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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"pharazonic.8694" said:

    > While I disagree with the way the OP presented his argument, I do wish there was a barber option for haircuts/facial hair/horns. A gold sink.


    > I do think total makeover kits should remain gem-bound. At this rate though, I just wish there was a way to preview hairstyles/facial hair before committing to shelling out gems for a Makeover kit.


    Gold sink = Convert Gold to 250 gems, buy self style hair kit.


    I don't understand why (and this is not directed at you) people fail to realize when making these arguments that you can buy anything in the gem store with enough gold.



  2. Checking in here. I'm taking video where I can to compile. It's working (I think? I could be just getting lucky), also vs warriors if you're willing to be the absolute scummiest in kiting. Every time they stun you you get superspeed to kite if you havent burned your 7's/swap/glintheal.


    I'll fiddle with the quality so people can see logs if possible. If it is too much trouble I'll just show the build and the matches once I have what I consider reasonable proof.


    It's not just pressbuttons to win like some specs that end up being defined counters, you need to know rev and where to put your buttons.


    > @"messiah.1908" said:

    > why not staff instead of sw/sh? more cc and block and evade


    No go on this. I fell back to Sword shield because sword 3 and axe 4 help you stick to your target for Song of the Mists procs.



  3. > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > That combo sucks and you will be like the last person to try it.


    > Condi rev has like the worst condi damage of all condi specs in a pvp environment by a good margin.


    > Post some videos of you getting 2 shot repeatedly by some semi-decent mes for us. I need a chuckle.


    > Or I’ll just come farm you on another subpar (but less subpar) rev build if you want.


    Aggressive but ok~



  4. > @"Ario.8964" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > >

    > > > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > > > No. There's useless and then there's condi rev, somewhere far below potato tier. OP is trippin, any 1v1 build should be able to mop the floor with mallyx rev

    > >

    > > Agreed that I am insane but I'll test tonight.


    > Could you also list what builds you test against and how well they work? It'd be interesting to see what builds are impacted by it's presence.



  5. > @"Kako.1930" said:

    > Have you been able to confirm this in practice? Just curious. I would love to be able to put my revenant to use again. :P


    I need to duel a couple hundred mesmers. I have fought a few power mesmers and one that was originally power and flipped to condi. Power mesmers melted from rapid torment application, Condi ones lasted longer and won about 50/50, but only by slim margins. Im sure someone with a bit more experience as rev would do better.


    Im running Carrion, Scavenger runes. Mace/Axe and SW/Shield. Incovation/Corruption/Herald.


    this is a theory at the moment but I'll look at numbers today and see if this is a legitimate counterbuild. It sure feels like it.

  6. Yes, I know, I'm insane; hear me out.


    Carrion Glint/Mallyx puts out enough torment and chill to melt illusions.

    Song of the Mists, namely Mallyx and Glint's flavors, apply burning and chilled/ slow and torment to nearby illusions on swap.

    Pulsating Pestilence puts condis on illusions. namely confusion from the Mesmer themselves, but also cripple/burning if you've acquired it.

    Herald line grants superspeed on stunbreak, which can let you escape shatters after being Power Locked.


    I think revenant by nature might be able to shut mesmers down if specced properly.



  7. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > I wouldn't be surprised if this happens, honestly.


    > It's unfortunate, because there are some outstanding mount skins available, but for some reason we always seem to gravitate towards the visual themes and colours that would appeal to a 12-year-old on an acid trip.



    Or maybe 20-30+ year olds like the nostalgic feeling of jagged edges that pixel/lowfi art styling provides? It's how games started.

  8. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > Can we please get a longer cooldown on the *major* (not even grandmaster!) trait "Evasive Mirror? The requirement to trigger this trait is far too lenient for how effective it is.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Evasive_Mirror


    > Currently it has a 1.5s cooldown, yet the reflect lasts for 2s. Increasing the cooldown to 5s at the very minimum would allow a small amount of counterplay by ranged-projectile builds...


    Lol @ semi-permanent reflect uptime on a class that generates vigor on shatter.

  9. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > Bad players don't make it a Bad Mechanics.



    It wins fights when people use it properly, and loses them when people arent aware or misuse it.

    Streamlining the game wont make dumb tactics less dumb. Itll just give you less wiggle room for you or your team to make errors and recover.


    Beast forces you to consider multiple situational outcomes and your role in each of them.


    _Am I a class that can steal? if so, when?

    Can I lure people off far by harassing beast?

    Is my team losing mid? Do I have time to do beast?

    Does the enemy have a thief or other mobile class that can come steal beast while we burn it? If so, when do we burn beast?

    Is our beast being burned? By how many? If its inconsequential, push far while they are distracted? Weaken mid? Will it be possible to wipe their fights because they have too many people on our/their beast?_


    You lose all of that by gutting the mechanic.




  10. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > the classes themselves so you dont get an auto gg if two people want to run potato, etc.


    > Oh my, so that's what all this "potato" business is about. It's the new filter word ("kitten") for the word "T-H-I-E-F" :-(



    It's actually specifically for revenant but sure let's apply it to any trash comp

  11. > @"Gretzel.6790" said:

    > If a member DCs, doesn't it give a 'bye' and waiver the results of a loss? I recall it doing that like a year ago. It should do that when you have a kitten afk in spawn for most of the match too.


