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Posts posted by mortrialus.3062

  1. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > so much '137,258 damage you need to do to kill one necro'




    > -nothing could've save the Necromancer-



    > /Mesmer says hello



    Jumped at half health no attemp to shroud, no attemp to heal, impossible to tell even what build he's on as it's possible hes even on Berserkers while I provided a mathmatical breakdown of what the meta core necromancer's tanking capabilities at full health and shroud.



  2. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > https://www.godsofpvp.net/builds/necromancer

    > >

    > > On Meta Core Necro with full HP and a full bar of Life Force they have 64,804 Effective HP when you factor in the Death Shroud -50% all incoming damage boost. And this isn't counting Protection, which they gain a ton of through traits

    > >

    > > 64,804.

    > >

    > > Considering necromancers have significant up time on protection, for power builds if you assume a VERY conservative 33% up time on protection that's 71,141 effective HP. Oh and the necro is almost certainly healing and odds are it'll get two Consume Conditions off before it's finally dead. Averaging for 3 conditions that puts us at an effective health pool of 86,451. And I haven't even touched the healing per second provided by Vampiric Aura and regeneration uptime. Running some very basic combat simulations you can expect 383 healing per second from regeneration like Mark of Blood and Vampiric Aura. That's almost twice as much incoming healing per second as actual healing skills. If you assume 40-60 seconds of combat, which is not unrealistic especially 1v1 against a necromancer that's an additional 15,320 HP players need to punch through for 40 seconds or 22,980 for 60 seconds. But let's go with the conservative option.

    > >

    > > **That is potentially a 101,771 damage players need to do to actually kill a core necro right now.**

    > >

    > > And we aren't even talking their capacity to refill their life shroud bar. That's calculated based on ONE bar of Life Shroud. Calculate for two full bars of shroud and we're looking at **137,258 damage** you need to do to kill one necro. And yeah, shroud doesn't last for ever and there is degeneration on it. It still takes 34 seconds for death shroud to run out on it's own.

    > >

    > > And here's the thing, all that defensive capability on core necro was ALREADY top tier in a setting where everyone was doing 50-100% more DPS than they are.

    > >

    > > Meta Condition Mirage is doing 1,100 damage per second on PvP stats now.

    > >

    > > Meta Daredevil is doing 2,380 damage per second on PvP stats now.

    > >

    > > Meta Condition Herald is doing 2,600 damage per second on PvP stats now.

    > >

    > > Core necro's survivability _was already balanced_ in an where everyone was running around with 50-100% more DPS. Shroud is literally not mathmatically built for this game's current level of damage.


    > The main issue of your argumentation is that you do not offer a point of comparaison. You are only giving the "effective health pool" of the necromancer. Also, the way you estimate "dps" isn't especially argumented. PvP isn't about dps, it's about burst and to down a necromancer you only need to be able to deal 40k damage over 10 seconds (max vitality/perma prot) which mean, with your numbers, that a meta DD coupled with a meta herald can easily do it even without "bursting". Now if you think that someone that invest it's stats and traits into being tanky shouldn't be able to survive against someone that do not then the problem is your mindset.


    > The numbers are interesting in themselve but you can make numbers say whatever you want (it's true in game like it is IRL).


    > The problem of the necromancer isn't it's effective health pool. The problem of the necromancer is that it does have relatively long periode where it's health pool is shielded. Where does this long periode of health pool shielded come from? It come from the need to have enough time to put it's special mechanism to work. So the true reason for this high eHP is that the shroud offer both offense and defense and that ANet made it so that the necromancer have to use it's shroud for both. This is not a problematic that other profession face.


    > I would say that contrary to what you say, shroud is built for this game's current level of damage. This is litterally the level of damage on which it can strive and it show since otherwise nobody would be there crying about it.


    I'll deal with your post more in depth when I get home but for starters just a bit ago I posted a 2014 SPvP video showcasing the significantly higher damage numbers we saw back then compared to now even of the same Berserkers stats. Damage is lower than it has ever been in game. So you're just objectively wrong that's this is the same as core in terms of damage values.

  3. > @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

    > Power uses 3 stats for maximum potential, and condition damage uses 2 stats for maximum potential. This is the root of the problem.


    > Make it so condition damage is reduced by something (toughness, vitality, etc) and then have Precision add the current “ignores armor” reduction effect.


    > Boom. All of a sudden you need Power/Precision/Ferocity or Condition/Precision/Expertise for maximum damage of each respective type. The bloat for condition damage come entirely from its ability to maximize at 2 stats, and often do insane damage with just 1 stats (Condition damage).


    Most classes demand precision even on condition builds to truly get the most of their damage due to trait interactions.

