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Everything posted by lokh.2695

  1. Maybe it's because I've been playing video games for more than 30 years now but graphics were never a really important thing for me. I want to recognize the things I have to interact with, going from there I can get accomodated to almost everything. Also, good frames won't save bad paintings. Meaning that all the top notch graphics in the world won't change things that are imho bad from a gameplay perspective. Just because it looks nice doesn't mean that a game is good, after all you want to play it not just look at it.
  2. There are enough mastery points, no need to get the hard/expensive ones. How much a person spends on the gemstore if at all should never be a means to strengthen ones argument. If you're still gonna leave, can I have your stuff?
  3. > @"silverthorn.8415" said: >My question is does anyone know if a system like this would even be possible to implement with the current weapons or would it be similar to the situation around dyeing old backpacks where the games coding prevents it from being done? I doubt anyone who actually knows will reply on these forums. My guess would be that it's like with the old backpieces. Also, as you mentioned selling foorfalls/animations on the gemstore, this could very likely happen as it would sell, where looking back at existing content like legendaries does not create revenue, so why bother...
  4. nope (Body is 6 characters too short)
  5. > @"Kameko.8314" said: > "Just don't do it." / "Well if you really want it then farm it". It basically boils down to this. Would I appreciate if they stopped adding this kind of achievement? Sure. Will it happen? Probably not, because it's a cheap to develop way to generate hours played and gem-to-gold traffic. The first looks good in a presentation for your shareholders and the second might even generate income.
  6. The claw and the book are both cool, can we keep things as they are?
  7. Didn't we have this thread last week already? Aslo, please support swiss german, there are many swiss german players.
  8. I don't think that the game needs this you have plenty of time to read on what a given event meta or any content will require and you can be prepared I don't see what this would bring to the game other than more confusion and balancing issues which we have more than enough of in the game changing builds the way you swap weapons also might break thing beyond repair and also might mess up the spaghetti code we all have learnt to live with I don't know if this suggestion is serious like many of your suggestions it sounds more like a power fantasy than a though out concept that would add to the experience of the game you just want more because more is more and that's all the appeal there is for this and similar suggestions thanks a lot for reading and have a nice day
  9. We can count ourselves lucky if there is a plan beyond the next three months. By plan I mean an actual direction and an idea of what will and what will not be inplemented by said time, not the PR-speak that are """""roadmaps""""".
  10. > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > @"Oronreo.8796" said: > > I know this may not be a popular opinion, and usual gw2 veterans hate afk farmers and botters. But I have been playing this game for 8 years, and I still did not see most of the endgame, because I find it very hard to find enough time to play. I really love this game, have both expansions and paid a lot extra for gems and cosmetics, but I am getting old and life is becoming more busy. I am suggesting and hoping, maybe gw2 should have a legal, in game farm bot! So I could at least keep my pc open and farm some, then play the real content with that resource. The playerbase is already dropping constantly, even with megaservers. Maybe it is time to let people who have grown up to afk farm and have fun however they like? I really want gw2 to have some kind of afk system. A farm bot, fishing, farming, or anything that will make a decent gold per hour income without having to follow every new strategy or map or living world meta event for farming. I am okay with paid features, even pay to win. I will still be having fun, only if this suggestion becomes real. Otherwise, I am sad to say that I will not be able to return this game :( What do you guys think? > > no this
  11. If t's not going to be magic, it will most likely be another airship ride. Makes the most sense and is probably the best means of transport if no WPs are available. I'd like to travel the seas though. Maybe make the ship an instance or map of its own.
  12. Might repost this in the bugs section? Doesn't sound like this is working as intended.
  13. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > Putting things on a timer? Isn't this what sunk LS1? It kinda was. The other three quarters were that the content expired after the chapter was done, there were less things to do and the timers were longer(assuming story will progress when enough resources have been gathered by the community). So we'll see how this will progress...
  14. I hope they don't do housing because it doesn't appeal to me and I don't see what it would bring to the game. I want to be "out there" doing things not inside a personal instance. The resources could be spent elsewhere.
  15. > @"Tanek.5983" said: > > @"lokh.2695" said: > > ANet has moved on, sorry, can't go back and fix things when there are 3693372165 new things to put into the game. > > Even if true, I find it unhelpful to think that way. I'd rather still put the suggestion for improvement out there just in case. :) I would love to think otherwise but experience won't let me, at least not without a serious amount of doublethinking and retcon'ing the last 8 years of GW2.
  16. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"medivh.4725" said: > > Doing the boss fights in story makes me want to quit the game several times. Every time its a kitten off. We are not really fighting the boss just fighting the mechanics. And repeating mechanics. It is a painful grind. Do something about it before losing more gamers. Lower the difficulty or remove layers of mechanics pls! > > The mechanics is the bosses skills tho so how are you not fighting the boss? Autoatacking the boss=fighting the boss Having to dodge or to position yourself outside of red AoEs of doom=fighting the mechanics
  17. ANet has moved on, sorry, can't go back and fix things when there are 3693372165 new things to put into the game.
  18. Nah I'm fine. Could have done without capes at all and I think resources are better spent elsewhere.
  19. Even without Asura-tech, we could have something like waypoints. Siren's Landing for example uses temples to port between them, Drizzlewood Coast does the same with the different zones of the map and the waystations.
  20. > @"knite.1542" said: > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > > Considering that they didn't add the spider mount because a lot of people have arachnophobia, and that a lot of people are afraid of clowns, I don't think it's something they would add. I could be wrong though. > > Is that confirmed. There are tons of spiders in this game and there is even a longbow skin that is a spider. > > Jup, doesn't make sense, but that was what they said.
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