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Posts posted by ZDragon.3046

  1. > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

    > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > @"Brigg.3961" said:

    > > > I wouldn't mind if the well of blood followed me and the others stayed range. I really want to see an elite well before I die though.

    > >

    > > we already have plaguelands


    > That skill really, **_really_**, needs to be made into a well.


    I dont agree because its currently a corruption. Trait corruptions gain considerably better decreased cooldown benefits when traited thant wells do. Im also pretty sure that condition builds in pve use master of corruption...... sooooo i dont agree... im not even a condition player and i dont agree with this.

  2. > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

    > Does a Scourge benefit from taking Vital Persistance and receive additional healing from their own barrier (heals) from shroud f3 and f5?


    > Or does incoming healing only trigger when healing comes from an ally.


    > How about the Necro's own heal skill like consume conditions?


    > I'm trying to figure out whether to take Vital Persistance or Fear of Death in PvP.


    > Obviously, a Necro should take Vital Persistance when playing with an ally that is a firebrand or a tempest.


    Yes it effects all incoming healing even your own (not barriers though because they are not healing) but everything like consume conditions, vampiric aura, vampiric rituals (well life leech healing) Vampiric signet all get a 10% increase in the amount that you would have been healed for 490 hp = bonus 49 hp etc.

    The only scourge skill i can think off that might make a benefit is skill4 if you are running Transfusion from blood magic. It causes you to tick for healing over time for a few seconds and Vital would increase that but it will not make your barriers stronger. Vital is a good perk to have at any time as it makes faily noticeable difference to sustain depending on your setup even if the trait feels out of place sitting in soul reaping....




  3. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"VixusIrine.9013" said:

    > > Nah, I don't really see the point in it. removing the entire elite for just grim specter would be very lackluster and frankly just plain unecessary to simplyfy it. Just look at what anet did to warrior banners. They became even more boring after the rework. They had every oppurntunity to rework the banner skills into something much more enganging but chose to gut them into the most passive thing ever. That being said, Lich Form still has some other great skills to it but it's just fallen victim to power creep over the years with the new specializations. Honestly they should just buff the duration to a whopping 40-60 seconds. The elite has pretty high damage output but you never really get any time to use it to it's full extent. You might think it's overkill but Lich Form makes you the biggest target in the vicinity, you have one very slow mobility skill and locked out of your healing and other utilities too, it's basically trading utility for raw power. Just bump it's cooldown back up to 180 seconds and there you go, problem solved.


    > Keeping lich form don't solve the issue that transform skills are incredibly cluncky to use with short uptime and a lock out of your utilities. Increasing the uptime like you suggest solve artificially the single "uptime" issue allowing players to gain a better familiarity over the lich's skills but at the same time it make the other issues even more "painful" for the player.


    Actually not all of them are.

    Tornado is fairly solid thought not used often it makes a big impact in pvp

    Rampage is actually good in pvp it can be used frequently and its dodge/block every skill or get killed.

    Reapers shroud only clunk is that its slow at a base default (its base cast times are still living in 2015-2016)


    The best way to solve the uptime issue would be to shorten the up time of the transform and dramatically decrease the recharge of the skill so that it could be use more often in general. Not allow some one to be transformed for a needlessly long period of time.


    Now if you want to talk about pve i wouldn't call them clunky... their are just far better options and in most cases with lower cooldowns. Anet has gated people away from using them by making the cool downs in pvp obnoxiously high when they dont need to be that high in a fairly non competitive mode.



    > Personally, I'd only accept the lich form (elite transformation) if it was a second optional (elite skill) purely offensive "shroud", with a standard 10s CD, an 8% LF cost per second and no second life bar.


    I dont agree with this you forget a lot of the mechanics that happen behind lich like the increased vitally and precision furthermore this would be doing exactly the same thing you called me out for and making a new elite spec. Lich and Shroud are not the same type of transforms and should not be compared with one another one has a resource cost to upkeep the other does not. One increases base stats while the other does not without traits applied. While both might be a transform they are for sure not the same type of transform.


  4. > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > > Reaper's Shroud does do a ton of damage + the 50% damage reduction, as well as the added damage reduction from RS3. Allowing usage of shouts while in shroud, while amazing, might be a bit too OP.

    Yeah let almost any other profession burst on you while you have those things active and see how fast you get insta kicked out of shroud


    You pretty much need the passive 50% + the 20% from RS3 + protection(spectral armor) to actually face tank a burst which sounds like you are immune to damage. But even that still knocks a sizable amount off your shroud should you happen to get hit because while 50+20+33 sounds like 93% damage reduction its not actually that high its more like the 53% less of of the 50% thats knocked off your shroud last time i was fiddling with it so overall you still eat round 25-30% damage from the shroud gauge (not counter what damage modifier increases a foe would have) and depending on the numbers even in just a 1v1 thats a sizable amount but in a team fight where people know how to focus the necro well you wont sustain at all really.


    The damage reduction stack can be strong in some situations but in most it wont save you. Power creep is high while damage reduction tools for hp soaking professions like necromancer remain untouched for years.


    The combo you speak of is only strong in situations where organization is lacking. (its also does nothing against condition damage)



  5. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > @"ZDragon.3046"

    > I quoted Robert Gee, this should be enough of a "proof" to what I said. Allowing shout in shroud is not possible due to the sheer nature of the shroud which is both a "transform skill" and a main mechanism. If you want the shouts while in shroud you have to break down the main mechanism of the reaper, changing it from a "transform skill" into a "Kit" skill.


    > This is truly equivalent to creating a whole new e-spec. ANet barely touch the main mechanism of a profession. Removing fantasm wasn't touching the main mechanism of the mesmer because the mesmer's main mechanism is the shatter mechanism and clones remain to feed this mechanism. Modifying scrapper's drone wasn't touching the main mechanism of the scrapper because it's main mechanism remain the tool belt and the crappy thing that rez allies or finish down foes. Deadeye kept all it's mechanisms, the mark, the malice, the new bundle and new stealth skills.


    > We are talking about modifying the Reaper shroud from it's foundation here. We are talking about modifying a god forsaken "transform" skill that like all the transform skills don't allow the use of utilities. Modifying it into a "Kit" like skill for the sake of allowing shout while in shroud possibly break every single core shroud traits and the infamous 2nd life bar and it's inate damage reduction which is the sole defense of the necromancer.


    > Shout just can't be modified to appear magicaly on skill slot that are closed when transformed because you'd have to modify the way all transform skills work in the game to allow this and doing so would potentially break everything else.