  4. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > 50% damage reduction is a product of powercreep that somehow missed the nerf hammer during the power reduction patch.

    > > >

    > > > Yet it's been there since the game started and pre hot? when damage and CC was overall lower.

    > >

    > > Whether it was or wasn't does not indicate whether it's a powercrept value or not. With damage being what it is post patch 50% reduction is to high.


    > You're missing the point. How can it be too high when it was a fine value when damage was lower than now and there was less CC than now? Relatively speaking compared to then the power of the damage reduction is still lower than then. Just not as low as the "focus necro, easy kill, can't avoid anything" power crept damage days.


    > The only thing that's gone up since then on necro is LF generation on a very select few things, which along with blood magic life siphon, could use a nerf. Comparatively speaking necro defences aren't that much higher than at the start of the game, or pre HoT. They just aren't irrelevant like they were during the high damage, boom spam days.


    Damage is lower for most classes across the board after the MegaBalance patch than it was in Core GW2.



    7k Backstabs without even using Assassin's signet, 6k backstabs on heavy armor. Good luck getting that level of damage now even with Assassin's Signet. Also note the 5-8k Heart Seekers when below 25%. This is in conquest, running Berserker's Amulet, which meta DP Daredevil is ALSO running and not getting half this level of damage. Pre Heart of Thorns GW2 PvP was higher damage and burstier than it is now.

  5. I pop into this thread and I have no idea why mesmers are bickering about Mirage Ambush Attacks when it's supposed to be about thieves.


    Infinite Horizon was only a problem insomuch as you could dodge while running away and your clones would keep attacking, you don't have to commit to doing the attack yourself. The condition ambushes in themselves were fine. When you factor in the 0.25s start up while your 1 skill flips over into an ambush. Chaos Vortex has a 1s cast time and a projectile. Ether Barrage has a 1.5 second cast time. Again, because you can't cast an ambush for the first 0.25 seconds in mirage cloak you only get and most get 0.5 seconds of covering your attack with evade frames. This meant that both Chaos Vortex and Ether Barrage could not be cast entirely while evading. At the absolute maximum, 0.5 seconds of Chaos Vortex is still vulnerable to attack, and 1 second of Ether Barrage is open to attack for one full second, making them potent but otherwise mostly normal skills, even less protected by evade frames compared to something like Pistol Whip or Flanking Strike on thief.


    The only condition ambush skill that could be completely covered by evasion frames is Imaginary Axes and on top of being heavily, heavily nerfed long before the megabalance patch, like two years ago now, the actual attack comes out after a significant wind up and delay anyway.


    The condition ambushes are mostly designed well and fairly, and they were also a bandaid due to most of condition mesmer's weapon kit being the absolute lowest in terms of damage capacity compared to every other class in the game. Seriously, Bravan, after staff ambush was nerfed none of the condition damage weapon kits could complete in a PvP setting in terms of DPS with a Power Mesmer just spamming 1, and that gap has only significantly widened. The main problem isn't even the damage boost from infinite horizon, it's that clone ambushes are automatic when they should be tied to the mesmer actively ambushing as well. I also wouldn't describe Power Mesmer using it's ability to cast and overlap multiple instant cast skill at once to effectively one shot opponents in a fraction of a second this beacon of healthy, ideal, fair, class design either.



  6. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Zero.3871"

    > > > > you missed the most important point.

    > > > > He has proven mathematically with numbers that you dont kill necro 1v1.

    > > >

    > > > The why do people manage it all the time?

    > > >

    > > > >its irrelevent how much you value dodges of other classes

    > > > It's really not.

    > > >

    > > > >, necro doesnt die without any active play from necro player.

    > > > So where do the LF and protection come from?

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > pulsing prot in shroud, prot on every well dont have to aim it.

    > > Lf fro triggering marks, dont have to hit them, from eating conditions. Pulses in shroud for you dont have to do anything.

    > > Just off the top of my head


    > Pulsing protection is shroud only comes from actually applying conditions to enemies consistently , consistently removing conditions , or a combination of both. If you don't actively keep up the pressure then it will fall off. If you take this trait you also can't take unholy sanctuary.


    > You have to be inside the well for the protection to be granted. It gives it to everyone who is there at the time. If you miss yourself or chose to place it else where you get nothing.


    > From eating conditions you mean unholy martyr? If you take this you can't take vampiric rituals so no prot on wells. Also it only triggers when you leave shroud. Not to mention the cost of pulling up to 5 conditions to yourself. The benefit of a potential 9% LF doesn't always outweigh the cost of those 5 pulled conditions.


