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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > > > > it seems like Anet have a reluctancy to nerf it HARD to the point of unplayable like what happened to other classes, it's their most unique class they ever came up with

    > > > > > * remove the ability of mirage to use mirage cloak, it's way too powerful compared to the conventional dodge, they already have plenty of extremely useful utilities

    > > > > > * cutdown the damage potential of staff, it just feels so brain dead to play

    > > > >

    > > > > 1 - MC was already nerfed hard:

    > > > > Vigor uptime got nerfed to the point mes is now one of the professions with the least vigor uptime on game.

    > > > > MC got cut down by 0.25sec which means all ambushes and most attacks aren't covered by dodge, taking out the whole mirage mechanic.

    > > > > There's not a single main profession mechanic that was destroyed this way. It's the equivalent of ANet saying " now that necros are used to play with shroud we decided to cut life force by half, all life force granted by skills cut by half too and we duplicated the life force degen, have fun!", "now that eles are used to elemental attunement we decided to up the elemental cd by +half. Have fun!", "now that thieves are used to the initiative system we decided to halve the initiative, have fun!", and so on.

    > > > >

    > > > > 2 - staff is a defensive weapon, apart from ambush pressure, staff damage is low.

    > > >

    > > > its mostly just recent that mirages take CI and pistol, but with BD you still get easy 80%+ vigor up time - which is more like one of highest vigor uptimes.

    > > > in addition i think MC isn't trashed enough yet, as long as you can still dodge while hard cc'd

    > > > the duration of MC is less relevant for your own attacks, but more for your opponent's attacks (its duration). I don't think it was ever fair that you could accidentally dodge stuff because MC was so long.

    > > >

    > >

    > > yar~ agree, how is that a 'got nerfed hard?' all it it was bring it more in-line with regular dodge's duration

    > >

    > > the least Anet should do is remove able to MC out of a hard CC

    > >

    > > and Infinite Horizon is rediculously strong, there is absolute no reason why any mirage would pick any other 2 traits


    > I'll answer to both at the same time.

    > When you've 1 1/2 ambush cast time and 3/4sec in axe's case (2 ammo) who are clearly done in a way they demand being covered by dodge and dodge time is 0.75, it means you'll be doing 1sec animation in ambushes outside the dodge and you need to waste 2 dodges to cover the axe animation.

    > And all this contradicts the entire mirage design (attack while dodging). This mechanic no longer exists.

    > I already gave example of what would be similar nerfs to other professions main mechanics.


    > And again if ANet removed the while stunned mc, mc would be nothing but a worst dodge, you only cover the same distance as a dodge forward, not sideways not backwards.


    > No reason to use the other two because they are trash, EM is the only trait in the game that was smiter's booned, in other words, the only trait on game that if you pick it up you'll be crippling yourself.

    > The other one is useless since the game released.

    > IH is strong yeah, that's what all grandmasters are supposed to be, plus only IH condi (except scepter) ambushes and sword interrupt are something to talk about, all other ambushes are meh at best.

    Also to bring down "mirage" evasion instead of nerfing 1s to 0.75s if this was their initial intention they nerfed entire core mesmer just to nerf dodge duration later without reverting this rofl-tier nerfs that cripple entire class, not just mirage.The same goes for "we nerf mirage burst", nerf interrupt trait... leave all condi burst damage there... then nerf axe raw power damage... then tell us mirage should be fine in long combat engagement with nerfing its active defenses ...

  2. > @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

    > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.


    > Teef: at least we can play 2 Builds in ranked S/D - D/P


    > Anet: Here u have "SWIPE"


    > Teef: at least we can play 1 build in rank S/D


    > Anet: lets see, patch is incomming


    > Teef: oh no please stop it ...


    > True could be worse...


    > Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"

    Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /s

    The last season reaper player finished as top3 with 800 games nonstop playing, not just sitting it out as many does.

    Even core guardian CAN be played in ranked as last season top14 is a core guard main, point is... what cant be played in ranked ?


    >> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.

    > I can't even understand what you're saying. No balance. But then balance not content.

    He meant : he bet 50g next patch is not going to be a PvP balance patch, but content update like some PvE fixed, some PvE additions, gemstore stuff. Not real PvP focused balance patch. 20g for translation

  3. > @"Mikkel.8427" said:

    > You're not going to find any support here.


    > 1) Necro is an extremely popular profession. There is no end to the number of people that will defend Necro when its overperforming.

    > 2) Long-time Necro mains have PTSD from not getting invited to dungeons 4+ years ago. So, even a whisper of a nerf sends them into panic.

