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Posts posted by ZDragon.3046

  1. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

    > > They can't be unlimited. People fail to realize that there's a lot of information in build/gear templates that have to be stored.

    > And yet Arc templates managed to do just that. Magic?

    > (hint: no, it does not need to be stored serverside)




    Arc saved your templates locally right?

    Anets system will **"most likely"** not be doing that

    Thats probably without a doubt why there is a limit of 24


    While yes they dont need to be stored server side there is probably another reasoning why anet is going to handle it that way too. My guess would be security reasons and because its generally safer. If something goes wrong its also easy for them to undo via support fix.


    Or they could store them locally... let your buddy complain and buy the build slots which modifies his local game files, ask your buddy to give you a copy of the file for free templates that you now didint pay for.... (im sure im making this sound easier than it would actually be) but you get my point.


    24 is probably flexible number far below their safe limit on account storage and anet is waiting to see how the majority of people react to this current ideal limit before insta caving in and increasing it. even increasing this number by just 1 or 2 could mean a massive increase requirement on account storage/ sever load.


    We dont know. I personally think 24 is well over a generous number and if you need more than that then you should just buy the 24 slots then adapt after that.


    Arc was never meant to be a perma solution so its best people stop acting like it was and move on.



  2. I would under a few stipulations and if these stipulations are not met then no i would not because it means things are doomed to fail.


    - 1 new elites are banned from pvp matchs and wvw for a set time after their release so its not an immediate crisis this allows time for bug fixing and skill abuse fixing.

    - 2 if each profession does not get a new one at the same time then any new specs should be banned from pvp matches or wvw until all professions catch up.

    - 3 it depends on the cost if its only an elite spec and there is no real content behind it it needs to be kinda reasonable.

    - 4 The content of the elite specs needs to be done properly, no short cutting animations or making one race look goofy when they use a certain skill etc.


    With a game like gw2 I personally dont think we as players are entitled to every new features for free how ever i do think we as the customers and clients are entitled to a few things that said

    - yes, its nice to get features for free every once in a while

    - no, we should not simply get every new feature for free even more so if its a luxury feature (aka you can live without it just fine as you can with it)

    - yes, content should be delivered properly and with quality control in line. (even more so if its requires a customer to pay for it)


    That last one is probably the biggest point for me because that new charr chair is unacceptable, content cannot be delivered like this it shows lack of attention to detail and that the thought/work process is not being checked and managed properly


    My mind goes back to "We are going to focus on the Norn and the Charr races" ,**Releases Charr culture chair** that does not fit a charr properly.


    Anet seems to be on thin ice with alot of people as it is. Granted i dont feel like build templates should be a big issue but (its not for me) but still

    The balance patch

    Disgraceful charr chair

    2 negatives out of 3 has me feeling some kind of way.


    Lets just hope anet does not throw out news of selling new elite specs right now i dont think a majority vet players can handle that right now.

  3. while you are at it rework the score and ranking system to score a person based on their role and various other things they do in a match win or lose your total skill ranking should not be based on if you get a good or decent team or an oblivious one.

    some one new to the game landing in plat because he had alot of good matches vs a actual semi vet player landing in bronze because his teams were oblivious multiple games in a row.


    Whats the point of having a ranking system that does not actually score you based on how well "you" perform it scores you based on how well your team does over a fixed set of matches... ontop of this you will not get the same team every time.


    PvP in general has alot of issues that need to be fixed

    soloq or duoq is but a small part of the problem simply forcing or allowing one or the other wont make much difference.


    Why are players not ranked by individual skill?

    I do understand that in alot of cases the current ranking system can relate to proper skill level of an individual player but this is not always the case. It just needs to be better.


    In general the current is outdated and a big root of the problem. Its often more pushing than rewarding overall which leads to people quitting, trading wins, etc.

    Then as someone else said these game modes are stale and out played. Capture and hold for 7 years. The maps dont focus enough on secondary objectives which arguably should be the main objectives with capturing points being the secondary. In some maps secondary objectives are completely ignored unless the win or loss is already a land slide.


    At this point anet needs to put some serious work behind other modes even if the game is not balanced for them completely.

    1v1 (best of 3)

    2v2 (best of 3)

    3v3 turn/tag style

    5v5 death match best of 3 or 5


    The time of not having skill splits is over a patch needs to roll through that fully splits everything from pve, wvw, and pvp then do balance accordingly

    I know anet didnt want to do skill functionality splits but its time to do it. Its clear people would rather learn how to compensate with skills working differently in different game modes vs one game mode breaking the others (the scourge change being a prime example)


    When all of the above is done pvp in this game can actually start to make a name for itself.

  4. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > > You do realize that Full Counter can be interrupted right? It doesn't block the hit, it just reduces the damage from it to 0, pops some evade frames, then damages/dazes people that are close by. If the original hit had CC on it that connects before the evade frames start then FC gets interrupted.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.

    > > > > > Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interupted once its triggered unless the stability is corrupted or removed by something that does not do a strike first.

    > > > >

    > > > > No, it can be interrupted. Its been done to me when I've played Spellbreaker. Takes more than one CC due to the Stability, but if there are two CCs that connect close enough together then one will strip the Stability and the other will interrupt you before the counter attack initiates. That or someone with a non strike boonrip removes the stability prior to the CC, or a for Stab to be converted to fear.

    > > >

    > > > To be honest this has to be pretty rare... of an occurrence as i said ive never EVER seen it happen myself spell-breakers always get their full counters off once its proc'ed.

    > > >

    > > > I forgot to add that a thief's steal with proper traits will also interrupt it because it takes the boons before applying the CC and thief will always take Stab. before any other boon.

    > > > Note im not saying you are wrong and that it cant happen i just think its super super super rare of a situation to really be considered a real problem. About as rare as being 1 shot by a scrapper, or core necormancer if not more rare i would say.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > it happens quite alot, thief steal is one thing but far more often necros simply corrupt your stabilty into fear and this breaks the fc aswell.


    > Another is Fear Me from a warrior as they hit you with another CC.


    I have to say i dont think before the recent change that anyone was running fear me not sure this is a valid complaint but yes this method would work.

    Thats about as rare as running "on my mark" lol

  5. > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > > You do realize that Full Counter can be interrupted right? It doesn't block the hit, it just reduces the damage from it to 0, pops some evade frames, then damages/dazes people that are close by. If the original hit had CC on it that connects before the evade frames start then FC gets interrupted.

    > > > >

    > > > > what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen)

    > > > >

    > > > > The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC

    > > > >

    > > > > Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted

    > > > >

    > > > > Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.

    > > > > Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interupted once its triggered unless the stability is corrupted or removed by something that does not do a strike first.

    > > >

    > > > No, it can be interrupted. Its been done to me when I've played Spellbreaker. Takes more than one CC due to the Stability, but if there are two CCs that connect close enough together then one will strip the Stability and the other will interrupt you before the counter attack initiates. That or someone with a non strike boonrip removes the stability prior to the CC, or a for Stab to be converted to fear.

    > >

    > > To be honest this has to be pretty rare... of an occurrence as i said ive never EVER seen it happen myself spell-breakers always get their full counters off once its proc'ed.

    > >

    > > I forgot to add that a thief's steal with proper traits will also interrupt it because it takes the boons before applying the CC and thief will always take Stab. before any other boon.

    > > Note im not saying you are wrong and that it cant happen i just think its super super super rare of a situation to really be considered a real problem. About as rare as being 1 shot by a scrapper, or core necormancer if not more rare i would say.

    > >

    > >


    > it happens quite alot, thief steal is one thing but far more often necros simply corrupt your stabilty into fear and this breaks the fc aswell.


    Both these things happen before proc'ing the FC evasive attack though which in my opinion is fair game. FC is a strong tool i dont think it needs buffs or nerfs at this point though.

  6. I dont think condition damage needs to be reduced. Maybe condition pressure or application checked in some areas but then numbers are generally fine.


    IF anything a new condition needs to be added that counters boons.

    I would love love love to see a condition that nullifies all boons on a player while its applied ?

    just as resistance nullifies all conditions on a player. Boons are out of control tbh. Something like this would help alot with shutting down boon heavy builds professions in pvp and wvw.

  7. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > Vitality helps.

    Yes thats exactly the right answer to the OP post / also resistance though this boon is a bit rare.


    > Would be nice if weakness and protection were effected by conditions.

    And No..... weakness is a condition so its should not be effected by other conditions not to mention 1 boon counters (resistance) it an another boon simi counters it (vigor)

    Protection should not do anything against conditions directly though there are some traits in game that allow it to do so but as a global thing nah.

  8. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > You do realize that Full Counter can be interrupted right? It doesn't block the hit, it just reduces the damage from it to 0, pops some evade frames, then damages/dazes people that are close by. If the original hit had CC on it that connects before the evade frames start then FC gets interrupted.

    > >

    > > what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen)

    > >

    > > The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC

    > >

    > > Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted

    > >

    > > Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.

    > > Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interupted once its triggered unless the stability is corrupted or removed by something that does not do a strike first.


    > No, it can be interrupted. Its been done to me when I've played Spellbreaker. Takes more than one CC due to the Stability, but if there are two CCs that connect close enough together then one will strip the Stability and the other will interrupt you before the counter attack initiates. That or someone with a non strike boonrip removes the stability prior to the CC, or a for Stab to be converted to fear.


    To be honest this has to be pretty rare... of an occurrence as i said ive never EVER seen it happen myself spell-breakers always get their full counters off once its proc'ed.


    I forgot to add that a thief's steal with proper traits will also interrupt it because it takes the boons before applying the CC and thief will always take Stab. before any other boon.

