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Everything posted by kamikharzeeh.8016

  1. @"PPT.3086" nah, further map cap lowering ain't too smart. it's designed as MASS-pvp format with pvE aspects (the keeps etc). and it is yet difficult. map caps been lowered to ~70? from ~78? and it just has more queues thanks to that. on average, 2 maps are queued, during reset even 3 or rarely 4. Anet just needs to provide more serverpower for it, it#s that easy. with the current potatoservers they could never release the game to steam, everything would just stop working if they tried. @"Super Fuzz.4980" yeah when i'd have tht much average ping, i would try to restart the game here. u can be nearly sure that u will hve a better ping here. we even had NA players in EU, and quite some gone back to NA because the ping situation is just worse here for them. (ofc, for the night ppters who farm at 4am - 6am CEST this won't matter since nobody to fight anyways due to every sane person sleeping...)
  2. less superspeed fixes nothing. if the herald and scrapper can give us less speed boosts, size counts even more and the darned roamers on their naturally far2fast chars with the billions of ports and leaps can gank even more easy. i'll repeat myself once more, stop the nerfs. it's not getting any better with them. nerf glasscannonbuilds, mobility of selfish sets if anything. less fast and highdps pew pew... that'd change ganking, maybe. or just revert all dmg nerfs... so zergset have better cards against the glassy roamers. with the horrific aim that rev hammer skills by now got (thanks anet), it'd be great if every single one would actually do dmg. even direct hammerhits on thieves don't strip them 1/3 of their light armor health, what a joke. even hammer 11111ing does more than pressing the freaking skill buttons...
  3. if u check the other "world restr."-thread, subversion even posted the original hint for Alliances xD made in freaking 2016! that's like a museum piece. history and yet still future, that's surely a rare thing. #allianceswhen
  4. the bug usually even disappears when u just swap map. or swap weapon skins and back again. sometimes just hide/unhide or changing any skin removes the bug... even with standard models thaha. it loads some basic models for your character initially simply. not really a bug even i feel.
  5. if your web and PC are good, in EU u shouldn't have big deals. i have potatoe PC and web (laptop and wlan) and it really only spikes periodically. in big battles, if threesomes and stealthpushing goes on, then for sure. but rarely complete crashes, despite my bad setup. like, i manage to get over 1,2k kills each week with this ... it's not too bad therefore. my ping is around 70-90, in blobfights can get surely way higher. weekend prime tends to be more laggy, bc simply many players online. our server has lots of UK players afaik, with no bigger ping issues afaik. (lagspikes are also to an extent due to anets potatoservers)
  6. the claim tickets are locked to make swapping worlds simply harder, it's rather directed against all the old players who (anyways, despite this) frequently swap servers. either way, people also create "alt accounts" to be on more than one server the same time kinda . it's a bit off, but the whole "link system" was initially announced as a "temporary solution", and most players dislike it and think it is flawed. if u want to get something out of Wvw, believe me one thing, you will need to learn patience. we wait three years now for a system update (#allianceswhen) and we got content in form of nerfs every half year or so. for each ascended mistforged armor piece you additionally will need a lot of claim tickets (which are timegated per week), plus grandmaster marks for the weapon aequivalents (which are made from 10 shards, and per week u get 3 shards) Wvw is reward wise overall starved as hell. playing this as newbie is tough, but doable. especially fighting guilds is a good farm option.
  7. a squad leader = tag in Wvw is normally there to coordinate things. you lead the way, provide stab/heals/cleanses or group ccs. that's why the common class for leads is FB, nearly any serious group is lead by those. exceptions are chrono and rarely scrouge and spellbreaker (last two rather for opentags). as comm u shouldn't be carried by your group, that's why non-selfish classes make more sense. rangers are rather a class that focuses on sniping lonely targets and fast bursts. lacks any real sustain under heavy pressure (only for itself, that's like the thief leads that port around and their group just dies trying to follow) also rangers get hardcounterd by the bubbles, which ideally a squad has in several ways. there's so much potential missile reflects around. you'll see what damage is when u fight against a strong group alike. also, i only talk about 20+ squads, smaller groups are just roamergroups... there's no class that couldn't "lead" a roamergroup. some people also "lead" 5-8 people groups but the impact of that sized groups is marginal. the damage caps removed the possibility that these groups can effectively do much alone. like, a strong 20ish group can effectively kill 60, but at less than 10 u don't even have 2 parties, so u'll have hard issues with even 30 ppl on the opposing side. only winnable if the other group completely routs at the first push, but that's manage again on any of the meta dps way better. if i bomb into some not coordinated smaller group on scrouge with wells, marks, shades, people tend to panic and split up, and cleaning up needs no big abilities by the rest of your players. whereas as ranger i could only longbow2 or 5... that's no pressure compared to that herald or scrouge can dish out at once and in AoE-dps. ranger specs are used in raids, fractals, that's their thing. hit big hitboxes that move rather slow and in patterns. or burst things down 1v1 in spvp. we had this discussion here so often... idk why people don't want to accept that 2 classes are more handicaps than anything else in wvw... and u can still roam, just if roamers get too numerous during primetime, it rather cuts the fun for everyone.
