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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

    _shatter is not the main problem on mesmer burst. It's phantasm + ambush skills . _


    Above, with the general addition of damage.

    Let's not go crazy about this. Arenanet has a tendency to over-nerf, people have a tendency to over-complain about failures to understand basic game mechanics when everyone else is doing it, and I'd rather not see mesmer gutted down to D tier or lower because a vocal minority can't understand shatters.


    I've said this before, but we need to cap active phantasms at two or three, and reduce the damage on the majority of them. We can go from there. If shattering in addition to that needs scaling, we can address it then. Right now, though, mesmer is too bloated: People are saying they wont take elusive mind because "waah exhaustion", but it only applies that on stuns. People will still run it because _being exhausted but alive is preferable to being dead from a burst, and otherwise it is a condi clear._ Don't let people tell you otherwise. The trait is still strong.


    Add that to stealth, blocks on sword skills, blocks from Deja Vu if you run Chrono and the ability to resummon phantasms with Chrono, the ability to permanently upkeep protection, impressive solo and group mobility -and- instant cast stuns from range, and you have a disaster.


    All of that is fine _with appropriate context_, if you want to run with it. However, classes that lean towards that amount of versatility should have their damage scaled back to compensate. Mesmers should be annoying OR deadly, but not both. They did it to thief, why not mes? (They're STILL doing it to thief.). Shave their damage back in increments until they are slightly better than +1 classes. They're slower than thief over flat surfaces who carry shortbow, so their damage should be adjusted to account for that.


    Don't kill their builds, but don't listen to the people saying everything is fine and you need to L2p. Its not.


  2. >You're at low health.

    >Big burst coming

    >Take out shortbow

    >Trying to go up a small hill to get away just long enough for heal to come off CD


    >No valid path


    >No valid path


    >**No Valid Path**

    > Shadowstep

    > **NO VALID PATH**




    >Being hit by a Rock Gazelle out of stealth


    >Holos running dual mini elixrs.

  3. It seems to me that if there are posts fresher than the wounds Mesmers are pouring salt into, they'd float over multiple redundant threads. People in general get annoyed with thread dupes, but usually when pvp floods with dupes its for a reason that doesn't just go away with consolidation.

  4. I understand that you're trying to draw focus as to how crazy mesmer is right now, but overextending just makes people want to believe this a bandwagoning than an actual issue.


    If you're genuinely interested in picking up mesmer, visit metabattle to learn what traits and skills you need for what, use one of the builds posted there as a base, and tweak/rebuild as needed.


  5. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:


    > For example, whenever I watch a streamer, sometimes they may be **in a duel and they complain about being LoS** in such a high pitched voice, one might think they have become victim of some high crime. I have even beat out superior classes by **blocking their critical attacks** by LoSing them.

    > Dueling with a class that does high damage from ranged and safety against a class that needs to infight is a tough match. So, if the player can position you and themselves to negate your burst(line of sight), whose fault is it?

    > **It is your fault that you were not tactically and spatially aware. Your opponent knows your kit and has set you onto the board in their favor.**


    I agree with this, and I'm glad people have this mindset. If you're running a build that is built for range and they reflect or terrain block you, or you're running a class that is high close range damage and they kite you or wall you out, this is gameplay you should expect and adapt for rather than whine over. They sure as hell will LoS or kite you in WVW or on the actual spvp field so get used to it, duels are (supposedly) not for feeding your ego.


    > @"brannigan.9831" said:

    > There is no such thing as SPVP duel rules. You have no right way to tell me what to do in a 5v5 game mode. If I see a 1v1 Im going to plus one it every time and if Im in a side point duel Im going to do whatever it takes to win it.


    He's talking about Server Duels, not unranked/ranked matches.



    > * No using elite skills (in some cases)


    Lich Form, Moa Polymorph, Supply Drop, Thieves Guild and Rampage are all generally frowned upon.

