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Posts posted by ZDragon.3046

  1. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > Dark Path's Dark Pursuit - will it count as a finisher? I doubt it but want it.


    doubt it while it probably should have a secondary function other than just a blank port to your target that you hit with the previous skill i doubt its going to based on the current patch notes

  2. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > Sounds to me like deathshroud 2 is getting the nerf bat as well. Sounds like "this skill isn't homing anymore"

    > > > Which would make it completely useless.

    > > >

    > > I think it still homes in it just works more like the focus 4 now instead of running along the ground aka scaling down walls before it reaches its target it now just flys through the air to get them

    > >

    > > That said if they made it track less efficiently in the process.... then yeah its a nerf. Right now its one of the best tracking skills in the game aside from life blast and mirror blade on mesmer.

    > >

    > >


    > Yeah, I think I misread this on first sight. But I could almost bet, that something like "slower missle speed" is going to come as well.


    The projectile was already pretty slow so i dont think it can get much slower to be honest. If it did it would literally take half its cooldown to hit some one at max range. I imagine its just going to be the focus 4 attack skinned over the shroud 2 skill.

  3. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > > As crazy as it sounds, I would rather they removed the healing it grants when outside of shroud, if they have to nerf it that is.

    > >

    > > To be honest i would agree that this would have been an arguably better way to handle that change

    > > Keep the healing while in shroud and remove it while out of it.

    > >

    > > and at that point you could possibly remove the range limiter all together

    > > 10% damage at all times

    > > 5% damage to healing while in shroud only which is going to be within 300 range or less anyways.

    > >


    > The problem with that is that it's then almost the same trait as blighters boon.


    Thats not the same at all. I think you might not be understanding the traits properly and the idea he suggested

  4. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > changes are meh

    > I wonder if I will be able to corrupt 4 boons with path of corruption + dark path now...


    probably not

    The port in the patch notes is described as a blink with no addtional effects it deals no strike or anything it just moves you to marked person and ups the cd on using the 2 skill. Which is not good imo. IT should technically do something more if you use it to port that would be a nice nice boost to core shrouds kit if it did.

  5. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > Sounds to me like deathshroud 2 is getting the nerf bat as well. Sounds like "this skill isn't homing anymore"

    > > > > Which would make it completely useless.

    > > > >

    > > > I think it still homes in it just works more like the focus 4 now instead of running along the ground aka scaling down walls before it reaches its target it now just flys through the air to get them

    > > >

    > > > That said if they made it track less efficiently in the process.... then yeah its a nerf. Right now its one of the best tracking skills in the game aside from life blast and mirror blade on mesmer.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > I guess its reduced cooldown is a plus.

    > > 8 seconds without Soul Reaping.

    > > 6.8 seconds with Soul Reaping.

    > >

    > > 2 bleeds + chill.

    > > Seems like an additional nice condi application skill now for shroud camping builds with Dhuumfire autos.


    > The biggest thing is the synergy with path of corruption. The skill not only has a lower cool down but strikes more targets.


    > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > > Sounds to me like deathshroud 2 is getting the nerf bat as well. Sounds like "this skill isn't homing anymore"

    > > > > Which would make it completely useless.

    > > > >

    > > > I think it still homes in it just works more like the focus 4 now instead of running along the ground aka scaling down walls before it reaches its target it now just flys through the air to get them

    > > >

    > > > That said if they made it track less efficiently in the process.... then yeah its a nerf. Right now its one of the best tracking skills in the game aside from life blast and mirror blade on mesmer.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > I guess its reduced cooldown is a plus.

    > > 8 seconds without Soul Reaping.

    > > 6.8 seconds with Soul Reaping.

    > >

    > > 2 bleeds + chill.

    > > Seems like an additional nice condi application skill now for shroud camping builds with Dhuumfire autos.


    > The biggest thing is the synergy with path of corruption. The skill not only has a lower cool down but strikes more targets.


