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Posts posted by Israel.7056

  1. Technically every class probably has 5-6 conceivable builds where synergy exists to some degree or another. There's usually only 1 or 2 where the synergy is really really strong and where the kit is actually conducive to the available game modes which is why we see so many people running variations of the exact same thing. But this is the way it goes for every MMO I've ever played; lots of builds are potentially viable, relatively few fall into the category of "optimal."

  2. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Yakez.7561" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > Would be nice but I doubt it will ever happen because it's unnecessary and redundant and I don't think WvW players are reliable purchasers of these sorts of things.

    > >

    > > Have you ever seen default glider in WvW? WvW players purchase the same stuff as PvE players.


    > Can confirm. Fashion Wars gets played just as hard in WvW as PvE


    But this would be a WvW oriented presumably cash shop item. It doesn't matter if a glider skin flops with the WvW crowd because the PvErs will buy it cuz gotta have em all. If something like this flops with the WvW crowd then that's pretty much it. So yeah there's overlap but this is presumably a riskier proposition.

  3. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > Sometimes i really wonder if Anet dev's really know what they are doing and why they cant see the issues has many players do...

    > >

    > > Most of them don't play the game and the ones that do are atrociously bad. Complete novices. They balance with spreadsheets and golem testing and they have no idea what's going on at any level of the game except for maybe PvE where the golem testing and spreadsheets are somewhat applicable. Most of these people probably spend 40-50 hrs a week working on whatever the next thing is for this game does anyone really expect them to go home and play GW2? Forum feedback is unreliable because it's often either completely unrealistic and impractical or overly contentious and contradictory. It seems like they just throw changes at the game periodically and only notice the most vociferous feedback threads on reddit.

    > >

    > >


    > True....reason having a "balance tem" that knows how things are done in game and what is happenign and why is important across gamemodes, rather than look to a pve side where build can be easilly manipulated(metabatltle) in favour of some persons taste.

    > But at the end im starting to believe we(as in players that actually want skillfull play rather than the pretend to be a skillfull game) are the one requesting to way to much, than what this game is about.... we should be at least playign "normal persons games" not a game for "bait content" trained chimps wich gw2 actually looks like.


    > I dont think forum isnt that unreliable, i ment it is easy to filter what is to much and what is acceptable, and dev's made the game they can easilly spot that, at least they should be, I has a software developer need to know what clients are talkign even if they are talkign wrongly or talking due lack of knowledge of some of my products but also need to notice when somehting went actually wrong even when the information isnt reliable , problem is when dev's cant produce some data and fail to aquire the correct data wich IMO is why this game have awfull gameplay atm.


    > For example...Anet saturated the game on HoT release and added more aoe spam in PoF, wich created an oversaturated and disgustfull gameplay, and yet for sure they will increase the aoe spam capabilities once more to create damage ouput in class evolution, rather than choose a clever design, where they could actually increase the AOE cap by reducing th cleave and spam overall, wich would create a more skillfull gameplay than see 40+ bad players rellying on spam and the other 10-20 decent players...


    > There are alot of wrongly implemented ideologies on this game, if dev's cant see what they are damaging more the product than making it good, well.. nothing more can be expected from this guys.


    Why do you take it for granted that the balance team "knows how things are done in game and what is happening and why?"


    Forums are incredibly unreliable imagine having to try to sift through these forums for useful feedback. Actually try to imagine doing it.

  4. > @"Yakez.7561" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > Would be nice but I doubt it will ever happen because it's unnecessary and redundant and I don't think WvW players are reliable purchasers of these sorts of things.


    > Have you ever seen default glider in WvW? WvW players purchase the same stuff as PvE players.


    That is an obviously invalid comparison.

  5. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > Sometimes i really wonder if Anet dev's really know what they are doing and why they cant see the issues has many players do...


    Most of them don't play the game and the ones that do are atrociously bad. Complete novices. They balance with spreadsheets and golem testing and they have no idea what's going on at any level of the game except for maybe PvE where the golem testing and spreadsheets are somewhat applicable. Most of these people probably spend 40-50 hrs a week working on whatever the next thing is for this game does anyone really expect them to go home and play GW2? Forum feedback is unreliable because it's often either completely unrealistic and impractical or overly contentious and contradictory. It seems like they just throw changes at the game periodically and only notice the most vociferous feedback threads on reddit.