    > 3) Most people judge a class by its dueling potential. Since Necromancers almost never build for dueling, most people are left with the impression that Necro is a "free lunch".

    > 4) Necro is (and has almost always been) a meta-defining asset in PvP and WvW. The natural response is to endlessly nerf the professions that counter it (obviously).

    So much this

  4. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > People have finally gotten wise to Chaotic Interruption Condi, eh?

    > >

    > > I T B E G I N S


    > It's just that one mixture. Like seriously, otherwise Mesmer is fine right now.

    > People need to be careful how much they complain about this one, or nerfs gonna get tossed in wrong places.

    > I don't even know if nerfing is the right term to use. Like Soulbeast, I feel there needs to be alterations with Mantra functions, not so much nerfs.

    And you said completely opposite thing in another thread - calling for nerfs on mantra that is not the issue. Why you contradicting yourself?

    Do you remember how you and your knowledgable community called nerfs on mirage that never solved the real issue (dodge in cc)? With the amount of nerfs happened if they actually fix the issue with entire mirage elite spec, without reverting its nerfs like vigor/duration dodge/sw2/axe, its going to be renegade two.

  5. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > >Like the ammo recharge should go down to 15 seconds on recharge and the full mantra cooldown should be 40 seconds on recharge.

    > > 40 seconds ?!?!?!?! To save ths aids immob proc? Are you okay there?

    > > > Mantra of Daze and Mantra of Pain should probably be turned into Projectiles with travel time as well, just to add some counterplay to the abilities.

    > > Yes, sure, why bother interrupting close to instant skills, lets just make it slow moving projectile and make it 3 time worse than distracting daggers that has inbuild power block, 3 charges recharging automatically, you are genius ! /s


    > I get plenty of interrupts with Magic Bullet and it's a projectile. Right now Mantra of Daze is being run at nearly 100% usage rate on both Power and Condi mesmers. And on NA at least in plat 2 Mesmers are making up 2-4 most games. Heck, I have had extremely close games where the enemy team was literally three Chaotic Interruption mesmers.

    It being ran 100% because CI on condi mirage with maximum condi duration makes it 3 seconds, you have to stay stationary and take this phantasmal duelist with over ~16 bleeds from 1 skill that delete 50% of your health alone, just as other damage sources.

    Mesmer is currently running low on useful utilities. Trying to save CI through nerfing even more utilities like they did with chronophantasma post phantasm rework, instead of keep them usable they prefer to nerf phantasms first,then nerf the trait, is that what you want? So its best in slot for power mesmer as it work with power block (interrupt key abilities for long cooldown while damage is abysmal) or lost time that start to do damage and F3 has insane long cooldown.

    Just put 1 second internal cooldown on LT(because bunch of CC thrown at once wont be a burst damage but proc small damage and slow), replace 100% immob on another control condition - chill. (blind is on ineptitude, weakness is on power block, cripple is on GS traits)

    > Mantra of Distraction might not need a projectile, but Mantra of Pain absolutely does. Instant cast damage like that should simply not be a thing in the game. Mantra of Distraction with Power Block still results in instant cast damage.

    > It's not that Chaotic Interruption as a trait needs to be saved. It's that I agree that mantras right now are too spammy. I call em like I see em. Simple as that.

    CI have no rights to preserve its immobilize effect. You can solve the issues without making yet another dead utilities that mesmer has more than enough. I suggested two above.

    About RNG... There is absolutely no place for luck when its comes to competitive game modes, no one should win or lose because of RNG.

  6. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > >

    > > > > 1. Imagine if Judge's Intervention was given a 2s knockdown.

    > > > > 2. What if Spellbreaker Full Counter had no animation at all, and was an instant cast skill that could be used at the same time the Spellbreaker was taking other actions?

    > > > > 3. What if One Wolf Pack on a Soulbeast additionally laid down a 1/2 second daze on each additional strike from the One Wolf Pack?

    > > > > 4. Headshot on a Thief was made no animation no cast time, and can be used at any time while the Thief is taking other actions.

    > > > > 5. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oppressive_Collapse on Scourge was made a 3 ammo skill and turned into a no-animation no cast time skill.

    > > > > 6. ect.. ect..

