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Posts posted by mortrialus.3062

  1. > @"Shena Fu.5792" said:

    > Asura thematic names are 1 or 2 syllables. maybe Pradax, Pradox. Krondi.


    Not entirely accurate. Traditional male Asuran names tend to be one syllable and usually end with hard consonants. Examples are like Florpp, Fenn, Kloxx, Vipp, and Gort.


    Female asura tend to have two syllable names that end with a vowel. Examples include Motta, Glenna, Mibba, Troxi.


    Both male and female Asuras often have two of the same letter in a row somewhere in their name but not always. And the traditional naming convention isn't a set in stone law, like Kudu explicitly having a traditional female name despite being male.


    Asura do not have a last name, instead opting to use job titles, a krewe name, or honorifics to differentiate themselves. For example Machinist Motta, Engineer Florpp, Counselor Hejja.

  2. Honestly post phantasm rework learning and leveling mesmer isn't anywhere near as hard as it used to be and is in fact super easy with all your phantasms one shotting non veteran mobs and Signet of the Ether resetting your super charged phantasms. Playing with a guardian can be a lot of fun especially because when they flush you with boons you can use Signet of Inspiration to extend their duration.


    Seriously, GW2 has very easy PvE especially before you hit expansion content. The only class that I would advise not to role first is Engineer, and even then once you hit 80 you get holosmith which makes Engineer a lot more streamlined and easily playable. Even Elementalist, despite having 20 weapon skills, you're still largely sticking to fire and air in PvE. Mesmer is pretty similar.


    When you hit 80 you can get some easy Berserker gear and run DPS chrono for open world and PvE while you work towards getting Diviner's Gear for Support Chrono, Viper's Gear for Condition Mirage, and Minstrel Gear for Tanking Support Chrono.



    Is a solid damage orientated build when you hit 80 and unlock chronomancer.


    https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/mesmer/chronomancer/power%20boon/ Has the builds you want to work towards gearing and getting good at when you hit 80 and start doing group content like raids.


    If you like the theme of mesmers play it. Simple as that.

  3. I think a lot of the rez boosting stuff is going to start running really roughshot over the meta. Stuff like Traited Well of Blood, Function Gyro, Arcane Resurrection, Medics Feedback. I think once ranked conquest comes back you're going to see a lot of really obnoxious resurrection builds really start clogging up ranked.


    Right now with the 30-50% across the board damage nerf, I don't think any build outside of maybe ranger can cleave hard enough to out damage the healing from a player plus a res boosting spell. And most builds can handle taking a couple seconds of cleave damage if pulling a rez off secures you winning a 2v1 with your rezed teammate, so it's a lot harder to punish someone for attempting a very risky rez. And a lot of builds have defensive measures to help them shrug off being cleaved at all like Shoud, Barrier, Elixir S, Mist Form, Distortion.


    It'll also beat a safe stomp every single time. And if you cc the person going for a revive if you even can, that won't buy you enough time to secure a safe stomp or cleave the body a significant amount to stop them healing outside of the most extremely powerful cc. And a large majority of builds don't have any access to poison outside of Doom Sigil. Only Shortbow Thief has the kind of power to really hamstring any attempt to revive a teammate.


    When ranked conquest comes back this is the sort of stuff I fear becoming really popular.

  4. > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > Ah yes, but pick up a GS and suddenly you're "good".


    > The prejudice is real.


    Lol no.


    "Omg macro mesmer." "garbage skillless one shot from stealth." "Mantra mesmer is no skill."

  5. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > GL activating this skill _at the right moment_ while being chain CCed to oblivion.


    How many players can consistently stop the 0.25 cast on the Facet? Probably no one.


    > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > Yet no one complains about defiance stance or even use it apart from zerging in wvw.

    > >

    > > If given the choice between the current IL or an IL that performs like mendings, a flat 6.5k heal and remove 3 conditions but with 30s cd. I'm sure a lot of revs will choose the latter.

    > >

    > > Also while we're at it Shiro heal also has counterplay. It can be reflected, blocked, or evaded. So let's remove the counterplay to Shiro heal as well. Or is counterplay only good if it hurts the Rev and bad if they benefit?


    > Based. Shiro heal has to be the worst kitten in this game (just use a reflect and heal yourself) and with the nerfs done to him recently legend is unplayable


    I think this is also why people are noticing it more is because when Glint+Shiro was meta Infuse Light was basically your only healing skill while Malyx has a very respectable healing skill in it's own right. This is basically the first time we've seen Rev's double healing skills actually in practice since at least Path of Fire's release.

