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Everything posted by mindcircus.1506

  1. > @"AysonCurrax.3254" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"AysonCurrax.3254" said: > > > Seems like the Lunar-Enchanted Gloves from the Meta achievement are retouched old skins. > > > Feathered (light), Prowler (medium) and Scale (heavy). > > > > > > Are you serious? This has to be the most disappointing Meta Achievement reward in a long time. > > > > > > Can't say anything about the effect, since it doesn't show in preview for whatever reason, but the base skins are definitely meh. > > For an acheivement that took less than a half hour? > > The effect is subtle and nice. > > I'm pretty happy with them. > > Considering they made a unique shoulder skin for the same low effort meta achievement last year, i was kinda expecting the same for this year. > But i guess it is what it is. If some can at least enjoy these, i guess they aren't a complete miss. Those shoulders were ugly AF. I have never seen a single person with them on. Yeah let's live in a world where we are disappointed didn't get more of **that**
  2. > @"AysonCurrax.3254" said: > Seems like the Lunar-Enchanted Gloves from the Meta achievement are retouched old skins. > Feathered (light), Prowler (medium) and Scale (heavy). > > Are you serious? This has to be the most disappointing Meta Achievement reward in a long time. > > Can't say anything about the effect, since it doesn't show in preview for whatever reason, but the base skins are definitely meh. For an acheivement that took less than a half hour? The effect is subtle and nice. I'm pretty happy with them.
  3. > @"MonCroy.7281" said: > As title says, I've spent a lot of expensive food training rotations at the golem. I wish there was a food option in the golem so I can be happy training for raids. > Btw, are we going to have new hairstyles????? Isn't the real solution here to use "second best" foods such as rare veggie pizzas from the permanent portable provisioner and consider the training golem the practice environment that it was created to be? > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > Even better, make the special forces training area work like a PVP gear system (with PVE skills obviously) where you can freely select your gear, weapons, stats, food, runes, sigils and so on. That way developing new builds and theory crafting won't be as expensive as it is now. As much as I would love some kind of sandbox to freely theorycraft in, I don't believe that a single static golem is at all adequate for good PvE testing.
  4. > @"RatedCforCasual.1426" said: > I'm trying to gauge whether or not I should be able to do these alone, or if I just am really bad at playing. Are all instanced story missions achievable or passable alone? Yes. They most certainly are. The vast majority of story instances are mechanics checks. Some are harder than others. All can absolutely be soloed. They don't require meta builds or ascended gear. None of them require a team.
  5. > @"Jeroen.2397" said: > ok, i guess i'll see if i can find a training session that will allow me to join. > If not, i can afford to splurge on this > thanks for the info Honestly raids are not as hard as you think. Despite the picture this forum likes to paint they are not super hard and generally a lot of fun. Look for training groups or join a larger guild with raid training groups. Expect to run discord. Have at least exotic gear, and a build that isn't awful. Don't fall for this whole "you need to buy a carry" nonsense. It will be a much more meaningful experience if you put in a little effort.
  6. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said: > I notice that the topics about cosmetic effects affecting performance and quality of life keep popping up in these discussions. The effects include infusions and equipment with auras and backpacks that always render no matter what settings are taken. With the expansion pack coming, would people here like to come together and declare that they will not purchase the pack unless these cosmetic effects can be manually disabled from rendering? I ask this not simply because I would like to be able to disable them from rendering but to also create a visible message to consider instead of players simply dropping out without notice. > > So to reiterate: > Will you demand the option to disable cosmetic effects and decide not to purchase the upcoming expansion pack unless this demand is met? can we have a "lol" option to vote for please?
  7. > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said: > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said: > > scrapper on average does 2-3x the healing of a fb in wvw. fb is brought to wvw for stab+boons, scrapper is brought for heal+cleanse+stealth. > > I can verify this. I monitor and compare our WvW-guild healing output occassionally and in longer fights firebrands typically have 1/3 of the healing output. Also compared to other healers the total healing output is higher. Healing-tempest is pretty close, however, a heal-scrapper actually reduces healing-numbers from a tempest with its sustain-healing and regeneration spam. Considering there is no way to accurately measure healing in groups in WvW (or anywhere else in this game), I wonder how you "monitor and compare".
  8. > @"PrinceValentine.9320" said: > I told the squad that scrappers are the best healers but my WvW commander said that Firebrands heal better but Scrappers have better condi cleanse. I main Firebrand and don't know much about Engis. You don't play Scrapper OR Firebrand for the raw green numbers. You play Scrapper for condi cleanse and Firebrand for Boon Support. If you want raw healing you want to be playing Tempest.
