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Everything posted by mindcircus.1506

  1. I put in a lot of time and effort to make this weapon because I really liked the way it looked and that it didn't bombard me with particles on every swing. I would be pretty upset to see the changes you are asking for.
  2. > @"enkidu.5937" said: > > @"Sealamin.6549" said: > > I have been playing WvW for around 8 Years and WvW is on a terrible down slide for the worse. More and more I am seeing hidden tags and closed squads with regular players unable to join unless they use Discord. I understand the need to use voice comms and have even owned and managed a TS server for WvW but this was for Guild battles and Fun nights, the server was there if people wanted to use it. I have seen far better commanders in the past than current ones and they used no voice coms and they earned the respect and following of other players by their commanding skills and success in battles. Forcing players to use Discord in normal game play like EB for instance or they can't join a squad points clearly to one person dominating the game for his own satisfaction , I mean it's not hard for serious players to follow a badge and support the squad and have fun. Using voice coms in a guild most definately helps with a better gaming experiance in WvW but enforcing a guild enviorment on players who just want to play openly on a public server you take the fun out of it and will eventualy kill the Server. > As you can see in this thread, 95% of the ppl that run in hidden squads with XY restrictions dont even have a clue what the problem is. They simply dont care about the game and instead have created their own one with their own private rules and such. Maybe take a long hard look at why people run in closed squads. You can deny it if you like but there is a very big difference in the reaction time between people in voice and people who arent. Those who arent in comms when the rest are are more often than not a liability. They miss stealth calls, they give away position, they squirell off tag and take spots in a line that would be better taken by someone with a mind to actually contribute. Not having them in your group is usually addition by subtraction. I would rather surround myself with the people who want to play like I do. There's no harm in that until some toxic player comes along and decides the way *I* want to play is somehow "bad for the game mode" because me and my friends won't carry them. The attitude that you and the OP are using is functionally no different than the PvE players who get angry that they can't get a carry in Strike missions and come on to the forums with claims that people who set restrictions for their groups such as certain classes/dps requirements/kps are "bad for the game". It's a negative reaction to being denied a carry. If you have a problem with groups running closed with restrictions usch as Discord you are more than welcome to tag up and run an open pug group. The people setting a bar for entry into their squads are doing nothing but ensuring they are playing with likeminded players. They are doing nothing against the ToS, Attempting to shame people who set a barrier for entry to their groups rather than just starting their own open squads? That says more about you and the OP than it does about the people setting a bar for entry into their groups.
  3. Pointing to KDR is the way losing servers pretend to be winning while they are losing.
  4. > @"Wisely.4819" said: > As the first poster predicted, thread got charged by "play wvw/pvp" folks. I don't want to do pvp just so I can do fashion. It's not like you have to step out of wvw/pvp and do content you don't like to get dungeon skins/warclaw/blueprints. How does someone that doesnt step out of competitive earn the Runic, Mist Shard or Requiem armor sets? >I don't want to farm cosmetic stuff, and I certainly don't want to stress over it. I'd rather spend money to skip the tedium and focus on the fun parts of the game. I think that's a pretty basic concept in every online game these days. While you may ok with the visual progression in MMOs being sold as microtransactions, many people are not. Calling it a "basic concept" (as if people who don't feel as you do are somehow deficient) is pretty uncool.
  5. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said: > That's great - but, ultimately, it's not really relevant to this topic. POF being a tedious chorefest isn't simply a L2P issue - mobs are more numerous, more pathy, and have higher aggro range than in most of the game and there's no real justification for it as **these zones don't retain large numbers of players to offset it.** Please share the numbers and source for this information.
  6. > @"Coelho Nat.4697" said: > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > > Personally, I wait for people to get their daily and then attack them. > > I've had this happen, too. I usually just sit there and don't counter-attack. Gets it over faster. > > > I also don´t attack if I notice the player is only completing daily (mainly the veteran kill, caravan disrupt, and land claimer). Fortunately, in most cases, players respect some 'neutral spots' on the map. It won´t affect the wvw match if you allow someone to kill a veteran mob. This whole idea that players should be "respecting" the opposing side to let them get free/easy loot is antithetical to the game mode. This false idea that we should be "respecting neutral spots" that functionally do not exist to help players get free loot/rewards is part of the imaginary ettiquette that players who do not posses the ability to fight like to spread.