  6. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > IL is one of the few skills that punish braindead spam. Be it the herald itself or the enemy, IL can do anything from a 100% heal to basicly nothing. When playing power, the counter is just "don't attack for 3 seconds". If you can't do that, you deserve to lose. When playing condi, do half-kittened bursts to bait IL out, then go for a proper condibomb.

    > The skill is perfectly fine.


    By that logic, what if we made every single healing skill operate like Infuse Light? what if every single skill on every class was a full on damage reversal? It's "fair" right.

  7. It's definitely a problem and I don't think there's any real obvious best way to fix it. Especially since in many ways Infuse Light being as strong as it is feels like its very much the glue that holds the entire revenant profession together.


    Damage reversal is definitely extremely strong. Effectively a 3 second invulnerability. And theoretically on the current Mallyx Herald Build the skill can theoretically provide 913 Healing Per Second which is MASSIVE considering the average healing skill typically provides 250 healing per second when used off cooldown.


    While you can say "It's fine just stow weapons" like sure that's one counter play if you're power. But in ranked you can't necessarily coordinate with teammates to stop attacking, especially if they're trading blows with someone else and the rev can simply absorb the cleave, or run into AoEs someone else popped. And if you're condi you can't stop your own condis. And in order to threaten a Herald on a condition build, you basically have to load him down with enough conditions to heal him to full when he pops it. As condi you've always had to operate on the notion that you just have to dump into the Infuse Light and hope you can kill him quickly enough afterwords before Infuse Light is off cooldown, which was fairly reasonable before the mega balance patch back when everyone was doing 2x as much damage as they are but definitely feels less so now.


    Overall I think I'd like to see Facet of Light become and instant cast, and Infuse Light get a 0.5 to 0.75s cast time. I think if anything should really be nerfed about this skill it's how effectively unstoppable it is.


    Readying Facet of Light has a 0.25 second cast time. This means that it's so fast that the revenant themselves at 70 ping will struggle to even be able to cancel cast their own Facet of Light if they try to. As a player you have almost no capacity to see, interpret, react, and interrupt the Facet heal before it's readied once you take ping into account. And the Facet is almost always popped long before the pivotal part of the fight where they're going to try to heal. You basically can't stop it. And even if you can, readying the Facet is done far, earlier than when the healing is typically needed so even if you're a reaction time god and interrupt it once most builds aren't going to be able to interrupt it over and over again and prevent it from ever being readied across a 20-30s fight. I think the skills would have a lot more counter play if readying the Facet was instant, but going into damage reversal has a cast time comparable with other healing skills so that smart reactive players who have saved cool downs specifically to interrupt the healing skill can actually do so.


    I don't mind the damage reversal aspect of the skill I just dislike the unstoppable nature of it.

  8. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > Has Sindrener commented on the state of thief? I'm curious when I get off work I want to see what he had to say regarding the changes. I think as a top level player with a good scope of overall balance/gameplay that's where I'd be looking to learn more about how thief is affected.


    Sindrener has never not begged Arenanet for thief buffs.

  9. Elite Specializations are the most fun, enduring positive feature to come out of both expansions. They are inherently fun and interesting and one of the biggest boosters in terms of replay value providing new and interesting ways to play all the classes.


    Other games add new classes or races. Guild Wars 2 adds elite specs. You think the lethal stagnation that would have happened if games like League of Legends NEVER added new champions after the original set, or Magic the Gathering never adding a single new card after the original set would have been healthier for those games than whatever balance concerns happened as they expanded the games' playable options?

  10. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > I care more about elite specs providing interesting, ambitious changes towards game play styles and class niches and capabilities than being perfectly balanced or even underperforming right out the gate.

    > >

    > > Whether you choose to accept it, as bumpy as elite specs have been for balance and power creep if we lived in a world where all of the HoT and PoF elite specs were awful and never worth taking compared to just running core specs the game-mode would be in a far, far worse situation due to the terminal level of staleness. Like imagine where League of Legends or Magic the Gathering would be if they never released new champions/cards after the initial sets.


    > this is true but i'm not worried as anet has made some awesome specs. there isn't one spec that I inherently dislike based on design, they're all very well done imo. the numbers seem skewed for pve it seems to me but with this new balance team maybe my fears are all in vain. we shall see.


    > edit

    > well there is some dumb stuff like herald boon spam and deadeye nonsense but its kinda under the rug at this point.


    Disagree. Dragon Hunter and Renegade are inherently lame, like on a foundation fundamental thematic design. Weaver never lived up to the spell sword magic knight potential I think everyone wanted to see from Elementalists getting sword even if it did find a decent gameplay niche later on in Path of Fire.


