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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    Why are you calling @"bravan.3876" mirage main if he is not?

    Why you talking about wvw in pvp section?

    Didnt you "quit" ?

    You said yourself power mesmer need it and without its weak but condi...(in fact it was easier to kill cmirage who ran mantra for me and way harder if they didnt) but still complaining ... I'm confused.

    If you want to nerf cmirage, you should understand what makes cmirage so strong ( I'm a bit lazy to make thread about it and most likely wont be heard xD) but a small hint is -> bleed on crit trait + IH + Scepter ambush = a lot of hits = a lot of bleeds. Tldr reduce number of hits from scepter ambush to reduce amount of bleeds produced. Or second solution would be give mesmer a real AMBUSH with the damage and make clone ambush condi duration lasts 0.5s so they do close to zero damage, this way you have to avoid only mesmer ambush and render clone ambush pretty useless.

    In short: its not condi mirage thread nerf, you are overestimating MoD as without interrupt traits its a waste of utility slot that could be filled with something way more useful, who are you trying to fool? You admit yourself that you just hate mirage and want to see the class nerfed.


  2. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Before I say this, know that I am one of the people who said on several occasions: "That I didn't think CI Mantra Condis was as OP as people claimed." but if you're talking about people complaining about MOD specifically, you should consider this:


    > Consider playing other classes, where CCing someone and interrupting a skill, requires chasing them with a melee weapon and actually connecting with it. Consider it requires significant effort to hit with a Skull Grinder or an Earth Shaker or a Reaper #5. All of these types of CCs have obvious tells, the animations are long, and they are obviously inc when a melee character is riding you in melee, so people know when to "be ready" to engage and counter play other such CCs.

    You trying to make a point by comparing utility skill that only daze and hard hitting-long duration stuns? Just like the other guy I dont get it. That complaint would be valid only if it would be instant 3 seconds stun with 5-10k damage, oh wait, we have binding shadow that does it, silly me.

    > MOD on the other hand, is an instant cast CC and an instant strike nonetheless. It requires no cast time and no projectile travel time, such as a Headshot or a Ranger LB #4. A Mesmer can stand 1200 range outside of a team fight, and freely CC assist vs. any target that he chooses, leaving absolutely no room for visual counter play on the part of the player's he is focusing.

    If that would be a projectile or had a travel cast time it would be impossible to interrupt almost every skill in this game, especially boosted by quickness or random reflects. Daredevil has superior "distracting daggers" with inbuild powerblock in them but its projectile, so they never bother to take it, never did. Make it a projectile and you wont see it being played, ever

    > This is why people complain about MOD. It has less counter play than even the old unblockable Death's Judgement man. That's just obnoxious.

    Block/aegis/stability/ fake cast - less counterplay that a skill that had only one possible counterplay - dodge. Dont be ridiculous mate. (that intended to reveal user but it takes a solid second to render invisible players so I cant even target people who ambush me from stealth or see it coming, i'm not the only one who has such problem, seen it on youtube and few friends who still play the game have the same issue).

    edt: @"Quadox.7834" I agree with everything he said in post above, especially that mantra isnt mandatory for all power mesmers and its not make them super strong and duration could be cut in half as it should be an interrupt tool.

  3. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > If only there was some sort of viable CC build to lock them down..

    > > >

    > > > lolololololololololololol

    > >

    > > Are you "lololo" because of their stability uptime being longer than you can fight them or there is any other reason?:>


    > Holo builds can lock down eles. Prot holo in particular is a hard counter to condi ele. Since ele has only a few CC's, they're easy pickins when their dodges run out.

    Havent seen even one in a loooooooooooong time, I bet the are get cock'd by spellbreakers

  4. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > If only there was some sort of viable CC build to lock them down..


    > lolololololololololololol


    Are you "lololo" because of their stability uptime being longer than you can fight them or there is any other reason?:>

  5. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > > In a duo queue, the Matchmaker the mmr the highest rated player. It has been like this since season 5. I know many top players, myself included that would just stop if they removed duo, due to how unbearably low the skill in most games are.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Actually this is just a common myth. There's absolutely nothing to suggest that it only uses the rating of the higher rated player, but there is evidence to suggest an average of the two ratings is used.