    Yeah i didnt mean like a nerf damage wise from a numbers point of view its arguably better

    - you can use it more often

    - you wont always be forced blinked into danger when you use it

    - it hit more targets


    The nerf i was speaking of was more theoretical if they modify the way the skill tracks and it now tracks poorly and rarely ever hits your target aka if it turns into something like scorpion wire or spectra grasp its going to be much worse than what it is now to actively and predictably use it.

  6. > @"Zex Anthon.8673" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > > As crazy as it sounds, I would rather they removed the healing it grants when outside of shroud, if they have to nerf it that is.

    > >

    > > To be honest i would agree that this would have been an arguably better way to handle that change

    > > Keep the healing while in shroud and remove it while out of it.

    > >

    > > and at that point you could possibly remove the range limiter all together

    > > 10% damage at all times

    > > 5% damage to healing while in shroud only which is going to be within 300 range or less anyways.

    > >


    > I think a good model for many Necro traits is Blighters Boon. Gain life force while out of shroud, and gain healing while in shroud. Unfortunately, reaper is too dependant on reaper's onslaught to even consider any of the other grandmaster traits.



    This is where Reapers onslaught i think needs a QoL nerf which i keep expecting to see. i was almost sure we would see it over a soul eater nerf.

    Simply something like >Making the base reaper shroud faster but not quickness level fast maybe roughly 33% faster down from the quickness 50% faster

    Making reapers onslaught do something else perhaps grant bonus movement speed while in shroud or modifying one of the 5 reaper shroud skills for a new one when its slotted instead of pulsing quickness.


    > I would be happy with the current change if they reworked Blighters Boon to replace the effect. It's more fitting of a grandmaster trait anyway. Have BB heal 5% of damage in shroud and gain 5% as life force out of shroud. Maybe then it would be worth taking over onslaught.


    Yeah reaper is in a odd spot mechanically with its traits now that they have shifted this change. Im debaiting on going back to DD over soul eater but still dropping a 10% damage increase at 300 range is still hard when reaper is already backed to the wall for its dps i guess.


    Even if we look at chilling victory at the moment its kind of not even comparable at the moment to soul eater or DD It might be comparable to soul eater if you combine it with blighters boon but still thats only when its stacked with a grand master alone its purpose is not very useful or noticeable. But then this also leads back to the lack of chill that reaper can put out now without going for something like chilling darkness + ice runes or and frost nova sigils or something.


    So many cuts over time is making this a messy bag and just when i thought reaper was in a ok spot they announce this change.


    > Soul eater could get the GS CD reduction back and damage modifier, and that would be plenty for a master trait.

    I also agree with this too possibly



  7. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > > > Core Shroud still sucks though, by comparison. I'm not sure why people are acting like its gonna revolutionize it.

    > > >

    > > > Agree; the changes merely add a tiny bit more utility to shroud in Core builds. Being in Death Shroud is still a dps loss. The cool down reductions mean DS utilities will be available a little more often. That is all. The shroud transform cool down is the same. No skills outside of shroud have changed. No core traits anyone cares about were changed, either.

    > >

    > > I dont think the core shroud sucks that bad.... it think its ok ish just too many other flaws along side it make core as a whole feel like its about 3 years behind everything else in the game. Core necro is still not as solid as say core mesmer, guardian, ranger, warrior, even ele perhaps. Until some trait reworks happen that make it so core will never be competitive on a end game level it has nothing to make it so in pve end game and nothing to make it terrifying in pvp. You can ideally just run circles around it and run over it provided you have at least a bit of condi clear.

    > >

    > > Its also oddly forced into a hybrid play style to make it function at its best instead of it allowing it to be either one separately as its own thing.

    > > If boon corrupts focused had a set priority on which boons get converted over others no matter how they were applied that would help necro a bunch in pvp but not in pve. its in a rough spot and i feel like no one on the balance team plays necro enough to really under stand how the majority of players who play it feel about its flaws and strengths. So they always pick the wrong things out when making changes to it. Occasionally they do something good by what seems like sheer luck.