    > Marks need to go from on trigger to on hit. You still need to place the marks though.


    > Everything you mentioned required active input/play from the necromancer player.


    My effective health is calculated with only a small percentage of protection up time, only 33% which off meta necros could be pumping up even higher.

  7. > @"Brimstone Jack.3462" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Lower the inherent -50% incoming damage and condition damage while in Death Shroud down to something like -33%. Death Shroud is too tanky post megabalance and they can cast from range unlike reaper which needs to dive bomb into melee range where shroud will get immediately cleaved away.


    > Again, cc/stunlock can kill your whole LF bar pretty quick, and then it's squishy mortal time.




    On Meta Core Necro with full HP and a full bar of Life Force they have 64,804 Effective HP when you factor in the Death Shroud -50% all incoming damage boost. And this isn't counting Protection, which they gain a ton of through traits




    Considering necromancers have significant up time on protection, for power builds if you assume a VERY conservative 33% up time on protection that's 71,141 effective HP. Oh and the necro is almost certainly healing and odds are it'll get two Consume Conditions off before it's finally dead. Averaging for 3 conditions that puts us at an effective health pool of 86,451. And I haven't even touched the healing per second provided by Vampiric Aura and regeneration uptime. Running some very basic combat simulations you can expect 383 healing per second from regeneration like Mark of Blood and Vampiric Aura. That's almost twice as much incoming healing per second as actual healing skills. If you assume 40-60 seconds of combat, which is not unrealistic especially 1v1 against a necromancer that's an additional 15,320 HP players need to punch through for 40 seconds or 22,980 for 60 seconds. But let's go with the conservative option.


    **That is potentially a 101,771 damage players need to do to actually kill a core necro right now.**


    And we aren't even talking their capacity to refill their life shroud bar. That's calculated based on ONE bar of Life Shroud. Calculate for two full bars of shroud and we're looking at **137,258 damage** you need to do to kill one necro. And yeah, shroud doesn't last for ever and there is degeneration on it. It still takes 34 seconds for death shroud to run out on it's own.


    And here's the thing, all that defensive capability on core necro was ALREADY top tier in a setting where everyone was doing 50-100% more DPS than they are.


    Meta Condition Mirage is doing 1,100 damage per second on PvP stats now.


    Meta Daredevil is doing 2,380 damage per second on PvP stats now.


    Meta Condition Herald is doing 2,600 damage per second on PvP stats now.


    Core necro's survivability _was already balanced_ in an where everyone was running around with 50-100% more DPS. Shroud is literally not mathmatically built for this game's current level of damage.

  8. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Believe it or not other games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Counter Strike Go do this. New players start out with a massive damage and health boosts that gets reduced bit by bit as the player secures kills. In player analytics, over 70% of players never try a second round of PvP if they don't get a kill in their first game. Typical it's completely gone after 10 kills.

    > >

    > > While probably not a great fit for GW2, that those game's much higher populations than GW2 show it is an extremely effective strategy in certain games.


    > cs go doesnt do this kitten.


    It's been proven through developer commentary it does. Hidden Path Entertainment have explicitly said so.

  9. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > > I'd prefer if all Mesmer F skills had a 1/4 second cast.


    > They are very telegraphed anyway (unless the mesmer shatters herself on you).


    > There is a trait in chronomancer that gives clones superspeed when you shatter them but that's all really.


    I wouldn't mind the offensive shatters getting cast times if they transformed into attacks that could actually catch moving opponents at both close range and at a distance reliably like ranger projectiles. If a mesmer doesn't shotgun their shatters in your face you can literally run and they'll never hit you outside of the chronomancer superspeed trait.

  10. > @"Sanity Obscure.6054" said:

    > > @"PLS.4095" said:

    > > delete torment to the game, just cancer.


    > Pretty much. No build should be allowed to use torment as an overwhelming source of damage like this: Having a condition that exponentially damages you unless you stand still to be an easy punching bag target? What the heck? It's like a free immob and damage dealer in one. Incredibly OP in the post-power Nerf.


    > It makes sense in small amounts as an interesting mechanic, but the builds that use it dump it in spades, easily 10-20 stacks in a sheer second. We're talking like 4-6k ticks. Even as a Scrapper with *many* Condi cleanses it's hard keep up with. It should sparingly be available, like fear and taunt.


    It's not exponential. It's literally a 45% boost. Which would turn 880 damage into 1272. You know, like you can see here:




    Exponential would be like squaring or cubing a number turning 880 damage into 774,400 damage while moving or 658,240,000 damage. That's what exponents are.


    People have some freaking goofy beliefs about the game if you think Torment is doing 658,240,000 damage while moving.