    > >

    > > Like, at Plat2 if I DuoQ with a gold 1, I get very little rating from wins with that gold and get smashed with huge rating deductions for losses. Since rating is tied to the other players in your match, it shouldn't be unreasonable to assume they're all a lower average rating. Unless you mean to suggest that single gold 1 player is the cause, but if that's the case; that means they're just being dragged along to essentially punish my team.

    > >

    > > That also begs the question: If there's the potential to gain less/lose more, and the higher rated player's ranking is always used, why would the top player for this season be handicapping themself? [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83854/how-does-top-10-player-appear-in-gold-1-match#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83854/how-does-top-10-player-appear-in-gold-1-match#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83854/how-does-top-10-player-appear-in-gold-1-match#latest")

    > >

    > > > Most games already look like +5-10 -15-20. Making it even harder to climb is just ridiculous.

    > >

    > > If we're going by rating gain/loss alone, SoloQ actually allows for more because the rating of the other players determines that, and there's objectively more rating disparity with DuoQ than without it.

    > >

    > > > Queued on alt yesterday, 1670 something in eu. I had a mirage camping every beast in Forest, even dying to it once. Me winning 1v2 against Firebrand scourge. Blowing up midfights in 2-5 seconds.

    > > >

    > > > Duo makes the game bearable for me.

    > >

    > > Oh yeah, winning 1v2s, blowing up midfights. That sounds tragic. On further consideration, I think I see your point. It's a hard-knock SoloQ life.

    > >

    > >


    > A couple months ago, I had dug through this entire subforum, quoting conversations between Ben & Cal, in response to the question of: "Does duo que use higher rated player's rating? or does it use the average rating of both players?"


    > Long story short, I'm not going to dig up those quotes again, but I can say that the duo que system does use the average rating between the two players qued. So if you have a 1600 with a 1400, it ques that duo has a 1500 duo.


    > People who believe it uses the higher player's rating as the duo rating, are remembering a patch from a very very very long time ago.

    i remember that thread too

  6. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > > >The shocking thing to me was seeing it referred to as "degenerate play". That's not the kind of professionalism I'd expect from a company, let alone a representative of the company that enabled this despite many warnings by their community for over 2 years that lowering cool downs was a bad idea.

    > > > >

    > > > > The term "Degenerate play" is used in all sorts of competitive scenes. It has more than it's place in the professionalism you involve.

    > > > >

    > > > > If it's taken as a insult like I'm seeing a few of people actually doing so, you've got the wrong idea of the term and should look it up.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > >...degenerate play is a very specific term in game design and competitive gaming ...

    > > > >

    > > > > > A degenerate strategy is a way of playing a video game that exploits an oversight in gameplay mechanics or design.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Degenerate strategies do not break the rules of a game like a code or a cheat, but they do prevent the game from being experienced in the manner intended by the game designer.

    > > > >

    > > > > https://www.techopedia.com/definition/27042/degenerate-strategy

    > > >

    > >

    > > That's cool and all, but I got moderated for saying "degenerate companions".

    > > Now, didn't the mods know that term? I can argue that I was referring to some people that used that strategy. Or did they assumed I was being disrespectful?

    > > It goes to both sides.

    > >

    > > Checkmate ANerf.


    > Well, they clearly don't want us playing. And I'm willing to help them with that.

    I chuckled when he said "gold1 player from EU" is good and its more than enough to get rank1 on NA. I'm dying :joy:

    Truly shows how trash NA players are

  7. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > > > >You want to nerf Holosmith

    > > > > Why we want to nerf holo only? Engineer deserve the same treatment as other classes.

    > > > > From tools I would nerf to hell power wrench; optimazed activation to 1.5s vigor; lock on not to have 2 separate reveals but 1; takedown round is passive damage that you cant even see on the ground because of how poorly its made.

    > > > > Alchemy: hidden flask is literally busted as hell, passive that is even better than utility engineer can get and even lower cooldown - 60s cd minimum ; Invigorating Speed - 3s vigor on 10s cd.