    This still means its not impossible otherwise you wouldnt say it at all... In my opinion the more you fight to say you cant do it just allows me to see more ways it could be done technically meaning its not impossible to do. While you have brought up some good points between transforms and kits and as far as working with that code ill agree it could be difficult. But consider this. Could it be those skills 6-0 are locked in transforms simply because no skills exsist to sit in those slots. In theory what would happen if suddenly i dont know the devs said lets just make a new skill when trait "x" is taken and put it in slots 6-9 of the reaper transform. To be honest i still don't think its an impossible feat to do. Is it a reasonable one probably not, but impossible i still don't agree to be honest. There is simply too many "What ifs.." and other gaps of information we dont know. Remember they told us mounts would never be a thing because the game was not built to have them... see 2017-2019...... I truly think if they wanted reaper to have more skill options in its transform they "could" make it happen by simply making new skills that would appear under that transforms skill bar.


    I still dont agree that you should tell some one its impossible because you truly dont know that. You could say "its highly unlikely" because **"named reason"** but to simply say cant happen seems a bit wrong to me. So many times in games ive seen "That cant happen because code or because its hard" only for that thing to happen later on down the line.



    > So to resume in a more readable way, to allow shout while in reaper shroud, you need to:

    > - Modify reaper shroud from a transform to a new category of skill that allow utility skills when an exception is done.

    > - Link and balance all shroud traits accordingly.

    > - Make sure that the life force bar work properly alongside this new type of skill.


    > Even from an outsider point of view that look like an awful load of work. If you add to that that the shroud mechanism is tied to the foundation of the game there is an awful lot of chance that modifying this thing would create an unimaginable number of error everywhere in the game for seemingly no reason.


    But whats not an awful load of work. Ideas just don't magically appear in game without that. We both know its a lot of work, but thats how creative ideas are brought to life for players to enjoy. "Lots of hard work!" when there is no work involved behind something people tend not to enjoy it or see the "work" put into it. I would hope that all the changes they do in the game are based around "lots of hard work" Im sure tons of elite spec ideas went down the drain and were lots of "hard work" for what ended up as "no reason" because they were too broken or simply didnt work due errors or time restraints budget etc.


    This how progress is made fortunately and if it does not work then it does not work. Ideally i dont see an issue with possibly modifying transform skills. I mean technically shroud is its own type of transform skill anyways how many other transforms can you name that are based on valued a resource cost to up keep them.

    Lich form not the case

    Rampage not the case

    Tornado not the case


    Shroud is the only one that depends on a resource cost making it its own type of transform anyways, by current design it "Already" breaks apart form all other transform skills and should probably not be compared with other transforms skills in saying that "modifying this one" will break all of the other ones.


    > Which is why I said it's technically impossible to do. Technically this ask too much work on areas of the game that are too dangerous to touch for such a thing to be a possibility. To take back your surgery example, it would be like transplanting a brain onto another body.


    Where you point out technically impossible i read "very unlikely" which is how it more so should be written but not impossible. I for one think its very possible to do but I will agree that it would probably be more work than they would want to put into necromancer given necromancers history. But impossible no... i will not agree.

  6. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > ANet can't open utilities when in shroud and exceptions are even less possible. It's not because it would be OP or theatening balance-wise, it's due to how professions are coded which make any change to the main mechanism impossible. Asking for using utilities while in shroud is like asking for a whole new elite spec.


    > They said it somewhere when they introduced the system team, The special mechanism of each professions are a rigid foundation that is extremly difficult to tweak and have high risk of breaking the profession as a whole if it's tried. Your suggestion isn't bad in itself but it's technically impossible to do.

    But its not though..... It kind of peevs me that you would flat out tell some one this to be honest.

    Its extremely difficult to get into space but its not impossible to do.

    Its extremely difficult to start a business from scratch but not impossible to do.

    Its extremely difficult to save someone's life via surgery but its not impossible to do.

    My point is you should not be telling people something is "impossible" just because some one said its "extremely difficult" And then say its "asking for a whole new elite spec" because really it wouldn't be. It would more so be like asking for "5 new shouts" that would show up as reaper skills coded to work from the reapers base hammer weapon.


    Im fairly certain that anet breaks the professions on a daily/ weekly/monthly basis testing all sorts of things. Breaking a profession is likely nothing new to them ideally thats part of the idea creation and balance process.


    Now im not saying its likely to happen but i wouldn't say its impossible to do. I would rather argue more the point that doing such a change wouldn't improve much for the traits or the shouts.




  7. For the people saying it would be like asking for a new elite spec... stop.. its not really its more so asking for a rework to shouts


    While i dont feel like it would be impossible for them to do it would have to be done in a similar manner to celestial avatar just as their glyphs flip to new ones in cele avatar it would be something similar for reaper shouts. Just because its never been done does not mean its impossible to code in and I think some people are a bit too stuck on this ideal of if its not just a numbers change then its a broken one or an impossible one.


    The shouts would have to become new skills entirely when shroud is active. Although as some people said it would be hard to balance, while I agree a lot of the shouts are not great there are easier ways to make the shouts feel more active and a great part of reaper without simply making them optional in shroud. After all an all shout reaper is a dead one aside from **chilled to the bone, you are all weaklings, and possibly suffer.** The shouts are are pretty crap. **Your soul is mine** is a quick heal but not a great one imo i mean its ok ish....... but imo it will always be out classed by **blood well or consume conditions possibly even vampiric signet**, **Nothing can save you** is to is too proactive instead of reactive making it too situational to use for its direct purpose its also a bit too weak in the sense that it does not reveal targets hit in stealth. (nothing should be able to save you)

    **Rise** is a joke in pvp now that it was nerfed so many times combined with the sheer amount of aoe chip damage that flys out in team fights. Ideally no one is going to be running an all shout reaper build even if you could use them in shroud unless their effects were great improved and the unused ones saw some changes.


    I personally think

    **Augury of Death** should provide life force at the very least and possibly bonus shout cooldown to other shouts currently on cooldown when you use and land hits with any other shout. This makes them open to use a bit more often. Thus increasing their power and the value of taking more shouts in a build vs just 1 or 2 in which case you wouldn't use this trait anyways. Extra life force also fits the them of the whole top row of traits which is focused around hp and life force generation

    Or apply a lesser shout to the trait ill give 2 personal examples down below


    **AoD Version 1**

    Reduces recharge of shouts. Your shouts siphon health and grant life force as well as gain additional recharge reduction for each foe they hit.

    Shouts on cooldown receive bonus recharge reduction when other shouts hit foes (this bonus only applies to shouts on cooldown not the current shout being used)


    15% cd reduction to all shouts

    Life Siphon Damage: 138 (0.01)

    Life Siphon Healing: 125 (0.02)

    Life Force Siphoning: 1%

    Recharge Reduction: 10%

    Recharge Reduction per Foe: 5%

    Bonus Recharge Reduction per Foe: 2%


    **AoD Version 2**

    Reduces recharge of shouts. Your shouts siphon health and grant life force as well as gain additional recharge reduction for each foe they hit.

    Cast "No One Escapes Death" when one of your attacks is blocked


    15% cd reduction to all shouts

    Life Siphon Damage: 138 (0.01)

    Life Siphon Healing: 125 (0.02)

    Life Force Siphoning: 1%

    Recharge Reduction: 10%

    Recharge Reduction per Foe: 5%

    Cast **"No One escapes Death"** when one of your attacks is blocked.


