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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

    > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

    > > > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

    > > > and if your not attacking war, he simply heal itself ... gg reward for mindless gameplay

    > >

    > > Yes he will heal for a total of around 600 health during that time. I'm sure 1 auto attack from you after Full Counter wears off will fix that


    > block , evade,adrenal health, counter, endure pain, evade, a lil run away, rousing resilience, counter, more greatsword evade, adrenal health, endure pain, more rousing resilience, block , counter..again ... I dont put the parts in where he instant does great dps

    > so full HP and circle starts again ... try some autoattack ;)


    "Full counter's uptime is too small to support my argument for why full counter is busted, so I will list everything I don't like about warrior to try to force my point to be valid".

  2. If in 1v1 vs Warrior: Count to 12, Expect full counter. Stop hitting or dodge if you hit by mistake

    If in team battle vs Warrior: Count to 12. Expect full counter. Watch what teammate is doing, be prepared to dodge if teammate is auto-bot. If there is an aoe on the ground, dodge when you hear the sound cue.


    I don't understand why people are smacking a counter, getting countered, then whining that the counter hits too hard. This is pve level gameplay. The warrior cannot force you to hit him.


    > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

    > and if your not attacking war, he simply heal itself ... gg reward for mindless gameplay


    Full counter lasts for 1.5 seconds. That is enough to get two ticks of healing signet, and if the warrior is not running healing signet he cannot heal while countering. Stop exaggerating.

  3. > @"Hecky.1745" said:

    > Hello.

    >I enjoy playing melee dps 2handers from other games and was getting the feeling that this was what warrior is.


    You were right to pick warrior. It can be built for support but it works very well as a DPS with GS.

    Welcome to GW2~ Hope you enjoy the ride~

  4. > @"lordhelmos.7623" said:

    > The small population in pvp is not the kind of community that can be grown or sustained simply because it’s just a group of people in a mental waiting room until they come to the realization that they would be happier leaving gw2 behind for a game fully built for pvp such as:

    > Overwatch

    > DOTA

    > League of legends

    > Paladins (which even has a meaner character with a shatter skill and gs beam main weapon)

    > Fortnite

    > PUBG

    > Battlerite

    > And many others

    > The kind of people that are in pvp should go to these games because they really will just continue to be unhappy in gw2.



    [Laughs in Charr]

    Its funny because the majority of those games are more toxic than GW2 and are also suffering dwindling playerbases.



    > @"Arioch.4810" said:

    > Population is not an issue:

    > Type of players that remained in PvP - that is the issue.

    > Khewra salt mines and PvP chat = same amount of salt.

    > If you had 100 good sociable players, PvP would be in a good spot. Same faces each match? Maybe, but faces you don't mind seeing. Ideally, players you love playing with/against :)

    > I would start by filtering chat logs for let's say last 3 month, then give some reward to each PvP-er that typed ggwp while being on a losing side at the end, each PvP-er that opened with glhf..you get the idea.

    > Reduce amount of salt -> simple way to promote gametype.



    On the right track.



    It's not a failure. Its rough around the edges, but there's a ton of people that still love it, myself included.


    > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

    > We guys from forum are not majority that can clearly say that something is failure.


    > We are just extremely vocal and hysterical minority.


    Sad but true

  5. > @"Meteor.3720" said:

    > You just described Mirage in one sentence.


    Kek, feelsbadman.




    > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > I am proposing that the tanks be relatively slow **AS they are in just about every creditable RPG.** In this way, each class would have to play to it's strengths to win.


    They are.


    > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > There are a couple of problems though. *Historically, ANET has not done a good job of keeping the equivalence.* **Also and critically; The frickin tank guardian is ALSO highly mobile.** in a situation like that, the Guradian has a natural advantage from the start.


    It's not.


    > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > * Doing something with Bunker Chrono, specifically Chronophantasma.

    > * Might should not corrupt into Weakness.

    > * Throw reaper just a few bones.

    > * After that I'd like to see fresh air weaver get buffed.

    > * Ventari Rev, Tempest, and Scrapper should receive serious buffs to bring them onto Firebrand's level.

    > There's some meme stuff like Deadeyes and and 25k Worldly Impact Soulbeasts that aren't currently meta but should maybe get a look at just in case the balance changes makes them meta.




    > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > No one cares about core mesmer.


    Not true. There should still be a concerted effort to ensure mes remains viable at core. I agree with Ithilwen here. I think you're on track with the GS burst nerf, but only after we see what happens with the coming balancing to chrono specs. Portal should probably not be touched at all.



    > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > *Personal biases, interpersonal relationships and especially any grudges need to be left out of the decision making process.*


    If any developers have a history of doing this. Please stop. You're playing with your paychecks.


    > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > I don't honestly believe the concept of "balance" is clearly understood.

