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Posts posted by Israel.7056

  1. > @"Strages.2950" said:

    > I'm not sure what the salt is about with Desert BL. Yes, it has its problems, but design-wise I think its a very interesting map that breaks up zergs, which, to me is definitely a welcome change to the Alpine monotony of zergs.


    > I think 3 maps is fine. Granted I mostly play NA prime, so I dont really feel this lack of coverage, other than what the scoreboards reflect.


    Well first of all it's way too big, second the keep lords are complete aids, third the color palette gives me a migraine.

  2. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > Exactly. ya, let's penalize people for coming online when they can and trying to have some fun in the game that most paid for. Let's also get upset about the "night capping" because we might.... lose? Lose what? At the worst we get papered and guess what.. you GET PIPS for all that back capping. THAT is all that's really left in WvW other than the fight groups. Seriously people have to stop getting upset about "losing our stuff". Can you imagine if we never lost our stuff? What would we gain? No pips, no xp, nothing.... Let it go! so we can get it back...winning means zero in WvW so just try to have fun... get some good fights in... and let the k-train (not really k-train since you don't get crap for karma anymore)... do their thing and get their own pips where they can.. :)


    They should get penalized because they have consistently ruined the game for all the NA players who bought the game thinking that their actions might actually matter on NA servers.


    But you have given some great advice for NA players playing on servers with no OCX/SEA; You're going to lose everything you get in your timezone no matter how hard you work to get it upgraded or how well you played in the four hours it probably took you to crack it from being t3 in the first place, might as well not worry about it and just k train some towers and backcap stuff wherever you can. Don't worry about how your stuff is all paper every day you log in and their stuff is all t3, that's just the way it is.


    This consistent reality of NA meaning absolutely nothing has been largely responsible for killing NA player morale and giving NA players a very simple choice: Care about winning and try to stack a server with OCX/SEA (BG/JQ historically) or don't care about winning and play anywhere else with the understanding that nothing you do will ever matter because it will be erased once you go to bed.

  3. I have to imagine that with gw2 engine this would involve instancing of some kind. Like a portal you enter and it puts you on the ship and you can cap the ship and then unlock some kind of gimmicky thing like SMC's airship for the whole map. Personally I hated the orbs and i hated red bls gimmicky laser event so I'm just not into the whole "control the ship to win the entire map" sort of thing.

  4. > @"Zushada.6108" said:

    > We have a group that is SEA and they are saying it is their evening/night when we are saying it is noon hour. Very unreasonable to say "night capping" when there are groups that run 24/7. We do lose a lot on my server overnight but that just means we have less players on different time zones and schedules.


    > I mean in theory you can submit a suggestion that all servers be shut down from 9AM-5PM EDT/EST and then again from 9PM-5AM EDT/EST just to make sure whatever you capped is still there... but something tells me this will get rejected. ;)


    Rejected by whom? Off hours players will obviously want to keep their dominance so there's no winning them over with debate.


    I was thinking more like open the servers at maybe 10-11am est and close them around 3am est. Gets rid of most of the chinese and australian ppting while still having plenty of active hours.

  5. > @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

    > > > The biggest issue is that the necro can hit 10 people because he acts as a shade. It should be changed to either / or. If a shade is out, shade skills activate at the shade. If there's no shade out, then shade skills act on the necro.

    > >

    > > Probably still get wrecked in melee if there's enough scourges in one place though.


    > But at least then it would be balanced to 5 person cap on damage vs. 5 person cap on cleanses / boons / heals as opposed to the current, one-sided situation of 10 person cap on damage with scourges vs. the 5 person cap on cleanses / boons / heals.


    That's true but I think they'd still be able to melt your face in melee range. Maybe I'm wrong though I'd have to see it in action.

  6. > @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

    > The biggest issue is that the necro can hit 10 people because he acts as a shade. It should be changed to either / or. If a shade is out, shade skills activate at the shade. If there's no shade out, then shade skills act on the necro.