    "No One Escapes Death" **"Lesser Nothing can save you"** 25s CD (this cd is effected by the recharge reduction of the trait itself)

    Damage: 186 (0.7)

    Unblockable (4s): Your attacks are unblockable

    5 Vulnerability (10s): 5% Incoming Damage, 5% Incoming Condition Damage

    Boons Removed: 1

    Number of Targets: 5

    Duration Per Target Hit: 1 s

    Radius: 600



  8. > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > >

    > > > I know this is a joke thread and all... And I'm aware of the limitations of the skills in the screenshots, primarily their cast times, but... Reaper in particular has had so many damage buffs that at this point I'm pretty sure Shroud auto attacks are capable of 2 shotting people. And of course there's always the Ghastly Claws memes too.

    > >

    > > The issue with this is can you do that from 900+ range or stealth and instantly jump away right after doing it on another player making it incredibly hard to attack you back. or while being invulnerable to damage and cc.

    > > Or can you do it several times possibly 3 times within in the time frame of about 10 seconds or so in case you miss one or fail it. More importantly is the cast time long and has an obvious tell thats totally not given away by going into shroud....... or holding your hands over your head for a solid second or so.

    > >

    > > Its not a issue of the damage its a issue of the needless low risk associated with said damage. As mesmers have chain defenses to get out and in where as necro does not while having obvious tells and much slower skills to deal that kind of damage. Not to mention Executioners will never do that kind of damage from a full hp target which the OP refers too and you wont land grave digger as an opener either. You post here are pretty far off from the point.

    > >

    > > The closes thing you have to a valid point is shroud auto being able to drop people in a few swings but still you have the tell of shroud and limited melee range with 1 dash in short its damage a person never wont see coming or damage that will suddenly hit you from range or stealth with a 20k burst. You must still take the risk of getting into melee range to do that damage.

    > >

    > >


    > Agree to all this. We truly are a decent +1 and that's that. Shroud/2nd hp bar.... being the reason we dont get the goodies say mesmers and others get. The one thing they could at least do is shave some butter off cast times. Retweak Augury of Death, drop the heal as we always have to lose to gain?


    I dont think shroud is the direct reason we dont get the mobility evades on invulns like ele and mesmer I think its because anet wants necro to remain a team focused profession. Its the ideal perfect profession for players not playing over voice communication or with great organization because it works so well in in all game modes in group content thats not organized. How ever the idea of having necro sustain via hp soaking should possibly mean that we should have more stability options than ele and mesmer have and that we should possibly also have more damage reduction than they have in place of the denied evades, blocks, invulns, and mobility. But we dont have those things either... We dont even have a Vigor Trait like the other light armor professions have. Yeah we can convert it from the bleeding condition but still why no trait...


    I mean I guess yes we have damage reduction in shroud but using shroud 100% for that purpose means you cant use it for an offensive purposes and thats nothing that a mesmer alone cant burst through. Let alone when a whole enemy team or small gorup in wvw is organized and wants to focus the necromancer first. This is technically where death magic when combined with soul reaping should come into play to improve those things i touched up (more stability/ raw damage reduction) on but it simply does not do that.

    Foot in the grave needs a minor adjustment and it might actually solve the stability problem as its an "ok" trait right now but its not good enough for people to consider running it. (in most cases the stab is prob too short a duration and 1 stack is simply far too low."

    In the case of damage reduction toughness is arguably not felt unless some one invest fully into it to max it out and even then its not something that 1 player say a mesmer couldnt burst through. We need a bit more % raw reduction going on in death magic possibly.


    Necromancer is a strong class but its got some major faults more so from lack of QoL as the game has progressed more than anything. It also seems like ideas people ask for on necromancer often end up on other professions.


  9. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:


    > I know this is a joke thread and all... And I'm aware of the limitations of the skills in the screenshots, primarily their cast times, but... Reaper in particular has had so many damage buffs that at this point I'm pretty sure Shroud auto attacks are capable of 2 shotting people. And of course there's always the Ghastly Claws memes too.


    The issue with this is can you do that from 900+ range or stealth and instantly jump away right after doing it on another player making it incredibly hard to attack you back. or while being invulnerable to damage and cc.

    Or can you do it several times possibly 3 times within in the time frame of about 10 seconds or so in case you miss one or fail it. More importantly is the cast time long and has an obvious tell thats totally not given away by going into shroud....... or holding your hands over your head for a solid second or so.


    Its not a issue of the damage its a issue of the needless low risk associated with said damage. As mesmers have chain defenses to get out and in where as necro does not while having obvious tells and much slower skills to deal that kind of damage. Not to mention Executioners will never do that kind of damage from a full hp target which the OP refers too and you wont land grave digger as an opener either. You post here are pretty far off from the point.


    The closes thing you have to a valid point is shroud auto being able to drop people in a few swings but still you have the tell of shroud and limited melee range with 1 dash in short its damage a person never wont see coming or damage that will suddenly hit you from range or stealth with a 20k burst. You must still take the risk of getting into melee range to do that damage.



  10. > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAndRnMbCtbiF3AO3A0bilcBDKA0AKAxTxs4XMKrdv6AA-jFSGQBES9npoEsIKDKoSPDcKAAwTAoc6DYz+DBAOAOv5N/8ALv8yLv8y99yLv8yLv8yLv8yjCIwA-w


    > The build could be a lot better, but has anyone tried a build with these runes? Additional corruption could also be a source of weakness, shame it's a condition rune though.



    Its a very strong choice at the moment.

    In fact this rune with the right build is strong enough to make Blighters Boon compete with the Meta Reapers Onslaught

    That said it is very gimmicky in a sense that if this rune becomes too much of a staple in competitive modes it will simply get nerfed and there goes your build.


    Its a very strong option for the moment but due to the fact that the rune could be removed or nerfed at any point in time i refrain from using this build and depending on weakness splatter for ez sustain. I cant say im a fan of builds that use runes like this because in the instant the rune gets culled the build get nerfed pretty heavily.


    Not sure what you are using this build for so ill assume its possible pvp or wvw purposes

    As for your build well personally I prefer to use **Master of corruption** with **Consume Conditions** and **Corrupt boon.** over **Corrosive poison cloud** unless you really need the projectile block (could be nice in wvw though but still kinda meh for power reaper). Corrupt boon is more likely than not to grab might when you use it on a foe which will become weakness and with the shorter cooldown you can use it much more often and clear other annoying boons as well.

    This gives you the old Consume conditions cool down of 20 seconds like it use to be back in the day which is down right NICE! how ever if you take this option I do recommend taking **Spiteful Renewal** to insta clear the blind when you heal and it will also net you a bit more healing. Do not take **Spiteful Talisman** for fighting other players they will almost NEVER EVER not have at least one boon on them no matter how hard you are ripping and corrupting the time frame a another player goes without a boon is like less than a second or two at most.

