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Everything posted by lokh.2695

  1. I'd rather have Anet spend their resources on something else.
  2. > @"Palador.2170" said: > I can't see a lucky envelope dispenser making much sense given how seasonal I (perhaps incorrectly) believe those to be. I mean, I like the idea of a node for every holiday, but in this case I think it needs to give something other than the envelopes. To be fair, we have a christ...sory, wintersday tree in our home instance that gives out gifts all year. A home node for Lunar New Year would probably give out luck anyway, cool for some, unnecessary for others.
  3. This game has hardly the population to fill its existing game modes so I doubt adding another one would help. Also GW2 does not need to be every other game.
  4. It's always the same. BLC-Keys are gambling. Don't gamble if you can't handle the loss. Don't buy keys if you don't want to gamble. Don't buy the keys if you don't want gambling to be part of the game. Vote with your wallet. Yada yada yada. See you next time this topic gets discussed, i.e. when the chests get their next update..
  5. Having viable racial skills will not go down well. So it's a hard no on this one.
  6. We all know we're going too Cantha because it has been confirmed. GW2 takes playce centuries after GW1, that's enough time for any writer to fill with world/civilisation/culture changing events. GW2 Cantha does not need to have anything in common with GW1 Cantha. 250 years is long enough to turn a eerdant jungle into a wasteland, it's enough time for empires to rise, fall and be rebuilt again. The rest of your post, well, isn't it human to play Fifa or Pinball or GTA, isn't it human to eat a lot and feel bad about oneself after, isn't it human to sometimes be tired after a boring day at work/school, isn't it human to sometimes bump your toe on a door, isn't it human to sometimes can't decide what to do next, isn't it human to wash your socks, sin't it human to pick your nose, isn't it human to sometimes have meaningless conversations over nothing at all just to pass time, isn't it human to know exactly what's holding you back and isn't it just as human to still can't help yourself, isn't it human to stay inside when the weather is bad and you don't have to go outside, isn't it human tosometimes get lost in a new place, isn't it human to breathe, isn't it human to... So many things are human nature. On the one hand it kinda defeats the purpose of a fantasy world created for escapism to recreate the world you want to escape. On the other hand, lots of human things would make a terrible game, let alone an expansion for an action oriented MMO. Would it be human for your character to need sleep/food/healthcare and the likes, sure. Would it still be GW if those systems would be added? I doubt it.
  7. > @"uberkingkong.8041" said: > > @"lokh.2695" said: > > Guilds are abandoned content. Sry m8. > > They said they abandoned it? They claim they aint doing anything about it? > Or they say SOON? Or they say maybe in the future? Or they say nothing at all? > Timing has to be right, who knows, maybe End of Dragons means Beginning of Guilds They have stopped talking about guild ccontent years ago and when they do speak about it they mean a handfull of decorations. Nothing has been changed about the Guild Halls since HoT and nothing besides decorations has been added since PoF(->ONE<- new Guild Hall). Before that? Well, they implemented Guild Missions in 2012...maybe fixed some things in the early years, I don't remember...but nothing of notice was added/changed between release and HoT that brought a huge rework of Guilds, mainly to implement Guild Halls. Guilds can't be monetized as well as skins or maybe a home instance, so they abandoned it. Who knows is always a weak argument, or at least an argument that won't win you anything. Sure, I don't know what the next Xpac will bring, maybe it's playable tengu, land spears, player housing, fishing and guild centric. Do you know? I assume you don't. So we can stop arguing right there, none of us knows anything. Maybe the Cathan expansion will revolve around Keg Brawl, build your team and participate in Fifa/Madden'21...erm GuildWars2... Maybe we'll skip the whole fighting dragons and helping the innocent part and skip right into open world PvP, all day every day and it will be the only way to 1)advance the story, 2)get rewards, 3)unlock elites and 4)did I mention it might just be a full player loot system to appease the more hardcore crowd that's coming in with the steam release. Who knows, right? I sure don't, do you? Maybe in Cantha it's all about playing cardgames on your raptor. Who knows, maybe End of Dragons means beginning of old school Track'N'Field coming to GW2.
  8. I never really bothered much about customization once it's done. While I'm at it I can spend hours to find the right shape of eyes/nose whatever, but in the end I'll put on a helmet and will be looking at my characters backside anyways. So I get the appeal and I'm all in for more options, but on the other hand GW2 has more pressing matters to attend to.
