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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. Using the scythe that way makes sense from a practical perspective.

    Whacking the sharp point of a scythe against anything that isnt 100% flesh will shatter the blade. It would be more effective to sharpen the top end of the scythe's blade and sweep it across your opponent. That way you get lacerations and protect the blade.


    The same technique applies to swords.


    (Not that I think this was intended but it's interesting. )

  2. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > >

    > > > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > > > The unblockable daze, which has heavy synergy with the rest of the spellbreaker line, is the issue, not the damage.

    > >

    > > Daze is there to interrupt people freecasting within 300r of the Warrior, or precasting attacks to hit after the warrior does FC, since his anims are locked during the cast and any subsequent hit. Removing it would hamstring the class and punish the warrior for using FC for teams timing their attacks, rather than punishing the team for not paying attention to where they're standing.

    > >

    > >


    > What?! How the kitten is blocking all attacks heading your way, dealing damage and copying 3 condis in 300 aoe is a “hamper” without a daze again?!


    Read the post right above the one you made.

  3. > @"Volrath.1473" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > About the same burst,more interesting kit and now actually requires a brain. Thank you anet!


    > Interesting kit? Did I miss the memo? What kit?


    > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

    > > Deadeye hasn't been exactly nerfed. It just needs to work for his kills now.


    > Agree!

    > But now anet must give the same treatment to facerolling necros and mesmers.

    > Just saying


    I mean, it's not like it's going to happen but it's a nice thought right



  4. I've started playing deadeye. Because hey I guess they don't want me to play Daredevil anymore.


    A really aggressive, hateful deadeye.


    It's not as bad as you think. just channel your salt. You don't get to oneshot anymore but if you're brave enough to S/D or D/P you can get some kitten done.

  5. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > Well I have had some really bad times against good warriors I admit but... FC is already a very clear animation and all people know how it works. Not triggering it isn't that hard so to speak. Requiring warrior to be hit by the original hitter would make the skill almost redundant - let's not forget it's a special skill.


    It would also cripple spellbreakers against mesmers, rangers, and anything with adds, which they are kind of thematically made to fight.


    > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > > @"Jalal.6783"


    > I agree with most of the proposed changes. The amount of sustain Spellbreaker has is ridiculous, as well as the amount of CC, resistance, resetting burst skills etc. These nerfs I believe would be justified because it takes at least 2 people to kill a good Spellbreaker.


    > Also, it sucks for the other players because, especially if you're a thief you have to play like a god, having lightning fast reflexes and dodging every CC the Spellbreaker throws at you while the Spellbreaker presses one button which is Full Counter every so often. Also, they get to use Rampage, which is just more CC.


    Thief in general has to play like a god against every other class that isnt wearing a zerker amulet, unless they run pistol pistol which **opens them up to other thieves as a trade off for ease of use.**


    RE: Topic.


    Tentative yes on sustain tone down. I'd tone down from Spellbreaker though, because warriors at core are fine and RR is used in other builds. I'd prefer if they just fixed the stupid Balanced stance bug that gives warriors free toughness on balanced stance whether they stunbroke or not, but the way its going they'll just gut us again and let chronomesmers run free.

  6. > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > Option A - Punish entire team because 1 person made a mistake


    > Option B - Punish a single player when the other team coordinates an attack against that one player


    > Which option is healthier here? Because literally every warrior in this thread is trying to argue that option A is the healthier option, when option B is what happens in a well balanced game.


    That depends on situation. I can understand the frustration of being dazed/interrupted because of someone else's mistake, but consider that this happens in a small radius and that narrowing it to hit the entity that originated the attack would cripple spellbreakers versus mesmers, rangers, and other entities with adds without any invested effort in counterplay. FC has been nerfed multiple times because "teammates don't know when to stop hitting, drop AoEs at the wrong time". At what point are we going to stop hitting FC and start blaming people for smashing their face against it?


    Also let's be reasonable here. in any major situation where the range of full counter is extremely important (on point), you will at most have two people fighting the spellbreaker in any proper rotation, unless there is a snowball in which case the warrior will die before he downs anybody. I don't think it takes much effort to give yourself twelve seconds to lay into a warrior before quickly moving out of 300r and letting your teammate look for FC before coming in again. Its being made out like the warrior is winning 5v1 because of a daze.


    And if you're 1v1ing, that job is even easier. So I fail to see why we're continuing to shave FC to compensate for rallybots.


  7. > @"Patrick.2987" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Patrick.2987" said:

    > > > -Steal itself should not work while stunned or stealthed and needs a slight casttime and animation. I'd suggest like 1/4-1/2 casttime.

    > >

    > > Lost interest.

    > >

    > >


    > You can suggest a better method to make steal dodgeable.


    I'm not even going to argue on that foundation.


    Steal does not need to have a telegraph. You can block it, use stability, stealth, lay AOEs, traps or wells under your feet to make it unreasonable for a thief to steal to you, or use a skill that stunbreaks immediately upon being stolen to (And in the case when you cannot block a steal but see the thief, basi venom is obvious.) . If you give steal a cast time you break mainhand dagger, offhand pisol, sword, offhand dagger, bound, Staff and several traits that rely on the daze steal provides with trickery. Thematically, theft also should not be something you can see coming.


    Please play a class at least a little before suggesting nerfs to it that break the majority of its weapon sets/its mechanic.



    Couple of other things I noticed:


    > @"Patrick.2987" said:

    > -Portal needs a change in range like 1200 range cap or needs to be an elite with a cd increase by about 10 seconds. Portal always makes mesmer needed in the current state.


    Unnecessary. Mesmer is overperforming because of strong synergies held by mirage and chrono. That is no excuse to reduce their portal entre/exunt to this extent.


