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Posts posted by ZDragon.3046

  1. > @"BadMed.3846" said:

    > > @"Opal.9324" said:

    > > I had the feeling this would happen. Berserker finally becomes useful and now people want it nerfed right back down to uselessness.


    > There is a wide gap between being useful and being dominant.


    Its anything but dominate you can literally cc the berserker to its death as soon as they enter zerker mode. Its happened to me several times and im running a build with more sustain and less damage. (defiant stance, blocks, balanced stance etc.)


    If you want to talk dominate thats currently spell breaker, mirage, scourge, some soul beast builds, and possibly a good really good weaver player. Those are currently considered as dominate. Zerker hype will fall very quickly as soon as people learn that the best option is no to always run from the berserker once they enter zerk mode but some times fight them head on. Zerker is very VERY VERRRRY predictable now you know that when you see one their whole and only goal is to crush you once they enter zerker mode. This means you have time to shut them down before they enter if not then save some of your skills ( as they are not very strong outside of zerker mode) once they enter zerker mode move away or blind/ cc them.

  2. > @"Velimere.7685" said:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/oWMk0JQ.png "")

    > Arc Divider is fine, guys!


    using the attack twice fast enough allows the number to stack to a total between 2 uses (can be done by using the zerker heal) likely on a build thats not realistic and would not be ran in pvp as you would be so soft that anything that looked at you would kill you before you got to enter zerker mode, this is unrealistic and you should provide video proof of a single use achieving these numbers ;)


    So yes technically speaking arc divider is fine just thought i would throw that out there ;)


  3. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > > Ok i think i got why evade don't work. On my mesmer, f4 & eveades seems not anoth time to evade Arc divider. I think thief evades don't have that problem. Not tested yet, can't confirm. I can't record it cuz i dont have OBS installed. To much lag.

    > >

    > > If that's the case, you need to relab your dodge timing. As of March 2019, mirages now dodge for the same amount of time as other professions. (0.75 seconds.)

    > > As you said, you always have distortion on F4 to cover any timing flubs.

    > >

    > >


    > Yeah makes no sense to use dodge+f4 just to cover it all. Redundant & ridiculous.


    If we are going to talk about things that are not right with the game its only fair that we bring up topics like

    - Chrono mantra burst doing 20k+ damage from 900 range with a blink and or from stealth that should be culled from the game

    - Mirages ability to dodge while the are under a crowd control effect

    - Mesmers staff auto attack inflicting too many conditions for free because of its bouncing properties from not only the mesmer bit their clones as well.


    After all we players who play other professions should not be using 2 dodges and other skills to avoid your burst from stealth or not be rewarded properly for landing our cc skills between your target breaks and evade frames.


    If you think you cant dodge the berserker's burst dont take it on in combat.

    Why is one of the classes with the most evades and invluns having a problem with this while other classes that have far less tools are not... could it be that this is a learning curve issue?


    As other people have already pointed out you can

    - blind the berserker

    - blink away from the berserker

    - dodge the berserker's attacks

    - block them if they dont have unblockable signet on (it looks like a lil fist on the hud bar)

    - stun or cc them as they are completely vulnerable while trying to burst you for the most part.


    If you think your profession skill is not worth being used to avoid what could possibly be a fatal hit then i dont know what to tell you to be honest. You just dont want to play against it cause it knocked you down a few times faster than you are use to. Mesmers do this to me all the time on chrono builds and i dont like it yet those builds still exist. hmmmmm...

  4. > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > Agreed Lily. The projectile speed is ridiculous. I understood itd be eventually fixed in terms of actually landing but this change they've made and deciding to leave it at that speed is unreal. Someone mentioned the 3 second travel time at full distance... pvp wise you need to be sitting on their head or vs an afk for a hit. I know we're the slow class but they're pulling the p with this rework. I might have to try dagger at this rate.../shivers.


    The skill is slightly to slow but considering it will actually hit unless dodged now makes it consistent and not clunky which was the main complaint behind the old focus 4

    Its tracking is similar to death shroud 2 so no... it will hit your target pretty much always unless they dodge or block it now it does feel odd though because it does not perform a strike the damage works more like vampiric auras damage unless you are watching close its easy to miss in the chaos of a fight.