    Keep in mind when you use this rune with power reaper its not about the condition stats on the rune... ignore that. its all about the might gen from weakness spam as well as any other sources for sustain in shroud and life force generation. Entering shroud can net you over 2k hp depending on how many targets you hit and how much weakness goes out from corrupting boons via spiteful spirit and weakening shroud.

    Every auto attack has the potential to get you 300-500 or so hp back if not more via blighters boon.

    Keep in mind that that in this senario it does not matter that you are over capping on might but you need to be smart about it still. It wont mattter that you are easily hitting 25 might constantly because incoming might still grants the benefits of blighters boon and thats all that matters. That said Chilling victory is a better option than Soul eater because its even more might which translates too more life force and more healing.



    That said if this is for pve forgo this rune all together to be honest as life force generation and might generation should not be a problem without it. This rune is pretty much good for nothing but fighting other players who will be drowned in boons 90% of the time. Gaining constant might for you to corrupt etc.


    However if you insist on keeping this for pve yes you have too much might generation. You would be better off dropping spite for blood magic just to not be over capping on might how ever this will be a damage loss as you lose awaken the pain or optional spiteful talisman and or Close to death. Ideally just dont use this rune in pve it would be best this rune only be used for pvp or wvw or on a more condition focused build Where you completely lack might generation.


  11. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > I am not sure whether everyone knows how Rise! does work (can't blame anyone as the mechanic is clunky).


    > Once casted the skill applies the "Dark Bond" effect to the caster for 5 seconds. The Dark Bond effect has to be active to be able to tansfer 33% of damage to the horrors. Each time when one of the risen horrors completes an attack the Dark Bond Effect is resetted to another 5s.


    > So Rise! is at least a 5 second 33% damage reduction right after it was casted and for additional intervals of 5s each time when a horror successfully attacks.


    > The skill is fine in PvE and WvW where the cooldown is 40s and can be reduced when traited. Unfortunately is was nerfed in PvP to a 60s cooldown as a band aid fix during the time when perma chilling mercenary condi reaper was a thing. Like usual for ANet they never reverted it when condi reaper became garbage.


    IT should be clear how bad of a design this is for anything other than pve.

    They should have either not made it a requirement (if the minions can die so quickly anyways to direct damage)

    Or made it sow that the necro is the who needs to continue attacking to keep the dark bond effect not the minions.


    Im sure the majority of people know how it works its just bad design on execution in attempts to nerf it cause it was crazy strong before hand.

  12. Swap it only if beefed up in some way

    It will still be considered a spectral skill i hope My version of it would be something like


    **Grim Spector**

    80s CD

    Reveal and expose the souls of enemies nearby siphoning health from them over time, Gain vitality and life force each time you siphon. Enemies who break the tether before it expires take damage and are feared and immobilized. Enemies who would go down while tethered or to the tether break are finished.


    Life Siphon Damage: 778 (0.2)

    Life Siphon Healing: 778 (0.2)

    Vitality per Stack (20s): 30 Vitality

    Life force gained per siphon: 1%

    Tether Break Fear and Immobilize Duration: 2s (the application of these conditions is not avoidable able but can bet countered with resistance/Stab/ Condi clear)

    Tether Break Damage: 696 (2.34) (The equivalent of 1 lich auto attack)

    Number of Targets: 5

    Duration: 5s

    Interval: 1s

    Revealed: 5s

    Radius: 600

    Range: 600




    oh my gosh too op i know.... of course any idea anyone comes up with aside form the current or old version is gonna be op on paper I simply tried to incorporate a bit more of lich into this skill alone.


    My point is the current version of Grim specter is far to weak on its own to be an elite with a 180s cool down that no longer can potentially deal heavy strike damage, have cc, provide life force, or inflict any types of conditions. It would seriously needs some beefing up to be an elite. Now the old version of it would have probably been legit ok as an elite on its own with a 40s cd no buffing needed but the current version is a bit too weak unless its literally going to have a 30s cd which is unlikely but not impossible

  13. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > Well Death Magic is in a much better spot than it used to be...

    > >

    > > Hardly


    > DM doesnt carry.. so its useless :}


    Not what i was implying but ok if you say so


  14. The way this OP was written lol

    We charr can be savages but as a charr necro i know your pain.


    > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @KrHome.1920 said:

    > > Power Mesmer bursts

    > > - can be dodged or shroud-tanked (50% dmg. reduction)

    > > - are telegraphed (soundeffects and visuals)

    > > - require a very squishy Mesmer build which can be two shotted by a power Necro or condi bombed by a condi Necro

    > >

    > > I don't see the problem here. (I am just talking about the power shatter burst combo at this point, not the state of Mesmer, Chrono or Mirage in general.)

    > >

    > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

    > > > i was once killed by a Thief who only used and spammed pistols lol and followed me all around till i finaly died just before i got inside a keep...... of course i tried to fightback a few time during it but yeah its a thief and im a necro the moment i tried to use anything he danced back and around me sooo basically could not do anything..... while he was chipping my HP down with some burst here and there just to make me more mad...

    > > Ghastly Claws and Chill of Death (nice that Unload generates a boon ;-) ) outdamage Unload and you have more health (and Shroud as backup if you messed up your positioning) than the Thief. Just facetank an Unload while channeling Ghastly Claws. The cool thing about Unload is that a Thief can't Unload and Heatshot at once. If he decides to cancel the Unload for a Headshot he used 9 initiative which is a huge invest compared to the 5 (minus 2) initiative for the full channel. So your Ghastly Claws channel is pretty safe to use.

    > >

    > > You might not kill him but you can force him to disengage by counterbursting (the standard strategy against Thieves).

    > >

    > > And in general: Don't run Death Magic oder Blood Magic for sustain when on your own. These traitlines are useless in duells. Corruptions (esp. Might > Weakness) and Shroud (Barriers) are the Necro's defense.


    > Thank you for the helpful tips, but my heart still feels broken... :'(


    "Can be doged" is not good advice or really a tip thats just implying that it can be done.


    Truth be told while there are some tells that a mesmer may be about to burst you, for example, They pull the great-sword over the head as they are about to throw mirror blade. Thats usually a indication that a 1 shot burst its coming. Other than that its a 50/50 shot. Either you will get hit by some or all of the burst or you will dodge it all.


    With mesmers running that kind of build its a big mind game and thats all you can really go on to dodge the burst. If you dont see them go into stealth and they hit you with it however then its just gg. There are no visual or audio tells from inside stealth if you didn't see them enter stealth your chances of dodging that kind of burst are next to none. If you hear the mantras actives on your character before you pressed the dodge button you already got hit.


    Some people might say just count to 3 or 5 and dodge cause they will always attack out of stealth... once again this is wishful thinking its common for most mesmers to do this but not every mesmer will do this in fact some of them wont attack you at all at that time frame or attack you with a different skill. Its literally a cheesy mind game.