    > **Balance means:** **Any given class, whether "elite" or not, has an equal chance going into a 1v1 against any other class.**


    > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > And I propose roughly the same. If a thief wins on mobility and a Guardian on taking , then they are *equivalent.*


    Do you see the contradiction/Irony here? You cannot balance for combat equality in 1v1 in this particular game, in conquest. The moment you do, the more mobile classes instantly become unbalanced. This is why people are so angry with mesmer, why thief constantly has its damaged shaved, and why people bristle at deadeye.


    Also several of the posters here need to learn to not directly attack individuals when responding to their threads. All it does is make persuasion more difficult.



  6. > @"BMW.2951" said:

    > Ranked sPvP is a joke because of **afkers, wintraders, people who throw games, people who don't understand their class, people who don't know how to rotate, toxicity,** balance sucks due too two classes "Scorge and Chrono", etc. It's not worth playing ranked anymore because people don't care. If you have one guy who is trolling or throwing a game on your team then it's gg.


    > How can anyone take ranked serious because of all of these issues? It's not fun anymore. Bring a new and refreshing mode to sPvP... 2v2, 3v3... we need something other than a 5v5 conquest mode with standing on points to win.


    Look at the majority of the causes for PVP not being fun and then tell me if you think a new mode will fix it.

    There's a lot of this that is due to people. It might be possible to salvage the current game mode by helping balance out the community's mood before we ask for conquest to be scrapped. 2v2 and 3v3 will lean more heavily on class balance, and we get major balances twice a year.


    Not that a significant portion of the current game state isn't due to what seems to be hamhanded balancing/reworking, but giving people a new mode in which to be toxic isn't going to make them less toxic.

  7. I'm going to pass on these because I'm practically stuffed as far as my appetite for mount skins, but they're still impressively done.


    Keep up the good work designers.


    > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > Ugh... if you like sci-fi that much, why don't you go play a sci-fi themed MMO instead? Has no place in GW2, IMO. Terrible stuff.


    * Holosmith

    * Holomancy

    * Asura Gates

    * Rata Sum

    * Rata Novus

    * The Crucible of Eternity


    Let's not pretend there's a huge chunk of Tyria that's a Sci-Fi fan's dream. The whole Scarlet Vs. Lion's Arch culminated in us fighting a giant hologram.

  8. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > >

    > > >role-play pvpers.

    > >

    > > *Cough*HopefullyanOxymoron*cough*

    > >

    > >


    > If you ever stumble into Rp zones there's always a good chunk of them that are in platinum tier, funnily enough.


    That is amazing.

  9. > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

    > Lesser balanced stance gets activated while you have stability already on you.



    > You fixed it for engies also. Fix this bug for warriors svp also.. been bugged since you introduced this trait.



    > Edit: to all those who saying: wait to use stability after lesser balanced stance is activated.


    > There are tons of scenarios where you start with lets say rampage or recieve stability from team player or start with stability from the strength minor trait.. or you use a stability skill during the fight where last stand is going off cooldown and get activated right again because you receive a CC skill (while not getting cc'ed because you used a stability skill before that)



    And the apparent Rousing Resiliece bug that procs 1000 toughness on using balanced stance, even if you haven't broken a stun~



  10. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Have you guys thought about the fact that a Scourge has a trait that can apply weakness when activating shroud?


    > Might also corrupts into weakness.


    > lol


    True, but it's unlikely that this would be the case in the above situation. Enfeeble only applies to people hugging the scourge, and OP was playing Longbow DH.

    Unlikely but not impossible.

    At any rate, working as intended apparently



  11. Fix the balanced stance bug, then leave it alone. There's no need to almost halve the RR uptime on top of that.


    > @"Kako.1930" said:


    > I mean, if that's true then putting a 30 second internal cooldown on the trait shouldn't affect them any, aside from using balanced stance and endure pain in conjunction with last stand. Any other profession has much longer cooldowns on their passive traits that aren't even as strong. Also, if you're losing 1v1 to a thief, guardian, ranger, engi, revenant, or elementalist as a warrior then you're not a great warrior unless they're like a top player or something. Warriors aren't op but they're far from being the underdogs, and 1v1 is where they shine.


    A bit of a stretch there. elementalists sure, but guardians can spec to counter warriors with blinds, and rangers/holos are currently very strong duelists as well. Wars prob have a leg up on power revs and eles in most cases.

    Also 30 second ICDs on RR would nerf berserker even more. Again, focus on the top, then nerf downward.

  12. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > My angle is that every one of them is far stronger than chrono for roaming at similar skill level. That’s without mentioning that phantasms always were and still are mostly useless in zergs.

    > >

    > > I would disagree with the first part of this statement and agree with the second, in skirmishes. However, that also does not validate them being as they currently are. There are several specs that are useless in zergs compared to roaming, and several that are the opposite.

    > >

    > > Again, not that the builds and class specs you mentioned before -don't- require balancing, but this -is- the feedback for mesme thread, and it is the most glaring problem at this time.