    Ive been using it and its been hitting just fine for me but it feels odd because it does not perform a strike. Ideally you dont have that essence of feeling the hit follow through like you do with most attacks but generally i check the combat log as i fight and it is hitting unless people dodge , block, or blink away regardless of how they are moving around.

  5. Reapers touch the skill that would never hit anything above 400 range if it moved or suddenly stopped or started making change in direction after you launched it.

    The skill that was completely unreliable and could randomly miss another person as bounced off your target if they stopped making change in direction or started.


    The skill that literally was garbage unless you were touching your target despite it having 1200 range. Generally this is a upgrade to the skill when you look at core necomancer its an easy life force sustain building tool It also will not proc things like full counter shocking aura or other pushing on hit effects that react specifically to strikes.

  6. if you are talking about making trade offs why are you giving new skills to core ????


    Here is how you do it.


    - No new f5 skill for core

    - Chrono looses 4f in exchange for f5 (the time splitter skill gets a cd reduction as a result)

    - Mirage keeps f4 from core but now has a lower clone cap of 1 or 2 clones with the clone/ clones having increased hp or



  7. Warhorn 5 no longer procs things like






    So it was a trade off to be honest. Certain classes could easily abuse warhorn 5.

    Focus for is down right better in terms of utility and there is no arguing that the life force gain and reworked skill that is promised to work consistently is far nicer than a skill that could do more damage but was unstable / clunky at anything over 400 range when the skill allows for 1200 range.

  8. Staff needs an update skill 2 and 3 could arguably be much different while skills 4 and 5 gain an additional charge. Maybe do more with the auto attack too.. To be honest i dont use a staff anymore unless im playing core necro for the fun of it.

  9. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

    > > > > > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

    > > > > > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

    > > > > > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

    > > > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Mirage currently can only dodge sideways or strafe 135 units in a dodge time frame when other classes can go 300 units, a 55% reduction in dodge distance sideways. They are also only able to dodge 78.75 units backwards when other classes can go 300 units, a 73.75% reduction in distance?

    > > > Math: Strafing:180 u/s X .75 sec = 135 units, Backpedaling: 105 u/s X .75 sec = 78.75 units. Dodge = 300 units. Strafing: ((300-135)/300)X100 = 55%, Backpedaling: ((300-78.75)/300)X100 = 73.75%

    > > >

    > > > I don't really care if you think it counts or doesn't. However, if it doesn't, than it is an unintentional bug that needs to be fixed ASAP

    > >

    > > Lets be real you wouldnt dodge backward with mirage even if it was the same distance these numbers are just going into over kill issue that is not realistic. YOU didnt lose the power to dodge backwards you just choose not to cause its more bountiful to simply attack forward knowing you wont get hit. Thats the power of being able to attack while having an instant defense and dont even get me started on dodging while under cc effects if you want to go that far as for things that should be "FIXED"


    > ??? Being able to kite away at super speed while using ambush attacks would be way better on certain weapon sets like staff, scepter, even axe, than dodging forward and attacking.


    I mean i wouldnt care if the distance was the same at all. Im all for it if you think it should be fixed. But while you are fixing things make sure that dodge becomes locked while under cc.

  10. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

    > > > >

    > > > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

    > > > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

    > > > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

    > > >

    > > > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

    > > > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

    > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

    > >


    > Mirage currently can only dodge sideways or strafe 135 units in a dodge time frame when other classes can go 300 units, a 55% reduction in dodge distance sideways. They are also only able to dodge 78.75 units backwards when other classes can go 300 units, a 73.75% reduction in distance?