    Note im not saying you are wrong and that it cant happen i just think its super super super rare of a situation to really be considered a real problem. About as rare as being 1 shot by a scrapper, or core necormancer if not more rare i would say.



  9. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > I'm sure Delta will continue to provide support for his Build templates and distribute to his inner circle of special friends just like his gear checker.

    > > I'm sure that Anet would consider the add-on void upon release of their own template system which would then make using it a bannable offense, just like any other unauthorized add-on.

    > >


    > And yet using the Gear Check version of Arc that Delta passes out to his pals has gotten zero people banned.


    didnt that get like hundreds of people banned for like half a year????!?!?!??! :astonished:

  10. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > You do realize that Full Counter can be interrupted right? It doesn't block the hit, it just reduces the damage from it to 0, pops some evade frames, then damages/dazes people that are close by. If the original hit had CC on it that connects before the evade frames start then FC gets interrupted.


    what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen)


    The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC


    Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted


    Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.

    Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interrupted once its triggered into the counter attack)


    The only attacks that can land a strike against FC and cause it to be interrupted is an attack that corrupts or strips boons at the same time. in other words another spell breaker using a cc on you can interupt your full counter but only because spell breaker has a trait that strips your stab when they hit you with a cc. Your stab is being stripped before the cc is being applied which results in an interrupt


    FC is only legit counter interupted by things like

    - necro corrupts

    - mesmer arcane thievery (followed by a cc)

    - other spellbreakers cc attacks.


    In any other situation FC procs and you get the evades period there is no getting interrupted once the proc animation starts unless you interrupt it yourself with a weapon stow or dodge.

  11. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > > > > A good read

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Unholy Sanctuary could have been re worked and you are right that it is the biggest shame trait in the whole list.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > The activate shroud part of it is not really the focus i zero in on

    > > > > > > > > I would have liked to see it so that it always heals you over time in combat with the heal effect scaling up based on Death's Carapace stacks perhaps with increased healing potential when shroud is active.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > While Corrupter's Fervor will likely be the biggest benefit to hybrid or condi builds

    > > > > > > > > Unholy Sanctuary really could have been the big player for power users only who wanted a bit more defense or raw sustain. Then you could run that with Deathly strength to further help compensate the losses you take from swapping death magic for say blood, or soul reaping.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I also agree

    > > > > > > > > Minion traits could have just been wrapped up into 1 trait freeing up some space

    > > > > > > > > Soul comp still being useless almost everywhere as a on death only style trait.

    > > > > > > > > And lack of actual defensive options like stability at high stacks of Carapace could have made this much more worth wild.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I personally dont see myself using this as some one who favors power builds because the gain from this line does not cover the loss of what ever you give up for it. In short its as you said I see this too punishing to take in almost every situation.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I will no doubt test it next week myself but i dont have high hopes for this.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I'd Say corrupter's Fervor is the best trait for power too. Power builds on the necromancer use a lot of conditions. just because they don't favor damaging conditions doesn't mean they don't use them. Reaper is all about vuln and chill and you also have fear, weakness, blind, crippling to name a few. This isn't hard to pull off even fore a power build. Easily, this is the best option for you no matter what build you use baring a minion build.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Right i think it depends on what game mode you look at though. Power reaper in pve (if your setup is closer to the end game meta) will not have as many conditions and your condition application will be a bit more bursty in a common rotation mainly coming from the gs auto, death spiral, soul spiral, and reaper 5.

    > > > > > > With scourge in a wvw or any game mode really example trading of soul reaping for death magic could be a bit closer to being even however in the case of reaper which heavily benefits from soul reaping and spite I see it as a bit more iffy. Will the utility and damage bonuses = out to the increased sustain gained from the line. I'm thinking it probably wont.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > In pvp reaper might get a bit more use out of it as in pvp you do things that you generally would not do in a pve rotation. Generally you dont axe auto in pve very much but in pvp you most certainly would do it alot more making vuln application much more applicable, You also wouldn't run the axe/focus trait in pvp you would run bitter chill for even more vuln. So i can understand where you are coming from but not in every game mode does this example make sense.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Overall you are still correct it is the most bang for your buck in trait options but it wont nearly be as effective depending on the game mode.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Vuln, chill, blind and cripple are extremely common for reaper. As well as poison from death spiral. I think its far more common than you think. Maybe if you're using minions that die. it could be an argument. But there is absolutely no reason for Unholy Sanctuary.

    > > > >

    > > > > In its current form no.

    > > > > IF it was actually updated or changed then yes it could provide generous sustain in spvp more so than corruptors fervor for core and reaper builds through hp replenishment.

    > > > > Thats a really phat "IF" though. I would opt for a few hundred hp per second over increased toughness but in this current reality the trait is still weaker than regeneration.