  8. @"Vengy.6213" that'd be the spvp section then, tho. spvp builds u find @ godsofpvp for example, and Wvw builds @ gw2mists. in wvw u never fight on even terms, and ranger isn't a wvw class, u can at best roleplay as walking arrowcart (there is some trait or sigil that makes longbow 5 have barely cooldown)... @"meerfunkuhtron.9725" well, the new players make a quite big population there by now. it got way more casual, since no tournaments = no competitiveness in ppt anymore. barely anyone knows how to proper siege keeps. also shortcuts and doublegate/wall siegespots are only known by a not huge amount of the population
  9. also never seen sth alike happen, that'd be next level spawncamping. i guess Star means the stairs .. those might be, yeah. however, every spawn has 3 exits (front left right)
  10. as diku wrote... people do that since ages in wvw. afk trebbers are probably over half of the amounts of treb-"users"
  11. the one slot ascended rings aren't good for anything than salvaging anyways... it is a hundred times easier to just get one infused slot and enhance one attunded slot onto it manually. also the precusor drops are only sorta fine if u play very long time. the since-release players have like 4-6 prec drops. i sofar got 1 in 3~ years ol.
  12. > @"Svarty.8019" said: > Giant zergs karma training vs barely any defenders. > > BORING! That's not the point at all. well that's 50% the link system's fault, since it create messed up populations all the time 50% it is also the playerbase's fault. people play selfish classes and cloud zergs. any real fights get therefore impossible for the side of the clouders. u kinda drown the enemy in your bodies, which fails if the numbers of the zerg are big enough or if a strong core of players just avoid the kite-clouding. we had the last several weeks full maps (~70 people) with barely 30 people in the fighting squad, against often two 20-25 (each) guildgroups. nobody knows what the 35 roamers on these maps do... but it's not helpful. sometimes these people even defend empty paper objectives... well, please don't wonder if u get ganked there. plus, to fight specific sized enemy groups, u need a specific size and group composition as well. no comm leads his group into suicide, especially since the points matter pretty much not at all. it's, as u said, only karmatraining. people sadly don't take the mode serious, therefore bring random and not effective stuff, leading to a difficult environment for everyone. Wvw is designed for largescale pvp, mass-pvp. big numbers... ideally. it's kinda anets fault that they don't make zergsize more rewarding. i mean, it technically is yet, but it's not obvious to many players, i guess. u cannot farm levels similarily fast like a full wipe of a 50 player group.
  13. for the mattering largescale builds, check the build section @ gw2mists site. has working zergbuilds for scrouge and herald. @"Dixa.6017" scrouge has a better direct sustain, if u mash your buttons fast enough, herald has faster and direct damage. scrouge does most dmg over corrupts of enemy boons with a lot big AoEs. if i want to carry a group, i bring scrouge. as rev u gotta rely on the rest more than scrouge has, since the personal and groupsustain of scrouge is just way stronger. too many people here comment on roaming, idk. roaming is ganking meta anyways. u build to fight 1v3 kappa
  14. the ascended box farm in Wvw is absolutely bad. it takes ages to get the first set, gets surely better if ur a routineer largescale player by time. still, overall i got like, if even, 2-3 ascended weapon boxes and roughly one full set of armor from box drops in 3 years Wvw. last week alone in fractals i go three days in a row one ascended armor piece box lol. (all in tier3) and the gold income from fractals is like 50 times better, even the gold income in spvp is triple as good or more i'd say. only "free" ascended are the mistforged triumphant armors, since u can basically buy them for summed up 750 memories of battle and some claim tickets. the weapon aequivalents are equally expensive as the spvp ones. ... however, i did gear my characters with Wvw. before the bad state of the format lead me to play more pvp and fractals, i played like 2,5 years nearly exclusively Wvw. just need diversity, the format need so many updates that never happened. only unecessary "balancing" happened...