    > > > > Throw elixir X -2-3s stealth.

    > > > > Pretty much reasonable changes. Then we can go after forge if its not enough.

    > > >

    > > > Ah yes, missing his point entirely. Core engi isn't viable, but you want to nerf the hell out of its still-functioning traitlines before even touching the thing you actually have an issue with.

    > > Like... I dont know... "core isnt viable" ... is this a joke or not ?

    > > Ok, how is core mesmer is viable to be nerfed to the state where I have to get specific traitlines just for 1 or 2 useful traits?

    > > Meanwhile I called out clearly OP traits that need a look at them, I didnt just call a slaughter upon the class for no good reason.


    > Was I talking about CI or mesmer nerfs here? No.


    > I was pointing out that you'd nerf the two most viable traitlines for core engi because you want to see holo nerfed. He was pointing out how you'd further drive core engi into the ground because of this.

    Are you completely blind ? I'm not talking about CI either. The nerf I suggest are more than reasonable and not just to "nerf holo". Every trait I mentioned, if you seen it ofc, deserve a tone down because they are too strong.

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > The sustain is obviously the problem with holo -- it's meant to be a glass cannon. The thing is... there's some obvious sustain in holo already. Also known as heat therapy. If you want to hit the sustain, that is a primary candidate. You could also increase heat generation on many of the forge skills to make it a shorter duration burst mode.

    > > Sustain and spam nature of forge and that every skill is a must dodge. The only drawback that holo has is too easy to manage even for new players that start playing holo (but experienced in general). Current level of vigor + vent exhaust allow forge to be spammed that much. At this point I feel like a broken record


    > Because you are not getting the point.


    > * If you feel it's too spammy -> increase each skill's heat generation. That forces holo out of PF faster, and means they have to more carefully pick the skills they use.

    > * If you feel it's too capable of sustain -> Reduce Heat Therapy. It's a free 6500 health about once every 20-25 seconds.

    > These are very real, reasonable solutions to your problems that keep the "feel" of the spec intact. But you keep suggesting overbearing nerfs that would hurt core engi and scrapper too, when they are not in good places as-is.

    I suggest nerfs to clearly busted traits, of course you dont think they are :joy:

    Double reveal in 1 trait is fine or 4200 crits from passive proc bomb is fine as well(that cant even see), 20s+ vigor at any time is fine too, hidden flask that nearly permanent keep this all boons on you, clearly fine, stealth elixir that on stealth elite level on less cooldown is ok too. /s

    But something tells me we both wont get what we want, how many times people told anet that evade in stun is the reason of all mess or EM shouldnt be released? All we can do is complaint until we get nerfs we want, working just fine


    > @"Vagrant.7206" said:


    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > >You want to nerf Holosmith

    > > Why we want to nerf holo only? Engineer deserve the same treatment as other classes.

    > > From tools I would nerf to hell power wrench; optimazed activation to 1.5s vigor; lock on not to have 2 separate reveals but 1; takedown round is passive damage that you cant even see on the ground because of how poorly its made.

    > > Alchemy: hidden flask is literally busted as hell, passive that is even better than utility engineer can get and even lower cooldown - 60s cd minimum ; Invigorating Speed - 3s vigor on 10s cd.

    > > Throw elixir X -2-3s stealth.

    > > Pretty much reasonable changes. Then we can go after forge if its not enough.


    > Ah yes, missing his point entirely. Core engi isn't viable, but you want to nerf the hell out of its still-functioning traitlines before even touching the thing you actually have an issue with.

    Like... I dont know... "core isnt viable" ... is this a joke or not ?

    Ok, how is core mesmer is viable to be nerfed to the state where I have to get specific traitlines just for 1 or 2 useful traits?

    Meanwhile I called out clearly OP traits that need a look at them, I didnt just call a slaughter upon the class for no good reason.

    > The sustain is obviously the problem with holo -- it's meant to be a glass cannon. The thing is... there's some obvious sustain in holo already. Also known as heat therapy. If you want to hit the sustain, that is a primary candidate. You could also increase heat generation on many of the forge skills to make it a shorter duration burst mode.