    > Math: Strafing:180 u/s X .75 sec = 135 units, Backpedaling: 105 u/s X .75 sec = 78.75 units. Dodge = 300 units. Strafing: ((300-135)/300)X100 = 55%, Backpedaling: ((300-78.75)/300)X100 = 73.75%


    > I don't really care if you think it counts or doesn't. However, if it doesn't, than it is an unintentional bug that needs to be fixed ASAP


    Lets be real you wouldnt dodge backward with mirage even if it was the same distance these numbers are just going into over kill issue that is not realistic. YOU didnt lose the power to dodge backwards you just choose not to cause its more bountiful to simply attack forward knowing you wont get hit. Thats the power of being able to attack while having an instant defense and dont even get me started on dodging while under cc effects if you want to go that far as for things that should be "FIXED"

  11. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > >

    > > > > Was a bit too strong in pvp only when combined with alot of the other defensive / sustain tools offered by mesmer / mirage. Top this ontop of the current mesmer play style and it makes for a strong combo thats very unfun to fight... most people will tell you mesmer in general is no fun to fight and its about time anet started listening. They do it for every other class when it becomes unfun to fight mesmer should not be an exception here.

    > > >

    > > > What mirage defensive tools? 2 seconds of vigor on shatter? Even if we say this is true, why nerf core mesmer?

    > > >

    > > > Mesmer theme description from gw2 wiki

    > > > "They weave deception magic that seeks to confound, disorient and dumbfound their enemies."

    > > > You won't like every class you play against, especially if the reason why is displayed in the class description.

    > > > However, this class description is also why I enjoyed playing the class in the first place.

    > > > Blinding dissipation has been around for almost forever now, that was not the problem and you know it.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > I agree blinding was not specifically by itself a problem the problem was it layered on top of many other tools, do i think it was the specific tool that needed to be hit... maybe not really but in any case anyone who thinks being able to attack while chaining several defenses together such as evades, mobility blinks, blinds, and invuln, dazes, and drop targets both from skills and stealth..... i mean yeah... Thats quite a bit of stuff going on I think blinding dissipation was a small price to pay compared to some of the other tools they could have hit :unamused:


    > I severely disagree. If blinding dissipation in its former state was around for 4 years than there was no need to change it. Mirage evasion was already nerfed. Condi mirage was already out of the meta picture, with the nerf to scepter it would have been fine. There was lots of things they could have done instead of nerfing blinding dissipation. In fact, there was a whole post dedicated to these types of changes and how to handle them. Additionally, why would they want to nerf condi mirage with a trait and then buff it with the same trait? Its potentially an even match for condi (not a buff or nerf) but a dead on nerf for anything else.


    Thats fine to not agree but...

    The evasion nerf only happened after anet admitted that mirage evasion was overtuned on purpose compared to the standard dodge. Ideally your dodge became what it should have been from the start this is not ideally a crazy nerf its just another thing that slipped through the cracks that shouldnt have been there to start with.

    As I said i doubt the blind by itself was the issue. it was likely the blind ontop of everything else. They could have picked anything and chose to pick something old instead of something new. We might not ever know specifically why they picked this old trait. Just because something is not been touched for 4 years does not mean it should never be touched either.


    > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.

    > >

    > If -20% stats on pet counts for Druids, I feel like this easily counts for Mirage.


    Sorry but im critically thinking here.

    Druid cannot will that -20% back into existence

    You can simply press the "s" key and dodge to dodge backwards :+1: While being able to cast skills that would normally be interrupted if other professions tried to do this. :astonished:



  13. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

    > >

    > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

    > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

    > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.


    > Chrono was a direct buff like many of the first elite spec. The only thing chrono gave up was significantly increased cool down on elite skills like Moa.

    > Mirage gave up the ability to dodge backwards, many builds that were once viably available, viable core traits, its perception of being fun to fight against, the 'fun' involved with playing the class in the first place, its position as a top contending class in PvP, and its pride.

    im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.


  14. > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.

    > >

    > > im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

    > > Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

    > > Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.


    > That's cause the base mesmer mechanics are total kitten. What you're giving up by taking Chrono or mirage is the trait space to boost those mechanics into something usable.


    I mean i suppose you could be right here to a certain extent. and perhaps thats why they are doing these changes so you dont have to suffer some ungodly penally like the majority of other professions.