  6. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > That's because scourge's design is literally busted and will forever be OP in WvW. It has no realistic counterplay.


    Scourge totally has counterplay. Scourge combined with firebrand support can be tough particularly in close quarters which is where I think a lot of players have the most trouble with them. It just so happens that almost all the capture nodes in the major objectives are relatively small and favor comps designed around close quarters combat.

  7. > @"Grim West.3194" said:

    > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > Blame 1u1d and people tanking for easier fights.


    > Blame BG for borking the balance of servers so bad that ANET has to create the alliance system. Tanking is just a symptom of BG's cheating the system to create a server that is massively overpopulated in evey time zone.


    > BG is the problem. Until BG is broken up nothing good will happen in WvW.


    I disagree I think Asians and Australians are really the problem and BG just happens to have the most competent Asians and Australians left playing the game at the moment. It doesn't matter how good your server's EU and NA are if you have little or no OCX or SEA or if your server's OCX and SEA are complete trash which most of them are because of ping issues and general lack of experience and just general lack of game knowledge. SEA and OCX pugs are always the worst pugs on every server because a lot of them are playing with 300 ms pings or worse and they just don't seem to know or care much about the game so if you've got a good organized SEA or OCX guild you can take everything and run over everyone in just a few hours. It's always been this way it will probably always be this way I don't think any amount of reorganizing can change it. Breaking up BG will do nothing in the long run imo.

  8. > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

    > Also, MAG crying about stacking is funny. Comical even.


    Clearly it was a mistake though. It seems like a good idea until it works and there's nothing left to fight.

  9. > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

    > The reason you all see SBI + Kaineng the way that it is right now is because of this kitten poor game state and measures players have to take to find reinvigorating enjoyment in the game. Also, this insufferable 1up 1down that coexist along side this server link system in a game mode that lacks goals and reasons to compete. So players self motivate themselves with temporary player drive goals to restore the feel they once had.


    > The only thing that has changed is the announcement of alliance which adds the feeling of the apocalyptic comings for all server worlds as we know it. In which case, any leader who is deemed to be any kind of decent leader would then begin to look towards and prepare for the future. Yes, the apocalypse is coming.


    > Yup, the very same apocalypse many of us preached about and wanted for years. The very same idea that motivated my alliance to even form in the first place. This is like a victory lap for me my friends. Counting down to the end of days while preparing and exploring. Welcome to the game we created. To think Indo and Mal are finishing of here? you must be kidding. We're just getting started.


    No I'm sure you will continue trying to take over the world until the next big mmo comes out.

  10. > @"Chaba.5410" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > Riddle gets farmed link or no link because the mag sea pugs are trash and that's not gonna change.

    > >

    > > Mag will be fine without a link. If you're not having fun on Mag plz leave so maybe the server can open and I can get back on. FA is boring af.


    > But our SMC is T3. :(


    The team chat is so bland though I can't live like this.

  11. Riddle gets farmed link or no link because the mag sea pugs are trash and that's not gonna change.


    Mag will be fine without a link. If you're not having fun on Mag plz leave so maybe the server can open and I can get back on. FA is boring af.

  12. > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > > > Hey Fastcar, i don't mean to be rude but since the ban hammer hit, i haven't seen many BOZ guild players online.

    > > > To my knowledge i saw 1 ele and 1 warrior in past few days.

    > > > What happened to those bunch of rangers?

    > >

    > > How would he know?


    > Because many of BOZ are, or use to be on YB because of me, I played thousands of hours with them


    Ah ok.

  13. > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > Hey Fastcar, i don't mean to be rude but since the ban hammer hit, i haven't seen many BOZ guild players online.

    > To my knowledge i saw 1 ele and 1 warrior in past few days.

    > What happened to those bunch of rangers?


    How would he know?

  14. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

    > > > > > If you want beat BG just stack SEA guilds.

    > > > > > bunch of guilds wipe twice then dodge map :/

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Too bad there aren't any good SEA guilds left except the ones on BG.

    > > > sotd of dh is still good. =)

    > > >

    > > > my guild is late sea to eu. we are only 8 though u.u

    > >

    > > How do they do against Cookie?