    While mesmers are squishy they have the mobility and defensive tools to get away with doing the burst roughly 2 to 5 times before most go down. So Squishy does not always mean vulnerable. Evades are stealth and invlun not looked at as a form sustain or durability in this game by most players of which mesmer fairs pretty well in all 3 of those categories.


    Usually the only way i beat mesmers who run that kind of build is if I dodge both mantra burst and they continue to fight me after that rather than run away. So ideally they let me kill them. Smart / Average mesmer players wont do this and usually will run or kite around you till they can attempt the burst again, the only way i get them is if i manage to dodge or soak several burst attempts something of 3 to 5 burst attempts (which is hard for necro to do and live let alone kill after). But usually after that many burst attempts they have used their invuln, stealths, blinks, and natural evades etc. leaving them wide open to attack. A good CI mesmr will have a lot more stuns and cc's though along with more annoying conditions like immobilize and slow / blind making it even harder for necromancer.


    In the case WvW and mesmer who plays super safe and runs away after failing to kill you with this kind of set up, if cant get the mesmer quick then just try to get away from them. Mesmers are not as good at chasing as some people might think. If they used their blink and are out of range for the sword blink they pretty much cant do anything other than gs auto you which is annoying but pretty harmless.


    To be honest I would take his advice on trying to counter burst a thief with a grain of salt thats not a good method generally never hp soak unload if you can avoid it just avoid it lol. Best case situation you burst each other and the thief backs off for a few seconds only to dance right back in on your face his mobility will be higher than yours and cooldowns are likely going to be much lower than yours. Generally the better way to do it is to dodge what you can and enter shroud or cc them with a pull or fear if possible before attempting to fight back. The more resources you can make said thief use before you start taking damage from your hp the better. If reaper use shroud skill 2 to block the projectiles while advancing on them.


  15. > @"Aetatis.5418" said:

    > just scrap it all and stick to the slow theme.

    > dont make the reaper teleport and jump around like a thief - glue enemies to the reaper instead.

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magebane_Tether_(trait_skill)

    > was one of the best skill inventions of all time. unfortunately on the wrong e-spec :3


    Alot of things that would make necro a force to be feared tend to end up on other professions as of late

    Necros as for focus skill 4 rework

    Guardian gets it instead when it really didnt need it.


    Core shroud has tethers that do nothing when broken

    See your example of Magebane tether


    Fairly sure that wells sticking to the necro was an idea posted for necros looooong ago before the days of HoT

    Scrapper now has wells that stick to them


    Seems to be a on going trend.

    People want more mobility we are going to see mobility improvement on other professions next lol


    Im still waiting for a death magic rework that will never happen

    A staff rework that will never happen

    and a rework to Marks that spread them to some of the other weapon sets (offhand dagger and or focus, scepter etc.) like clone, phants, symbols etc on other professions. which will also never happen ;D


  16. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > > > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

    > > > > > if only NCSY was instant, could make for some high skilled plays, but might be too broken?

    > > > >

    > > > > Instant NCSY would just make it a crappy version of warrior's signet.

    > > > I agree it needs to be more than instant before its really relative to being a decent shout. My idea for NCSY

    > > > - instant cast (though not required would be nice if it was instant cast)

    > > > - applies 3 seconds of reveal on hit (needs this badly)

    > > > - always applies the 10 vuln on hit

    > > > - always strips stability, resistance, and protection on hit

    > > That suggestion is ludicrously overloaded for a 20s untraited cooldown skill.


    The biggest thing it needs is the reveal the rest maybe. Instant use would be good for obvious reasons.

    But let me ask you this... Have you used the skill in pvp if not then why not? You could say "i just dont need it" but then you could say that about any old utility skill. You usually dont use something because it has no practical use, its not good or is too situational or offers no benefit.


    In my case its often too situational. You have to totally predict the block rather than use it when you want to outplay a block that just went active. The cast time prevents you from easily combining it with other skills and while it already rips boons why shouldn't it focus on defensive boons as the shout is called "Nothing can save you." It only really makes sense. The cd of the skill is arguable if you want that can always be moved up or down generally but with this shout itself is generally bad.


    > > > > Quick reaper fix guide:

    > > > > - Death's charge and Death Spiral are now frontal blocks.

    > > > Death's charge yes... death spiral thats a bit questionable but maybe..... it would have to lose some of its current mechanics as its currently pretty loaded as is for 1 skill as is.

    > > I think you are confusing Death Spiral with Soul Spiral.

    No im not, i know you are talking about the GS skill and have you read that skill lately its a multi hitting skill that applies alot vuln, generates life force, and deals increased damage above a hp threshold, and its damage is pretty solid.... while it hits multiple targets. ITs overloaded as is to also be able to block attacks would be INSANELY too much.

    > > > > - Grasping Darkness is no longer negated by projectile destructs.

    > > > Just make it unblockable ez fix (its still going to be buggy though)

    > > Grasping Darkness is not buggy tho, they fixed it a long time ago. It's just overly penalized due to being negated by all projectile destructs.

    Im sorry but no its still buggy. trying to pull some one who is butted up against a wall there is like a 50% chance the skill will out right fail.

    The skill can fail when pulling people on different level of ground from you such a hills or steps where as other pulls would still work.

    It also in my case has clipped right through people without doing strike damage or pulling them when they were clearly in range from time to time. Its still buggy if you think other wise then you don't use the skill enough. Its probably one of the most unreliable necromancer skills at the moment.

    > > > > - Executioner's Scythe will always apply it's stun the current target instead of picking one target at random to apply the stun to.

    > > > Im not sure this is a major thing either, Honestly the skill should technically just be partly reworked

    > > > - First of all it should at the very least be able to strike 3 targets (your target and/or the 2 closest foes to the landing center of the aoe)

    > > > - increase the stun duration in addition to the current damage based on foes hp value

    > > 3 targets is too much for how much damage the skill does. Also the stun duration is fine. 1.5s is already very punishing.

    stun duration i can understand thats greedy, but 3 targets being too much for a profession mechanic meant to specialize in melee team fighting i dont think thats too much to ask :/ I disagree with you on that bit. 100%

    > > > > - Chilled to the Bone cast time reduced from 1.25 to 0.75 to bring it inline with similar skills on other classes.

    > > > This is not a necessity but its would be a nice QoL although i don't see this as some sort of marvelous change

    > > It's very necessary in order to improve the ability to clutch with the skill. Moreover Anet has been moving similar skills on other classes down to 0.75s cast. (see Chaotic Release change)

    No its not a necessary change lol it still has a big flashy startup up people dont dodge it because of its slow cast people dodge it cause its overly visable to see coming. This change would help but overall the majority of people will still be able to dodge CttB with ease. . A necessary change , no... a nice change, sure...