    > > > >

    > > > > While the conditions you called out are common it still depends on the content and game mode you are playing. As not every set up for optimal reaper uses over killing amounts of those conditions. I think those conditions are more applicable to spvp and wvw more so than pve as reaper needs not worrying about applying vuln for pve group content for example its better off opting for more damage. You also dont really need to worry about applying chill yourself in pve group content unless you see that the chill up time is low and falling off consistently which lowers your damage.

    > > > >

    > > > > I definitely still agree with you CF is the most bang for you buck its still the best option but i really do think that if they put a bit of love into Unholy it could have potentially been a better option for pure power sustain.

    > > >

    > > > Those are the passive conditions that the reaper brings. Its just a part of their kit at all times unless greatsword isn't included. Which is possible. Unholy Sanctuary honestly shouldn't exist. We should have a more supportive option. And Honestly, after testing it a bit, to get a feel. The entire trait line feels clunky. The extra defense is nice but the sacrifice you need to make to get it is just too much. And I was right about my prediction of an Average of 15 stacks. You can push to 30 super easily, but maintaining is closer to 15. Which I personally think Corruptor's Fervor should also pulse a single stack of Stability along with the protection. At the moment it feels underwhelming as a grandmaster.

    > > >

    > > > Death as a whole is still quite underwhelming. Which is a shame. You sacrifice too much by taking it. The passive damage bonus's from spite are just much better and the recovery from blood is just better imo. Which is a bit strange to say since normally I feel recovery is worse than defense, but from the necromancer's design they'd almost rather have the recovery since they don't have invuln or blocks. But that's an argument i could be convinced of otherwise.

    > >

    > > Yeah thats how i felt it overall about it the sustain gained is minimal at least in spvp and having more offensive pressure provides a better defense than death does with its toughness increases.

    > > Toughness is nice but overall toughness never felt like it done a whole lot for me so having a potential extra 600 for a short time is not doing much.

    > > Do note though when combined with blood magic and vampuric wells your protection up time can go rather high but sitll thats a boon that can be stolen or stripped off you with ease.

    > >

    > > I question which line should really have the supportive roles to be honest i always though that was suppose to be blood magic but blood magic ends up being the sustain line while death is just "meh" possibly overall worse than it was on average.

    > > They did fix the death nova bug finally although they never listed it. It actually lands a strike now where as before the strike damage was never applied.

    > >

    > > It might be nice if soul comp was changed to maybe when stacks fall off they are consumed for life force or something idk just something more active that happens in combat rather than at the end of combat


    > I'm of the opinion that death and blood can both be support specs. That's not a controversial statement imo. One heals and the other can condi and boon support.


    A solid boon support necro build would be awesome. I usually opt for more healing ideas when it comes to things like death magic but now that you say it...... if death magic provided legit boon support i could get 100% behind that in pve lol.


    Though for boon support i think we will need more than just might, and protection :bleep_bloop:

  12. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > Depending on your answers to the questions above 15k gold is still alot but not un feasible. Do you really need every single build in your head right now?

    > No, but the above's just for gear i already have, not for stuff i have considered or might consider...


    > And that doesn't even include any new characters i might make in the future...

    Which requires additional character slots, which requires more gems, which then requires more gold to fund those characters. Do you not want to pay for this too or should anet just give you unlimited free character slots as well? This is what i dont understand.



    > Besides, that's 15k for a _single feature_. It assumes i won't be spending gold for anything else. For years. Also, do you really think that, once they have started, they won't add more such monetized features in the future?


    Well you dont need to buy them all at once. You assumed you would do such a thing which is your choice to do. It would not be wise to buy all of them at once which most people would not do unless they had well over the amount it would cost to do so. If you have that much gold 15k gold is not a bother to you. Im struggling to understand your logic here so if you can make it clearer for me please feel free.

    The way i see it is that If you have enough to buy them all at once with the idea "ill just get them all now" which is what you assumed by totaling up an estaminet of 15k.

    Then 15k gold is not an issue for you. IF it is a problem for you then you would do what any other person would do use whats given to you for free and then make adjustments after the fact.



    > I did also notice you have ignored my comparison of this to price of an expansion - because it's extremely hard to defend that one, isn't it.


    Because the price of an expansion is not relevant to this conversation thats what people dont understand if anything its worse to even suggest it.


    If anet introduces this feature with an x pack which you know wouldnt be for at least another year possibly year and a half and they do it like so.

    **Guild Wars 2: "catchy title here"** (awesome sauce!!! 40-60$ in 2019 maybe 29-39$ if they do a promotional "buy it early" kinda deal)

    New features - build templates (neat)

    Lets assume with the same format as what they are presenting now 3-6 for free (neat)

    and any extra after that still cost gems. ( Additional cost ontop of an xpack)


    Now not only will you not have the feature if you dont buy the x pack unlocked (which now people complain about the feature being locked behind a paywall)

    you also still have to spend more money anyways to get the extra slots you so desire.