    > dunno. whos cookie


    He's the main BG sea pin, I rarely see Alex anymore.

  15. > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > > > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > > > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

    > > > > This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > how long did maguuma "dominated" t1 and ppt?

    > >

    > > like 2 or 3 weeks to beat them down and then 9 straight weeks of nothing happening before almost everyone on Mag either transferred off or quit the game at which point BG slowly started playing again.


    > Did mag have links? I dint play when that happened. I do remember the Bg come back tho. It was satisfying.


    Yeah Mag had a link. No one played when it happened except Visual. I don't know how that could've been satisfying for anyone. I was on BG for over three years and I am still ashamed to have ever been there after that display.

  16. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

    > > > If you want beat BG just stack SEA guilds.

    > > > bunch of guilds wipe twice then dodge map :/

    > > >

    > >

    > > Too bad there aren't any good SEA guilds left except the ones on BG.

    > sotd of dh is still good. =)


    > my guild is late sea to eu. we are only 8 though u.u


    How do they do against Cookie?

  17. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > Its meaningless to you. Its everything for people who want to try changing builds constantly to try out different stat combos.


    I suppose that's true but there's really only like what...maybe 8 stat combos in total that see any serious use in WvW? Probably closer to 4: Mara, Cele, Trailblazer, Minstrel. I've got like 12 full sets of gear mostly from drops. They're not rewarding serious long term players with stat changing gear we already have all the gear only newer players still need gear.

  18. > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

    > If you want beat BG just stack SEA guilds.

    > bunch of guilds wipe twice then dodge map :/



    Too bad there aren't any good SEA guilds left except the ones on BG.

  19. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > > > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > > > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

    > > > > This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.

    > > > >

    > > > Just the truth but it doesn’t really matter, so many factor contribute to the wvw experience. It’s kind of a running joke on bg that the other servers think of us as a blobbing monster. Like I said bg players love wvw, that’s why we are not always but consistently successful.

    > > >

    > >

    > > The reason BG has been so consistently successful is because the server has consistently attracted people who will do almost anything to win and will press any advantage they get no matter how boring or personally dissatisfying it may be to do so. BG attracts the utterly ruthless win-the-game-at-any-costs types as well as those who are seemingly immune to boredom. The two put together make BG a truly formidable opponent with only one or two obvious weaknesses which very few servers have ever been able to effectively exploit.

    > >

    > > Those two things put together are also what's most lacking in every other server in the game currently and that's why BG always wins.


    > Well, lol. Kinda like the idea that people think bg players are ruthless. But. Honestly again we just love the wvw mode. The guild I’m in ran an April fools day wvw raid with helium voice changers and rabbit ears. Lol. Hardly the ruthless take no prisoners badasses. More like rampaging fun loving goofs. My guild plays wvw a lot because we’re having fun together. We like to win yes but it’s not the be all end all for us. We work to be competitive, no one wants to be a bag, but won’t sacrifice our community minded culture. Shout out to Kinetic Storm (KiS) on Blackgate.


    What I mean is that BG will PPT any chance they get any way they can no matter what they have to do to make it happen including buying guilds to exploit enemy coverage gaps or do server blackouts to get more players on the server when it's full, things like that. Also BG has players who will PPT empty borderlands seemingly for hours and hours at a time which is just mindnumbingly boring for most people but BG attracts the sort of people who can and will do that kinda thing.


    I wasn't talking about being ruthless in a fight god knows that's not often the case.

  20. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

    > > This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.

    > >

    > Just the truth but it doesn’t really matter, so many factor contribute to the wvw experience. It’s kind of a running joke on bg that the other servers think of us as a blobbing monster. Like I said bg players love wvw, that’s why we are not always but consistently successful.



    The reason BG has been so consistently successful is because the server has consistently attracted people who will do almost anything to win and will press any advantage they get no matter how boring or personally dissatisfying it may be to do so. BG attracts the utterly ruthless win-the-game-at-any-costs types as well as those who are seemingly immune to boredom. The two put together make BG a truly formidable opponent with only one or two obvious weaknesses which very few servers have ever been able to effectively exploit.


    Those two things put together are also what's most lacking in every other server in the game currently and that's why BG always wins.

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