    > > > >

    > > > > At any rate, it's good to see Mirage back into the fray, but that Mantra of Distraction needs attention. It's the main culprit of the problem here, due to how it has little to no counter play options against it.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > 1. You compare a single utility skill with a single utiltiy skill + major grandmaster trait. Doesn't make sense. You have to give Mantra of Distraction the immobilize into the skill itself to make it the same in terms of balance. Mantra of Distraction is not a lock down cc like a knock down, it is only a daze, you can dodge every follow up. That is why Mantra can be instant but a hard cc like knock down should never be instant. The problem you build up here is giving an instant lock down. This only is the case with the trait CI which turns Mantra into an instant lock down skill. Means nerf CI and not Mantra. Also you need to remove the power and condi dmg, the stunbreak and the teleport if you want it to be a range instant daze equal to Mantra.

    > > > 2. Interclass comparisions don't always make sense. There is a reason current Warrior specs neither have a Mantra of Distraction nor stealth or teleports. The same reason a Chrono cannot dodge while hard cced. But ok take away the dmg, the dmg absorbtion, the unblockable ability, the stability and make it an instant aoe daze. Would not even mind that (but as Warrior i would hate that trade off tbh).

    > > > 3. Same as for No. 2. This interclass comparision doesn't make sense. This one also is passive not active. Completely senseless comparision.

    > > > 4. Same as for Warrior some interclass comparisions just don't make sense, Thief has completely different class mechanic and strengths than mesmer. It is not supposed to have a comparable interrupt build like mesmer, a class that highly depends on combine instand skills with no instant skills for combos. Also the thief utility near to Mantra of Distraction (what makes a bit more sense to compare) has the Power Block trait included into the skill already and can be used almost as often as Mantra of Distraction (for that it is only single target and less range).

    > > > 5. Mantra has only 2 not 3 ammo charges. The torchskill includes a lock down not only a daze. You again describe a problem we only get when using Mantra +Ci and not Mantra alone or with only Power Block. To make it into something you could compare to mantra you also need to delete everything else this skill has to offer except the instant daze.

    > > >

    > > > Your problem is the CI trait and not Mantra of Distraction. I find it hard to argue with ppl don't even know what they talk about and comparing apples with oranges, without getting angry when thinking about that these are most likely the ppl Anet maybe listen to in the end...

    > > >

    > > > And as an advice because you seems to not know about that, let me copy pasta my list of counterplay to Mantra (not CI, only Mantra):

    > > >

    > > > You have counterplay like disengage/ kiting out of range (having blink cd in mind), los, stabi, aegis, blinds, invuln, blocks during you can cast other stuff (Ele, Engi, Guard...), stealth and so on to cover skills you don't want to get interrupted. You also know when Mesmer just used one charge you have 4 seconds Mantra free time, or 12 secs after 2 uses, you also can bait Mantra uses by stowing bigger animations.

    > > > L2p issue 1000%. I hope that will help you.

    > >

    > > lol that's a strong strawman technique right there.

    > >

    > > Let me go ahead and clear up the bogus misdirection you've created on my comments:

    > >

    > > I understand and meant everything that I said. I believe the problem lies only within the core mechanics of Mantra of Distraction, and how it has scaled in utility alongside of the power creep. What I don't understand is how a person could even feasibly argue that this build is not using "lock down" techniques, lol. I actually laughed out loud for real when I read that you had said that. As far as nerfing CI, I believe it would be one way to nerf Mantra of Distraction, but it would be aiming a bit out of the court in terms of where the problem really is at, which is an on demand instant cast ranged CC that has absolutely no tells for counter play. In higher tiers of play, instant cast interrupts are AMAZINGLY powerful. More skilled players who wield such mechanics are able to interrupt heal skills almost every time, or some otherwise crucial skill that the opponent must be able to use or he will surely lose the match up.

    > >

    > > Don't worry boys, I'm not asking for Mirage to be nerfed into the ground here. I'm simply pointing out that as we see more power creep, we will also see how chain CCs become more powerful. With the current state of balance, a Mirage with Mantra of Distraction could follow 1 Herald, and with only those 2 dazes if they are well placed, the Mirage could allow the Herald to repeatedly get 6s kills or less throughout the entire match. Those 2 dazes alone during an assist are over powered in terms of utility granted, and that is because the Mirage doesn't need to chase you in melee to use it, he doesn't need to rear his arm back and throw an F1 spear of justice like a DH, displaying animations that can be dodged, he doesn't fumble a Ranger LB #4 due to anti projectile bubbles. Nope, he simply takes a target, carefully watches the opponent status bar, and hits when the time is right. And it will hit.