    Which results in the cost being more than "Just an x pack"


    Note because you kept assuming the worst with my statements i assumed the worst situation with yours. Its only fair for a full true thought comparison.

    You cant be sure that even if the feature came with an x pack that it will be flawless and that you still wont have to pay to maximize that feature as a full luxury.


    Mounts are proof of this as they had in game gold cost and mount skins cost gems which are by no means "required" for you to have but its a luxury thing.

  13. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > If its just a template that you hit a save button for your traits and or to load the setup from then maybe a bit less. i mean what if they end up being like 300-400 gems thats not alot of gems in gold really.

    > > Most people who have more thane 5-6 builds across multiple decked out characters can probably realisticly afford to buy more slots without spending real cash.

    > At 400 gems per unlock rate (the lowest i expect), I would be looking at ~15k gold or 500 euro investment (that's not _full_ unlock for me, only an estimation of actual needs). Half of that for gear templates (that cannot be circumvented by linking chat codes) alone.

    > Please, do tell me how realistic is that.

    > I mean, even 1/10 of that would buy me an expansion.



    How many legendaries do you have?

    Any legendary armor?

    How much gold have you spent on these things in total?


    Depending on your answers to the questions above 15k gold is still alot but not un feasible. Do you really need every single build in your head right now? No you can only play 1 at a time. Start by loading up your most common builds and go from there. If you need more then work for more just as one would work for a legendary.


    I simply threw out a thought experiment with the idea that people who probably need that many build slots probably have more than enough gold to buy extra layouts depending on the cost which is still not confirmed. If you are some one who has 16 or 20 or even more than 24 builds across multiple characters I'm thinking you are probably not broke in game even so it gives you something to work towards if you dont want to spend real money. 15k gold broken up over time depending on how much you play can be gathered pretty reasonably im a super casual player and saved 2.3k gold in just about 2-3 months someone who is much more active than me (completes all raids per week, is super heavily active in pvp and wvw, does fractals daily, dabbles in the TP market, Farms????) can probably do much much better.

  14. On paper it sounds fine as it is really.

    I dont see the issue with them giving a few for free to start with and having to pay for extra ones.


    Ive played other games that give you like a single template or two maybe then start charging you which is really limited anet is offering to give more than that to start with from what i understand.


    I mean i guess it just depends i think if its a matter of slots which hold your gear which are like extra bag slots ideally yes i an see some cost behind those.

    If its just a template that you hit a save button for your traits and or to load the setup from then maybe a bit less. i mean what if they end up being like 300-400 gems thats not alot of gems in gold really.

    Most people who have more thane 5-6 builds across multiple decked out characters can probably realisticly afford to buy more slots without spending real cash.


    We just need to wait and see what price points anet is looking at.

  15. > @"Josa.5067" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > Apparently one of my friends bumped into a anet employee in game who was sitting in the chair and asked them about it.

    > > Was told the chair had to be like that for the purpose of fitting all races (which makes no sense) this is not a valid reason imo as this is the case for all chairs regardless of how they are designed including larger chairs like the wing 5 and wing 7 chairs as well as possibly the pile of gold chair which is more fitting on a charr than this chair is.

    > >


    > This excuse is silly. None of the previous chairs are big enough for charr. Now even the charr chair is too small for charr.


    > Scaling everything down to human size =/= making things fit all races.


    > I'm tired of always being an afterthought.


    Thats just what i was told that he and several other people around him were told at the time. I doubt that person had anything to do with the chair design and maybe that was just their best guess as to why the chair is the way it is.


    Still chair is not fitting for 90% of charr

    If you are a smaller female charr with small shoulder armor the chair looks "mmmnn meh-ish" not as bad but the pose while sitting in it still makes it much worse than it could be. Even if they didnt change the scaling on the chair changing the animation would make it overall much much better.


    Charr in small chair = ouch

    Charr in small chair + animation of squeezing to fit in = painful :cry:

  16. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > > A good read

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Unholy Sanctuary could have been re worked and you are right that it is the biggest shame trait in the whole list.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The activate shroud part of it is not really the focus i zero in on

    > > > > > > I would have liked to see it so that it always heals you over time in combat with the heal effect scaling up based on Death's Carapace stacks perhaps with increased healing potential when shroud is active.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > While Corrupter's Fervor will likely be the biggest benefit to hybrid or condi builds

    > > > > > > Unholy Sanctuary really could have been the big player for power users only who wanted a bit more defense or raw sustain. Then you could run that with Deathly strength to further help compensate the losses you take from swapping death magic for say blood, or soul reaping.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I also agree

    > > > > > > Minion traits could have just been wrapped up into 1 trait freeing up some space

    > > > > > > Soul comp still being useless almost everywhere as a on death only style trait.

