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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"Roquen.5406" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > Wrong. I’m a vet and I definitely care. I typically run through the set at least twice. If this changes so that it doesn’t reset each week then it will take forever for me to build up the tickets I need for my next legendary set. It takes long enough already. Leave it the way it is, or let us get tickets each time through.


    > What do you mean you run through the set twice? I thought you only get a max amount of tickets per week (365?) which is done by passing through all the chests.





    ya. I actually meant that I do the whole set and then repeat diamond a few times. I miss quoted what my brain was trying to say :-)

  2. > @"Roquen.5406" said:

    > Would it be possible to make the WvW Pip Chests NOT reset weekly. Just make it so that you can only go through them all once per week but then let people decide how fast or slow they want to complete them.


    > In its current state it punishes people that can't commit 20-24 hours a week to WvW, which for me personally is an automatic deterrent from the mode. It just feels like wasted progress. I never understood why it was implemented this way.


    > On average it takes 20-24 hours to complete everything through diamond. Now someone that does that for every week for 8 weeks is able to max out the tickets each week. Take another person that puts less hours in per week and each week they lose progress because they can't finish the chests. So they are constantly starting over and overall they make less progress in the long run.


    > I don't mind if it takes me 160-184 hours to get enough tickets for stuff. But as it stands if I put those 160-184 hours over 24 weeks instead of 8 I make much less progress overall.


    > I know the veterans won't care because you've been playing so long but I only enjoy WvW in short bursts and this has always kind of irked me. Small changes like the above are things that can potentially bring players back into the mode and some of those may become long term adopters.


    Wrong. I’m a vet and I definitely care. I typically run through the set at least twice. If this changes so that it doesn’t reset each week then it will take forever for me to build up the tickets I need for my next legendary set. It takes long enough already. Leave it the way it is, or let us get tickets each time through.



    Oh wait. I just re read this. I agree with this idea actually. oops

  3. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > A true balance would be for out numbered groups/BL’s to still have downstate while the huge blobs have NO downstate. THAT would make more sense than the way things still are. imo


    > Too much volatility in play and would cause a lot of toxic chat "get off our map!".



  4. > @"DeusVolt.4307" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

    > > > Its even worse for SB. If you are on your mount and get attacked, your pet is perma-stowed so you are denied your pet AND the ability to merge. Definitely a bug, but knowing Anet it won't get fixed anytime soon. That being said, the ability to pet swap is central to ranger and making that its "trade off" definitely seems a touch much, but we'll have to see how it affects overall game-play once this bug is fixed. While the bug is in the game though, SB is unplayable in WvW.

    > >

    > > I simply don’t understand all this soul beast “issues”. These updates have caused zero change to my game play and I still destroy as much if not more than I did before.

    > >

    > > Yes I’m baaack. Now that other classes are nerfed nicely my kills are faster than ever. ahhhh


    > Doubt it, if many other soulbeasts are having issues, I highly doubt you're doing better than the vast majority


    Might be a tiny exaggeration... but seriously I’m not hurting due to the changes. I have also found that my cheese condi build that I hated playing has also suddenly become very very useful.

  5. > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

    > Its even worse for SB. If you are on your mount and get attacked, your pet is perma-stowed so you are denied your pet AND the ability to merge. Definitely a bug, but knowing Anet it won't get fixed anytime soon. That being said, the ability to pet swap is central to ranger and making that its "trade off" definitely seems a touch much, but we'll have to see how it affects overall game-play once this bug is fixed. While the bug is in the game though, SB is unplayable in WvW.


    I simply don’t understand all this soul beast “issues”. These updates have caused zero change to my game play and I still destroy as much if not more than I did before.


    Yes I’m baaack. Now that other classes are nerfed nicely my kills are faster than ever. ahhhh

  6. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > You can, they're salvaged from Ascended rings, which drop quite often in WvW, usually at least once a day.


    > Once a day... You either play 24/7, your account is hella lucky or you are exaggeratimg quite a bit


    Exaggerating a lot is more like it. I play a lot and very high level in wvw and tons if mf and get maybe one ascended drop every two months.

  7. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > I'm having the same problem as well. As far as I can tell, it doesn't affect old threads, only new ones - in fact, it might specifically be threads I've posted in before that are working properly.


    Yes it only works in forums you post in. All other ones just put you at the top every time and don’t update the read flag.