    > >

    > > > See my other comment about how I would have fixed all of the issues in 1 change.

    > >

    > > The balance devs can't do mechanic splits, and the rework would largely affect pve. I don't think Arenanet would spring for that.


    > You’re only thinking of mechanical split, what I’m saying is phantasms removed across the game. PvE, PvP, WvW everything. The change to phantasms being a once only attack should be scrapped in its entirety, I said it before and I will say it again, phantasms as a mechanic do not and never will work. This is a change that would make mesmer easier to balance and better to play in every single game mode, it would solve the PvP problems and go some ways towards not being useless in WvW while giving the power builds the ability to make use of scholar and force runes/sigils in PvE.


    Oh, I see. Interesting. I still think that would be a long shot to have a rework of that caliber, but it -could- be a large benefit. It might necessitate HP bumps and etc. though, if they're going to be actively putting themselves in range for those attacks they normally delegated to phantasms


    > That’s the thing though, the build and everything people are complaining about in PvP is not only behind those but it’s actually poor in roaming short of a 1v1.


    Hmm. took a step back here to acquiesce. I still disagree with it being poor as a roamer, but I can see that it would have shortcomings in doing so compared to other classes. Combat effectiveness, however....

    I understand your point though. I still think its skewed, but I get where you're coming from.

  13. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > My angle is that every one of them is far stronger than chrono for roaming at similar skill level. That’s without mentioning that phantasms always were and still are mostly useless in zergs.


    I would disagree with the first part of this statement and agree with the second, in skirmishes. However, that also does not validate them being as they currently are. There are several specs that are useless in zergs compared to roaming, and several that are the opposite. Neither of these situations mandate the acceptance of phantasm spam.


    Again, not that the builds and class specs you mentioned before -don't- require balancing, but this -is- the feedback for mesme thread, and it is the most glaring problem at this time.


    > See my other comment about how I would have fixed all of the issues in 1 change.


    The balance devs can't do mechanic splits, and the rework would largely affect pve. I don't think Arenanet would spring for that.


  14. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Astery.7914" said:

    > > > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > Because SotE is pure kitten.

    > > > >

    > > > > There aren't only 3. Roamer Power Chrono is a thing, you forgot that one. And it is incredibly powerful. Much more than it is in PvP to be fair. Cast disenchanter with stability from chaos, use CS mid cast, get out of CS, cast it again, use SotE, cast it again. 6 Disenchanters with Chronophantasma. Good luck to your enemy trying to dodge all of those.

    > > > >

    > > > > SotE and Chronophantasma were the main offenders, and Anet is on the right way at the moment.

    > > >

    > > > Maybe you're joking or speaking about US, because I have played at tier 1-3 EU for half of year and for this time I have seen less than 10 chronospam mesmers.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Just because you personally do not see a problem doesn't mean the build is not mechanically overwhelming. Personal ranking does not discredit the assertion that the spec is overpowered, and neither does location. And roamers do exist. Stack food/unregulated sigil access on top of that and you have nightmares for any player that finds himself against a chrono mesmer without backup.

    > >

    > > It's probably going to need even more shaving. We'll see how it goes.


    > Yes because chrono is the only build that over performs in WvW roaming. I really hope ANet buffs perma dodge thief, perma stealth DE, never die dodge spam warriors, constant reset holo that can 100-0 you in 1s and all the other clearly balanced stuff that can’t keep up with chrono in WvW.


    > Also can’t forget the constant resetting double stone signet 1500 range pew pews, definitely needs more stealth and more range, blinks very often turn that 1500+ no risk range into risk so should really be 2000.


    I don't understand your angle. Yes, there are a dozen other annoying roaming builds out there in wvw. That does not validate mesmer being it its current state.

  15. > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > There is a mix on this. I have had players complain about interfering. If I have time, I look at the players/target health, jump in if needed. Or I'll just watch until the player goes down then revive without attacking the target, lol. Maybe share some boons.


    Mostly this in those situations.


    I tend to avoid tagging a mob unless its clear someone is struggling, but it's nice to see that help is appreciated.


  16. > @"The Night Fox.6018" said:

    > Try to convey that in teamchat in the most benign way possible.



    > Not saying there are no players who don't know some elements of the game, but I do know there is a lot of apathy and intentional smashing-head-against-a-tanky-build to spite fellow teammates that are responding with vitriol and hate-laced advice.


    This. I've seen matches run pretty close until about 300, then someone pulls a small blunder and the person doing particularly poorly bombs the chat with ignorance and toxicity, and it makes the whole team play incredibly poorly from that point on and often lose.


    Bashing your team only makes you lose faster. Specifying where you want specific people to go /why as quickly as possible is a good way to get through to the people too nervous to know what to do. And if the person you're talking to responds with bitterness / ignorance/ toxicity, this shows everyone who the kitten is and might inspire them to play harder to carry them.



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