    That would be nice to have, but people would manipulate matches by afking to protect their team/ moving but being useless to ensure their team loses points

  12. > @"Cuddy.6247" said:

    > > @"bLind.6278" said:

    > > Anet's complete disregard for PvP in this game.


    > Well, on the other hand you could have them care about PvP and break it so hard they need to make GW3. Story of GW1, basically - they ruined the game so much that they had to make a new game to start fresh.


    Keep in mind:


    1. There's no guarantee they'd get it right

    2. There's no guarantee the playerbase would follow

    3. Breaking pvp doesn't make arenanet devs do anything but laugh at us and nerf Potato/ snipeban anyone who cheated for gizmos

  13. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > I believe that being at the receiving end, can help you realise how another class is truthfully broken/busted or plain weak. It's quite uncommon for a profession to receive unjust nerfs, I can think of a couple of bad nerfs for every class....out of dozen they received; in truth the majority of : "why did you nerf me?" threads are completely unnecessary, built on false misconception and misinformation.


    > Do multiclass, play each class for 1k+ hours in a competitive environment and see for yourself how the grass in not always greener on the other side...on the contrary it may be greener on your side, that should let you see more clearly the reason behind nerfs and buffs


    Tried this. I now play every class available in the game. I'm still learning a few of them, but I enjoy everything (even rev). It's caused me to be a bit blunter on reacting to brokenness, I think.


    > @"Uncle Dalty.8327" said:

    > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > Everyone should try warrior and experience the full wrath of other classes! That way they will learn that playing warrior is not as easy as they thought!


    > ehhhhhhhhhhhhh


    I've watched someone who thought warriors were busted in some aspects pick it up and be surprised at the mental state you need to play it. It's definitely more work than (MASH ALL THE THINGS). Not saying its like... stupid hard or easy, but its different and requires finesse like everything else, esp. if you've never tried it.



  14. > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > I'm going to post this in here as well because I feel quite strongly that EM has other options right now rather than the knee-jerk "remove stunbreak" that is being pushed as the "only" solution.

    > Bottom line is I don't mind which route you guys take, whether you remove it, put it on Jaunt or whatever - I just ask that other solutions (and perhaps even more creative solutions that you come up with in house) be considered rather than folding to a seemingly unanimous perspective that in reality isn't.



    *Elusive Mind now removes all of the user's boons when it is used to break a stun.

    *Elusive Mind now destroys all active illusions when it is used to break a stun.


    _because being stunned makes you forget_


    Jk but I agree with this. I'm against trashing the class as a whole. I happen to play a power mes and would like to have that option without pulling my hair out.

    Id much prefer something be done with the damage phantasms do over this if I had a choice, though. I don't mind a stunbreak on dodge, it's just... on top of everything else...



  15. > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > Since this is in the PvP section.

    > People with 0 map awareness or, more specifically - players who **double cap**. E.g. you go to cap a node, there are no enemies nearby, and a few seconds later there's someone from your team following you and just standing there staring at you. Why?



    > ##Capping speed is not affected by quantity of players on a free node!



    Arenanet devs.

    You really wanna blow the meta up?

    This should be a thing.**

  16. > > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

    > > > Thief doesn't need to clutter the screen with AI if they're consistently not part of the visible spectrum

    > >

    > > I mean, neither are mesmers for that matter. They have almost as many skills that directly apply stealth, and several of them are instant cast as well. Define "consistently."

    > >


    > We have 3. Please stop.


    You have _five_ . one is just impractical and the other has a stupid long cast. Nothing stopping you from chaining them though.


    Not arguing that thief has less access, but there's a reasonable amount of stealth there to suit the definition of "consistently" in most fights.



  17. > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > Thief, outside a pathetic skill in daredevil, has 0 access to blocks or stability.


    I'd like to add that most thieves carry blinding powder instead of that block, because thieves in general only need to block when they're preparing to or are in the process of running away, and it is more preferable to stealth away than it is to block and run, where you can be hit by unblockable attacks and pulled as soon as the block ends.

    Oh, and the knockdown is borderline useless situationally.


    Bandit's defense isn't something you run. blinding powder is better, or roll for init.


    > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

    > Thief doesn't need to clutter the screen with AI if they're consistently not part of the visible spectrum


    I mean, neither are mesmers for that matter. They have almost as many skills that directly apply stealth, and several of them are instant cast as well. Define "consistently."


  18. > @"Kinook.1497" said:

    > scourge is not OP. Yes, it deals tons of damage because it's an AOE caster. Nerfing its AOE would make it a free kill in 1v1 scenarios. That shouldn't happen. Ever.

    > Also let's not forget that revenant does not exist in PVP.


    What's a Revenant?


    I disagree with scourge being OP, as well. It's annoying, but anything that is ranged will beat it. It was a poor design choice but isn't overpowered for what it is. If you make them not do lethal damage up close, there's no point to running scourge because you're free loot. The best thing they could do was make all the AOEs nice and visible so people know where not to stand. At least one person on your team has a ranged option.




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