    > >

    > > I wish every core class was like guardian. Core Guardian has to be the most balanced profession in the game imo. Its solid, strong, has ok ish sustain, can do big damage, can also die if you go glassy, its crafty but not over rewarded for any singular particular thing through its skills or traits.

    > >


    > I think core Necro is doing okay, personally. Although I do feel that there are a lot of match ups that are difficult/impossible to win in an open field, I also feel that core is stronger than many give it credit for. Assuming you have terrain to play with, Life Blast can do a colossal amount of damage if built for it and everything a hybrid build can hit you with is pretty painful as well. That, as well as being naturally durable thanks to core Shroud not degrading as quickly as Reaper Shroud, and I think core Necro is doing alright.



    I agree that it can do damage but when matched up to other things the damage it does is not = to anets ideals. Necromancer is slow but more punishing. Life blast does a chunk of damage but its kinda slow. Other professions with faster play styles do just as much or more damage but are faster. This is kind of where i puzzle around anets ideals of why keep this kind of ideal if you dont capitalize on it properly. By technical standards imo life blast for example when built for raw damage should be punching a touch harder for as slow of an attack as it is.


    > I prefer core over Reaper or Scourge and I've been a Necro main for many years. I do think it could use more adjustments but it also always bothers me when people speak of it as though it's the worst core spec there is or like it's impossible to win against a decent opponent. Shortly after PoF release was when it was at it's weakest because it was before many of the elite specs were toned down and certain Necro traits/skills hadn't been changed. Around that time was when I stopped playing Necro for quite a while because it was at a point where I was losing a lot more fights than I was winning regardless of how well I played. That was the only time in the 5 1/2 years and 5k hours I've been playing Necro that I actually gave up on it. So I'm just glad it's no where near the sorry state it was in then.


    I personally prefer core over scourge myself but reaper is a n enjoyable change of playstyle from mid range to melee. IF core was a bit more up to date (more viable for end game) i would probably play it more over reaper too.



    > Anyway I didn't mean to insult anyone about their concerns for Reaper or about their opinions on core so I hope it didn't come off that way. Some of the following comments, even if not responding directly to my own, made me feel I should be clear about that.


    No insults at all here i dont think ;) no worries.



  8. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > Core Shroud still sucks though, by comparison. I'm not sure why people are acting like its gonna revolutionize it.


    > Agree; the changes merely add a tiny bit more utility to shroud in Core builds. Being in Death Shroud is still a dps loss. The cool down reductions mean DS utilities will be available a little more often. That is all. The shroud transform cool down is the same. No skills outside of shroud have changed. No core traits anyone cares about were changed, either.


    I dont think the core shroud sucks that bad.... it think its ok ish just too many other flaws along side it make core as a whole feel like its about 3 years behind everything else in the game. Core necro is still not as solid as say core mesmer, guardian, ranger, warrior, even ele perhaps. Until some trait reworks happen that make it so core will never be competitive on a end game level it has nothing to make it so in pve end game and nothing to make it terrifying in pvp. You can ideally just run circles around it and run over it provided you have at least a bit of condi clear.


    Its also oddly forced into a hybrid play style to make it function at its best instead of it allowing it to be either one separately as its own thing.

    If boon corrupts focused had a set priority on which boons get converted over others no matter how they were applied that would help necro a bunch in pvp but not in pve. its in a rough spot and i feel like no one on the balance team plays necro enough to really under stand how the majority of players who play it feel about its flaws and strengths. So they always pick the wrong things out when making changes to it. Occasionally they do something good by what seems like sheer luck.


    I wish every core class was like guardian. Core Guardian has to be the most balanced profession in the game imo. Its solid, strong, has ok ish sustain, can do big damage, can also die if you go glassy, its crafty but not over rewarded for any singular particular thing through its skills or traits.


  9. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > Sounds to me like deathshroud 2 is getting the nerf bat as well. Sounds like "this skill isn't homing anymore"

    > Which would make it completely useless.