  15. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:


    > > Was a bit too strong in pvp only when combined with alot of the other defensive / sustain tools offered by mesmer / mirage. Top this ontop of the current mesmer play style and it makes for a strong combo thats very unfun to fight... most people will tell you mesmer in general is no fun to fight and its about time anet started listening. They do it for every other class when it becomes unfun to fight mesmer should not be an exception here.


    > What mirage defensive tools? 2 seconds of vigor on shatter? Even if we say this is true, why nerf core mesmer?


    > Mesmer theme description from gw2 wiki

    > "They weave deception magic that seeks to confound, disorient and dumbfound their enemies."

    > You won't like every class you play against, especially if the reason why is displayed in the class description.

    > However, this class description is also why I enjoyed playing the class in the first place.

    > Blinding dissipation has been around for almost forever now, that was not the problem and you know it.



    I agree blinding was not specifically by itself a problem the problem was it layered on top of many other tools, do i think it was the specific tool that needed to be hit... maybe not really but in any case anyone who thinks being able to attack while chaining several defenses together such as evades, mobility blinks, blinds, and invuln, dazes, and drop targets both from skills and stealth..... i mean yeah... Thats quite a bit of stuff going on I think blinding dissipation was a small price to pay compared to some of the other tools they could have hit :unamused:

  16. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > a few of them are 100% called for anyone who thinks

    > > > > Confusing Images: The physical damage of this skill has been split and reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.

    > > > > was not justified is insane. A condi weapon doing 1 shot level damage on a condi build using strike damage :astonished: yehhh ok...

    > > >

    > > > https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif

    > > >

    > > > 1shot PEPEGA

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > this patch is complete kitten, arena net just showed once again that they;re just about the most clueless and incompetent developer out there and the only reason their game was a success was because of GW1 and because of luck and maybe perhaps because the initial teams that worked on the game actually had some clue, unlike the clowns working in anet right now

    > > ook well if we were going by gw1 standards if i recall mesmer would be something similar to a support with fairly minimal damage.....

    > > >

    > > > it just feels like targeted and biased nerfs. In top 100 in spvp there are like 3 mirages

    > > Mesmer was no doubt strong and it still is going to be strong its just going to now have more risk involved with its reward. Mesmer was un fun to fight regardless of it was strong or not or in the hands of a skilled player or not and thats the issue here. Holo, and soulbeast have all had unfun builds and or mechanices in the past that caused people to find them unfun and they were culled down as a result.


    > ?


    > >Holo, and soulbeast have all had unfun builds and or mechanices in the past that caused people to find them unfun and they were culled down as a result.


    > Are we playing the same game?


    I specifically remember soulbeast getting quite a few pet specific nerfs in the builds they were using and holo losing free instant stability for pressing a button without any kind of skill involved. Should I continue? Or have you not been keeping up with patch notes over the months.

  17. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Also I think we can expect similar sacrifices to core shatters when picking Mirage or Chronomancer with what they did for Daredevil, Druid, and Berserker probably the balance patch after this one. If they're making changes like getting rid of F1 burst skills for warriror outside of Berserkering, cutting Steal's Range by 50%, and nerfing Druid Pet Stats there is almost certainly something in the pipeline coming for Chronomancer and Mirage that wasn't ready for this particular release. So brace yourselves for that.


    im actually glad you pointed this out it had not occured to me that several professions dont give up anything for taking an elite spec.

    Such as scourge giving up shroud, reaper having increased life force cost over time, weaver no longer being able to rapid switch attuments, tempest having longer increased cd for overloading an attunment... and so on

    Chrono and and Mirage didnt really seem to give up anything and just got pure bonuses tapped onto their base mesmer mechanics.

  18. > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > a few of them are 100% called for anyone who thinks

    > > Confusing Images: The physical damage of this skill has been split and reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.

    > > was not justified is insane. A condi weapon doing 1 shot level damage on a condi build using strike damage :astonished: yehhh ok...


    > https://media.giphy.com/media/5nohAcRYylndnrylWi/giphy.gif


    > 1shot PEPEGA



    > this patch is complete kitten, arena net just showed once again that they;re just about the most clueless and incompetent developer out there and the only reason their game was a success was because of GW1 and because of luck and maybe perhaps because the initial teams that worked on the game actually had some clue, unlike the clowns working in anet right now

    ook well if we were going by gw1 standards if i recall mesmer would be something similar to a support with fairly minimal damage.....