    > > > > > > And lack of actual defensive options like stability at high stacks of Carapace could have made this much more worth wild.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I personally dont see myself using this as some one who favors power builds because the gain from this line does not cover the loss of what ever you give up for it. In short its as you said I see this too punishing to take in almost every situation.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I will no doubt test it next week myself but i dont have high hopes for this.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'd Say corrupter's Fervor is the best trait for power too. Power builds on the necromancer use a lot of conditions. just because they don't favor damaging conditions doesn't mean they don't use them. Reaper is all about vuln and chill and you also have fear, weakness, blind, crippling to name a few. This isn't hard to pull off even fore a power build. Easily, this is the best option for you no matter what build you use baring a minion build.

    > > > >

    > > > > Right i think it depends on what game mode you look at though. Power reaper in pve (if your setup is closer to the end game meta) will not have as many conditions and your condition application will be a bit more bursty in a common rotation mainly coming from the gs auto, death spiral, soul spiral, and reaper 5.

    > > > > With scourge in a wvw or any game mode really example trading of soul reaping for death magic could be a bit closer to being even however in the case of reaper which heavily benefits from soul reaping and spite I see it as a bit more iffy. Will the utility and damage bonuses = out to the increased sustain gained from the line. I'm thinking it probably wont.

    > > > >

    > > > > In pvp reaper might get a bit more use out of it as in pvp you do things that you generally would not do in a pve rotation. Generally you dont axe auto in pve very much but in pvp you most certainly would do it alot more making vuln application much more applicable, You also wouldn't run the axe/focus trait in pvp you would run bitter chill for even more vuln. So i can understand where you are coming from but not in every game mode does this example make sense.

    > > > >

    > > > > Overall you are still correct it is the most bang for your buck in trait options but it wont nearly be as effective depending on the game mode.

    > > >

    > > > Vuln, chill, blind and cripple are extremely common for reaper. As well as poison from death spiral. I think its far more common than you think. Maybe if you're using minions that die. it could be an argument. But there is absolutely no reason for Unholy Sanctuary.

    > >

    > > In its current form no.

    > > IF it was actually updated or changed then yes it could provide generous sustain in spvp more so than corruptors fervor for core and reaper builds through hp replenishment.

    > > Thats a really phat "IF" though. I would opt for a few hundred hp per second over increased toughness but in this current reality the trait is still weaker than regeneration.

    > >

    > > While the conditions you called out are common it still depends on the content and game mode you are playing. As not every set up for optimal reaper uses over killing amounts of those conditions. I think those conditions are more applicable to spvp and wvw more so than pve as reaper needs not worrying about applying vuln for pve group content for example its better off opting for more damage. You also dont really need to worry about applying chill yourself in pve group content unless you see that the chill up time is low and falling off consistently which lowers your damage.

    > >

    > > I definitely still agree with you CF is the most bang for you buck its still the best option but i really do think that if they put a bit of love into Unholy it could have potentially been a better option for pure power sustain.


    > Those are the passive conditions that the reaper brings. Its just a part of their kit at all times unless greatsword isn't included. Which is possible. Unholy Sanctuary honestly shouldn't exist. We should have a more supportive option. And Honestly, after testing it a bit, to get a feel. The entire trait line feels clunky. The extra defense is nice but the sacrifice you need to make to get it is just too much. And I was right about my prediction of an Average of 15 stacks. You can push to 30 super easily, but maintaining is closer to 15. Which I personally think Corruptor's Fervor should also pulse a single stack of Stability along with the protection. At the moment it feels underwhelming as a grandmaster.


    > Death as a whole is still quite underwhelming. Which is a shame. You sacrifice too much by taking it. The passive damage bonus's from spite are just much better and the recovery from blood is just better imo. Which is a bit strange to say since normally I feel recovery is worse than defense, but from the necromancer's design they'd almost rather have the recovery since they don't have invuln or blocks. But that's an argument i could be convinced of otherwise.


    Yeah thats how i felt it overall about it the sustain gained is minimal at least in spvp and having more offensive pressure provides a better defense than death does with its toughness increases.

    Toughness is nice but overall toughness never felt like it done a whole lot for me so having a potential extra 600 for a short time is not doing much.

    Do note though when combined with blood magic and vampuric wells your protection up time can go rather high but sitll thats a boon that can be stolen or stripped off you with ease.


    I question which line should really have the supportive roles to be honest i always though that was suppose to be blood magic but blood magic ends up being the sustain line while death is just "meh" possibly overall worse than it was on average.

    They did fix the death nova bug finally although they never listed it. It actually lands a strike now where as before the strike damage was never applied.


    It might be nice if soul comp was changed to maybe when stacks fall off they are consumed for life force or something idk just something more active that happens in combat rather than at the end of combat

  17. So much for the ice brood saga being more focused on norn and charr

    Charr content = lack of attention to detail for the charr to fit non charr races....


    Apparently one of my friends bumped into a anet employee in game who was sitting in the chair and asked them about it.