  9. > @"TheThief.8475" said: > What if DRM are actually instanced story chapters that you play in party? Everyone says they suck because lack of rewards, maybe they are not meant to be repeated, if not for achivements. The devs are on record multiple times saying this content is meant to be repeatable.
  10. > @"zealex.9410" said: > Drms have been an interesting point of discussion so far because to me they feel like a very solid attempt at bridging traditional instanced content and lw story, no, not the strike to raid sort of way but more fundementally of lw content and group content in general. I would be really surprised if we dont see all the story of End of Dragons told in this format. A few token rewards, and now story missions that only got played once or twice are no longer the biggest waste of the company's development efforts but become something we can redo like fractals. It makes good sense and I am all for it. I don't however see Anet going back and retooling older content. That kind of action is not something they have a history of doing.
  11. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > New players think Power Longbow dps comes from comboing their scaling range autos and point blank shot. They think they're helping by by scattering mobs, because other games and common sense tell you it's easier to pick off opponents rather than fight 20 at once. They think having 1500 range and a knockback means they should never get close to the enemy. New players think ranger means archer, so longbow will be the weapon most newbs will flock to since it fits an archers theme. > > No. > > Low-effort players who gravitate to longbow ranger aren't thinking about comboing a thing. They are firing all their abilities off cooldown with zero regard for rotation. They are drawn to Ranger for the class fantasy, or because they hop on this very forum and say "what should I play??" and are told by veteran low-effort players that Ranger is easy because they just let their pet tank and pewpew from distance. > > The game itself never punishes the playstyle and no feedback is ever given to the player that they are underperforming. They see numbers they barely understand and are given full rewards during group events without contributing meaningfully. They live in a bubble. > > Lets also be clear that this isn't a "new" player issue. There are plenty of members of the current forum cartel who proudly "main ranger since beta", telling new players that all they have to do is get a brown bear to tank and this will get them over in all content in the game. > > > If Anet expects me to play with other people, I don't want them to hold me back. It seriously affects my enjoyment if the content when everyone stands in fire and dies, leaving me to save the day from a way overscaled 20 minute encounter. > > I would counter that Anet expects you to use the tools at your disposal to customize your experience. You can very easily say "no longbow rangers" in your LFG or just ask them to switch and kick them from your group if they don't. Not a thing wrong with that. > > Your group, your rules. > > Additionally you can just play with people you enjoy playing with and who aren't there to take a carry. > > A little personal responsibility goes a long way to making sure your play time is how you like it. > > And then we have public mode were you cant chose who to play with nor can you kick. A player who gets frustrated by others underperforming or getting smoked by standing in red circles should know better than to play the public mode.
  12. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > New players think Power Longbow dps comes from comboing their scaling range autos and point blank shot. They think they're helping by by scattering mobs, because other games and common sense tell you it's easier to pick off opponents rather than fight 20 at once. They think having 1500 range and a knockback means they should never get close to the enemy. New players think ranger means archer, so longbow will be the weapon most newbs will flock to since it fits an archers theme. No. Low-effort players who gravitate to longbow ranger aren't thinking about comboing a thing. They are firing all their abilities off cooldown with zero regard for rotation. They are drawn to Ranger for the class fantasy, or because they hop on this very forum and say "what should I play??" and are told by veteran low-effort players that Ranger is easy because they just let their pet tank and pewpew from distance. The game itself never punishes the playstyle and no feedback is ever given to the player that they are underperforming. They see numbers they barely understand and are given full rewards during group events without contributing meaningfully. They live in a bubble. Lets also be clear that this isn't a "new" player issue. There are plenty of members of the current forum cartel who proudly "main ranger since beta", telling new players that all they have to do is get a brown bear to tank and this will get them over in all content in the game. > If Anet expects me to play with other people, I don't want them to hold me back. It seriously affects my enjoyment if the content when everyone stands in fire and dies, leaving me to save the day from a way overscaled 20 minute encounter. I would counter that Anet expects you to use the tools at your disposal to customize your experience. You can very easily say "no longbow rangers" in your LFG or just ask them to switch and kick them from your group if they don't. Not a thing wrong with that. Your group, your rules. Additionally you can just play with people you enjoy playing with and who aren't there to take a carry. A little personal responsibility goes a long way to making sure your play time is how you like it.
