounts, but imagine having a skillset for the warclaw. random example, u could put a heal on the 1 (engage), or a one time stability stack at it. or 2 pulsing "revealed" in like 1200 radius around you instead of the regular sniff etc etc
  2. well, from kinda environment Wvw is ages away tho. the whole format would need a overhaul. you'd need to make like ~3 hours at a predicted "prime time" to "tournament time", then you'd need to lock it for people that didn't sign up before and at least can show some kinda killproof, otherwise you'll have the maps full with afkers and kittens to sabotage the enemy teams (alt accounts) alone tournaments would be a great re-introduction... but currently, also due to the uncomfy link system, situation gets rather worse. the amount of times u get something to really fight against is quite limited on many servers. the amount of dedicated competitive guilds isn't too high. like, in an utopian perfection, every map had space for three 20ish or two 25-30 ppl guilds. that'd be around 8-12 guilds, and i honestly know not a single server, not even with adding link guilds into, who can field the max amount of 12 coordinated running guilds. the expansion will be kinda revival impulse for Wvw as well. the question and critical point is, will Anet use this to boost the mode, refresh and update it. and maybe finally drop the nasty link system. who knows #allianceswhen
  3. that's what i don't criticise, i even advocated this as possible solution in the forums before it happened :P but both the dmg nerf + the regionlock is meh. the old dragonbanners been extremly powerful, damagewise. i still think the regionlock is pretty important. my point is that i prefer "making everything good" over "making everything bad".
  4. eh, throwing siege isn't toxic in the end. pretty kitten tbh. but, well, i'd also rather not do it in most cases, bc i don't even carry siege with me. i'd have to pop a skrimish chest for that, absolutely not worth. technically, i would do it to block their sight tho. also, this kinda stuff isn't "sportsmanship"... it'd be if someone ragespams you, but still... sometimes emotions get boiling, sometimes one had a bad day... that isn't banworth, not even sanction-worthy. @"AliamRationem.5172" lmfao, some old player on our server has even one char named "What Is Red Is Dead" or similar. since we been mostly green for my first year, i didn't even think that this refers just to this very simply, basic principe of the gamemode. @"Junkpile.7439" that'd just attract superannoying trolls to become more frequent. please no...
  5. thats only partially correct tho, afaik the towers are also around anazalias @ red side. green has the best defendable keep anyways, so idk, not a huge issue imo. the underpowered defense turret tactic is a way bigger issue... as i always say, don't nerf everything till even the biggest kitten falls asleep from the boringness of it... more action would be nice. and especially the nerfs are often overkills. like dragon banner lost pretty much every dmg by the general dps nerf, now only road does a bit of dmg, and even that does far less than it used to do. the regionlock woulda been a good enough nerf imo. before ppl often brought like 3-4 dragonbanners to SM defense fights. we still took it that time, but was a hellpit... now? u see one dragonbanner, and once the guy gets focused down, chances are high that u won't see another one due to the cooldown.
  6. @"Yigameir.6073" you know, it really feels like that. i mean Anet didn't even update the "lunar new year" bags to give WXP as well. every single freaking XP booster there says "NOT USABLE IN WVW" specifically even. i mean, c'mon, why? that baby one hour boost won't even do thaat much. and to fin this, another #allianceswhen :)
  7. like a ton of stuff, he wasn't updated. and btw, isn't the name "Siegerazor"? might have misread it till now, bc i like that name more :P and well, for the rarity of the two "legendary commanders" even appearing, they could be insanely broken. if they had the power of the elite wyvern @ rbl, that'd be a force. even the grub can down kittens, as can the arboreal spirit boi (both EBG) maybe the alpines should get similar mechanics, like some special tactivator that only gets available when u lose the garri, summoning both legendary updated comms + several legendary defenders to help retaking the garri from both sides thaha. if they'd make that like lord+5 *2 with each defender the power of some group elite spec (spvp has bots as well, shouldn't be too complicated to program) ... then this could really help retaking the objective. (tho, if a strong blob camps the garri, idk)
  8. lol u meant the ingame messages per inbox... people just say that this is NOT wvw exclusive, therefore why posting it here? and blocking the respective person or going offline works as well.... i don't think i count as teen with 29 anymore. why would you disable all ingame inbox mails from everyone? some people even sent me gold :P you literally only need to block any harasser at the first message. no need to even take that serious or wait till he writes more.
  9. u bring a spvp-esque build (i realize it's not exact the build used there, but close enough, works pretty similar) to Wvw, shouldn't wonder people give you a mild laugh at best. cheesy squishy closerange set. with a heal/cleanser and stab (so basically: coordinated enemy group with a scrapper and a firebrand) ur not killing anything anymore. you just pop, bc ur build is selfish as hell. however, yes u are right that people should go more full in. dying running is the worst case scenario imo. just, people shouldn't rush into YOUR build. this trapcheese is like based on punishing that, mate. any single dps with either FB or scrapper support could take u out alike. works better in spvp, which normally has no dedicated support/cleanser classes lol.
