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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"Toron.4856" said:

    > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > > I would chose many classes to be OP and marked for smiters boon rather than 1 tbh

    > > >

    > > > Oh look, an apparent mesmer claiming thief needs nerfs while their class is literally usurping the role of thief in pvp

    > > > h o w u n u s u a l

    > >

    > > I knew there would be like 99% votes for mesmer, so what ? I should have been choosing Mesmer to not be called out for picking something else ? Idc :D


    > Theres nothing wrong with the "nerf other classes but not my main" attitude. Everyone is welcome to give his or her opinion.


    > Apparently most mesmer mains admitted their class is busted tho and its just a small percentage of the mesmer mains voting for a different class than mesmer :)


    > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > I would chose many classes to be OP and marked for smiters boon rather than 1 tbh

    > >

    > > Oh look, an apparent mesmer claiming thief needs nerfs while their class is literally usurping the role of thief in pvp

    > > h o w u n u s u a l


    > I knew there would be like 99% votes for mesmer, so what ? I should have been choosing Mesmer to not be called out for picking something else ? Idc :dizzy:


    I've been paying attention to the other Mesmer threads, I know where you stand. Still gonna poke fun at that notion though, especially because it's happening genuinely in other threads.



  2. > @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:

    > NO, play rev until they do something about it


    QFT, but Idk what you're talking about _nothing is wrong with rev_


    People should play __More__ rev because it's the only difficult spec and winning with it is more beneficial to your ego than winning because you had more mesmers/supported scourges.

  3. > @"ezd.6359" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

    > >

    > > > Daredevil Elite takes 3 seconds, well, yes it’s safer than normal stomp but not that safe. And who uses IS anyway? u.u

    > >

    > >

    > > Oh!! Oh!!

    > >

    > > Not only that, but _Some skills, like Guardian Push, Mistform, Ranger Daze and Thief Port_ can be casted after the launch of the daredevil stomp.

    > >

    > > It is by no means a safe stomp. You have a large chance of just whiffing it because people can often cast their downskills unless they are certain professions with slow downskill casts in between your second and third flipover skills. Dont know if that's a bug or not, but people take basi even if Uppercut because of that.


    > Only thief shadowstep and ele mistform can be casted while downed actually (if i remember right). Others are stunned/dazed by CC chain skills, so they can't cast push (guardian) or daze (ranger). Best use for thief elite skill is during combat since it has chain CC + damage. If timed right and your 3-rd chain skill put enemies health to 0% - it is instant death.


    > As a thief i more rely on shadowstep (skill) for stomping someone in active battle around.


    I have personally experienced those other two situations. Either there is a bug that allows it to happen or people have been cheating, in that case. I know about bypassing downstate with uppercut, but it is quite possible to fit a few other downstate skills in before being finished, after the launch (again, assuming people arent cheating). If I run uppercut at all, I pair it with haste.

  4. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > Anet should just remove all exclusive rewards from high end PvP, then people wont have any reason to cheat anymore (acc share, carry, win trade, speed hacks, trolling etc). Percentage wise PvP is for sure the game mode with the highest amount of cheaters. And make those minis, gadgets, titles and armor skins buyable with season currencies.



    As long as incentives remain, I'm fine with reward tracking it.


    There are a very small percentage of people who will play PvP for the impeccable balance and charming community, as unbelievable as that might sound.


    Pretty sure taking away their incentives would kill PVP even more. If you can grind it it may reduce the need to guarantee wins by match manipulation/cheating.



  5. > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:


    > Daredevil Elite takes 3 seconds, well, yes it’s safer than normal stomp but not that safe. And who uses IS anyway? u.u



    Oh!! Oh!!


    Not only that, but _Some skills, like Guardian Push, Mistform, Ranger Daze and Thief Port_ can be casted after the launch of the daredevil stomp.


    It is by no means a safe stomp. You have a large chance of just whiffing it because people can often cast their downskills unless they are certain professions with slow downskill casts in between your second and third flipover skills. Dont know if that's a bug or not, but people take basi even if Uppercut because of that.


  6. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > Relax guys/girls! It's reverse psychology. "Buff revenant" threads don't work so may be now one of the devs will see this thread (lol) and will think "Don't buff revenant? Challenge accepted!" and buffs revenant


    Nope, I genuinely want it to be significantly worse than every other spec, especially because it's tied to HoT and any buffs will be considered "P2W".


    > @"Ragion.2831" said:


    > Rev is infinitely harder than just about anything else because there is no safety net. So if you beat an infinite evade mirage while surrounded by a Scourge and holosmith you can quite literally get a high for about 5 seconds.




  7. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > What mother of god wat is this thread...Are you trolling ?