    > > > > - Gravedigger's reset mechanic is removed and Gravedigger's power scaling increased by 25%.

    > > > Needs more tbh 25% is not worth the cd reset going away in its on its own.

    > > > - 25% Power scale increase

    > > > - Delivers a 2nd strike on foes under 50% hp after a short delay (this strike uses the same damage values as the normal strike)

    > >

    > > The cd reset has no value. You ain't hitting anyone twice with gravedigger and you will be lucky to hit someone once. The purpose of the change is to make gravedigger worth using. 25% does that because it puts the skill firmly in the 7k-10k critical range, whereas right now it's 5k-8k critical range and 3-5k non-critical which isn't worth the 1.25s cast. You second strike mechanic isn't desirable because it still leaves the skill worthless when the foe isn't below 50%, while at the same time being a guaranteed insta kill against a foe below 50%.

    The biggest argument i make here.

    Keep in mind im also thinking pve not just pvp. In pve the current use of the skill is quite common once something goes under 50% in extended fights to remove the cd reset in those situations yes it needs more than just a flat 25% boost. A flat 25% boost is fine for pvp but in pve thats crap and because anet is firm on not having a skill work in 2 different ways from pvp to pve when you do things like this you need to also consider its use in pve not just pvp situations. That was my reasoning behind the 2nd strike.

    A 25% boost to damage vs end game content where its common at the current moment to use the skill several times during what would be its cooldown if you added the 25% damage. You could argue that its made up throughout the whole fight rather than just the end but thats requires crazy testing and off the top of my head i just dont see it. IT NEEDS MORE! for the sake of pve not pvp in this case. I dont think it would really make up for the lost in the end even with a optimal rotation.

    Not everyone only does PvP and when you consider changing skills you should not only think from a pvp state of mind because anet does not split skills that way.


    Second strike damage could always get an numbers change in pvp to make it less insta kill threatening but imo that wouldnt be needed. There are other things on other professions with far less tell that can kill you from above 50% hp from stealth or range. while this skill still has a 1.25 cast and only deals damage in melee range.


    You could argue that in pve that the power scaling boost just be higher too which then comes to the point how much. In any case it needs more than just 25% thats pretty lame considering the skills current level of use value across all game modes.


    > > > > - Entering Shroud resets the cooldowns of all shroud skills. Seriously, you should always have your shroud skills available when you enter shroud.

    > > > Thats not broken at all... lol i dont think thats a good way to do it Crinn while i think that shroud skill should be more available simply pressing f1 and getting them all back every 10 seconds for free is not acceptable nor would be looked upon in competitive modes as fair.

    > > Except you don't enter shroud every 10 seconds, because the cooldown doesn't start until you exit shroud.


    This is not a valid argument or statement to be honest.


    > >

    > > > You also forgot a few important things on your list

    > > > **Augury of Death**

    > > > - Shouts now Life Siphon into hp and life force on hit.

    > > > - In addition to the current cd reduction mechanic that this trait grants, all shouts now have their recharges partially reduced when other shouts you use strike foes. 2% per foe struck (the more shouts you run the more you can use them generally)

    > > That would be too much as a full shout build could potentially YSIM every 10s.


    Assuming you always hit 5 targets with every shout on your bar. In fact even with this change most players still likely wouldn't run all shouts as too many shouts are not viable in end game pve or pvp some one running all shouts atm is likely doing it for thematic purposes not optimal ones. YSIM is not that strong to start with its one of necros weaker heals. Its not the worst heal but its far from the best heal imo. Consume conditions, scourge heal are by far still considerable stronger YSIM wouldnt become stronger unless smashing shouts with perfect precision to get a YSIM every 10 seconds which realistically probably wont happen often.


    Even if we drop the cd addition you left no thought on the life force part. Which is probably the more important bit.


    > > > **Deathly Chill**

    > > > - Increases the effectiveness of chill from -66% to -77% movement and cooldown recharge, and additionally reduces the effective distance of skills that cause movement by an equal amount, Rush, Swoop, Bull charge etc (Blinks and shadow steps are not affected)

    > > No, that's too brutal. You'd be able to completely and effortlessly lockdown any class that doesn't have passive chill removal. It's too binary.

    If you have played long enough you would know that this use to be a thing in the game and necros had to abuse it as part of their sustain. IT was also their way of catching professions that were out right faster than them and used movement skills to kite. Cripple and chill use to considerably reduce the distance of movement abilities. Anet removed it for some reason not sure why. But it would make for an interesting trait to bring back to necromancer as one of the slower lower mobile professions who is based on conditioning foes to overpower them.

    > >


    > Well I'm currently playing a chill-power reaper. And I have to say, most classes have passive cleanses or immunities, they just don't care about the chill.

    This ^ also this. Unless you really catch some one who A either has no idea what they are doing or B has used all their immunities and cleansing chill is extra ignorable.




  17. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Quickness is really good for solo reapers in pve, it needs to stay.


    > I don't think quickness is really "needed" for solo players in PvE, the reaper worked perfectly well without it for years.


    > @"ZDragon.3046"

    > Wow, you're super greedy here...


    Maybe a bit although while i think shouts do need some love on reaper and that base speed can be increased fixing reaper overall eliminating the need for selfish traited quickness those things would not be bad at all.

    I dont think reaper needs to be quickness level fast but generally being a bit faster at base would go a long way and its how it technically should have been done over the idea of pulsing quickness to be honest im shocked its remained in the game this long. When it first came out i had always assumed it would be a temporary solution to player frustration of being TOO slow vs everything else in the game. After all pulsing quickness had just been removed from rev not that long ago and anet has stressed how the felt about pulsing boons like stab and and sometimes quickness.


    Augary of death is not that good if anything its life steal mechanic is out of place if you look at the whole top row of traits


    If you could be more specific about which part was super greedy I may agree or disagree with you.


    > In my opinion, ANet don't focus enough on "combos" and I'd rather see them rework things in a way that make combo meaningfull for the necromancer and it's e-spec than all those heavy change that you and crinn suggest.


    Well the issue with combos is that you need to relatively have tools to make said combos work. You also need to either be able to instantly 1 shot with a combo or have the ability to sustain until you can make or gain another opening to combo. You also need to be able to execute your combo within a reasonable time frame aka you cant be TOO slow about doing it unless given the tools to keep some one still for a longer period of time than normal when played well.

    If you mean combo fields then well necro is not set up for that. That would require more heavy changes than the ones we just threw up as we have limited fields that don't accomplish mush when combo'ed. So this also requires a bit more specifics when you say "You would rather see things reworked that make combo meaningful." I dont see changes in my head that would accomplish that and wouldn't be any less greedy than any of the ones between mine and or Crinns.

  18. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > I would revert the change that made mobility skills immune to boons and conditions.


    I wouldnt.... although a useless necromancer trait that made this happen would be nice in pvp and wvw but pointless in pve. Back in the day that was a key part of necro sustain was knowing that you could hinder enemy gap closers with conditions like cripple and chill.