    > 3. Necro

    > -Sand savant currently breaks everything covering nodes and large areas in conditions.




    > -Spinal shivers should be reworked to something not passively proccing damage.

    > -Spiteful spirit should have a low casstime after entering shroud. I think 1/4-1/2 should be fine.


    Disagreed. This surprise burst is what helps offset the slowness of the class. The latter is, funnily enough, good against a thief that has just stolen to you.


    > 4. Guardian

    > The guardian specs fill different roles which is kinda nice. Dragonhunter is maybe a bit too weak at the moment but i will focus on the other 2 specs here:


    > -Glacial heart is passive damage and needs to be reworked.

    > -Focus 5, judges intervention and smite conditions deal too much damage. Reduce the damage by 50% and lower the cooldowns by 20%-25% to make it more consistent and a bit less bursty.


    Disagreed, for the above reason. slow classes need to do sudden, high damage to classes close to them or they will be bullied by more mobile classes.


    > 5. Revenant

    > Revenant is in a decent spot right now espacially with the nerfs to other specs. Not much changes needed in my opinion:


    Its not.


    > -Deathstrike could get a damage reduction by about 10% aside from that i think this spec is fine.


    unnecessary. you can dodge the second hit of deathstrike or simply move out of the way. It has a 130 range. If you get put in a position where you are chilled, immobed, with no endurance or escape to avoid that skill, you deserve the damage.


    > 7. Warrior

    > Warrior is also pretty balanced and shares the 1v1 role with druid and mesmer. I would not change much here but with the nerfs to other professions i would like to see:


    > -Either reduce damage output by about 10%.

    > -Or reduce sustain by about 10% with reducing heals from healingsignet, rousing resilience and adrenal health.


    Agreed, but only in tandem with mesmer nerfs, and only one or the other. not both.


    > Elementalist Changes

    > Ranger Changes



    I don't know. I dont play scepter ele that much, but I'll let someone else chime in on that.

    I don't play druid ranger that much either.


    > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > The unblockable daze, which has heavy synergy with the rest of the spellbreaker line, is the issue, not the damage.


    Daze is there to interrupt people freecasting within 300r of the Warrior, or precasting attacks to hit after the warrior does FC, since his anims are locked during the cast and any subsequent hit. Removing it would hamstring the class and punish the warrior for using FC for teams timing their attacks, rather than punishing the team for not paying attention to where they're standing.



  9. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > Any plans for Chaos Wings one day?


    > I would really like Chaos wings please.


    > The white Wings look really dull when you are rocking a full chaos weapon set with chaos gloves and a set of Radiant Armor.


    > I want to make an Arch Angel lol


    nnngh too much bloom

  10. The mounts are usable in core Tyria as a way of advertising Path of Fire to Core and F2P players. Just like gliders were for HoT.


    I'm pretty sure Anet values that silent, burning desire the core players have to acquire mounts. by gating that commodity to PoF, they increase sales.

  11. > @"Vova.2640" said:

    > I couple nights ago in wvw, I used a meteor shower into an enemy zerg and got hit for 11k with full counter.

    > Fun stuff.


    Let it be forever enshrined in this thread that a staff elementalist casted a three second attack into a zerg in wvw, close enough to himself that he could be crit by a warrior using full counter.


    You were already dead my guy. Warrior or not.


  12. > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > No I would claim seasons 1 through 3 were the worst. Smurfing, win trading and winstreaking made the situation truly awful. I find professions in GW1 very well balanced.


    Agreed, with the exception of chronomancer and tentatively scourge at this time.

    Mist Challengers success and the hacking banwave have shown that its possible for PVP to still be engaging and enticing, as long as toxicity is handled at the door, so to speak.


  13. > @"BeepBoopBap.2840" said:

    > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

    > > An unblockable low range AoE which has an obvious sound cue and visualization is good, you're welcome.


    > Uh no Full Counter is like inevitably visually bugged in that the animation lingers permanently. So no, not really obvious on the visualization part most of the time.


    > Would it be too much for your warrior heart if we fixed that bug?


    Sound cue still works, and even with the sword animation the warrior still performs the counter stance animation and draws additional swords. Also why are you assuming that he thinks he includes the obvious visual bug as a necessary feature of FC? It obviously isn't intended to work like that and will get fixed eventually.

  14. > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

    > Holosmith - too much sustain, too much damage, and ridiculous amounts of short and long ranged CC.


    > Spell breaker - As soon as someone says the best way to beat this class is by kiting them/losing LoS, that already says that class is broken. Warr in general is just a ridiculously strong class, perma stun until dead, short CDs, obscene mobility (players should get time CD penalties for using combat skills OoC, or these skills should require a target), damage too high, sustain/regeneration is too high for a class that already has everything, with hardly any downsides. They don't have to spec into Vit or Toughness.


    > Scourge + Mirage - Both these Elite specs are too silly to elucidate the obvious.


    > Guard - For the amount of burst these guys have, do they really need 3-4 teleport-to-target skills. Guards also has too much sustain, one of the few classes that can spec high into healing and still do massive damage because they have so many damage negation skills like block (+aegis), invulns, etc.


    > Deadeye - Why introduce the most annoying spec in the game. A sniper class that has stealth on maps that were not designed to accommodate snipers. An elite spec solely designed by crystal meth.





    Dont forget. Soulbeast, Weaver, and ~~ power rev ~~ reaperare lurking under the waters for op if all of those come to pass.

  15. > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

    > > @"Urejt.5648" said:

    > > congratulations to Anet for making good balance and providing good patches.


    > This tourney showed the game's balance isn't in such a bad state, aside from the fact chrono had to be banned.


    > More like this please.


    I'm glad to see the pvp scene elevated in such a way.


    Agreed to above.


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