    Not even trolling, Notwithstanding the balance updates that are coming next season, I am now completely fine with Revenant being frustrating. They don't even have to dial back anything else. Game needs hard content.

  8. Title.




    After multiple months of whining about how frustrating Revenant is to play (I play condi Gint/Mally, because I'm determined on getting it to work), it appears I have acquired a taste for its difficulty, much like someone becomes partial to drinking black coffee.


    Leave Rev/Herald/Renegade exactly as they are and buff whatever other classes you choose. I need my difficulty fix.




  9. > @"JayAction.9056" said:


    > Smh just go with it...


    You're proposing that Arenanet change a class that they designed, the least you could do is make sure your assertions are correct. They know when they released the PoF specs.


    ~~Not that it hasn't been too long for revenant as a whole to be frustrating to use competitively. ~~

    Scratch that I think I like pain



  10. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"BlueCar.1587" said:

    > > I´m curious about the communitie´s thoughts about how to make the pvp-experience more comfortable :)



    Don't say that _in public_ , are you _mad_ sir


    > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"BlueCar.1587" said:


    > > - Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.


    > Weapons are probably unlikely. We've talked about trinkets before though. We still have some questions we have to work out internally.


    I'd keep to the salt theme or some derivative, to match the Amulet.


    > @"BlueCar.1587" said:


    > - Make it possible to safe builds, so that you can swap them easier. This should be added to every gamemode because it´s just very usefull.


    Or at the very least split the build settings completely between PVE and PVP. I have had several issues with jumping into a PVP match right out of coming from PVE and realizing that I still had on my PVE weapon set much too late.


    > @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

    > I'd rather see Trinkets removed. I'd love to see PVP with no stat boosts, no sigils, no runes. Everyone gets a base 1000 stats, same health pool. It would become 100% skill based at that point.


    You would kill diversity and enforce the meta even harder than it already is. You'd bore the majority of people right out of pvp if you didn't allow them to try different builds.

  11. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > Core professions must be weaker compared to specializations imo.


    Also no.


    Core Guard, Core Thief, Core Mes, Core Ranger, Core Ele are all good alternatives to elite specs, and Core War __outclasses__ its elite spec. Core professions still carry a lot of clout, just lack diversity unless you play Necro, Revenant, or Engie.

  12. > @"OriOri.8724" said:


    > Why do you refuse to fix the actual problem with EM by simply removing the stunbreak from it? Why are you so insistent on tacking on exhaustion instead of simply removing the mechanic that is overperforming?


    It got past testing so now they cannot functionally split it. Elusive mind is probably a life saver in CC-heavy PoF.

    Guess where the majority of the players are.


    But hey, it's whatever. Games need to have one broken class to carry all the players with egos bigger than their skill capacity.





  13. @Topic:


    All they have to do is tone down the damage the phantasms themselves can do, and potentially cap the phantasms as well. We can deal with GS shatter later or not at all, I don't care about it at this point.


    I genuinely don't understand how, the moment Mesmer receives any kind of nerf or balance attempt to try to temper how it performs, they immediately receive another mechanic that puts them right back to overwhelming again.



  14. > > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > > *In fact I have a recent screenshot of myself, having just killed a certain ex-esl engineer and standing over the body.* https://www.dropbox.com/s/972gfyfnqaup0tw/Chaith%20Kill.jpg?dl=0 ( Note the build and my health. I'm nowhere near as unskilled as some posters here have implied. )


    I don't have a horse in this race either way but 2v1ing a medium armor class with a mesmer and a thief is not skill, its opportunism. Doing something not-horribly does not mean you are skillful. In most cases, merely knowing what your buttons do will allow you to win an outnumbered match. I will shelve the questions about why this was screenshot worthy out of common decency, but I wanted to mention that.



  15. > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:


    > What do you think happened to Dragonhunters ? :


    > a) Nerf to the selfhealing

    > + Traps no longer does daze (some trait)

    > + Spear of Justice (F1 pull) increased the cast time from 0.25 sec to 0,75


    > or


    > b) PPL started using reflects ?


    > Any ranged character when faced reflects , he can see his projectile go to the target and have even more time to react when his projectiles comes back


    This is funny because you can't reflect or block spear of justice anyway, which was what actually got you into the traps. At one point I think you couldn't even evade it.

    So... Apples to Apples pls?



    > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:


    > It can't be more easy to kill any non-mesmer. I thought Deadeye is OP, but it is ridiculously easy to play as and dominate nearly anyone as.

    > It seems i got to main Deadeye now until Arena nerf it. It is way easier and way stronger than my main.


    Go for it! Just be sure you are willing to stick to it to prove how OP it is, even when people start counting to 15 and reflecting your shots, or you encounter a thief that can evade DJ and port to you immediately.


    What's your main, btw? I'm curious.

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