  15. well but that ganking is what people build their classes for. condi rev classes are also highly feared amongst the thief players in wvw, but its not like u could even build-swap within a second while the ranger/thief demounts your glassy hammer zergset rev. if the ranger hides, it can pew pew u straight into downstate (warclaw has litearlly no armor, hammer herald can 111 it down, in three hits roughly) therefore any heavy dmg nerf for those two classes is fine imo. they don't do anything in largescale, so why'd u bring them to largescale and expect to be carried (or getting the 3v1s against ppl player another game as u do) and the people who seek duels in wvw became rare anyways. 1/20 respects that ur not playing a 1v1 specs, the others just gank you. i also honestly don't know what roamers like about roaming, since 5 ppl roamergroups became seen more often, cannot be even fun anymore either way. (and yeah that's a vicious circle... ppl gank in three thief/ranger groups, other ppl bring 5 groups with "pocket healers" to roam, next group brings 8-10 ppl... and for those you'll need 20 ppl (if the 10 are a guild with class balance). ppl could just accept the meta of Wvw, which starts at fighting guilds of size 20~ up to 60 players on metabuilds. any cloud of pvp builds against a zerg or blob trades extremly bad. and its not fun for the blob either.
  16. i feel u big time. used a no pvp build at rating decision games, got me to only silver2. had to swap to a damage class that can 3v1 carry the rest, too skilly supportbuilds barely work imo in that kinda area. just reached gold 1 now... took some time (about 2 weeks for me)
  17. at a difference 300 u cannot really win anymore, i just kamikaze in then tho normally. cannot 1v3 against serious players anyways if the rest doesn't do their job. therefore, still don't afk. might do it if we are at like 100 pts and they at 400+ ... it wouldn't even gone there if the one team did just totally not work. nobody should afk at 200 point difference earlygame though, that's easily flippable on many maps. some people (also a bad behaviour with a very similar problem than the threads topic) also start slacking once they lead like 80 pts...
  18. > @"apharma.3741" said: > Honestly this post highlights a serious issue, that soulbeast in WvW needs to be brought much closer to PvP and should be nerfed in WvW. > > Not joking, PvP and WvW balance should be incredibly close in my opinion, most things that are too strong in one mode can be changed in a way that fixes it in one mode and is no change to the other....assuming the skills team graciously allows the balance team to make a change. as Wvw main, full agree. less broken fast dmg pew pew combined with crazy running abilities would be nice. i mainly play largescale and ranger and theif in Wvw are FAR too attractive, it kind harms the largescale format, because sometime 30 ppl rather roam around during primetime instead of grouping up and playing proper builds and classes (which ranger/thief, in Wvw, are not.) @"CutesySylveon.8290" well, but especially this "pure dmg" comming from the ascended armor + infusion availability peaks damage in wvw more. and ranger has mobility and quick dmg, despite man things got their damage partly stripped or fully nerfed way harder. for example, it was a mistake to nerf firebrand damage equally as others. it was a mistake to nerf herald hammer 5, bc its a very slow cc with obvious animation. people acting as if Wvw and spvp are even remotely the same things are just misunderstanding much of how either format works, i guess. i'm not spvp pro or sth, only grabbed a metabuild and played to gold rank in the last three weeks, since matchups make Wvw partially dead (thanks for no alliances, dear anet), therefore i cannot 100% speak wisdom in concerns of spvp balancing, but i think it's overall still similarily playable than it was before. Wvw changed towards some classes beeing unable to kill anything now. meta wasn't balanced, not top tier uses been balanced there. but Wvw and balance do not suit anyways. it's not safe space pvp. you have a ton of factors, also food, allies, keep buffs, sheer experience (theres not only plat VS plat, gold VS gold, silver VS silver etc playing... every rank runs around in Wvw. and unlike spvp divisions, wvw ranks tells u not a lot. old players can be more casual but having higher old meta farmed ranks kinda. others are based pros. hard to to classifiy by just this. servertiers are worthless in wvw as well, tells u nothing therefore.
  19. less lags would be surely a cute thing. it sometimes gets better, other days it's crazy again. and i cannot tell the reasoning behind it. (btw the caps in my last post been unintentional) @ baldrick and samug, never set the requirements too low tbh. don't devalue wishes for change.