    Was told the chair had to be like that for the purpose of fitting all races (which makes no sense) this is not a valid reason imo as this is the case for all chairs regardless of how they are designed including larger chairs like the wing 5 and wing 7 chairs as well as possibly the pile of gold chair which is more fitting on a charr than this chair is.


    Obviously all chairs have have to fit all races so i dont see how this is an valid reasoning for how this chair ended up this way.


    If its a charr chair you design it both in looks and base size with the idea that a charr would use it before all other races.

    You model the chair with a charr sitting in it first and then place all other races in it accordingly even if the chair would be to big for them.

    For the sake of quality and attention to detail you do these things to ensure it looks the most proper for the race its designed around.


    IF we get to episode 1 and a norn chair is released and its

    - 1 bigger than this charr chair

    - 2 fits the norn perfectly first while being compatible with other races

    - 3 is not falsely advertised in splash art


    I'll be very very very disappointed.


    Anet we appreciate your hard work on this game we really do dont get most of the people here wrong, but we dont like it when corners are cut as badly as this.

    Of all the races you cant cut corners with its Charr, Norn, and Asura because taking short cuts or pushing through stuff like this shows up really badly with them having unique non human body models.


  18. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > A good read

    > > > >

    > > > > Unholy Sanctuary could have been re worked and you are right that it is the biggest shame trait in the whole list.

    > > > >

    > > > > The activate shroud part of it is not really the focus i zero in on

    > > > > I would have liked to see it so that it always heals you over time in combat with the heal effect scaling up based on Death's Carapace stacks perhaps with increased healing potential when shroud is active.

    > > > >

    > > > > While Corrupter's Fervor will likely be the biggest benefit to hybrid or condi builds

    > > > > Unholy Sanctuary really could have been the big player for power users only who wanted a bit more defense or raw sustain. Then you could run that with Deathly strength to further help compensate the losses you take from swapping death magic for say blood, or soul reaping.

    > > > >

    > > > > I also agree

    > > > > Minion traits could have just been wrapped up into 1 trait freeing up some space

    > > > > Soul comp still being useless almost everywhere as a on death only style trait.

    > > > > And lack of actual defensive options like stability at high stacks of Carapace could have made this much more worth wild.

    > > > >

    > > > > I personally dont see myself using this as some one who favors power builds because the gain from this line does not cover the loss of what ever you give up for it. In short its as you said I see this too punishing to take in almost every situation.

    > > > >

    > > > > I will no doubt test it next week myself but i dont have high hopes for this.

    > > >

    > > > I'd Say corrupter's Fervor is the best trait for power too. Power builds on the necromancer use a lot of conditions. just because they don't favor damaging conditions doesn't mean they don't use them. Reaper is all about vuln and chill and you also have fear, weakness, blind, crippling to name a few. This isn't hard to pull off even fore a power build. Easily, this is the best option for you no matter what build you use baring a minion build.

    > >

    > > Right i think it depends on what game mode you look at though. Power reaper in pve (if your setup is closer to the end game meta) will not have as many conditions and your condition application will be a bit more bursty in a common rotation mainly coming from the gs auto, death spiral, soul spiral, and reaper 5.

    > > With scourge in a wvw or any game mode really example trading of soul reaping for death magic could be a bit closer to being even however in the case of reaper which heavily benefits from soul reaping and spite I see it as a bit more iffy. Will the utility and damage bonuses = out to the increased sustain gained from the line. I'm thinking it probably wont.

    > >

    > > In pvp reaper might get a bit more use out of it as in pvp you do things that you generally would not do in a pve rotation. Generally you dont axe auto in pve very much but in pvp you most certainly would do it alot more making vuln application much more applicable, You also wouldn't run the axe/focus trait in pvp you would run bitter chill for even more vuln. So i can understand where you are coming from but not in every game mode does this example make sense.

    > >

    > > Overall you are still correct it is the most bang for your buck in trait options but it wont nearly be as effective depending on the game mode.


    > Vuln, chill, blind and cripple are extremely common for reaper. As well as poison from death spiral. I think its far more common than you think. Maybe if you're using minions that die. it could be an argument. But there is absolutely no reason for Unholy Sanctuary.


    In its current form no.

    IF it was actually updated or changed then yes it could provide generous sustain in spvp more so than corruptors fervor for core and reaper builds through hp replenishment.

    Thats a really phat "IF" though. I would opt for a few hundred hp per second over increased toughness but in this current reality the trait is still weaker than regeneration.


    While the conditions you called out are common it still depends on the content and game mode you are playing. As not every set up for optimal reaper uses over killing amounts of those conditions. I think those conditions are more applicable to spvp and wvw more so than pve as reaper needs not worrying about applying vuln for pve group content for example its better off opting for more damage. You also dont really need to worry about applying chill yourself in pve group content unless you see that the chill up time is low and falling off consistently which lowers your damage.


    I definitely still agree with you CF is the most bang for you buck its still the best option but i really do think that if they put a bit of love into Unholy it could have potentially been a better option for pure power sustain.