    > it just feels like targeted and biased nerfs. In top 100 in spvp there are like 3 mirages

    accept when anet does balance changes its not focused on only the top players not to mention spvp is team based not single player based invalidating the results even more. There could be several more skilled mirages out there than many of those other 100 players but cant get there because spvp is a team based game and your rating will rise and fall based on your teams success.


    to use this as a argument to justify if something should or should not be nerfed practically has no consensus.


    > if you wanna argue that mesmer was too strong cus of powercreep or w/e then you should make the argument for the other classes as well but we only see mesmer nerfs

    Mesmer was no doubt strong and it still is going to be strong its just going to now have more risk involved with its reward. Mesmer was un fun to fight regardless of it was strong or not or in the hands of a skilled player or not and thats the issue here. Scourge, Reaper, Daredevil, Holo, Firebrand, and soulbeast have all had unfun builds and or mechanices in the past that caused people to find them unfun and they were culled down as a result. Mesmer by no means should be an exception here sorry. You can argue that not everyone finds mesmer unfun to fight but i know for a fact a large majority of people do.



    > there's no nerfs on ranger or warrior or holo or revenant or thief or anything, they just keep getting buffed while mesmer keeps getting gutted despite already being the least played class in the game(in plat3/legendary at least, which is what the game is for me)

    Because they already had them mesmer has been slipping through the cracks for who knows how many patches. in the past half of mesmer nerfs were not even realistic nerfs. (nerfing the strike damage on a condition weapon like the axe when the condis on the axe are over tuned is not a realistic nerf)



    > the patch notes are a complete joke overall, they literally don't address a single issue with the game. These people must be trolling at this point, the last 2 patches have to be the most kitten kitten ive seen in recent years , grats

    These are some of the most solid notes ive seen and i dont know if anet restructuring and focusing on gw2 had anything to do with it or not but they are now actively pursuing things that people have been asking for while now. (see berserker update and rework to necro focus 4)

  19. anet finally listening this shows promise to me...


    We have been asking for a focus 4 rework for years and its happened

    Also having life stealing on some skills / traits without taking blood magic is going to be super nice :+1:


    Soul Eater was already a trait i loved to run and im 100% going to continue running it now.

  20. a few of them are 100% called for anyone who thinks

    Confusing Images: The physical damage of this skill has been split and reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.

    was not justified is insane. A condi weapon doing 1 shot level damage on a condi build using strike damage :astonished: yehhh ok...


    Blinding Dissipation: This trait no longer blinds foes on the activation of each shatter skill. It will now cause Cry of Frustration to blind every target it strikes. Blindness duration is split between game modes, lasting 1.5 seconds in WvW and PvP and 3 seconds in PvE.


    Was a bit too strong in pvp only when combined with alot of the other defensive / sustain tools offered by mesmer / mirage. Top this ontop of the current mesmer play style and it makes for a strong combo thats very unfun to fight... most people will tell you mesmer in general is no fun to fight and its about time anet started listening. They do it for every other class when it becomes unfun to fight mesmer should not be an exception here.

  21. > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > > > > > They can work like kits in terms of cast time, so you won't get interrupted for either spawning the weapon or picking it up off the ground. Now since kits have lower damage compared to conjures, we can add an initiative/tome/mantra system to the weapons, with which you have 2 ammo charges, let recharge be 15/20s. This way we can hold onto the same effects without (hard) nerfs, and have access to the same skill twice in a row while still limited by ammo count.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also, many skills need a rework, but I would rather have the idea above in live servers first.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think maybe just adjusting the damage and cooldowns might work overall better than having fixed charges but if it had to be a fix number of uses perhaps maybe the auto attacks wouldnt use those charges. Im no ele pro but i would much rather have something that i can use mechanically smooth than something that feels so anti ele.