  7. > @"voltaicbore.8012" said: > 1. The fallen statue HP in Elon Riverlands is a good example of what I don't like. There's always a bunch of harpies hanging around there, and they're quite easy to deal with. They're just a pointless annoyance though, and IMO they add nothing (lore, immersion, combat challenge, etc.). They seem to be there purely to disrupt your ability to channel an HP or just take a look around at the environment. Actually their presence in terms of the worldbuilding makes perfect sense as across many areas of the PoF maps, cliffs in higher elevations in warmer areas have harpies. We see this in Desert Highlands, Elon, the front area of Desolation and in Vabbi. It makes just fine thematic sense. From a gameplay perspective you are right, there are there to interupt your channel of the commune. Mitigating this is simply part of getting the HP. It's functionally no different than the HP in the Sulfur flats of Desolation only the fact that the harpies are already there, versus spawned when you hit the HP. Hardly a big enough difference to get your back up about. From a lore perspective, I believe the harpies and their presence in the area is talked about in the original game.
  8. > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > Hahahahaha > > Those questions have been asked multiple times in different ways and not a straight answer has been given. Sure.... but then no straight questions have been given... there's been a ton of rhetoric on both sides. I'm just curious what people who are issuing the complaints are actually struggling with. Not the low-effort people complaining that they should be allowed to walk around maps and just enjoy the scenery, and not the people looking for free loot saying they should be able to harvest some of the more lucrative nodes without mitigating aggro... ..but people who actually enjoy playing video games for an engaging experience and still feel the mobs are overtund. It personally took me a couple days when I first hit PoF to learn how to properly handle the difference in AI behaviours. The chain aggro that comes with the increased threat ranges, the veterans that are much more meaningful than core or HoT ones took a little adjustment for sure. But a couple days later it was cool and it certainly wasn't the kick the the crotch that HoT was after core.
  9. **A few of honest questions to those who agree with the OP:** 1. Are there any specific areas on the PoF maps where you think there are problems? 2. Are there any mobs/enemy types that you feel are specifically overtuned? 3. Would you describe yourself as a new, intermediate or veteran player?
  10. > @"sutasafaia.4872" said: > Without getting into too much detail, the tldr is I have hand issues and reaction time issues. The easier a class is to play the better off I'll be, otherwise there's a fair chance I won't even be able to play it to begin with. This is basically my first time back in almost two years so figured I would ask before diving in head first since the classes have likely changed a bit since I last played. Obviously this means I avoid PvP and high end content so you don't really need to take any of that into account. I suppose if I had an understanding guild I might try some of it eventually but it's really not a concern for me. > > I've been hunting around for ideas, the big ones that seem to get repeated a lot are minion necro (scourge and reaper have both been recommended), a bearbow ranger, and a staff mirage? I was under the impression mesmer was pretty hard to play and required a lot of movement but it does seem to get recommended a lot so figured I would ask about it. > > Any help is appreciated. I've been missing MMO's a lot lately and after having tried a few others, this seems to be the one that was recommended again for being easier to play. Far less skill/button bloat than most other MMO's for certain.
  11. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > If you get killed, you literally lost nothing, so just rinse and repeat. The participation will still be on. Here's the thing though.... The people who start threads like this or make comments about how they "loathe any form of pvp" ect? They lose quite a bit. These people have their power fantasy shattered every time they are downed in a competitive environment. That feeling that they are "good at the game", that their build is strong, that they are properly geared, that is fed to them after countless hours of a personal story without challenge and an open world that puts them in a bubble being carried is gone. One has to look no further than the delusion feeding the hyperbole in this thread. The overblown comments about gankers at every exit, and a toxic environment (that is simply far less prevalent than it is in PvE) should show you that a significant number of players cannot accept a single loss. Rather than improving their game they will instead argue for rule changes or invent problems that aren't there just to soothe their egos and get their shinies. It's the exact same hubris that powers the "HoT is too hard" threads, the weak complaints about aggro ranges on PoF maps and the majority of "balance" posts in the PvP forum. Some people experience significant distress when confronted by their own lack of skill. It makes them do and say plenty of irrational things.
  12. > @"Tiilimon.6094" said: > You can opt out of combat in OW by playing stealth builds very easily, capped concentration should let you mine a couple nodes as a thief or scrapper and should even give you time to mount up before stealth fades. Concentration does not affect stealth duration.