  20. if u mean minis with #1 "pets", then yes, definitely. #2 purity of what? xD there's more than one class for converting and stripping... your groups just needs to have a converter, as well, and it's fine. u cannot nerf all AoE, (#3) the damage output overall is yet horrifically low on them. most AoE are too slow and predictable for stripping more dmg off them. this is mass pvp, not mass clouding... at least ideally. #4 yeah, EotM should become "something" again. atm only useless. #5 well yeah, roamer farm income is not great anyways i guess. also the gankers only get 1 kill all the time, it's pretty unproductive, but also in EU the smallscale kinda evolved into this. mainly because the roamergroups started with 5-10 players of synergizing classes often. that's leading to people just bringing more players to clap them again. however, where i kinda agree: defending stuff should be counted somehow better for participation, even without a kill. idk how to really implement that though. if it gets too easy, everyone comes to Wvw afking and farming for the pips + rewards. maps are yet far too fully, and half of the people usually either afk run against walls or just do their own things like roaming. (means 30~ ppl doing roaming in EU tier1, even on primetime way too often.... really not very beneficial for a groupplay format) as for the candy gobbler, i have no idea what this thing even is. the problem with that "tier 1 -> t5" (EU has tier 5) is, that the last tier has usually very empty servers. it'll just make nothing at all better if the rotation keeps going like u describe, because then just the last 2*2 servers there get ganked for two weeks by a absurdly numberwise overstacked server.
  21. might be some misunderstandings there. own territory can only mark+reveal u if: enemy skills, enemy used traps for mark, or if enemy just flipped it and it's not effectively "your territory" anymore :P stealth surely is annoying , but on largescale it's half that bad. every group would need people to keep their eyes open and report in time if they see stealthing groups (u hear the blasts...) plus, necro marks and dragonhunter trap trigger also when invisible ppl run over them, lines block there as well. you can even counter-stealth if u smell it. you'd have the advantage of having longer time to nicely set up a smoke+tripleblasts of every guard at smallscale, most classes effects to reveal enemies (thieves, mesmers) are actually pretty usesless. that's what it makes so strong in that kind of play.
  22. > @"phreeak.1023" said: > WvW dies slowly. At least in EU t1. People just clouding around with 70 people, avoiding to fight and just ppting or ktrain 24/7. > > On some match-ups, it feels like pve. The only enemies are the NPCs it's not actively dying. it's in this state since ages by now, not? the only changes come from players moving around the servers lol. at EU t1 this week u just gotta hunt the fighting groups, bc it's not easy to find them. crazy amounts of random clouders jumping around most borders. around prime, we had could not even field 40 ppl on full maps once again. there's sometimes half of the map just nowhere to be found, absurd. then, on OS, we could field a blob for a organized blobfight lol. meanwhile the maps cleared up, after 1 hour we could still not enter the nearly half flipped home border map though. people in t1 ppt'ing like there's no tomorrow, despite the real players bid them to not doing so. i just don't understand this. like literally, by tryharding to win the ppt for t1, they destroy in the end everyone's fun. people might play less, skip whole weeks, completely reject defending stuff, because if u help them, only the karmatrain keeps running. and ur stuck in t1 with all those people living in their pvE world. i started 2 weeks ago spvp due to this troublesome state and have yet the pre-last participation reward there by now thaha. parallel reached t4 in fracts, and i never did one of these before. and i wouldn't have started all that, if Wvw was even a bit better maintained and updated. (surely, the rewards in both other formats are great. 2 grandmaster shard boxes in 2 weeks, a ton of gold from fractals and pvp rewards + extra dailies... soon i'll be rich, ya know?)
  23. @"Strider Pj.2193" with the warclaw heal i mean skill 1, still engage. so u jump on sth and heal it instead of damaging it. not the kitty itself heals therefore. and yeah, i mean the stability thing as pulsing stability to some allies around it. and its a random sample, could be literally any boon. @"roederich.2716" i agree on the "queue and therefore no changing class is horrible"-part. it's just very annoying to not be able to fix your squad, since ppl either cannot get onto a map first hand without waiting 30 minutes will the 20ish queue pops - often enough comms just end the run, bc if damage and/or FB/scrappers are missing, it gets hard to do much against good groups. but that's the fault of limiting the map sizes. i think it's assumed that the map caps are ~8 people less than they have originally been, pretty crazy. only the alliance system could change this. maybe by having small map caps for pugs (like 20/70) and the other 50 slots sorta "reserved" for wvw-guild members. with the link system this could never really work tho.
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