    Probably still get wrecked in melee if there's enough scourges in one place though.

  7. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > > Im in NA and have met many people who came to NA from EU and there are complaints. Despite the slightly higher ping in NA for them, they still prefer NA overall.

    > > >

    > > > From what I gather, EU WvW is like a constant NA PvP tournament...Something that the greater population takes very seriously. In NA its a bit more relaxed, less zergs and more roamers/small scale (so more duels). Its like WvW is casual in NA and far from it in EU. Commanders are known to kick classes and utilize stronger strats than NA. The expectation of those in WvW are higher in EU than NA and they have no qualm to boot you without warning.

    > > >

    > > > Essentially its less fun, however better led. (Kinda like all work and little to no fun)

    > >

    > > That has not been my experience of EU so far. It's been pretty chill here. I've not gotten in coms once and I've yet to get kicked from a squad and honestly most of the players are just as bad as the NA players they just follow a tag better sometimes.


    > It is possible the people ive met/recruited were part of a minority then...or maybe you are. Who knows. This was just my opinion based on what I am told :)


    > I also know (from NA) that diff servers give diff experiences so it may be the server they were on, or the server you are on...who knows.


    > Thanks for confirming its not ALL that bad.


    > Also...hows the ping compared to NA?


    My ping on NA servers is usually 40-65 and my ping on EU usually stays around 150 but sometimes i get crazy 1k spikes and i have to wait for them to go away but it's usually ok. I've heard west coast people have it a lot worse.

  8. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > Im in NA and have met many people who came to NA from EU and there are complaints. Despite the slightly higher ping in NA for them, they still prefer NA overall.


    > From what I gather, EU WvW is like a constant NA PvP tournament...Something that the greater population takes very seriously. In NA its a bit more relaxed, less zergs and more roamers/small scale (so more duels). Its like WvW is casual in NA and far from it in EU. Commanders are known to kick classes and utilize stronger strats than NA. The expectation of those in WvW are higher in EU than NA and they have no qualm to boot you without warning.


    > Essentially its less fun, however better led. (Kinda like all work and little to no fun)


    That has not been my experience of EU so far. It's been pretty chill here. I've not gotten in coms once and I've yet to get kicked from a squad and honestly most of the players are just as bad as the NA players they just follow a tag better sometimes.

  9. > @"swellercross.3974" said:

    > My Prediction finally is happening now ,BG is gona get stomped by every server they faced , and all servers will be balanced once BG de stacked and become a normal server ,many parents will be happy cause BG kids always on 24/7 now there sons and daughters will enjoy real life .


    Wouldn't count on it Mal is the only one who cares enough to do what he's doing anymore.

  10. > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > 50% chance.


    > When you hit a defensive structure, you are not starting a fight, you are starting a siege warfare, you are trying to win a matchup. A fight which what people wanted is always a population balance issue than a siege warfare issue.


    Ok so how do you square that with "Still, I don't think anyone with common sense will tell you that attackers should be able to conquer on equal numbers."


    And maybe when you hit a structure you're not trying to start a fight but I almost always am except when I'm trying to k train. I don't really care about winning matchups I just like fighting other players.

  11. On EU people mostly just want to fight and they'll keep coming back if they wipe whereas on NA most guilds and big zergs will wipe once or twice and then port off to go hit doors. I've seen EU matchups where there was literally no action except for about a 4-6 hr slice of each day where the kill count was more than t1 on NA where there's 24/7 coverage. It's a cultural difference not a population difference.

  12. > @"Zushada.6108" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > I think that if you don't like large scale fights and you get annoyed when you get ganked that this game mode just isn't for you.


    > That isn't what the OP said at all. I have been heavily invested in WvW for the past year and now I spend more time in WvW than in PVE content. The OP is right, particularly on my server, it does get boring capping and re-capping the same things over and over. Sure there are NPCs such as Dredge, Hylek etc on EBG but it would be nice if there were a couple of dynamic events that popped up (other than the champs everyone ignores) or something else that occurred to spice things up when the mid-week slump hits.