  19. Sigh once again its scaled to the human model and not the average sized charr model also uses a recycled animation that most charr dont like because it makes them look painfully cramped into the chair.


    Darn shame really. So much for this patch being charr and norn focused.


    Ive been crying for a charr culture chair for months and we get one thats

    1: scaled to a human model making the chair look too small for a charr of almost any size to sit in.

    2: a recycled pose that does not work well for charr with 95% of the chairs that poses is used on.


    To make things worse i know im still going to buy this chair because its going to likely be the only charr ish themed one we get for a long long time *sad face*


    Yes i know chairs scale based off your character creation height slider but thats not what i mean.

    What i mean is the chair at its base size (Before character creation scaling is applied) is too small. Small enough so that a human sits in it comfortably with plenty of room but not too much room. When a charr sits in it the chair looks unreasonably small and they barely have any room. To make it worse you pair it with a pose which capitalizes this and makes it more direct. The pose makes the char look like he is holding himself slightly out of the chair because he knows if he fully sits he wont be able to get back out of it or that is painful to sit in. There is no extra room.


    This chair should have been made with a charr model of roughly Bangar's size sitting in it and before any character size scaling is applied to it.

    The chair should look unreasonably big if anything other than a charr sits in it and thats ok ITS A CHARR's CHAIR


    Im more disappointed with this design and the sitting position than people are over having to pay for extra build templates... im not even mad about having to pay for build templates




    I think ill just wait to buy this chair its too unacceptable... incorrect size+ bad pose that makes size look worse than what it is already which is bad.....


    Anet fix this then ill buy it.

  20. Im more annoyed by the recent blance patch and my main build was not even nerfed or buffed

    The news of build templates is exciting

    The news that you will need to pay for extra templates is expected really im not surprised (dont have to use them lol)

    You get a few for free "ok cool"


    What could be worse is anet not offering build templates and telling you that it was going to cost you gems every time you wanted to reset your traits...

    Yes some games use to work like this

    Yes some games still do work like this


    Why are people mad at templates being charged?


    Im a lazy person,

    I hate cooking takes more time than i like but hey i cant afford to eat out every day.

    I dont really like taking out the trash so long as nothing volatile like fish or meat is in there ill stuff that thing as much as i can lol

    I dont feel like getting out of the bed most mornings to go to work but i have bills to pay


    But i dont think ive ever been so lazy to the point that i couldn't click a few boxes in ma inventory in a video game to equip some gear and change my build.

    This feature is not a necessity its a luxury.


    Ill gladly take my free template slots and like many people here wont buy extra ones if they are too expensive I'll use what i can and continue to do things the old way just do some double clicks to change my gear.

  21. > @"susana.7814" said:

    > > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > They didn't want build templates at launch. GW1 was all about builds - you were basically expected to change for every map. They specifically didn't want that for GW2. They wanted you to stick to a single build, which is why you had to reset it at a trainer.

    > >

    > > Charging for build templates was always expected and this exact implementation has been suggested for years (minus the ability to have it double as a costume template).


    > Expected by who? I've been playing since release, no one wanted paid templates. They just wanted them in game. No other game I have EVER played has charged for templates and frankly the concept of them charging for them is absurd.


    Ive played a few games that charged for extra build templates actually so i dont find this offensive by any means.


    The fact that they are giving out 3-6 slots for free is actually a surprise (if i understand it correctly)


    Most games ive played give you like 1-2 templates and you have to buy ever extra template after that.

    Any game that gave you free unlimited templates rquired a sub fee.

  22. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > It feels clunky, why equipment slot and a build slot? Both should be fused into 1 thing. I'm lost.


    My guess would be because there are probably some cases where you would use the same gear but also use a different build set as far as traits go. Its actually probably a better way to handle it than merging it all into one.


    IF its merged all in to 1 and you put all of you equipment in then set all your traits then you go the 2nd template which has no equipment loaded in it and set your traits what happens is when you load that template it strips your character nude and only applies the new traits.


    Because these templates hold the gear you want to load its not like you can just say copy to templet 2 because the gear is physically sitting in the template itself


    For both to work under 1 the gear would need to remain sitting in your inventory then you could potentially drag and drop copy what template you want to hook to that gear which many people are probably ok with but for the sake of saving inventory space this is probably the better way to go.


    Based on how this is written it looks like alot of features will enable the use of them account wide (i could be wrong) so loading gear from your ele into a template would allow that same armor gear to be loaded onto your mesmer as well if you wished. Thats why the templates hold the gear and not your characters.


    When you really think about it splitting them up is possibly the better way to go even more so for people who dont have tons of ascended gear sets yet who play multiple characters. All too many times in raids ive seen "hold on gotta move my gear over to another character" keeping the builds templates split would solve this issue. You simply log in and so long as the armor weights match the profession you just click load.

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