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The Boz.2038

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Everything posted by The Boz.2038

  1. Avoid buying Lily, it is the worst. It has no home access, no return functionality, PoF long load time. All but two are then in the same tier: they exist, and things there are kinda nearby. Royal Terrace has a good home instance nearby. Mistlock has return function. If you can choose, choose one of those.
  2. I "use" them all the time, but using them *intentionally* is a bit more rare, tbh. The system is too wonky, there are too many fields, too many finishers, and you have no way of making sure what field your finisher will end up using. Perhaps some simplification can be done in that regard? Honestly, why must there be separate Whirl and Blast finisher? Light and Water can easily be merged. More than anything, fields should be prioritized by owner and age (your fields are always used first, then newest fields are always used first).
  3. Stat-selectable ascended gear, but you need to "bind" a rune, sigil, insignia, or inscription to it to unlock the selection, along with a tiny bit of ecto/obsidian/whatever?
  4. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > The elite specialization's weapons aren't always the best for it. > Sometimes they aren't even a good choice. > > Dragonhunter's Longbow, for example, is not even close to be good. > I nearly never use Shield on Herald or Warhorn on Tempest. Herald Shield could be good if the trait were folded into the base skills (shield skills cleanse conditions, have lower cooldowns), and Hardening Persistence gets buffed to "-2% damage per point of upkeep, -4% for 5 seconds after a shield skill is used."
  5. My idea was even more radical: Skill 9, IE Utility 3, is a kit. The only kit. This is the profession mechanic. Mandatory one kit in your loadout. Yes, Holosmith becomes this if you use the spec; it autofills the spot and *disables* the use of any other kit. Scrapper comes with no kit, it uses the base kits. Mortar? Just no longer an elite. Med Kit? Yes, goes here, letting the Engie pick up a different heal skill. Go support engie, yay! No weapon swap is still there. Weapon skills get refocused, so that pistol leans into conditions a bit more, and rifle leans fully into power, so that the natural synergy of conditions-to-outlast-foes is retained with the pistol-shield set. Further redesign: kits get a common ammo system; use grenade 1, and lose a count off all the grenade skills. Once you use up all the ammo, you get thrown out of the kit, and it then (and only then; not before) starts to replenish ammo. You can use the kit again as soon as there's one ammo in it. Some kits have more ammo, some less. Grenades would have, say, 8 (middle of the road), Mortar 4 (high impact skills with longer wind-up), Flamethrower 16 (as it is designed to last a while), Bomb 6... Average time to replenish all ammo would be 20 seconds, with a trait to increase the replenishment or base ammo count. Oh, and turrets get scaling. Only then, once the engineer gets a common ground to be rebalanced on, can any progress be made.
  6. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > For the love of the six, I wish the following were implemented in combination: > 1. remove the ability to glide in the JPs OR allow a different keybind for the glider > 2. add checkpoints with an automatic revive at the last checkpoint. > > Other players in other threads have already pointed out that those of longer ping means we tend to soar past the jump point because it is difficult to know when the server has registered our key press as a jump rather than glider. I have had numerous experiences of tapping my jump key, only to have it not register and see my avatar fall down. Then I get to that point again, hold the key down _a little bit_ longer and watch my glider deploy and I soar past the jump platform. > > I've seen the "advice" of just tap the jump key again to get rid of the glider. _If tapping the jump key worked in the first place the glider would never have deployed._ > All movement in GW2 is client-side. That's why there's no rubber banding for yourself, but you can sometimes see other players "fall" and teleport to not have fallen. Also, anyone defending any of the two Ring of Fire JPs is entirely and clearly mad. Those JPs are a blight.
  7. That... seems to make sense, yes. Later in the same day, after a log out, I was able to make the conversion.
  8. If you ever feel like you want to be absolutely unfair to things in PvE, http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAw+NlRkwwCbatNmumZlWeTtNVA-zRJUsR3fpQL3WV0XKEcA5wA-e Permanent Fury, 6-9 Might, huge burns out the wazoo, bursts down trash mobs with physical damage easily, melts veterans and up with burns that hit like trucks.
  9. What build and gear? What was killing you? And how fast were you killing them?
  10. 6 characters in full exotics, with a total of, like, nine ascended items between them.
  11. Skulls already exist. Remember Adam? It's just that they're held awkwardly. And I really want land use water weapons. Harpoons for Engineers? Easy to envision. Spears for Warrior, Ranger? Piece of cake. Trident? Say hello to the Necromancer, baby.
  12. Facets and Consumes should be standardized. Facets should have zero activations. Consumes should have ~3/4 activation, across the board. This will nerf Infuse Light, as intended. And shield really could use some love, I'm really trying hard to like it, but it's so difficult. Right now, the only saving grace is "I get to sometimes clear some conditions, yay!", which depends on a trait.
  13. It is atrociously bad because it isn't allowed to focus in anything, build-wise. There are kits that have kind of good synergy for the power-condi half-n-half build that you're forced to run. Grenades are tedious to use, and rely on crutch traits. Bombs are tedious and boring. Flamethrower is painfully slow. Everything else is trash. You want to use your actual weapon? Your pistol? Perhaps rifle? Forget it. All of the numbers on all of the skills are just wrong. Want to use some fun utilities? They're balanced around the idea that you have four skill bars, so their cooldowns are stupid. All of these long cooldown skills also have meh numbers, because you can't be allowed to have many skills off cooldown at any time that have actually good effects that synergize with your build, that'd just be OP. And your turrets can't scale, because reasons. Except for that one single turret.
  14. Use blues and greens that "fit" with what you got. Change your build when some neat green weapon drops that you really wanna try. Once 80, get your exotics up through which ever way you want. Freely skip Rare gear entirely, it is there only to salvage ectos.
  15. If you're not supp... Know what? You are absolutely right. Have a pleasant day.
  16. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > why bother? how long, before i would have to change that too? and even IF i found a build , that CAN play, who says, that it is fun for me? > no, changing the rules so late in the game is just bad design. > writing on a forum is NOT the same , as spending days in content, that i dont like See, you're not even reading the post. I didn't say "change into a better build", I said "learn how to craft a build". This will not take long, really, and will make changes and "changes" to your build much easier to do. But, you know, you want to not change this late in the game, because it is just bad design. You want the game to change. Because that... isn't bad design?
  17. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > That means Rifle should be next. Say it with me, everybody: Bulletstorm.
  18. 3% doesn't "turn into" 7%, that isn't how those sigils work. They add up to 10% together.
  19. Here, have mine, core-only: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POzAceFlVw8YdsLGKWuPtL9K+IF-zRZYBJOPhECUUpbQBlCXkfdpVfFSiRoJDA-e
  20. All this time complaining in here could have been better spent learning how to craft a build.
  21. Axes, yes. My ranger girl currently runs this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POzAceFlVw8YdsLGKWuPtL9K+IF-zRZYBJOPhECUUpbQBlCXkfdpVfFSiRoJDA-e
  22. If you are talking about Opening or Opportunity, those only apply to one hit...
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