    Sustain and spam nature of forge and that every skill is a must dodge. The only drawback that holo has is too easy to manage even for new players that start playing holo (but experienced in general). Current level of vigor + vent exhaust allow forge to be spammed that much. At this point I feel like a broken record

  9. > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > You have major issues boy.

    > > For an example "nerf mirage" always end up nerfing mesmer core traitlines/weapons/utilities into unviability instead of "mirage". I bet you still dont get it, lost case


    > So, I declare that I don't have an opinion on the "Mesmers and CI" case because I'm not an expert on the class and I'm a lost case? I'm not into petty personal attacks like you are I'm afraid.


    > What I can say with confidence however is that you're upset about the CI case, I get it, it's probably wrong. But you wanting to inflict the same feeling of betrayal on other classes is not a solution. Nerfing Core Engineer because Holosmith is overpowered for the sake of having others feel the way you do is wrong.

    You are pretty much hilarious, thinking that they disabled CI affect in in the slighest. Thats the history of the past behind all nerfs upon most,if not all classes, not just mesmer, you know, thats not my fault that you are willingly blind and not seeing further than your own main class :)

  10. > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > > Core (since I'm not a fan of Holosmith myself) would appreciate that you don't put more sticks in its wheels than it already has. You want to nerf Holosmith, tamper with the forge or the trait line, increase skill cooldowns, heat generation, there's a large variety of choices there, have players consider forsaking alchemy+inventions and go glass cannon to reap the rewards.

    > >

    > > Yes, that's why we should revert CI and nerf mirage instead.


    > Got zero opinion on that, beyond being tired of all that moaning.


    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > >You want to nerf Holosmith

    > > Why we want to nerf holo only?


    > Read title.

    You have major issues boy.

    For an example "nerf mirage" always end up nerfing mesmer core traitlines/weapons/utilities into unviability instead of "mirage". I bet you still dont get it, lost case

  11. > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    >You want to nerf Holosmith

    Why we want to nerf holo only? Engineer deserve the same treatment as other classes.

    From tools I would nerf to hell power wrench; optimazed activation to 1.5s vigor; lock on not to have 2 separate reveals but 1; takedown round is passive damage that you cant even see on the ground because of how poorly its made.

    Alchemy: hidden flask is literally busted as hell, passive that is even better than utility engineer can get and even lower cooldown - 60s cd minimum ; Invigorating Speed - 3s vigor on 10s cd.

    Throw elixir X -2-3s stealth.

    Pretty much reasonable changes. Then we can go after forge if its not enough.

  12. > @"MrForz.1953" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > The changes to rifle last patch were a **good step in the right direction** but now this remains the only overperforming spec ....

    > >

    > > -too much mobilty : **rocket boots 1800 range covered every 20s on top of removing impairing conditions** and rifle 5

    > > -too much damage : easy 20+ might plus easy access to quickness

    > > -too much disengage : why...6s stealth every 36s with elixir s, insta animation impossible to interrupt...a 6s where the engi can potentially cross the whole map...too much..way too much

    > > -too much sustain : a holo can recover 80% of its HP in the blink of an eye after eating a full burst combo....from 20% HP he goes back to almost full health **this is by far the most broken aspect of any class**

    > >

    > > If the devs either bring down Healing turret or Heat therapy...or ideally both that would be terrific...honestly I dunno why you keep nerfing mesmer when a spec like holosmith still exists untouched since PoF launch


    > First, it hasn't been "untouched". Second, beyond Heat Therapy, it's not Holosmith you're looking to nerf, it's core Engineer. How much cluelessness it that.

    Core or not if its overperforming asf and part of the holosmith builds it doesnt deserve to be looked at ? **How much clunesness is that**.

  13. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > Pretty funny to see clueless people accusing others in being "mesmer main" when they are not, facepalm of an epic level.

    > > > > The most dumb excuse to NOT nerf this braindead faceroll spam class is : "but look how many times it was nerfed !" . Not the case for the other classes if they are too strong

    > > >

    > > > That's not an excuse. It's pointing out that the OP's argument is invalid, because holosmith has been nerfed repeatedly and substantially.