    I think it still homes in it just works more like the focus 4 now instead of running along the ground aka scaling down walls before it reaches its target it now just flys through the air to get them


    That said if they made it track less efficiently in the process.... then yeah its a nerf. Right now its one of the best tracking skills in the game aside from life blast and mirror blade on mesmer.



  10. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > As crazy as it sounds, I would rather they removed the healing it grants when outside of shroud, if they have to nerf it that is.


    To be honest i would agree that this would have been an arguably better way to handle that change

    Keep the healing while in shroud and remove it while out of it.


    and at that point you could possibly remove the range limiter all together

    10% damage at all times

    5% damage to healing while in shroud only which is going to be within 300 range or less anyways.


  11. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > This change is going to shave a hunk off of Reaper dps but it will realign Reaper as being a glassier, cleaving version of core Necro.


    The thing is....

    That was already the case reaper was a glassier version of core necro


    The sustain was only high if you were cleaving a mob of foes with your dps ramped up to its max with 25 might etc. In any other case ie single target gain was fairly balanced as heck.


    To be frank this change was out right not needed

    In pvp soul eater sustain is non existent because of the sheer amount of damage that flys around just from aoe splash let alone if you are targeted directly.


    I feel like they should not commit to this change


    - Cut the healing received in shroud in by 33% or 50% (which would lower sustain but not completely remove a major key feature of the trait while in reaper shroud.

    - Have soul eater grant a bigger damage bonus while in shroud sense it will no longer heal in shroud

    - Make it so that you dont need to be in 300 range to get the healing and damage bonus for taking this trait.

    - Change the trait to instead feed back life force in place of hp while in shroud.


    The trait is very clunky now with this change and there are several other ways they could have handled this


    This is just improper and practically a pointless nerf at a niche situation that only happens when you might be surrounded by mobs. in alot of cases soul eater does not sustain you that well.



  12. I simply cannot understand the necro change at all. Soul eater is now possibly worse than its old iteration. Undo that change now or modify the trait to give some other bonus while ins shroud.


    While in shroud healing will not occur however the damage bonus has is increased from 10% to 20%

    While in shroud healing will not occur however the 5% of damage dealt is granted as life force instead.

    While in shroud healing will not occur health is now stored and granted over time after exiting shroud.

    Etc etc etc


    You left Chilling Victory unchanged which is possibly the least used trait in the entire reaper line right now


    Chill is not effective on foes anymore unless the player deticates their runes and sigils to it mean while scourge can cripple you like as if it just added 70 years to you life with just a few skills. Are you aware that a scourge's cripple is more annoying than a reapers chill without any investment


    To be hones the the majority of this balance pass look ok to good ish but this particular soul eater change on necro was 100% pointless revert this idea. Heck give me the old soul eater back over this i would rather get the 20% cd reduction and 200 promised hp per second while holding a gs at any range over the 100 ish hp per attack you get out of shroud and only in 300 range.


    Then again why am i not surprised at least thats the only nerf for necro it would appear so far.


    Also no touch to mirage and its defensive capabilities while being able to pump out tons of condi damage

    No touch to mantras??? on both firebrand and mesmer

    No touch to over rewarding chaotic interruption?

  13. Not a bad video and walk through that said though in a lot of these spvp match ups you are being ignored. A team that literally focuses you wont allow you to make the kinds of plays you were able to get away with.

    that said i do like the setup and how you combo your skills so well. I have not run focus much simply because i favor the war horn for the daze and extra swiftness on locust (even more so when using speed runes) but this video makes me want dust it off and give it ago. ;) thanks for sharing


  14. > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > I think reaper is in nearly an ok spot to be honest. Rather it is in a ok spot but i could always see improvements on a few minor things. Although the power role you hold is not in your own hands if that makes any sense.

    > > >

    > > > In 5v5 matches the power role is held in the hands of your teammates and or the other teams coordination.