  6. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > If we were to ever implement a vote to forfeit option, we'd probably put in score and time requirements to prevent abuse. At that point, it's likely saving you maybe 2-3 minutes max. Doesn't seem like a worthwhile thing for us to spend our time on.


    I mean. 2 minutes is time better spent requeueing, but I get it.

    This isn't a LoL match where you can run for 45 minutes. you have 15 mins tops in team, significantly less if its a blowout. Add that to the potential for spawning more toxicity by people either forfeiting or refusing to do so and it seems better to just take the loss.


    > @"Assic.2746" said:

    > Truth be told there is a lot of AFKers in PvP. Even in tournements people queue and AFK on spawn just to get participation rewards and reward track progression without actively participating in match.


    That being said this -is- a problem. We can't force people to contribute meaningfully, but if you're just sitting in spawn, refusing to even at least be a target to distract an enemy or two because you are too lazy to play for rewards or too angry to try doing what you can for the team, dishonor should apply to you.

  7. What perplexes me is that (if I remember correctly) the original intent was to continue updating the game world through the Living World series. That seems, for their rate of expansion, an _incredibly large undertaking_ for even the most alert, most meticulous developers. As was stated before, you'd have to, for each iteration, comb through the entire map, replace dialogue where necessary based on what areas have seen influence from the previous events, add or remove assets according to that as well, and then think about what specific reactions the NPCs might have to the world events.


    And this gets harder each time, because the map expands a little with every major release.


    I'm not so sure I enjoy the current "pocket dimension" behavior that has developed as a result of having such sweeping changes to the world, but I am, for the moment, willing to chalk that up to:


    * people refusing to believe some things that they couldn't see happen happened (there are still npcs floating around that probably still fervently worship Balthazar, and his efforts won't vanish from the land so easily.)

    * some people acknowledging that they happened and choosing to remember Balth for what he -was- before he became a jackkitten.

    * The slow spread of information without the internet (I mean Asura gates are fast, but still)


    I can see it becoming a larger problem soon, but I'm not sure how to begin to address it (I'd guess that Arenanet can toss significant lore chunks into Fractals, to kind of "archive" them, add some style, and give a centralized location for the major story segment. But voice actors are hard to re-acquire for this.)

    A large number of us that enjoy or care about the lore will read the wiki to weed out anachronisms or organize events, but it might be a bit confusing for new players.



  8. > @"Alga.6498" said:

    > Oh well... remember back then when 1st April joke was actually in-game and funny? Not on a wiki site and a papericon talking to you.....


    Funny is relative. I remember they gave us all bobble heads once in game and, while the hilarity of this was peak in WVW, people couldn't handle it, lmao. It ruined the experience for a few.

    At least if you don't like this flavor of funny, you can close your browser tab~

  9. > @"Swagg.9236" said:


    > * By some random coincidence, use an "unblockable" skill? Because those are so common and well-distributed among the classes (especially if such an effect is often more or less strapped to random utilities or thrown in as an afterthought to a weapon skill;


    challenging that because why the hell not


    [The skills are well distributed, with many of them causing Hard or soft CC.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unblockable "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unblockable")


    >let's not consider how most skills that actually manage to break a channeled block are typically on longer cooldowns than the block itself)? And even so, does it really matter in the long run to get in one stray attack in the midst of a 2-3 second blocking period (especially if that attack doesn't necessarily break the block channel)?


    Point taken here.





  10. Just cap phantasms at 2 - 3 active at a time, for starters.

    As it stands right now, any encounter with a phantasm feels like I'm working against a permanent taunt whenever they break target, if they happen to ramp up.

    Tabtargeting was useless before for locating them after target reset, but now clicktargeting is difficult because the uncapped phantasms provide visual litter that I have to spend additional second fractions avoiding, while hoping I am not about to have my plans interrupted by instant cast soft cc.


    Classes can be annoying to manage or deadly, but not both at the same time.

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