    > > >

    > > > I think some changes to reduce heat therapy may need to be in order, but overall I haven't seen that many problems with it.

    > > The nerfs were so long time ago (ye, it was a fun time when Zan without a weapon farmed everyone just with forge alone) and when every class seeing nerfs holo havent seen any meaningful nerfs this year at all. Thanks to complaints about the other class 24/7 and some dev main it xD

    > > Tbh its not surprising that biased holo main think the class is fine because he plays it, thats pretty much it.

    > > HT wont stop holos from spamming everything with low cooldown and pretty much every skill worth a dodge, sure HT will fix it /s

    > > The only drawback is covered by perma vigor (need a huge shaves), "Thermal Release Valve" that trigger HT (800 hp every evade) and drop heat (also need like 8-10% to reduce spam from it).

    > >


    > Ah yes. The "biased X main" argument. Weren't you criticizing that very argument?


    > What are you talking about no nerfs this year? [There was a nerf to stability on March 5th](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2019-03-05#Engineer "There was a nerf to stability on March 5th"). They added an additional penalty to overheating on July 16th. They added dynamic damage scaling to laser's edge, also on July 16th. These are all nerfs. Not to mention the serious nerfs to scrapper.


    > I know that when your main gets hit, it hurts the most. But don't think they've been ignoring holo either.

    Dont you think you are dramatize too much ? Only you believe that is too much.

    The only nerf that I can call was "serious" was stability nerf. Lasers edge and especially this "overheating penalty" are pretty much nothing, didnt affect it much, the ability to spam forge and prevent it from overheating is a l2p issue.

    Holo flew under the nerf radar all the time and pretty much everyone know how stupid holo is but forum is more interested in complaining about clones.

    There is no connection to how "my main" being nerfed, nice try tho

  14. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > Pretty funny to see clueless people accusing others in being "mesmer main" when they are not, facepalm of an epic level.

    > > The most dumb excuse to NOT nerf this braindead faceroll spam class is : "but look how many times it was nerfed !" . Not the case for the other classes if they are too strong


    > That's not an excuse. It's pointing out that the OP's argument is invalid, because holosmith has been nerfed repeatedly and substantially.


    > I think some changes to reduce heat therapy may need to be in order, but overall I haven't seen that many problems with it.

    The nerfs were so long time ago (ye, it was a fun time when Zan without a weapon farmed everyone just with forge alone) and when every class seeing nerfs holo havent seen any meaningful nerfs this year at all. Thanks to complaints about the other class 24/7 and some dev main it xD

    Tbh its not surprising that biased holo main think the class is fine because he plays it, thats pretty much it.

    HT wont stop holos from spamming everything with low cooldown and pretty much every skill worth a dodge, sure HT will fix it /s

    The only drawback is covered by perma vigor (need a huge shaves), "Thermal Release Valve" that trigger HT (800 hp every evade) and drop heat (also need like 8-10% to reduce spam from it).


  15. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > Let's look at meta. Staff ambush 1sec cast time, scepter 1,5 sec cast time. MC 3/4, time to flip skill and reflexes so you can cast ambush 1/4.

    > Staff ambush - half of the skill is done outside MC.

    > Scepter ambush - 1sec of the skill is done outside MC.


    > So where the heck is the attack while evading BS everyone is spewing?


    > MC is trash period, the only thing good about it is the evade while stunned bit.


    > The only good trait mirage has access to is IH.

    > Mirage has to burn dodges to keep the pressure going on, which means less defensive dodging.

    > Mirage has one of the less amount of vigor uptime on game.


    > Will mirage get tradeoffs? Absolutely.

    > Should mirage get tradeoffs? No, a trash dodge and traits are enough of tradeoffs.

    Alrdy have it tradeoff:

    Mirage alrdy suffer from garbage dodge that gives you 66% movespeed for 0.75s instead of normal evade but you are sitting duck under cripple/chill. Unabe to cover your own new "mechanic" and have to burn two to cover ONE ambush.