    "I love wvw as a solo roamer only, I seldom join zergs to take a keep or garri etc. But I mainly solo roam around flipping camps fighting other roamers etc.


    I love the gamemode, but the main issue with is how repetitive is... go around... take camp, take tower, take keep etc.......


    Even the zerg gameplay is so repetitive and boring, always the same fights spot, always the same objective to defende or capture, and this beyond the problem of profession, is a problem of the gamemode itself which could easily become "the gamemode" with some good revamp and addition.


    I think a system to penalyze gankers who attack you 6vs1 and chase you for half the map till they killed you would be appreciated somehow, but yeah removing ganking without destroying the gamemode is probably not possible."


    What OP did you read?

  13. > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > It is fair chance to get a keep, not absolute chance to get it. The larger numbers one have, the more tactics and strategies one can utilize while on the other hand, a static defense will still have the same limitation of building areas and supplies availability while tactics and strategies available being constrained with defending primary objective.


    What is a "fair" chance to get a keep? 50/50? 70/30 in favor of defense?


    How many attackers vs how many defenders before you think the attackers have a 50/50 chance? And how long can they reasonably expect to have to attack before they can get in and get a fight for gods sake?


    No one wants to play a game for 6 hours just to get one or two fights when they can play other games and hop in and fight people right away. Most people have jobs and other irl commitments that make even 4 hrs a day a serious investment.

  14. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > You seem to be forgetting time as a variable and focusing only on numbers of defenders and attackers.


    Location too every unique objective in the game has differing level of difficulty for either defense or attacking. So for instance blue side ebg back towers are very easy to defend because mortars and trebs from the keep can be used to hit all the build spots for both the walls and the gates.

  15. > @"Darksun.4702" said:

    > It's so boring for an organized group to focus one person down at a time while sustaining. Mag says they want fights, but they really just want to pew pew and tag people in the hopes of overwhelming the opponent with their numbers and getting bags.


    Cloud can beat most "organized" groups though because most organized groups just move in a ball and put their damage at their feet. This is an inferior strategy to cloud and that's why it's possible to beat organized groups with no commander and no coms. What's really amazing is that more servers don't try cloud after losing to it consistently.

  16. > @"Nikola.3841" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Nikola.3841" said:

    > > > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > > Now BG knows what it feels like to be the #3 server in tier 1. Getting aj'd by 2 servers 24/7. Sucks, doesn't it?

    > > >

    > > > You really think anyone on BG care?

    > >

    > > 100 percent there are people on that server that care a great deal. But now we get PR Wars 2 where we get assured that really no one on BG cares about winning in the slightest and it's just fun for everyone there to finally get a good fight.


    > Well, can't really call this mess a "good fight" as I played way better pvp games, but its decent compared to utter boredom of winning at Sunday already.

    > Still wish there would be something like 8vs8 scene in DAOC, if anyone notices something like that somewhere, please send me PM :)


    How long have you been on BG?

  17. > @"wootrick.4168" said:

    > No, really. We're not kidding. There's been a general level of excitement and server pride this week on BG that I haven't seen in a long time. Tags have been running overtime.....for what? So we can lose slightly less spectacularly than we already are? There is no salvaging the score at this point, we just genuinely are having fun and enjoying the bags.


    Yeah it takes weeks of losing to break BGs spirit.



  18. > @"Nikola.3841" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > Now BG knows what it feels like to be the #3 server in tier 1. Getting aj'd by 2 servers 24/7. Sucks, doesn't it?


    > You really think anyone on BG care?


    100 percent there are people on that server that care a great deal. But now we get PR Wars 2 where we get assured that really no one on BG cares about winning in the slightest and it's just fun for everyone there to finally get a good fight.

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