    > > >

    > > > If the other team leaves you alive you deal tons of damage and completely change the corse of a fight. Reaper on almost any build can ruin 2-5 people with a single well placed soul spiral or few auto swings. Reaper in itself its fairly strong even when lacking a defensive trait line like most professions run in pvp.

    > > >

    > > > That said if the other team knows how to focus fire you every time you show up as a reaper no matter how well you try to surprise play it you will feel very weak and very under powered because you pretty much wont get to play your part in a fight. You don't hold the power role to make plays.

    > > >

    > > > Necromancer has never had the power to full control its own potential in a team fight. It always felt based on the other teams coordination or your teams coordination to keep you alive in my opinion. I always know when decent people are queue together in matches because those 2 or 3 people will always be the ones who focus me no matter what point im attempting to play a part in and no matter how i play it. I can show up as late as i want to in a fight and no matter what they are doing their focus instantly switches to me. Most of the time how well i do is not based on my own skill completely but also based on the skill of those im matched against or those on my team.

    > > >

    > > > That said Necromancer still has issues (no good defensive line (death magic )) but reaper itself is in a solid spot and i dont think it needs many changes just a few. Particularly on shouts, and on 2 of its grand masters but i wont go into details on that here.

    > > >

    > > > TLDR:

    > > > If you want to hold the power role in your hands more often in a match necromancer is not the best class to look for that experience.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Spot on Dragon. If you're continually matched with those who know what's up it's a rough night.


    > I disagree I think reaper is in a great spot at moment. But no1 but few know how to use them properly.



    And i disagree with your statement. I think plenty of people know how to use reaper properly. Note no one you replied to above this said Reaper was in a bad spot.


    Infact im pretty sure i said reaper itself is in a good spot.. a great spot? no but a good spot yes.

    Great spots are limited to very few specs right now

    I consider pwoer chrono and mirage or mesmer in general , scrapper, holosmith, firebrand, hearld rev, and spellbreaker great spots. These classes run pvp right now.

    Weaver is possibly sitting borderline between good and great though its kind of a one trick pony and that personally bothers me.

    Scourge is sitting some where between good and great also.

    Reaper is good but not great its traits are fairly solid and its shroud and weapon skills are fine. Only a few traits need touching up at this point and maybe a few touch ups on shouts as well and reaper would be solid as far as that elite spec by itself goes.


    However the reason i will never consider reaper great is simply because that its weaknesses and issues will stem from core necromancers faults. Until core necro gets a proper touch up on those faults they will be there in every elite spec built on top of it. This is something thats been said time and time again.


    Does reaper need big heavy buffs? No probably not at this point

    But CORE! D:



  15. I personally dont trust anet with the idea of using minions for the next elite if there is going to be one look at almost every current minion including the reaper shout one and they are all kinda poop. (more so in pvp) Not to mention why not just fix the minions we have now and this craving would be solved with a core setup.

    Should not be looking to ideas to fix core issues while leaving the core issues busted.


    I personally dont want a long ranged weapon either once again this is a pvp issue for me ontop of the fact that its going to be slower than your average weapon when held in another professions hands (as anets principles usually imply) I dont want a long bow that shoots slower than a dragon hunters or warriors long bow and possibly wont hold up to do the proper dps.


    Whats likely to happen is sword / sword currently every profession has access to a sword except necromancer It would be nice to complete the set all the way around and it leaves options open for both main hand and off hand skills.


    Special mechanism:


    The shroud F1 allows the necromancer to take on a new ghostly wraith like form though instead of a transform code it uses a kit code like holo smith photon forge, gain new low cooldown 1-5 skills which drain life force when used. Health i no longer protected by life force allowing the skills to be considerably stronger and slightly more over loaded mechanically than standard shroud skills. (literally think holo smith with this) Utilities are still readily open for use while the f1 is active.