  10. see, that's the benefits of groupplay. even if i kill over 2000 players in one week, chance is small that they rage-pm me since i mostly am dropping my wells onto their heads next to 30 other people at least. i play each matchup, nearly every day, for average three hours, barely ever to never got this "toxic messsages" (maybe ten times in three years). and if i don't feel discussing with someone enraged, i have a quick block button finger, my list is over 50 people i think. btw i'm not sure how they'd get your e-mail account name to message you there. might be just a fishing spam mail that by chance looked suitable?
  11. the system kinda kills itself this way, yeah. especially lately, the matchups become, or feel at least, even worse than they used to be. apparently people move servers, just to find a similarily bad situation on the other servers. also, threeways still lag, and the reduced map caps aren't helpful for fun either, since ur likely stuck on a border with a blob now, while the map that'd need the blob cannot get it since half of the group or more won't fit in. for serious players, fighting clouds in blobsize is just boring. even if u farm them for 3 hours on day, who really wants to keep that very game for a whole week?
  12. think the first response by @"QuickRain.4735" yet summed it up pretty well. sadly the competitive aspect was effectively destroyed, objectives are either hold bc it's comfy to hold them, or because people misunderstand the "point" system. when u could earn ascended box rewards with Wvw tournaments (idk, 2012-2014? or so), ppt score had worth. nowadays, it's pretty weird to tryhard over objectives. u get nothing from it. (also back then, from my knowledge at least, u had to pay GOLD to upgrade your objectives. guess everyone here would still see them as more important if that was still the case.) however, it pays off if enough enemies are there to farm, often the reports are far to unprecise, so u either come for a 5 people "blob", those might be even dead yet when u arrive, or u get ganked by 40 people because the reported only wrote nothing or "10+" (and decided to pew pew them alone instead of updating the report) from here comes overall also the big misleading belief from new players. they think t1 is best, but it is equal to t5. most serious players don't even want to be in tier 1. the current EU t1 matchup is pretty dead as well. one server unlinked makes it effectively 2 different sized servers with different playtime primes to fight over 4 maps... eh.
  13. if your attack / 1 alternate key is on "f" for reviving, then yes. (it is kinda symbolizing a grave, some see it as disrespect... but what it effectively does, it blocks out the dead persons sight a bit)
  14. yeah they can whisper you. idk how but some1 whispered me and i was first confused bc i didn't know the name. then realized it was that one enemy ... they can also invite you to their party or squad thaha. u can read their squad or partychat then even. maybe even share participation, not sure.
  15. norn raven or snow leopard i think gives a short stealth, yeah. but think it is only 3 seconds or so
  16. just know what your skills do, so u can use them when they suit. matter of learning. maybe watch youtube videos of strong fighting guilds. u should be able to recognize what their firebrands do (sometimes helps to watch in slow-mo bc battles are very fast movementwise often) in the end, a fighting guild has usually a comm who calls what to do. if u run with them on voice some months, you'll have learnt more than written words could ever teach u.
  17. @"ArchonWing.9480" well, but in groups u kill many players. if u use XP and celebration boosters, i'm sure that's fifty times more effective than waiting till a vet pepe spawns like, in a good run u get 250-400 kills in 2-3 hours on medium effective servers open-voicetags on a damage class. that's at least 10 levels. i didn't do the maths, but i was like rank 1900 ~ at least week of january and reached rank 2005 or so yesterday (after gw2efficiency). and i only log into wvw for groupaction anymore. i really don#t do pvE much. just started to do it more bc it gives so much more gold than wvw... and because when there are no voice leads, people usually don't follow opentags anyways. on full maps , gotta be lucky if 5 people join an opentag to defend sth even (yet 2025 easily flock around u then, just u never see who does what and where)
  18. most chars that have this kinda skillsets aren't doing any real dmg to a group tho. just don't chase them, it its a roamer they might just want to pull people out of the groups to 1v1 them then. as warrior, for what u describe one needs two skills. balance stance and either the "alldmgheals" or the "3sec no dmg" thingy... these are not superlong and the warri won't kill anyone during this time normally. @"juno.1840" they often just try to bait a inexperienced group to burn cooldowns. in that case, u should only need to 111111 him till he or she runs off again. ez clap.