  13. > @"Ronin.4501" said: > Sounds like a terrible idea, right? It's because it is. But 1) it always seems to be the same servers OVER and OVER and OVER using the hacks, so maybe it's time to start punishing that community as a whole for their bad seeds. 2) The current way that Anet deals with hackers and exploiters is really quite pathetic. What good is it to delete someone's account when a majority of the WvW population have 2-10 accounts nowadays? Server 1 wants to beat server 2 Server 1 has a group of people on throwaway accounts join Server 2 New Server 2 players now use hacks and get reported on purpose. Server 2 gets actioned and is now at a competitive disadvantage despite having done nothing wrong. Armchair MMO devs make the best french fries.
  14. While the base designs are pretty nice, the particle effects are a complete eyesore. I really wish they would just reel in the ridiculous effects.... the game doesnt need to give me retinal burn.
  15. > @"LordMorgul.9845" said: > 1 - no time > 2 - fix damage system to avoid rotations > 3 - TIERS > 4 - Story Mode > 5 - Make Anet Guides by Dev to how to do a raid, (wiki is not helpfull and is ilarius how the game got tons of specs but is closed to 3-4 setups and all guides are for elitis and speedrun not common playerbase) > 6 - Make legy weapon and armor more powerfull or make stat encreased on mastery base like 1% = 1 mastery > 7 - cm still activable on choice > 8 - for speed clear run and elitis made some record table so they proper enjoy theyrself whit weakly reward for the first 5 team some like "clear time" "damage dealt" or someting like that > > so those are my point list to improve raids and make those enjoinable by all kind of players, so now can we argue about those point make your pov about and make Anet fix the situation Skip 1-8 and just 9, Make more of them so the people who enjoy the content have something to do
  16. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > I feel for you. I get sick of having to clear 4 or 5 mobs, including a veteran, when I just want to mine a node that is a bit out of the way (but a rich orichalcum node). The one I am thinking of has four jacaranda, including a veteran, and you get at least two of them activated simultaneously when you go there. Having a character with stability would help, but one shouldn't expect players to bring stab when they are just trying to gather. With maxed out Magic Find that rich Ori node can easily drop 3 orbs worth 8 or so silver a piece. Why shouldn't you be expected to mitigate significant aggro for it? > @"zistenz.1945" said: > But, in HoT, both are viable almost equally. In fact, even my soulbeast can solo some of the hp champs or roaming veteran groups. The significant difference between HoT and PoF is the aggro range / respawn rate and the huge condi spam (huge as in _"constantly pulses"_ and _"disgustingly long"_...), those are the main problems, and make the life much harder for condi characters in PoF. Nope. My condi shortbow Soulbeast is equally as strong on PoF maps. My Dire Tempest runs around with about the same level of challenge as she did in Orr. My full vipers renegade laughs at them both and solos bounties in Crystal Oasis. > OP is a condi user, with even better set than me (trailblazer), so I can sympathize with him/her. It is not a "git gud", nor "learn to play" issue, I know I shouldn't be the one to say it is.... but most it likely is. Condi builds in OW are significantly overtuned **everywhere** thanks in part to the way condi damage scales off one or two stats but power needs three. This allows a player to get full near full damage value from a stat set like Dire or Traiblazers while being able to slot for tons of vit and toughness. Meanwhile a power damage user needs to either sacrifice damage or sustain from their gear. This applies in both desert and jungle maps. And while mitigating in jungle maps is usually best done via toughness, dealing with the condi PoF maps is just better done with vit. That said there isnt even any significant condi play from AIs in desert maps until Istan anyways. I play a ton of condi focussed builds and I assure you there is zero meaningful difference between their capabilities in PoF or HoT content. Maybe instead of making blanket statements based on your personal experience you should post your build for us.