    All traits are real garbage **(minor grandmaster that exact gives 66% movespeed is just here a filler/bandaid trait to fix mirage cloak inability to move at all instead of having real trait, like look at spellbreaker grandmaster minor, huge stat boost and FC reset bursts skills to spam them 24/7)** except IH which is backbone of entire MIRAGE elite spec. Anet making fun of mirage "EM being defensive option", throw at us "Dune cloak" being worse version of MINOR warrior trait that casually crit 6k unblockable damage and give might (and more evades and sustain with MMR trait lul) and we have to trait it as grandmaster trait, still making fun of mesmer players even with dune cloak :D

    **But its probably intended for mesmer to have double tradeoff for nothing in return**

  16. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > > > > People will never stop complaining about ranger. People even complain about druid still and nobody plays the elite spec.

    > > > >

    > > > > "Most of the nerfs affected PvE holo more than they affected PvP holo. PvE builds relied upon Photonic Blasting Module as part of their rotation, which means intentionally overheating."

    > > > >

    > > > > Are utilities a part of holo rotation in PvE for damage? I didn't think they were but could be wrong.

    > > >

    > > > Toolbelt skills have always been a part of engineer DPS rotations in PvE. The nerf to overheating means we no longer have access to a significant part of our DPS after overheating in PBM. The meta builds for PvE saw us lose about 4-5k DPS, and we're now lower than power reapers.

    > > They didnt lose 4-5k dps.

    > > Holo had around~33k dps. You still can get ~31k dps with it.


    > That's an entirely different build. Uses ECSU, sword and pistol, and has to micromanage heat for optimal output. That's not a viable option in a real raid.

    Had seen guy on YT recorded 30k dps and he left in description can get slightly more than 30k (ok,not 31k xD) but didnt want to try, still used PBM. Still not 4-5k dps loss, tried to do fractals just to see how bad it is, still do way more damage than ppl in 250kps runs , dont do raids for a long time.

    Wait, why SC would post an unviable (=/= good pick) build in raid section ? You know more than they are? :D

  17. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

    > > People will never stop complaining about ranger. People even complain about druid still and nobody plays the elite spec.

    > >

    > > "Most of the nerfs affected PvE holo more than they affected PvP holo. PvE builds relied upon Photonic Blasting Module as part of their rotation, which means intentionally overheating."

    > >

    > > Are utilities a part of holo rotation in PvE for damage? I didn't think they were but could be wrong.


    > Toolbelt skills have always been a part of engineer DPS rotations in PvE. The nerf to overheating means we no longer have access to a significant part of our DPS after overheating in PBM. The meta builds for PvE saw us lose about 4-5k DPS, and we're now lower than power reapers.

    They didnt lose 4-5k dps.

    Holo had around~33k dps. You still can get ~31k dps with it.

  18. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > Rifle is good at control, but not damage in most situations. If you compare the different engineer weapons on a DPS meter, they're all objectively lower than most other classes' MH weapon DPS. During HoT days, this was a particular problem because projectile reflection/destruction was so rampant.

    > > That what you are missing now is that holo can run around with 20-25 mights/quickness and other boons while most other classes cant, you know, cant ignore these autos that comes at me with quickness and forcing my evades unless I'm willing to die very fast. Also it has good burst in close range, cant say it does do damage.

    > > Your scrapper was main offender at "projectile reflection/destruction" iirc


    > 20-25 might requires a build specialized to do that that (IE ECSU), or an enemy who is careless with their condi application (Specifically torment and weakness). Conversion builds can churn out 25 might if an enemy keeps applying torment or weakness -- that's the fault of their opponent though, engis don't choose which condition to convert. Otherwise might will generally hover between 5-15 depending on skills used and what procs:


    > * Corona burst can put out 5 might consistently

    > * Elixir U + HGH puts out another 2 might

    > * You could also use Elixir S for might, but that's kind of a waste of the skill. Throw elixir S is valid, so another 2 might there.

    > * Sigil of strength can add might periodically.

    > * Rune of Leadership can theoretically convert torment and weakness into 6 might, assuming it procs on those two.


    > Quickness is a different matter, that's a question of kinetic battery and elixir U.


    > ---------


    > There were other offenders with projectile reflection/destruction too, but yeah, scrapper was part of the problem. Engineer weapons have always been in an awkward spot with regards to projectiles, because all of our ranged weapons are projectiles, and the majority of our weapons are ranged.