    Skill 1 standard auto for heavy damage

    Skill 2 Gap closer/ combo finisher leap/ becomes a blink with a trait possibly

    Skill 3 aoe cc /defensive skill (perhaps not a combat escape though)

    Skill 4 Something similar to mesmer off hand sword 4 block /counter skill that deals a hefty chunk of damage and immobilizes your target when triggered

    Skill 5 Something kinda like guardian greatsword. Throw your sword and impale a target while impaled slow and chill are applied for a short time in short pulses / Flips over to optional blink to that target for heavy damage


    Ideally its aimed at really sticking to a single target and ripping them up without being dependent on something like chill (chill hardly works as effective as it should ever sense anet made it so that leaps and movment skills are not effected by it.)



    Im still gonna go back on my old idea here and say

    Feast skills :

    These are ideally stances or effects that apply for a short time on use granting bonus effects such as

    Healing for big chunks of % of damage done (your healing skill)

    Ripping boons per attack or dealing etxra strikes if there are no boons.

    Granting endurance for landing attacks

    Xfering conditions when landing attacks.



    Mantras Skills (Why not add more broken instant use when loaded mantras to the game)


    Weapon kit: sword/ sword

    Main hand sword focuses on dealing damage and gap closing while off hand sword handles excution skills and heavy cc (thats not fear im talking hard cc)


    overall with this im thinking its more glassy than reaper is but its f1 kit outsides reaper shroud in very very short used burst while reaper still depends on a good bit of shroud up time. This is the mark a target and execute it elite spec. Its a ghostly / Wraith based hunter in search of prey.

  16. I think reaper is in nearly an ok spot to be honest. Rather it is in a ok spot but i could always see improvements on a few minor things. Although the power role you hold is not in your own hands if that makes any sense.


    In 5v5 matches the power role is held in the hands of your teammates and or the other teams coordination.


    If the other team leaves you alive you deal tons of damage and completely change the corse of a fight. Reaper on almost any build can ruin 2-5 people with a single well placed soul spiral or few auto swings. Reaper in itself its fairly strong even when lacking a defensive trait line like most professions run in pvp.


    That said if the other team knows how to focus fire you every time you show up as a reaper no matter how well you try to surprise play it you will feel very weak and very under powered because you pretty much wont get to play your part in a fight. You don't hold the power role to make plays.


    Necromancer has never had the power to full control its own potential in a team fight. It always felt based on the other teams coordination or your teams coordination to keep you alive in my opinion. I always know when decent people are queue together in matches because those 2 or 3 people will always be the ones who focus me no matter what point im attempting to play a part in and no matter how i play it. I can show up as late as i want to in a fight and no matter what they are doing their focus instantly switches to me. Most of the time how well i do is not based on my own skill completely but also based on the skill of those im matched against or those on my team.


    That said Necromancer still has issues (no good defensive line (death magic )) but reaper itself is in a solid spot and i dont think it needs many changes just a few. Particularly on shouts, and on 2 of its grand masters but i wont go into details on that here.



    If you want to hold the power role in your hands more often in a match necromancer is not the best class to look for that experience.


  17. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > My own theory lean more toward an elite spec that revolve around _dark aura_. It's higly unlikely that ANet will change how life steal work because they made it work like this purposedly.

    > > Cant say i would want that myself to be honest it jut paves the way for another condition focused elite spec considering dark aura inflicts torment on being hit and reduces incoming condi damage.


    > Well, _dark aura_ fit the necromancer but he got no way to get it. However I disagree with such an e-spec being necessarily a "condition elite spec", elementalist's tempest despite having a large access to _fire aura_ isn't a "condition elite spec".


    > Just picture a spec that give the necromancer access to aura and a bunch of traits that proc on when you apply aura or when you are under the effect of an aura. Things like:

    > - grant barrier when you apply an aura.

    > - gain life force when you are struck while under the effect of an aura.

    > - gain 120 [stat] when under the effect of an aura.

    > - grant protection when you apply an aura.

    > - gain _dark aura_ when you enter "shroud".