    > > > >

    > > > > Spawn a weapon and not want to let it go while locking yourself out of your attunement skills Im just thinking it would be nice to pickup / put down the weapons and make for alot of combo options :)

    > > >

    > > > The problems I face with conjures are long cooldowns, many useless skills, can't ever replace a useful utility skill and they are probably worse than dueling on staff as well as them getting stolen or accidentally picked up when rez'ing. Having an initiative/tomes system for anything but auto attacks would allow us for example to use shield's block twice and other skills of actual use. The problem with dropping down weapons mainly exists in PvP and WvW where it is almost impossible to get back to the FGS that you dropped as there are probably 10 billion shades covering it mid-fight, which makes the whole idea of dropping the weapon useless. In raids, this might be somehow ok, but you will still need some planning and any randomness can cause you to miss the 2nd conjure. Also, say you are under heavy crowd control, having them instant like kits, would ensure that you will stun break/make use of effects while in such position, since the class has only 3 stun breaks, one on core, other on weaver, third on tempest, having a stun break is 100% crucial and a conjure won't ever replace such important skill, Flash is mostly picked for high mobility, but its alternatives are still not conjures, thus, conjures need to be instant and need to have stun breaks/1s of reduced damage for shield, etc.

    > > >

    > > > Reducing cooldowns wouldn't change anything for PvP or WvW because they are barely picked, and the skills are mostly awful across all weapons.

    > > I dont think you are understanding me.... as kits you would be able to draw and stowe the weapons as much as you like with pretty much no cooldown the cooldowns im talking about are on the skills within the weapons themselves.

    > >

    > > This is partly why i would love to see them become kits. This removes the ability for allies to pick them up but i mean most allies dont do that anyways.

    > > Most of the weapon conjure skills within the weapons have ok cooldowns as is. Its just the the fact that accessing those weapons can be a bit of a pain. The cooldown to access those weapons are high and once you drop the weapon its gone forever.

    > >

    > > I dont feel like the weapons would need to include break stuns as you are going to be unlikely to run all coujor weapons, no engi kit currently has a breakstun thus these wont need such a thing either. Ideally if you are running without a break stun you know the risk you are taking from the start. But something like earth sheild could make for a very good defensive utility provide you could pick up and put it down fluidly.

    > >

    > > The only conjure that would need a bit of a nerf would be firey great sword as you would have access to it hundreds of times more than you would normally. So the auto attack might need to be changed and skills 3-5 would need some cooldown adjustments.


    > In the past, you used to want allies to pick up conjured weapons for group dps but that reason is long gone now thanks to several nerfings to them. As you stated, there’s no reason to pick them up now.


    > I mostly play a melee Elementalist and would love to have a frostbow kit to have a range option, though, I wish frostbow was 1200 range.


    I would personally mostly want to use the flame axe and maybe the earth shield those are the most interesting too me ;)

  22. > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > > > They can work like kits in terms of cast time, so you won't get interrupted for either spawning the weapon or picking it up off the ground. Now since kits have lower damage compared to conjures, we can add an initiative/tome/mantra system to the weapons, with which you have 2 ammo charges, let recharge be 15/20s. This way we can hold onto the same effects without (hard) nerfs, and have access to the same skill twice in a row while still limited by ammo count.

    > > >

    > > > Also, many skills need a rework, but I would rather have the idea above in live servers first.

    > >

    > > I think maybe just adjusting the damage and cooldowns might work overall better than having fixed charges but if it had to be a fix number of uses perhaps maybe the auto attacks wouldnt use those charges. Im no ele pro but i would much rather have something that i can use mechanically smooth than something that feels so anti ele.