  8. I run soulbeast... I have a Longbow with zerk stats that give 179 ferocity. The other set is dual axes with ferocity totalling 149 ferocity.


    So the question is.... Why does my Ferocity drop when I switch to my longbow which has the greater number for ferocity??? It actually drops by 14 points instead of going up 30.


    Edit: in WvW it actually drops by 90 points.... this simply doesn't make sense. All of the other stats change properly according to their numbers. It's just the Ferocity that is wrong. The number says 179 but obviously there's an issue in the programming... guess I should cross post this in bug reports...

  9. > @"Straegen.2938" said:

    > Rangers and thieves are titts on a bull in a large scale fight. They are the most selfish builds to run in large scale. They contribute little to the health of the zerg, their AoE damage is anemic compared to other classes and when a map is queued having them weakens the zerg as a whole. Their best uses are scouting and flipping.


    > Add on that most Rangers are cowards that prefer to fight from walls and most won't roam beyond their ability to run into a group or structure safely despite being a roaming built class. They are the go-to class for players that want to "win" fights but don't want to actually risk anything or improve their overall skill. Not all rangers fit that description but nobody can argue that playing one lumps them together with the others.


    > I main a non-stealth thief and have to live with similar objections to my preferred class.


    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > Good rangers bring a crapload of damage. I’m typically in the top 5 damage in the squad and down and finish a lot of enemy.


    > Whatever squad you are running with must be horrible. If Barrage/Rapid Fire is doing anything every decent Rev, Scourge and Staff Ele should drop significantly more damage in comparison. A Rev and Scourge isn't even rooted while they are dishing out the AoE, corrupting boons, etc.



    As stated earlier.. you just don’t know me.


  10. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

    > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > > Dont give up playing what you want. Rangers can be very useful when not being in squads (you can easily follow the tag outside the squad) and pewpew stray/overextending scourges or weavers, you can barrage aoe spots weavers or revs cant, you can CC people so others can pick em off easier.

    > > > > > You dont need a squad for that. Just learn how to move along the tag, anticipate enemy movement, and the rest is easy.

    > > > >

    > > > > But here's where the trap inherently lays with Commanders disliking Ranger in a zerg. Your not accepted into a zerg. So you don't get the buffs you would get from say being part of the squad. Because you don't get those uptime boons from the other players in your squad, your less likely to survive in a head on engagement with enemy forces. When the smoke clears, the commander looks around, sees the dead Ranger and goes, "Oh, I see the Ranger's sucked again and can't survive...." Are we not surviving because we WERE not part of the squad, and would have received some sort of healing/BOONS, which we didn't. Or did we not survive because we didn't have the "Right Build". Either way, the commander goes, "This is the reason why I don't like Ranger's. They can't survive. They don't give anything to the group....their useless." AGAIN...I blame Anet.

    > > > >

    > > > > I haven't seen A THING from ONE OF YOU in nearly the last three years that came close to committing to creating a Ranger Build that stands head and shoulders ABOVE the rest of the classes, for a complete and total acceptance of a Ranger into a zerg. I have yet to see a Commander go, "kitten, we need more Rangers in our group if we're going to win this...." NO, have you seen that? Has Arenanet DEVS seen that? No, they have not. I have not. You have not.

    > > > >

    > > > > So whose to blame? The Ranger. Or the people that made all the mechanics for Ranger. Whose the more foolish. The fool that plays the class, or the eggheads that created the class.

    > > >

    > > > so what? with many coms eles don't get any support and we are trying to flank all the time. Without boons, heals, support. And we are still welcome. Because when two weavers put their MS on a zerg the enemy's firebrands are suddenly very busy.

    > > >

    > > > And rangers don't put down that kind of damage. Even if there were rangers in the squad, they were always outdamaged by the elementalists and revs. Always.

    > > >

    > > > So rangers bring nothing to the squad when it comes to boons, they do not bring anything to the squad when it comes to damage. The only thing they are good for is pew pewing siege where LoS is an issue. Rangers do not need to be in the squad to do that.

    > >

    > > Good rangers bring a crapload of damage. I’m typically in the top 5 damage in the squad and down and finish a lot of enemy.

    > >


    > yeah, on your single target or when people do not pop their reflects. But it is hard to reflect an MS back to the enemy - and for killing downed players, the necros do that very well. While corrupting boons.


    I typically and consistently hit multiple targets at once. l2p ranger then tell me I’m not doing what I’m doing. ?

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