    > - a few weapon/utilities/special mechanic skills giving dark field or/and leap finisher

    > - a runeset related to auras with an effect like: tranfer a condition to foes in the radius when you apply an aura (which would be welcome for elementalists who are "aura kings").

    > - ... etc.


    > Little things like that can quickly add up and fill an e-spec traitline without having an e-spec specially reliant on condition damage.


    i mean this aint a bad idea but i dont think its enough to simply fill an a e-specs traitline with further more even more so if its mostly only focused on dark aura. I mean dark aura is nice but its gonna have to be some pretty op on proc traits to make it worth doing mostly around for a whole elite spec.


    Dark aura came on kinda late and recently and i think they more so did it just because leaping through dark fields didnt do much or just because we have light aura so why not have a dark one. That said necro has some of the more generous dark fields in the game with the least access to trigger the aura themselves.

    Is not that your idea couldn't happen i just dont think the examples above even with a few more added are worthy of making it an elite spec focused only on such with necro particularly.

  18. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > > Theory: Next elite spec or major balance update will enhance or change how life life steal works. (but why didn't they just implement the change then?)

    > >


    > My own theory lean more toward an elite spec that revolve around _dark aura_. It's higly unlikely that ANet will change how life steal work because they made it work like this purposedly.

    Cant say i would want that myself to be honest it jut paves the way for another condition focused elite spec considering dark aura inflicts torment on being hit and reduces incoming condi damage. Although adding a blast finisher to warhorn 4 or 5 or axe 3 to blast dark fields might not be so bad of an improvement change


    Personally i think focus 4 should just be changed to strike damage instead of life steal damage this way it can crit again.

    Offhand dagger 5 could be a bit faster or turn it into a mark and i think it would be great

  19. There certainly is more room for flexibility and viable improvement at end game for some classes. IF every class was as flexible and effective as for example mesmer is currently in the roles it can play then the game would be ideally perfect as far as this particular subject goes.


    To say "No" nothing should change and everything is good as is in my opinion a way of saying one of the following more than likely.


    1 i dont want something to stand on equal ground as me because the thing i like to play has been best at it for a while

    2 i dont want the thing i like the most to change for better or worse because there is a good chance it will get worse while other things get better

    3 i dont play any end game content or don't understand that some classes are not as flexible and viable as they could/should be

    4 i dont play other classes in general so it does not matter because what i do play is already perfect and viable


    As far as identities go they are already there but some identities shine more than others in certain game modes.

    Ideally more flexibility that is viable at end game and accepted by the community would be ideal ;)


    With that said yes i think alot of things could change for the better. Not saying that everything should change but most certainly not going to say No nothing should change and that each profession is fine as it is.


  20. outside of wvw warclaw is 100% the most useless mount for pve. Raptor still has some use Jackal may be used more than raptor because it can clear alot of the same jumps as raptor but has more control when you just want to jump over a small object while moving vs raptor doing the long jump any time you try to jump with it while moving.


    Raptor by far has one of the best engage skills in the game though

    Springger = best cc engage

    Skimmer = i mean ok.. no one really uses this engage it floats on water though

    Jackal = Quick into a fight free barrier for yolo initiation and group support lovely for classes like scourge, weaver, scrapper, etc classes that have barrier traits

    Warclaw = good for wvw movement only

    Roller= a good map crossing option for those who dont have a griffon

    Griffon = pretty useless at this point if you have a skyscale (i hardly use mine anymore cause i dont like having to climb to use it for a short period of time)

    Skyscale = currently my most used mount just cause its fun to travel with even if its slower than other mounts. Poor Engage skill though it looks nice unless you are a class that can make plays off the fire field

  21. > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > Getting the darn skyscale before the time gates got changed lol

    > > :#

    > > Unlocking reaper in a single day when HoT first dropped i was up 24 hours and died the next day (never again)

    > >


    > Wait... o.o


    > So, you're the first official Zombie among the playerbase? That's one hell of an accomplishment!!



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