    > >

    > > Spawn a weapon and not want to let it go while locking yourself out of your attunement skills Im just thinking it would be nice to pickup / put down the weapons and make for alot of combo options :)


    > The problems I face with conjures are long cooldowns, many useless skills, can't ever replace a useful utility skill and they are probably worse than dueling on staff as well as them getting stolen or accidentally picked up when rez'ing. Having an initiative/tomes system for anything but auto attacks would allow us for example to use shield's block twice and other skills of actual use. The problem with dropping down weapons mainly exists in PvP and WvW where it is almost impossible to get back to the FGS that you dropped as there are probably 10 billion shades covering it mid-fight, which makes the whole idea of dropping the weapon useless. In raids, this might be somehow ok, but you will still need some planning and any randomness can cause you to miss the 2nd conjure. Also, say you are under heavy crowd control, having them instant like kits, would ensure that you will stun break/make use of effects while in such position, since the class has only 3 stun breaks, one on core, other on weaver, third on tempest, having a stun break is 100% crucial and a conjure won't ever replace such important skill, Flash is mostly picked for high mobility, but its alternatives are still not conjures, thus, conjures need to be instant and need to have stun breaks/1s of reduced damage for shield, etc.


    > Reducing cooldowns wouldn't change anything for PvP or WvW because they are barely picked, and the skills are mostly awful across all weapons.

    I dont think you are understanding me.... as kits you would be able to draw and stowe the weapons as much as you like with pretty much no cooldown the cooldowns im talking about are on the skills within the weapons themselves.


    This is partly why i would love to see them become kits. This removes the ability for allies to pick them up but i mean most allies dont do that anyways.

    Most of the weapon conjure skills within the weapons have ok cooldowns as is. Its just the the fact that accessing those weapons can be a bit of a pain. The cooldown to access those weapons are high and once you drop the weapon its gone forever.


    I dont feel like the weapons would need to include break stuns as you are going to be unlikely to run all coujor weapons, no engi kit currently has a breakstun thus these wont need such a thing either. Ideally if you are running without a break stun you know the risk you are taking from the start. But something like earth sheild could make for a very good defensive utility provide you could pick up and put it down fluidly.


    The only conjure that would need a bit of a nerf would be firey great sword as you would have access to it hundreds of times more than you would normally. So the auto attack might need to be changed and skills 3-5 would need some cooldown adjustments.

  23. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > @"ZDragon.3046"

    > I agree chill uptime was nerfed excessively but it did need nerfing after release.


    > However, a 100% chill duration build with chill on utilities and other sources can offer good defense.


    > The worst thing that happened to chill was the change to mobility skills so they are immune to boons and conditions. More than anything else, I would like conditions reverted to modify mobility.


    You and me both to be honest. chill cutting down mobility was a massive part of necro's sustain. I would argue that if that was still a thing necros wouldnt need to even bother asking for defenses the moment you chilled some one for even a few seconds who didnt have a blink or shadow step you could kite and it made for proper defenses and sustain.

  24. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > Every other class is so over-tuned right now.

    > Making Reaper Shroud cooldown 7 seconds as baseline is much needed.


    One could argue that reaper itself is in a goods spot its almost perfect infact... the issues come from the core part of the profession.


    The changes to chill and cripple before HoT were a hard hit to the necromancer in general.

    I would argue the only things on reaper that need to change at this point is RO remove quickness and make base shroud faster in general (but not quickness levels fast)

    Do some QoL work to the shouts

    I still think Deathly chill should go away at this point in favor for something else.


    Making reaper shroud 7 seconds probably wont overall fix a defense issue, the quickest way to add more defense would be to undo the shroud degen and revet it to normal degeneration rates while keeping its current damage.


    > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > Reaper has a large amount of chill for use as a pseudo control effect.

    > Chill was so strong it had its duration nerfed severely and shroud degeneration rate increased.

    > Whenever you think of Reaper's core defense, chill should immediately come to mind along with shroud and health.

    The reason it does not come to mind immediately is because of exactly what you said the chill was nerfed so severely thats its almost ignorable at this point unless you get hit with reaper 5 and remain in the ice feild for its full duration you are almost never under chill effects from reaper.

    A scourge's cripple is more annoying than a reapers chill currently. The durations are too short and the applications are not plentiful enough. Unless some one literally stands still and lets you hit them with it (which is rare)


    Trying to make some one slower than you in the current meta with reaper is wishful thinking at normal speeds. Scourge can do it more effectively and it works as a soft cc defense. Reaper with chill not so much. You would literally have to build hard around chill right now to make that work ice rune, frost novas etc.


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