    Now we have things that boaster ignoring conditions and things that improve swiftness (traits and runes) and a lot more traits that remove and or reduce movement impairment conditions. We have yet to see runes or traits that counter these kinds of things yet.


    > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

    > > if only NCSY was instant, could make for some high skilled plays, but might be too broken?


    > Instant NCSY would just make it a crappy version of warrior's signet.

    I agree it needs to be more than instant before its really relative to being a decent shout. My idea for NCSY

    - instant cast (though not required would be nice if it was instant cast)

    - applies 3 seconds of reveal on hit (needs this badly)

    - always applies the 10 vuln on hit

    - always strips stability, resistance, and protection on hit


    > Quick reaper fix guide:

    > - Death's charge and Death Spiral are now frontal blocks.

    Death's charge yes... death spiral thats a bit questionable but maybe..... it would have to lose some of its current mechanics as its currently pretty loaded as is for 1 skill as is.

    > - Grasping Darkness is no longer negated by projectile destructs.

    Just make it unblockable ez fix (its still going to be buggy though)

    > - Executioner's Scythe will always apply it's stun the current target instead of picking one target at random to apply the stun to.

    Im not sure this is a major thing either, Honestly the skill should technically just be partly reworked

    - First of all it should at the very least be able to strike 3 targets (your target and/or the 2 closest foes to the landing center of the aoe)

    - increase the stun duration in addition to the current damage based on foes hp value


    > - Nightfall does 50% less damage per strike but ticks every 1 second instead of every 2.

    I can agree with this 100% Perhaps make this another modification of the soul eater greatsword trait

    > - Chilled to the Bone cast time reduced from 1.25 to 0.75 to bring it inline with similar skills on other classes.

    This is not a necessity but its would be a nice QoL although i don't see this as some sort of marvelous change

    > - Gravedigger's reset mechanic is removed and Gravedigger's power scaling increased by 25%.

    Needs more tbh 25% is not worth the cd reset going away in its on its own.

    - 25% Power scale increase

    - Delivers a 2nd strike on foes under 50% hp after a short delay (this strike uses the same damage values as the normal strike)


    > - Entering Shroud resets the cooldowns of all shroud skills. Seriously, you should always have your shroud skills available when you enter shroud.

    Thats not broken at all... lol i dont think thats a good way to do it Crinn while i think that shroud skill should be more available simply pressing f1 and getting them all back every 10 seconds for free is not acceptable nor would be looked upon in competitive modes as fair.


    You also forgot a few important things on your list


    **Additional quick fix notes**

    Reduce cast times of all reaper shroud skills by roughly 33% (faster at base but not quickness level fast) Flat out QoL and how it should have been done from the start.

    **Reapers Onslaught**

    - Remove quickness application

    - Remove 1s cd refund from auto chain attacks.

    - This trait now grants 150 ferocity at base at all times when equipped

    - The ferocity bonus doubles while in shroud.

    - Augments "Deaths Charge" into "Deaths Pursuit" a new gap close skill that blinks the necro to their target delivering a slash that inflicts heavy damage, and blinds, If this strike hits the cd of all shroud skills are reduced by 20% if it hits the foe from behind or the side the cd reduction bonus is doubled (that includes this skill)


    **Augury of Death**

    - Shouts now Life Siphon into hp and life force on hit.

    - In addition to the current cd reduction mechanic that this trait grants, all shouts now have their recharges partially reduced when other shouts you use strike foes. 2% per foe struck (the more shouts you run the more you can use them generally)


    **Deathly Chill**

    - Increases the effectiveness of chill from -66% to -77% movement and cooldown recharge, and additionally reduces the effective distance of skills that cause movement by an equal amount, Rush, Swoop, Bull charge etc (Blinks and shadow steps are not affected)

    - Striking a chilled target grants Deathly Chill stacks at a set interval (1 stack per second). Upon reaching maximum stacks (5) gain Frost Aura.

    - - Frost aura now strikes foes around you with ice shards during its duration once per second in addition to its current effects, Deathly Chill build up does not occur while under Frost aura.


  19. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > Well, most of the strength of the scrapper's _wells_ come from the fact that they got tons of finishers and their _wells_ got useful fields. Necro _wells_ don't benefit from having "good" field and necromancer's finishers are mostly clunky to say the least.


    > I'd say that the real issue is that necromancer's _wells_ have too "strong" effect to be allowed to stick to the necromancer. I wouldn't mind if half this strength came from actively taking advantage of the field via combo finisher but that's not the case.


    The idea of having a wells stick to the necro was something i posted ages ago even before HoT i think when berserker was the first to get a mobile fire field on its torch off hand skill.


    But in my idea it was required that you have the wells traited This was back when well would only summon at your location and traiting them allowed them to be placed at range.


    Buuuut you might be right in most cases the necros well effects (some of them) are too strong to possibly be stuck to the necro (mostly well of suffering and well of corruption) but darkness, power, and blood could possibly be changed and be ok.



    > Edit: With scourge we already had a taste of the hate that the necromancer would get if it's _wells_ could stick with them.


    I dont think thats what really got peoples blood boiling. The hate didn't come from the aoe being mobile the hate came from the fact that for about 2 months the aoe could be placed at range and instantly melt someone. Then after it got its bugs fixed for a class that was suppose to be support it was still throwing out tons of insta melting levels of damage, the aoe zones were not super clear to people like they are now, and even once that was fixed the visuals in general just annoy the heck out of everyone. Scouge became the bane of wvw and is still top tier there because of its aoes which people absolutely loathed


    I think the least contributing factor was because "its an aoe that sticks to them"

    In fact if the aoe only stuck to the scourge and shades did not exists I dont think people would have cared nearly as much as it would require the scourge to take great risk and puts them in danger of being instantly shut down by anything with mobility and evades or a 600+ range weapon.



  20. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > >in enemy areas its still faster than running with swiftness

    > > > Everyone is saying this. I don't know where you all get you speed informations? That is not true! It's much slower than swiftness there.

    > > >

    > > > >not to mention you can use the dodge ability to speed things along

    > > > This is not better than a thief shadowstep or a soulbeast leap or a warrior leap or a shiro teleport. They all can dismount you in enemy territory after gapclosing.

    > > > _____

    > > > Finally they updated the wiki. Maybe people will stop with this now:

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw

    > > >

    > > > **EDIT:**

    > > > I checked the reddit thread linked in the wiki that did the speed tests. He precised his statement that the mount is 15,6% faster than a player running with swiftness in enemy territory. In my tests I could outrun a mounted player in enemy territory. Maybe I had some speed cap buff on me (superspeed, blessing of the elements). I have to revaluate that.