    > -------


    > Regardless, this is all irrelevant to the OP's idea.

    We alrdy had that convo somewhere else and been proved that its not a problem for an engineer to generage that in combat and had a link to Thisjken stream as a proof, no need to start it all over again.

    This thread is a joke and its weird to see some ppl agree... forums smh

  19. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > Problem that "the only stealth" overshadowing every other "group stealth" utility by a long shot, **especially not even occupying an utility slot but a toolbelt** with ridiculously low cooldown, thats allow not only blast billion time turrets but also have an opening on you after that.

    > > >

    > > > Not to disagree with you that such a nerf would be pointless, but I do want to point out the bold for two reasons:

    > > >

    > > > 1. Toolbelts are determined by the utility slot. So in a sense, it is occupying a utility slot. Engi build design relies upon thinking about the toolbelt for each utility slot.

    > > > 2. The toolbelt is (one of) the stated reasons why engineer doesn't have a weapon swap, and also why we have crappy MH weapons.

    > >

    > >

    > > 5 seconds 45s cool down base and 6 second duration 31s cool down traited has always been wildly out of line. That's elite skill levels of stealth right there.

    > >

    > > Should really just go down to 2s base. It'd still be worth taking. You can still make plays like prevent stomps, disengage, get tons of value from your healing skill, take a burst on some one. Just not all of them in the span of one stealth.


    > I'm not opposed to adjusting the numbers on throw elixir S. I think 3s is fair, since it is the only on-demand stealth for core engi/holo. I'm just saying that it is not a "free" utility skill as was suggested.

    I'm all for 3s as well. Have I said it was free? Dont think so.


    > Rifle is good at control, but not damage in most situations. If you compare the different engineer weapons on a DPS meter, they're all objectively lower than most other classes' MH weapon DPS. During HoT days, this was a particular problem because projectile reflection/destruction was so rampant.

    That what you are missing now is that holo can run around with 20-25 mights/quickness and other boons while most other classes cant, you know, cant ignore these autos that comes at me with quickness and forcing my evades unless I'm willing to die very fast. Also it has good burst in close range, cant say it does do damage.

    Your scrapper was main offender at "projectile reflection/destruction" iirc

  20. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > I get that mirage is S tier.


    > Is core necro really better than scourge?

    > So do we have guard, thief and necro as playable cores?

    Soon enough core memser will be the only way to play the mesmer... soon TM

    I think @"dDuff.3860" is more accurate. Tho he put core s/d in S tier and explained why or s/d thief loses to cmirage?

    Can we get "Complete garbage" tier for memes?

  21. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > I am still confused about Condi Thief being Meta, let alone S Tier now

    Pretty funny how this build rise from the dead, few buffs there and there and its alrdy here... Single dodge applies 4 different conditions, add to it immob from sword, super yikes that you cant dodge. I'm not surprised tbh, we will see how long this would lasts

  22. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > Problem that "the only stealth" overshadowing every other "group stealth" utility by a long shot, **especially not even occupying an utility slot but a toolbelt** with ridiculously low cooldown, thats allow not only blast billion time turrets but also have an opening on you after that.


    > Not to disagree with you that such a nerf would be pointless, but I do want to point out the bold for two reasons:


    > 1. Toolbelts are determined by the utility slot. So in a sense, it is occupying a utility slot. When it comes to build design, engineers must pick their utility slots with toolbelt in mind.

    We both know its comes in a package with a nice breakstun-invul utility, hardly can tell "but im taking bad utility just for stealth" when other classes can proudly say so, hence why they arent taking them.

    > 2. The toolbelt is the stated reason why engineer doesn't have a weapon swap, and also why we have crappy MH weapons.

    I thought you said in other thread it was kits?

    Rifle is very good imo, pistol definitely feels kinda underwhelming (condi weapon, who would guess its sucks). Engineer feels like they lack weapon arsenal that they can choose from, having an extra core weapon would be useful to have choices. Probably they made it like that to force engis into kits but still kits feels pretty bad PvP.

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