  19. block button will be your best friend... and some ganker guilds like one that has been named yet will do kinda things. thieves tend to horribly overestimate themselves. some try to gank once they lose battles. some try ganking straight on, and especially those triple-server roamerguilds have a thing for this... i don'T remember who this was, but i learnt that very early. me as noobwarrior gone and looked what the three thieves with same guild banner did, standing and watching each other - suddenly two of them ganked me. well, you figure out what this was. about thieves or other roamers... i don't really want to prejudicate, but the guild name sometimes suggests what they're up to. like "we are behind your back", "satan is my idol" "systeamtic abuse" "gank squad" and a billion more that i forgot yet. some have a ton of different guild tags to hide their identity or make it seem as if it wasn't the same player. some even create guild names to insult people from other guilds or servers. @"Grand Marshal.4098" as a groupfighter running only zergsets, i don't see the people directly that i fight (limited models + standard models)... in the heated up blobfights or zergVSblob u don#t have time to do stuff like "bow"... and not every server has gvg possibility anymore. (mine hasn't even a gvg guild anymore afaik) i'd never message anyone some salty things, i think that's just poor sportsmanship, while i feel the urge to do that on ganker groups surely. in reality, those are often avoidable tho. sometimes only the people respawning with you should just make a quick stand and farm them. sadly not everyone seems to be confident to do that or just afk autoruns, no idea... to be honest, if we're only two and five thieves demount one, the other should just run fast while the first should try to cc + bomb, so they cannot keep their chase up. kills are surely a part of skill. in groups it is positioning, cooldown management, correct dodges, and kiting while dropping damage or heals (with the tag if possible, but u need also to be able to react, if he gets pulled or focused, no matter what some people may say. good tags are crazy hard to kill anyways) toxicity... idk, people are just bored i guess. it's mostly not too bad, and IF somebody "trash talks" you, just block him. don't try to argue too much, it just makes u moody/angry or upset. no need for that. we're not in the kindergarten. @"Ashantara.8731" still, i think the f2p has its good sides as well. if it wasn't free to try i'd not have started any MMO i feel, because i really dislike WoWs moneyscam system. i started 3 years ago, when i had one hand pierced and unusable. couldn't do sport nor hold a controller, so i'd gave it a try. played my first warrior like 20-30 levels with only right hand thaha. after one month i got accidently into wvw, and most people been still nice. there was a deadeye always going mad on everyone bc he wanted to hold NC on alpine at every cost.. but i still never found the game's overall behaviour as "very toxic" or so. some people may feel more toxic if they have different levels of insight (in terms of the worth of holding or just abandoning objectives... as newbie i was upset a bit if we lost objectives, bc i didn't fully understand how wvw really works)
  20. i mean just do a bug report, and maybe don't forget to post here what the result (if any) of it will be. i am still not a huge fan of water combat tbh :P theres enough ppl not even having exotic watergear or even lv80 ones. some don#t even have waterskillsets on (happened to me by accident as well, on a new char/build)
  21. guess we'll still sit here next year, but so be it. #allianceswhen
  22. as i wrote in many threads by now, please think about what u wish for guys. Wvw is based on imbalance, and i don't think this nerfs called "balance" do any good on that. there'll always be goodstuff. and honestly, the meta didn't change that much yet, even with all those nasty damage strips. only boonstrips, pulls and heavy CC-spam as well as condi got more again. is that really what ppl want?
  23. i also highly reduced playing yet the last three weeks... the whole population got so cloudy focused, now if u get a group together, ppl just will avoid you or swarm around your in blob-cloudsize. now and then that's fun and fine, we got sometimes few good fights when the enemy has guildgroups. for me its not very tempting to play when all to do is karmatrains. (its nice for dailies surely.) sorta agree @"cobbah.3102" that #1 (green) shoulda get RBL as hardest to defend hbl. but i highly disagree on the opinion to remove trebs from the game. last thing we need is content removing... every mode gets update and randoms still want to have content removed? for "balancing" the chaos? balance in Wvw is just utopian wishes. tell me how often u really fight on even numbers. not even +/-5 is really the norm, often not even +/-10. like, why not heavily varying the siege? adding new kinds of siege stuff and new defenses as well. how about FINALLY upgrading the tactics that have no real use (looking at u, defense turrets). or about adding additional spendable skill points for some? maybe chooseable variants of siege, like fire catapults that u can buy for 5 superior catas as cost at some vendor? the server who controls a zoneblob parked in SM would likely just ram your people down (gank) openfield even worse. if your server doesn't have the hardcore players online, numbers count. besides, no... always one full server gets NO link, but that's the issue. that one server goes to survival mode, many ppl just won't play at all. as crimson said, our server did just only focus up on bringing a zerg for 2-3 hours every some day and the usual night-ppt ktrains for dailies and stuff. i personally am at a point where i'd like to swap server, but then got zero plan where to. so i just started more other gamemodes... u cannot play mass pvp if u don't get people for it. this however is NOT like @"Karagee.6830" would suggest, "boycotting"... you just cannot play mass-pvp if u don't have players. u need around 35-40 people on metabuilds and classes to effectively fight opposing zoneblobs (or zoneblobclouds), otherwise the 60players just have a too big advantage. like if three heavy glass dps can just free fire (which they only can in superior numbers), it's not fun for the attackers either.
  24. teleport hackers alike have been seen of all classes on various servers, yeah @"Grand Marshal.4098" it's like a new kind of downed skill, they can apparently use several blinks to move away... @"XerMeLL.6042" and @"CronicDemise.4635" well, even from a neutral view it makes not a lot of sense to think those people are serverbound. everyone hops servers like crazy due to this flawed system called "links"... so these people might have yet moved while u report it. i'd try to report it if u see it, on either side of the coin. like... there just is no downstate skill alike. mesmer ports u like a babyamount of space away, 100 or so, thief similar.ish not targetted to your allies, not 1200 range.
  25. the afaik strongest waterfighters are anyways the most mobile classes. rev can superspeed after you with superfast pew pew watergun, mesmer and thief just shadowportstep into your swimspeed booty and ranger... yeah as dawdler said: pew pew from every possible angle, be it in or outside of water.
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