  9. Guilds are abandoned content. Sry m8.
  10. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said: > > @"lokh.2695" said: > > I'd rather have them spend their resources on something else. > > Like what, exactly? > > Bluntly - I think people with this opinion are wrong, just like how the anti-mount crowd was wrong. I think the long term health of the game is strongly tied to variety in character options. Today, the character customization is too simple and too on-rails considering there is no gear progression and the level is locked to 80. New weapon types and new weapon skills would take some work, but the bang-for-buck effect is much higher than it is with a lot of content they are actually developing now. In an ordinary game, new weapon types can bring something new to the table just by being new. In GW2, where a Hammer can be a ranged weapon, a staff is both a magical caster tool and a quarterstaff, basically: it's a game where weapon type and skills do not corelate. In GW2 most of the things that people ask for when it comes to weapons can be solved by skins, which is why I think, adding new weapons wouldn't add much to the game that couldn't be done without. Maybe one of the new elite specs will get a meelee staff and the skills will look more like techniques you'd use with a spear, along with some skins and voila, you are now wealding a spear. This is why I'd rather have the developers use resources on something else. For me, this would mean a rework of dungeons for example, or "fixing things", or giving the LS more depth, or take the time that would go into new weapons/classes/races and put them to work for the next set of elite specs, or make the new maps look prettier, or or or...and as much as the people who want resources to be spent on land spears can voice their opinion here, I can as well voice my opinon that resources can be spent better elsewhere. But I have given this reasoning for my answer in many threads as this topis has been discussed many times already, if you're interested you can use the forum's search function to find the many threads about it, so instead of writing another lenghty and biased text about my opinion, I just say "Let's do something else instead" and move on.
  11. I'd rather have them spend their resources on something else.
  12. I think elite specs are the aproach ANet takes when it comes to multiclassing/subclassing/whatever.
  13. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"Evil.1390" said: > > I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea. > > Holy necro batman. Necroing>Repetitive new threads And also: Nope to the actual topic of the thread.
  14. > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said: > When they stopped developing dungeons I said nothing because I did not dungeon crawl. When they stopped developing wvw I said nothing because I didn't wvw. When they stopped developing raids i said nothing because I was not a raider. Now that they stop developing the content I liked, no one is left to say anything. This is kinda what this community deserved. Anet got a free pass from everything mentioned above, and now you are shocked when it happened to the LS as well. While I enjoy the dark satire behind this post and share some of its sentiment. I would like to add, that at each of these steps and many more in between, many people spoke out, said that their favorite game mode was being harmed and asked for further content and so on. It's not like ANet/NCsoft went unopposed by the community, they just don't care.
  15. Anyone ever considered pinball and other classic arcade games as pve minigame at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits upon entering an arcade, and have to choose which arcade game you want to play. each game is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to beat your grandparents first jump and run and a group version where you play some different old games that are completely thei own games and not gw2. casual at first and gets hardcore over time with mediocre rewards to fit the rest of the game, because we can't have farmable content because it would hurt the gems market. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new minigames added to the arcade. What I wanted to say: sounds like a totally different game, a roguelike, more than an addition to an existing game. Sure GW2 has what it has and therefore is missing many things available in other games. GW2 doesn't do soccer like FiFa. GW2 doesn't do RTS like Command and Conquer. GW2 doesn't do Pinball as the machines in the arcades of my youth. Is this a bad thing? No it isn't, GW2 doesn't need to be every other game. On the contrary, GW2 needs to focus more on what it is and has.
  16. This hat and the boxing gloves while you're at it please. ;)
  17. There are two sets that have a "worn" variant, if I remember correctly. But the effect isn't all that eyecatching and with only two sets the variety just isn't there.
  18. As long as I don't have to fix 500 signposts from Hoelbrak to Lion's Arch I'm fine...
  19. 1) Even the plain looking unbreakable gathering tools should be of the highest tier, aka able to gather at any node. 2) Don't know which salvaging kit the Salv-O-Matic is based on. However, the helps a lot with keeping your inventory tidy. I probably wouldn't buy the rare one again, but the copper one is a staple for many players. 3) A lounge pass is nice, extra storage always comes in handy and the shared inventory slots are a good way to save resources if you have a lot of alts and maybe fancy items you want to use on all of them.
  20. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > Just because we haven't been given a plan doesn't mean that Anet doesn't have one. > I am basing my assessment not on what they say, but on what they do. After observing the whole 8 years of game development i am most certain, that even if they have a vision for the game now, it would be a _very_ recent thing. They certainly didn't have one in the past. > > The whole history of this game is a history of constant changes in game direction, often made without much forethough. I mean, the first case happened after merely 3 months since launch, and was caused by a panic reaction. And it didn;t get any better since then. > I'm sad I have to agree here. GW2 has a history of releasing good concepts and abandoning them(dungeons, LS1, maybe raids, maybe strikes, most definitle the visions of the past...). That along with tendencies towards knee-jerk reactions and the bad communication, make me doubt that this game ever had plans for years to come or if they had, those plans don't mean much for whatever reason. Instead of improving on a concept, ANet rather discards it and replaces it with the next gimmick.
  21. > @"DarkEmiLupus.2876" said: > lets try to massive log in maybe we get free things :) This. I will never miss out again because I made the reasonable choice. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice better bring down the servers with hundreds of requests.
  22. If you want to play in chronological order you will have to go back to your personal story. Storytelling will improve as you move forward and things will make sense. If you want to play the newest maps which are more rewarding, prettier and more interesting and don't want to be spoiled you better do the more recent stories first. Whatever makes you happy ;)
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