  17. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said: > The community wants to get heard. Players want to communicate their concerns, ideas and suggestions to the ArenaNet team, but hardly ever get a reply. No. The part of the community that gets upset about "lack of communication" is a small number of players that believe they are somehow entitled to a seat at the developers table because they buy 10 bucks worth of gems a month. Players can and do voice their concerns, ideas and suggestions to Anet all they want via this forum and reddit. What these players are actually upset about is the lack of an Arenanet employee saying "Great idea, we are going to add this into the next patch" What they don't want to hear is the reality of why so many of the concerns, ideas or suggestions made are absolute garbage made by self-interested players with zero understanding of the challenges and limitations of game development. Do you want actual dev feedback in the PvP forums that says "You are confusing bad balance with your own low skill cap" on the 9.5/10 posts where this is the case? Do you think the community would respond well to an Anet employee in whatever current "HoT is too hard" thread is going saying "The actual way to mitigate your problems is by playing better"? Do you think that post a few months ago by a forum regular that said Elite Specs should be modelled after comic book superheroes should have seen a developer response? And what if a dev popped into one of the usual whines about Legendary Armory and said "The reason this system is taking a while is because we are tying it to an optional cosmetic loadout system that will operate in conjuction with Equipment Templates and will be monetized in a similar fashion" ? The desire for Increased Developer Communication is little more than a small segment of this community attempting to wag the dog.
  18. > @"Dante.1508" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Dante.1508" said: > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > > > > > I don't think many remember there used to be Mini-pets in that arena in LA. > > > > > Nice to see proof. ;) > > > > > > > > Yeah, haha, i have a couple of screenshots of that arena, but this one is the only one i think that shows pets in it. :smile: > > > > I kinda miss the old Lion's arch, but i appreciate Anet for having the balls to literally destroy one map and redo it as part of the story. Like, kudos, really! > > > > I don't have many, if any LW2 Lion's arch screenshots, when it was under attack and all messed up. I think i stopped playing then. Got back for HoT, then left for LW3, got back for PoF and now i'm back as well. > > > > Missed so many free stores but oh well. > > > > > > > > > @"Dante.1508" said: > > > > > I so miss pre hot GW2. > > > > > > > > It was quite a different experience wasn't it? :smile: > > > > I appreciate all the QoL changes we got since then, but i miss it for the nostalgia. > > > > > > I just found it a lot more casual and fun. Even the old dungeons at the time i hated as they were so hardcore turned out to be so much better then than the crazy Fractals and raiding we have now.. I so regret losing dungeons as they were so much better, i had no idea what the grindy future would bring. > > > > The dungeons are still there get 1-4 more people and go ham on them. > > I did but there is only so many times you can play the same things over and over.. > > What i meant was back in the day i hated dungeons, but i had no idea the feedback would lead to even worse things like raids and fractals.. we should have just said nothing and played the now casual dungeons and we would have gotten more, not this modern crazy insanity that is fractals etc.. > > The things you learn too late. All t1 fractals with the exception of 23, 24 and 25 are far easier and shorter (read:casual friendly) than explorable dungeons. Many are even far easier than story mode dungeons. At their most basic level, Volcanic, Urban Battleground, Mai Trin boss, Swampland, Snowblind, Molten Boss, and Uncategorized are all far easier than the story modes for Honor of the Waves, Sorrows Embrace or Crucible of Eternity.
  19. I name mine after the toons that run them My variant of the burn Tempest is called Poshi after the toon I run it on named Arsonist Poshi. My wvw condi rev build is called Tookie after the toon running it called Crusader Tookie My Scrapper build is called Tazz ect.... Since I generally roll a new toon these days when I get a build idea (toon slots being better value for money than separate gear/build loadout slots) it's kinda how I keep things straight in my head. Makes it easy to remember and oddly enough my friends have an easy time with it as well. I actually get them asking "Hey Mind, can I get that Poshi build from you?" or something similar if they see me pulling big numbers in arc or doing something crazy with it.
  20. > @"LBOEVSET.7954" said: > There are only a few people playing around Path of fire maps. > It's very disappointing that a great map design was wasted and I thought it was because Bounty's reward still not good enough for people to keep farming there. > It is not good for new players and some people who like bounty meta. > Please, I really want to see the crowd of people around the great desert again. Every time I feel like doing bounties I tag up, throw up an LFG and people show up. Every.Time. But you're right, easier to go to the forums with complaints about rewards and design.