  13. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: >At least OP wants to pay, lol. The OP does not want to pay. The OP clearly shows he wants Anet to pay these commanders.
  14. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > As a **mirage mesmer**, For kicks and giggles **I decided to equip my GS** It's entirely possible you don't understand what meta is. Feel free to dispute with screenshots/videos/arc.
  15. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > Anet needs to seriously consider buffing mesmer gs, ranger longbow or whatever weapon bad players use before pushing this sort of content. Power Longbow Soulbeast can already benchmark over 35k dps. Buffing the weapon is not going to make low-effort players magically contribute at an acceptable level. There is nothing wrong with the weapon. Don't get me wrong....whenever I see some someone shockingly underperforming it's 9 times out of 10 a longbow ranger. 1.5k dps on Bears? Soulbeast Won't stack after being repeatedly told to do so? ALWAYS Soulbeast I get it. But the answer is not buff a spec/weapon that is already overperfoming in the right hands.
  16. Isn't a commander in the game who has ever done it for the rewards. Most commanders stop tagging due to the frustration from the sheer incompetence of your average zergling.
  17. The only three classes that provide any tangible support during the 1-80 curve are revenant, guardian and elementalist. Core ele for healing is probably the easiest to play for raw green numbers. Guardian brings a bunch of other boons to the table that might prove effective is making his experience better. Revenant has the highest skill cap but if he doesnt jump around too much might be a solid option as well. If you have no problem keeping yourself alive I would choose an ele. If you want something to keep you both cozy guardian, if you want challenge mode, it's ventari rev.
  18. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > > > As other people have said I think it's a shame they're so obviously rushing it because of the complaints about not having another expansion after season 4. > > > > Are they? > > > > I mean when IBS was originally presented to us wasn't it that the last several parts would be with the developers trying to incorporate the aspects they most liked about s1 into the story? or maybe it was a puff peice for an MMO site where this was mentioned. How they wanted to change the story telling near the end to do this. > > > > Isn't that exactly what they are doing now? Giving us these instances where places we know are under attack/change? > > > > And if indeed that was the plan all along, then how is it rushed? > > > > These DRMs have clearly been the plan from the beginning. To transition the game towards a place where they can tell the stories they want without worrying about the headaches that the development approach to s1 created. In a way that makes them repeatable and relevant as group content. > > > > The problem isnt that they have rushed the end of Icebrood, the problem is that they are spreading it out too thin. What should have been 4 months of content updates now becomes 6-8 while they continue work on the expansion. > > > > I don't think this was rushed. I think it was the plan all along, but that the DRMs would release weekly or biweekly. > > > > > I like what we are getting, but I will forever wonder what we could have had and how much more interesting it could have been if only people had been willing to give them a chance instead of endlessly going on about the game dying because they didn't have to pay for it. > > > > To blame the portion of the playerbase is a little puzzling. > > > > This was the play by Anet, > > > > Don't be surprised if a lot of your End of Dragons story is told in a similar way. > > > > > > So, are DRM possible to complete solo? Because if the answer is "no" they might as well not exist. If that is what the future holds, then that's bad. > > Of course they are. > > But to say that content must be soloable to exist in an MMO is among the more misguided comments someone could make. > > From how things are designed in GW2, anet agrees with me. Want to twist my arm in an attemt to make me join your grouping thing? I'll just bail insted. There is plenty of content in this game that cannot be solo'ed. How is this Anet "agreeing with you"?
  19. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > Reality is a spoiled "Open World PvE" playerbase will not accept any activity that has a fail condition and that they cannot be completely carried through. > That's a bit cynical, no? You assume this statement holds for every player who enjoys OWPvE? Perhaps in your experience, but let's not paint an entire community with such a broad brush. I could sit here and dispute you but... >I disagree. If Anet were to add more incentives to particular content, then in order for players to achieve them, they would have to play the content; otherwise, they would not be able to achieve those incentives. That's why I felt it would be forcing. You yourself play semantics over the word "forced" and just prove the entitled nature of the vast majority of OWPvE players better than I ever could.
  20. > @"xan.8936" said: > I read a lot of people that only play one or two game modes that they just don't get enough content. I personally like to get the most from my money and experience everything in whatever i do. Thus in gw1 and gw2 I have always played all game modes. In Gw1 there were Zaishen chest keys, HoM statues, and cross content titles that encouraged people to play all content available. Maybe Arena Net should do more of that as the game ages to try to get people to diversify and increase there play. Then who knows some people may learn to like other modes. You're right we need 2 threads per week saying "ANET HATES ME BECAUSE I HAVE TO WVW FOR MY LEGENDARY" instead of the usual 1. Reality is you are right. Reality is Anet knows it. Reality is a spoiled "Open World PvE" playerbase will not accept any activity that has a fail condition and that they cannot be completely carried through.