    > > >

    > > > **EDIT2:**

    > > > And the tester found an own mistake: :p

    > > > _Scrap what i wrote, its wrong. Didn't keep the speed reduction from being in combat in mind. This takes away 33% of your move speed from base, putting you at 210 u/ s. Add Swiftness to 279 u/ s, x5 + 761 u for five second window translates to 431 u/ s. Matches mount base speed in enemy territory at most, but cannot keep up with its maximum speed due to the endurance ability._

    > > >

    > > > So I was right. The speed in allied territory should be in the game's speedcap and in enemy territory it should be around +25% (swiftness: +33%).

    > >

    > > Honestly i was playing wvw last night an running through enemy controlled land yet again. And neither me nor the person on foot were in combat we were litterally alone and running in a straight line. I was on the mount and they were not. Yet slowly I passed said person despite them having swfitness.

    > >

    > > So either the speed listed are not correct and or the mount is bugged and while the slow down function does happen its not enough to slow you down to the point some one out of combat with swiftness is faster than you on enemy controlled territory.

    > >

    > > Now is it considerably faster no.. In a stretch of running maybe 15-20 seconds directly forward I was maybe between 300-600 range ahead nothing that most classes cant gap close but still based on my own experience the mount is out right faster period regardless if your world owns the land or not. (this is not counting movement abilities )


    > Tested it as well. Got same results as you did. Mount is slightly faster than someone with swiftness in enemy territory


    To be honest it should be even if its just barely faster. To have a mount be just outright slower than some one on foot even in enemy territory is counter intuitive to the point of the mount to start with don't you think ;)


    Overall the mount did its job I had no intent on returning to wvw yet i find myself roaming quite often recently (outside of eternal battle grounds). It did peek my interest to play wvw game mode so.... :astonished:

  21. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > >in enemy areas its still faster than running with swiftness

    > Everyone is saying this. I don't know where you all get you speed informations? That is not true! It's much slower than swiftness there.


    > >not to mention you can use the dodge ability to speed things along

    > This is not better than a thief shadowstep or a soulbeast leap or a warrior leap or a shiro teleport. They all can dismount you in enemy territory after gapclosing.

    > _____

    > Finally they updated the wiki. Maybe people will stop with this now:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw


    > **EDIT:**

    > I checked the reddit thread linked in the wiki that did the speed tests. He precised his statement that the mount is 15,6% faster than a player running with swiftness in enemy territory. In my tests I could outrun a mounted player in enemy territory. Maybe I had some speed cap buff on me (superspeed, blessing of the elements). I have to revaluate that.


    > **EDIT2:**

    > And the tester found an own mistake: :p

    > _Scrap what i wrote, its wrong. Didn't keep the speed reduction from being in combat in mind. This takes away 33% of your move speed from base, putting you at 210 u/ s. Add Swiftness to 279 u/ s, x5 + 761 u for five second window translates to 431 u/ s. Matches mount base speed in enemy territory at most, but cannot keep up with its maximum speed due to the endurance ability._


    > So I was right. The speed in allied territory should be in the game's speedcap and in enemy territory it should be around +25% (swiftness: +33%).


    Honestly i was playing wvw last night an running through enemy controlled land yet again. And neither me nor the person on foot were in combat we were litterally alone and running in a straight line. I was on the mount and they were not. Yet slowly I passed said person despite them having swfitness.


    So either the speed listed are not correct and or the mount is bugged and while the slow down function does happen its not enough to slow you down to the point some one out of combat with swiftness is faster than you on enemy controlled territory.


    Now is it considerably faster no.. In a stretch of running maybe 15-20 seconds directly forward I was maybe between 300-600 range ahead nothing that most classes cant gap close but still based on my own experience the mount is out right faster period regardless if your world owns the land or not. (this is not counting movement abilities )

  22. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > >in enemy areas its still faster than running with swiftness

    > Everyone is saying this. I don't know where you all get you speed informations? That is not true! It's much slower than swiftness there.


    Uhhh.... Im getting it from running beside my friend who is a rev and has perma swiftness on unmounted lmfao Granted I was not sure if the area was ours or not at the time when I was looking at him areas flipping back and forth pretty often last night so i cant remember but I assumed it was not ours if it was oh well.

    In any case it can be faster i guess


    > _____

    > Finally they updated the wiki. Maybe people will stop with this now:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw


    > **It is the slowest mount.**

    > - Its base speed in ally controlled WvW territory (and in PvE) is +37%, which is faster than running on foot with swiftness [...]. Using the endurance ability when available increases average speed to +54%.

    > - Its base speed in enemy controlled WvW territory is reduced to +16%, which is slower than running on foot with swiftness. Using the endurance ability when available increases average speed to +34%.

    I love how you are being so aggressive to really prove a point that technically states I'm not wrong...

  23. Not enough people have it and the game mode is a mess everyone is pretty much trying to at least get the base mount


    I got it already and it does improve roaming speed over all even when slowed down in enemy areas its still faster than running with swiftness not to mention you can use the dodge ability to speed things along. Getting in fights is super easy with it although getting out you still need to first get out of combat


    To answer your question once everyone has it necro will remain in the same spot Trying to catch a kiting ranger on warclaw assumes you got out of combat and if they also got out of combat and mounted war claw (in their own area) you certainly wouldnt catch them.


    Ideally its a faster get around and good for doging through tight spots and you can make some plays with it but overall dont expect necro itself to improve that much because of warclaw.

  24. > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

    > > > Man the "...all the necromancer specializations have a healthy representation in competitive game modes." is pretty concerning tbh, will we just be seeing dmg% inc to irrelevant skills and tooltip fixes from now on?

    > >

    > > When it comes to reaper and scourge yes....

    > > when it comes to core necro probably not To be fair reaper is by far in a great spot for what it is. It could use a few quality of life changes like the removal of its quickness boon for just a flat increase in speed in reaper shroud at baseline and maybe some shouts have 2 charges other than that its solid as is.

    > >

    > > The the weakness of scourge and reaper generally come from core necromancer and thats where we will see the biggest changes that have bigger impacts on reaper and scourge. For example the changes to Soul reaping recently etc.

    > >

    > > Ideally reaper is at a point where its near its peek and to buff it more would mean that when and if core finally gets its rework or heavily quality of life improvements reaper would need to be nerfed at the same time or soon after as a result.

    > >

    > > Scourge is kind of a different story imo its just a mess but thats just my personal opinion


    > but where are the changes to core tho? Does their statement of "all necro specs" not include core?


    > My ideal scenario is core becoming a duel spec, right now it doesn't matter what we take, we need a nanny or we die.


    Core necro needs a fix to death magic

    Death magic does not do what Defense does for Warrior or Wilderness Survival does for ranger, It wont do what Water does for ele and it wont do what inspiration does for mesmer. Death magic fails at providing proper sustain for team or dueling efforts and its why blood magic is often used in its place. Blood magic offers almost everything death magic offers but with better pay off in some cases.


    If death magic was = to what defense trait line is on warrior I have no doubt that we would see Spite, Death Magic, Reapers running around but thats simply not the case.

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