    Obviously I think there are right ways and wrong ways to approach elite specializations. I've said before that if the capabilities of a core profession look something like this;


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/8OP0VMq.png "")


    Elite specializations should in turn be altering the capabilities of the class like this;


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/GgFnJg3.png "")


    Not like this.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZOkMwKg.png "")


    Generally, elite specs should be more focused in their capabilities, the way druid makes ranger have higher healing and support potential but taking druid inherently lowers your potential damage dealing capabilies. Or Berserker which boosts your damage dealing capabilities but at the expense of defense. We don't want elite specializations like Holosmith, Firebrand, and Mirage that just net buff literally every aspect of the profession's capabilities with no regard to things like niches, strengths and weaknesses.

  11. I care more about elite specs providing interesting, ambitious changes towards game play styles and class niches and capabilities than being perfectly balanced or even underperforming right out the gate.


    Whether you choose to accept it, as bumpy as elite specs have been for balance and power creep if we lived in a world where all of the HoT and PoF elite specs were awful and never worth taking compared to just running core specs the game-mode would be in a far, far worse situation due to the terminal level of staleness. Like imagine where League of Legends or Magic the Gathering would be if they never released new champions/cards after the initial sets.

  12. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > > > > > first: i play ranger not mesmer.

    > > > > > > second: mesmer are just food and a legit free kill in 2vs2 or conquest !!

    > > > > > > third: kitten what to buff but pls buff the class is dead !!!!! (listen to the players)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > As long as you **completely delete Infinite Horizon** I have no problems with buffing mesmer as much as necessary...above anything I want to see that trait deleted and whoever designed it, should think more than twice to create something similar, it's extremely oppressive to "fight" something that plays hide and seek 80% of the time from safe distance while a mob of clones reduce you to ashes by filling you up to the brink with condis

    > > > >

    > > > > Once again: It is not IH it is the condi clone ambushes causing the problem. IH is a very active and skillful trait when ambushes are designed well as there are on power weapons. While Condi clone normal autoattacks are already op in condi dmg compared to power clones power dmg. Means the problem of Condimesmer starts on core already. And non of these problems got really and directly solved by the one dodge change and would also not be solved by deleting IH or ICD on IH. All what those changes do is dumbing down the mechanic and that even on Powermirage. I don't get what is so hard to understand here. Gosh!

    > > >

    > > > I was going to say the same thing. The main reason Infinite Horizon is dangerous is that clones inflict full condi damage but minimal power damage. Since the design theme for clones is an illusory distraction while phantasms were meant to be the dangerous ones (that needs to be reverted too), clone condi damage should have been scaled down to match power. Or perhaps they shouldn't inflict conditions with their attacks at all.

    > >

    > > Staff and scepter dps are balanced around the clones condition damage. You remove clone conditions you're talking about weapon kits that literally can't out DPS the healing per second from healing skills.

    > >

    > > Prepatch:

    > >

    > > Power Mesmer Max Range Greatsword Autos Berserker's Amulet: 2170 DPS

    > > Condition Mirage Scepter no clones Deadshot Amulet: 675 DPS

    > > Condition Mirage Max Range Staff No Clones Deadshot Amulet: 425 DPS

    > > Condition Mirage Staff No Clones 400 range Deadshot Amulet: 850 DPS


    > So... buff the weapon skills then.


    > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Staff and scepter dps are balanced around the clones condition damage. You remove clone conditions you're talking about weapon kits that literally can't out DPS the healing per second from healing skills.


    > Buff mesmer autoattacks delete clone dps


    Anet will literally never do this.

  13. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > > > > first: i play ranger not mesmer.

    > > > > second: mesmer are just food and a legit free kill in 2vs2 or conquest !!

    > > > > third: kitten what to buff but pls buff the class is dead !!!!! (listen to the players)

    > > >

    > > > As long as you **completely delete Infinite Horizon** I have no problems with buffing mesmer as much as necessary...above anything I want to see that trait deleted and whoever designed it, should think more than twice to create something similar, it's extremely oppressive to "fight" something that plays hide and seek 80% of the time from safe distance while a mob of clones reduce you to ashes by filling you up to the brink with condis

    > >

    > > Once again: It is not IH it is the condi clone ambushes causing the problem. IH is a very active and skillful trait when ambushes are designed well as there are on power weapons. While Condi clone normal autoattacks are already op in condi dmg compared to power clones power dmg. Means the problem of Condimesmer starts on core already. And non of these problems got really and directly solved by the one dodge change and would also not be solved by deleting IH or ICD on IH. All what those changes do is dumbing down the mechanic and that even on Powermirage. I don't get what is so hard to understand here. Gosh!


    > I was going to say the same thing. The main reason Infinite Horizon is dangerous is that clones inflict full condi damage but minimal power damage. Since the design theme for clones is an illusory distraction while phantasms were meant to be the dangerous ones (that needs to be reverted too), clone condi damage should have been scaled down to match power. Or perhaps they shouldn't inflict conditions with their attacks at all.