  21. > @"Drake.1840" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > Do you really see Arenanet adding a race without a female variant as a playable? > Plenty of games have managed a female version (model) of dwarves. Why couldn't ANet? To this point female dwarves have been ommited from this specific franchise. From the Wiki: >Male dwarves were never seen without beards, and while females existed, none were ever seen—or rather, seen and differentiated from the males. And while I agree they could totally retcon this, wouldn't it be like adding Horses? Would that be something we as fans would want? Sure they could just as easily say "female dwarves sound like the males and look just like the males." but would that go over well? If they were going to give us a new race they would go all in on tengu or they would give us some variant of the standard model used for human/norn/sylvari. The wouldn't give us a gender locked race or bother with breaking the lore for something as unpopular across almost all fantasy games as female dwarves. They'd give us playable quagann before they gave us female dwarves. ...and more people would play it.
  22. > @"cweker.7824" said: > I'm just thinking about the dwarf on the picture of the upcoming living world patch... It would be so great to be able to play them in the future. I would reroll from my norn to that kind of dwarf in a matter of sec. Dwarf Guardian, oh boy.. Do you really see Arenanet adding a race without a female variant as a playable?
  23. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > As other people have said I think it's a shame they're so obviously rushing it because of the complaints about not having another expansion after season 4. > > Are they? > > I mean when IBS was originally presented to us wasn't it that the last several parts would be with the developers trying to incorporate the aspects they most liked about s1 into the story? or maybe it was a puff peice for an MMO site where this was mentioned. How they wanted to change the story telling near the end to do this. > > Isn't that exactly what they are doing now? Giving us these instances where places we know are under attack/change? > > And if indeed that was the plan all along, then how is it rushed? > > These DRMs have clearly been the plan from the beginning. To transition the game towards a place where they can tell the stories they want without worrying about the headaches that the development approach to s1 created. In a way that makes them repeatable and relevant as group content. > > The problem isnt that they have rushed the end of Icebrood, the problem is that they are spreading it out too thin. What should have been 4 months of content updates now becomes 6-8 while they continue work on the expansion. > > I don't think this was rushed. I think it was the plan all along, but that the DRMs would release weekly or biweekly. > > > I like what we are getting, but I will forever wonder what we could have had and how much more interesting it could have been if only people had been willing to give them a chance instead of endlessly going on about the game dying because they didn't have to pay for it. > > To blame the portion of the playerbase is a little puzzling. > > This was the play by Anet, > > Don't be surprised if a lot of your End of Dragons story is told in a similar way. > > So, are DRM possible to complete solo? Because if the answer is "no" they might as well not exist. If that is what the future holds, then that's bad. Of course they are. But to say that content must be soloable to exist in an MMO is among the more misguided comments someone could make.
  24. > @"Danikat.8537" said: > As other people have said I think it's a shame they're so obviously rushing it because of the complaints about not having another expansion after season 4. Are they? I mean when IBS was originally presented to us wasn't it that the last several parts would be with the developers trying to incorporate the aspects they most liked about s1 into the story? or maybe it was a puff peice for an MMO site where this was mentioned. How they wanted to change the story telling near the end to do this. Isn't that exactly what they are doing now? Giving us these instances where places we know are under attack/change? And if indeed that was the plan all along, then how is it rushed? These DRMs have clearly been the plan from the beginning. To transition the game towards a place where they can tell the stories they want without worrying about the headaches that the development approach to s1 created. In a way that makes them repeatable and relevant as group content. The problem isnt that they have rushed the end of Icebrood, the problem is that they are spreading it out too thin. What should have been 4 months of content updates now becomes 6-8 while they continue work on the expansion. I don't think this was rushed. I think it was the plan all along, but that the DRMs would release weekly or biweekly. > I like what we are getting, but I will forever wonder what we could have had and how much more interesting it could have been if only people had been willing to give them a chance instead of endlessly going on about the game dying because they didn't have to pay for it. To blame the portion of the playerbase is a little puzzling. This was the play by Anet, Don't be surprised if a lot of your End of Dragons story is told in a similar way.
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