  11. Believe it or not other games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Counter Strike Go do this. New players start out with a massive damage and health boosts that gets reduced bit by bit as the player secures kills. In player analytics, over 70% of players never try a second round of PvP if they don't get a kill in their first game. Typical it's completely gone after 10 kills.


    While probably not a great fit for GW2, that those game's much higher populations than GW2 show it is an extremely effective strategy in certain games.

  12. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > The 30s duration. Idk even know why I'm complaining at this point. Only viable in team of 5, but gives teams a huge advantage to zerg points all game in those matches. Not gonna argue for the sake of it


    > you are whats wrong with this game :)


    What if portal ran out before you could even get literally ANYWHERE AND ONLY LASTED AS LONG AS SHADOW STEP RETURN WITH A 50% LONGER COOLDOWN?! BRILLIANT!



  13. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > > Portal doesn't need a 30s duration in pvp. Gives too much opportunity to zerg 1 point and immediately zerg another. 20s seems far more fair and gives less opportunity to auto win 2 points

    > >

    > > It literally takes 20 seconds on average to run from one node to an adjacent node without swiftness.


    > So it takes the mesmer out of one fight and the 2 other dps have 10 less seconds to finish the first one. I dont see the problem


    Is this even English what in the world are you blathering about?

  14. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > Portal doesn't need a 30s duration in pvp. Gives too much opportunity to zerg 1 point and immediately zerg another. 20s seems far more fair and gives less opportunity to auto win 2 points


    It literally takes 20 seconds on average to run from one node to an adjacent node without swiftness.

  15. Portal is one of a handful of skills that scales immensely with higher skill caps and if anything the game needs more abilities that work like that, not less. If anything it should go back to it's prenerf state.

  16. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > Kalla legend has always been an abomination that was only tolerable because it has historically been underpowered but now like lich form is one of the things that has become strong by being ignored by the balance patch. All 5 skills on the legend are pulsing 360 radius aoes that each last 6-10 seconds and bring a tremendous amount of visual cancer while they are up; it's a build like minion master Necro that I just don't want to see being viable at top tier. I propose giving soulcleave the standard 30% reduction to healing and damage, reduce darkrazor from 6 seconds of daze spam to 4, and reduce breakrazor from 10 sec duration to 6. I think ice razor is fine currently maybe reduce duration but up damage per hit and razorclaw is still pretty much useless outside pve so maybe similar treatment so the scary looking but mostly harmless aoe doesn't linger as long.


    > Also leave ventari out of this, none of the wurms ran it because it got gutted hard in the big balance patch despite being bad pre patch.


    Agreed. Khalla is worse visual noise than Scourge ever was. Even if it's fine for renegade to be top tier, khalla should never be allowed to be good in it's current form and should 100% get the full minionmancer, turret engineer, and spirit ranger treatment.

  17. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > It's extremely painful to level up, doesn't offer a lot of convenience to an inexperienced player. The playstyle is a little unorthodox in my opinion, it doesn't naturally flow like a Warrior or even Thief would. My first character was a Thief, I stuck with him for almost 7 years now. You have strong ranged options in the Shortbow, which is very useful tagging and clearing out groups of enemies. Then you have Dagger, which is the usual melee Thief type of deal. They don't have cooldowns, only a resource you have to manage, it's self explanatory.


    Maybe back in 2012 Mesmer sucked to level but now you can level up and go around literally one shotting enemy mobs with Phantasmal Swordsman, Phantasmal Disenchanter, and Phantasmal Berserkers, then cast Signet of the Ether and cast them all again.

  18. > @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

    > Finally, if you have a few minutes I'd like to collect a little feedback about the Super Adventure Festival. Feel free to answer the following questions to help us make the game, and the game within the game, better than ever!


    > - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

    In order;


    1. Storm Top

    2. Rapids

    3. Dark Woods

    4. Sunny Glade

    5. Kingdom of Fungus







    12 Pain Cliffs.



    > - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?



    Gems. I mean we already have gold to gems. Why not toss 100 gems weekly or something?


    Other than that literally everything in the common tier of Black Lion Chests seem appropriate for weekly rewards. Metabolic and Utility Primers, Black Lion Lockbreaker Kit, Black Lion Ticket Scraps. All good options.


    Honestly I'd rather see the Mystic Clovers and Tyrian Exchange Voucher get a price cut. Aside from Lunar New Year I've always thought they are far too expensive.


    > - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


    More than anything Worlds 3-4. That's literally all I want.


    Other than that I'd like to see a time trial mode which puts a difficult time limit to completing levels with special rewards when you do so and keeps track of the best speed runs like adventures and beetle races.

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