    Staff and scepter dps are balanced around the clones condition damage. You remove clone conditions you're talking about weapon kits that literally can't out DPS the healing per second from healing skills.




    Power Mesmer Max Range Greatsword Autos Berserker's Amulet: 2170 DPS

    Condition Mirage Scepter no clones Deadshot Amulet: 675 DPS

    Condition Mirage Max Range Staff No Clones Deadshot Amulet: 425 DPS

    Condition Mirage Staff No Clones 400 range Deadshot Amulet: 850 DPS

  14. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > > > My understanding is physical limitations are a factor with the OP. Regardless, sticking to the origional comment about nerfs, this is why memser got nerfed, and rightfully so:

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/UA2f5BQ.jpg "")

    > > >

    > >

    > > Are you seriously bringing up raid support boonshare chrono as if it's ever been relevant in SPvP?


    > I think he's talking about the perma boon phantasm chrono build that completely ruined sPvP for a few months.


    While Disenchanter Chrono was absolutely insane deserved a hard ban when it showed up, it absolutely did not stack 25 seconds of quickness. That's literally PvE Wells and Time Warp and Diviner Amulet/Harrier Amulet stuff, which was never relevant in PvP.

  15. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"James.1065" said:

    > > I think the amount of life gain is good and so is the damage, the problem is the rediculas amount of up time in shroud.

    > >

    > > The solution is to make core necro shroud degenrate at the same rate as reaper shroud or even a little faster. Reaper shroud is 5% per second and feels good - make core shroud the same to prevent lengthy shroud camps and see how that works.

    > >

    > >


    > Why would you even think about using core shroud if it were to degenerate at the same rate or faster than the reaper shroud? Apart from it's energy degen everything on the core shroud is vastly inferior to the reaper shroud. It's obvious that will perform poorly and that players will point out again how poor the core shroud is compared to reaper's shroud.


    > ANet will then be pressured to "buff" the core shroud (which might very well take years for no true results) and you will most likely be amongst the ones saying that core shroud is trash.


    > The shroud (core or reaper) is an imbalanced mechanism by design. It is the main defensive mechanism of the necromancer yet along the years and under the pressure of players like you, he also became the main damage dealing tool of the necromancer (not to mention that it is also close to be the main support tool of the necromancer). The true solution to the current imbalance is to change back the shroud from it's current state of main damaging tool to a mediocre damaging tool alongside tweaks making the out of shroud state the main damaging form. (Something that you won't want to see as the power reaper main that you are)


    > Ideally, traits like _death perception_, _reaper's onslaught_ or _soul barb_ should only give their effect for a duration proportionnal to an amount of LF form consumed when exiting the shroud manually (consuming all remaining LF) with a max duration at 10 seconds.


    > Then you'd truly have a fair trade off between defense and offense on the necromancer which would already start to alleviate the current survivability issue.


    Even at the same degeneration rate core shroud would usually last longer than Reaper Shroud because Core Shroud is an entirely ranged kit which allows you to kite while retaliating against your opponent while Reaper Shroud requires riskier positioning as it is melee only and thus you are more easily subject to being counter attacked, cleaved, trapped in AoE, and being kited and attacked yourself.

  16. > @"Revolution.5409" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Rev is probably on the chopping block after Firebrand+Necro.

    > >

    > > My main impression with Ranger is that while they are hitting really hard, when ranked conquest comes back I think what's probably going to be a lot more problematic with them right now is that whether it's Ranger, Druid, or Soulbeast they are just way too slippery in their capacity to disengage from a fight at this point. Considering most things got nerfed in that regard, and I'm playing Sword Mirage which was previously alongside Thief as one of the fastest builds in the game and I can't even hope to keep up with any of these ranger specs. Granted they were just as fast and slippery before but it's a lot more noticeable now that for almost everything else mobility across the board has seen a lot of cuts;

    > >

    > > Very high swiftness up time, greatsword 3 1,000 range leap, bird swoop if they're soulbeast and using that pet 1,200 range leap, if they're sword they have the sword 2+aboutface combo. Druid Staff 3 1200 range leap, they're able to use stealth with smoke scale and then use their mobility to cover huge distances, they have good access to a ton of stability stacks at once which can make it impossible to CC them while they disengage, and if they're running wilderness survival their cleanse capacity to shrug off things like Cripple, Chill, and Immobilization also very very high.

    > >

    > > I don't think anything outside of a thief at this point can keep up with a ranger at all now.


    > Spellbreaker, Shiro Rev and Holosmith to add some more.




    Honestly? I haven't been very impressed by those builds post patch.

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