  21. > @"Lilwil.6529" said: > Do you think there will be away for less talented players to experience the stories of the raids? > > I've tried alot to get to experience the raid story, but I'm just not good enough to make it through one. I've been playing since GW1 and feel like I'm missing out on some key lore for the game just because i can't. The only way I've managed to experience the first raid was by paying gold to a player. I would not expert rewards for it (legendary armor) the Lore would be enough. I just want to play the story off them but at a difficulty level I can manage. One night a friend of mine said "hey Mind, let's do a raid". We had 5 guildies of which I was the only one with any raid experience (I had a whopping 12 LI at the time). **He and two of the other members of the guild showed up in their WvW gear and builds.** Then we put up an LFG saying "We have no clue what we are doing....come raid with us". 15 minutes later we had 10 people. 30 mins after that we killed Cairn. How much easier does it have to be?
  22. > @"trev.1045" said: > Hi All > > I briefly played GW2 a year or two ago, got to 80, bought the expansions and played a bit (i think i got to Vabbi) before life got in the way and i stopped playing. > I didnt do any of the living world stuff and hardly any of it is unlocked. > > Roll forward a couple of years and i have more spare time on my hands- and i have started with a fresh character and just hit 80 and about to finish the personal story (most of which i had forgotten) > > This time i am of a mind to do the story in the right order, ie with the living world content, but looking at the price of the first purchasable content (LWS2) i am a bit surprised at the price?. It is £17.00 for one season? that is about half the sort of price id expect to pay for a complete season??. mIf i am unlocking all the seasons it will get a bit pricey just before xmas. > > How much content are in these living seasons? are they worth it? Is HOT going to make sense if i jump straight in without getting LWS2? > > Thanks Season 2 is a very uneven experience. While there are two or three great instances, the entire season is marred by lengthy attempts at character development delivered only via giant walls of text. It also includes some very poor open world integration. Budget constraints keep your character from even talking through the bulk of it (there is no voice over for the player character) It spends a good deal of time explaining the fall out of events from S1 and referring to events which you cannot play any more Is it worth it? If you really love the story of this game, it certainly is. If you ever plan to make a legendary weapon, I would argue the easy core Tyria Mastery points you get from just running the story are essential. But if neither of those apply and you think the price is bit steep? Probably not. Is it fun? Not really. Will the story make sense if you skip it? It's not that much worse than just missing s1(which you can no longer play).
  23. Every time these threads come up that 1. Misrepresent the game mode and those who play it as some kind of antisocial gang of thugs 2. Falsely claim the toxcity is higher in WvW than in PvE (Lets face it, /m in Lion's Arch is usually worse than EBG) 3. Cast shade on the game's developers by accusing some form of sadism or other malfeasance 4. Hyperbolize negative experience with anecdotes that are clearly not factual I ask myself.... Why don't people just throw on some decently protective gear/build... grab a couple of friends/guildies...hop on discord and just have fun with it for a few hours? Why all the misrepresentation and false rhetoric? Do you think the developers live in such a bubble that they will read your post of misinformation and exaggeration, and be so moved by your pretend pain that they will suddenly reverse course on the need for a GoB in all legendary items?
  24. > @"Fipmip.7219" said: > Anyone ever considered a rougelike pve tower at some point? you're stripped of gear and abilities and traits at the bottom, and have to choose randomly generated new ones as you slowly progress through the levels. each level is filled with random enemies interspersed with random bosses, with random stats and random extra abilities similar to bounties. Has both a solo version where you try to get to the top floor and a group version where you try you get to the basement. casual at first and gets hardcore at the top with big gold rewards. could be a mists area or specific to some map in the future. could also be updated afterwards with new entities added to the randomization. Why paint this as your "idea" when it's clearly Torghast from WoW's Shadowlands expansion?
  25. > @"Oronreo.8796" said: > I know this may not be a popular opinion, and usual gw2 veterans hate afk farmers and botters. But I have been playing this game for 8 years, and I still did not see most of the endgame, because I find it very hard to find enough time to play. I really love this game, have both expansions and paid a lot extra for gems and cosmetics, but I am getting old and life is becoming more busy. I am suggesting and hoping, maybe gw2 should have a legal, in game farm bot! So I could at least keep my pc open and farm some, then play the real content with that resource. The playerbase is already dropping constantly, even with megaservers. Maybe it is time to let people who have grown up to afk farm and have fun however they like? I really want gw2 to have some kind of afk system. A farm bot, fishing, farming, or anything that will make a decent gold per hour income without having to follow every new strategy or map or living world meta event for farming. I am okay with paid features, even pay to win. I will still be having fun, only if this suggestion becomes real. Otherwise, I am sad to say that I will not be able to return this game :( What do you guys think? no
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