    > Ok stay helpless then and think Mantra of Distraction has no counterplay when i just mentioned tons. It is even one of the utilties with the most counterplay. Only CI creates the instant lock down not Mantra alone (Mantra alone is not a lock down, you can dodge every follow up). If you don't even get that simple difference it is pointless to argue. I know i am not the first person get the epiphany that talking to you is somehow pointless most of the time. I don't care if all classes get nerfed into the ground but i hate when classes get dumbed down because some random ppl have no clue how the game or the class works or are simply bad and waste more time in forums claiming wrong stuff, compare apples with oranges instead just l2p. All your examples are pointless, completely senseless and you don't even get what causes unbalance and low skillfloor/ceilling gameplay on mesmer atm and i explained very well why. Feels like you didn't understand anything i said.

    Damn that sounds like Eminem - Killshot, I just witnessed a murder !

    @"Trevor Boyer.6524" and his "knowledable community" strats to nerf mesmer AGAIN through nering it in wrong place. Tell me arent you tired yourself ?

    That would be exactly same dumb as I would make random rant about every ranger ability and come to a "conclusion" every skill is broken and need about 90% cooldown increase and make half of utilities that ranger has utter garbage and half of its traitlines as well.

  7. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:


    > > You brought up s/d thief which doesnt have any addition traitlines-


    > S/D Daredevil.

    Why you even POST if you dont follow the conversation? Why wouldnt you RE-read what he spoke about ? No, why bother,read latest without understanding the rest ?

    > > Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. LOL.


    > [There is a blue glow on vault to differentiate it from bound.](

    "There is a blue glow on vault to differentiate it from bound.")

    > Also, Vault can be interrupted at the tail end.

    I know its can be interrupted somewhere at the very end. He pretend it to be interruptable when blue glow is gone which is not true, all skills by default have blue glow and its not an indicator : CC ME .

    > > The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.

    > Nobody says that. The arguments that people usually try to frame as the above focus on illusion visual spam, like the prenerfed Chrono, the fact that Mirage can force target drops or that they can evade while stunned, because people do not specifically say these things but based on the context of their argument clearly intend them.

    Every single "target drop" was nerfed to the ground and not taken anymore just as AneD nerfed mirage that much that evade in stun is mandatory. If you look at their comments they get lost in clones and 1 of their solid arguments : you have clones, thats unfair.

    > I don't feel like arguing with you, I'm tired. If you have any particular retort that's fine but at the very least realize vault has a specific color in its anim.

    You also have to realize that this blue glow present on EVERY animation of DrD ONLY if you have high-medium animation(and may be high settings overall) which I(and apparently many other players for obvious reasons as they want LESS flashy animations on their screen, not more) dont use and keep all settings average-minimum and you cant expect everyone to run at highest. I could make the video and you will not see any glow but you can tinker with your settings to see it yourself. It doesnt make me wrong either

    If you dont read entire conversation and why its started why you even bother respond to me? May be you want to argue that people shouldnt have their opinion as well?

    >The people talking about skills being interruptible and telegraphed are pointing that out because, if you find that mechanic unfun, you can do something to stop it from being effective against you by being a little observant. They're taking it for granted that "unfun" means "a mechanic that you cannot find a way to counter or adequately respond to in an active way" when it comes to the particular skills.

    If you think people cant find some things annoying regardless of amount of the "counterplay" you are delusional. Like seriously, I dont even said that is my problem, I was annoyed to see him put his "2 cents" everywhere he could "I CANT BELIEVE YOU STRUGGLE WITH EVADE-STAFF THIEF ITS JUST CANNOT BE !!1111".

  8. > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > > It's people like me that are trying to make PvP a more skilled and engaging environment and not a spamfest.

    > > And thats comes from biased REV main defending it in every thread about revs, trying to downplay their strength...?

    > > Out of ALL META braindead unskilled spammers you complain only about the mesmer... literally begging to nerf rev counter, clearly not biased /s while holo and rampagemain and the main duo that dominate every competitive mode since PoF release its fine, lmao


    > Every class counters rev in 1v1, rev isn't a 1v1 class it's a teamfighter

    Thats why Pain kept a capped point in 1x1 against tramadex on PURE 1x1 strenght rampage spellbreaker and killed him? Cant 1x1 ?! Teamfighter? He cant outnumber/roam now too?

    > Also I can literally say the same about you because everywhere I've seen you you've been defending Mesmer so what does that say about you?

    I defend its from misinformation and exaggerations, I'm one of these mesmer mains that want to see chaos interrupt burn

    > Also Rev is one of the hardest classes to play and one of the most engaging and skillfull, all experienced players agree with this. Sorry that I want your no brain spam buttons class to be balanced mate, go cry somewhere else



  9. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > There is no arguing possible because Vault is not **it simply IS NOT** in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

    > > > > > > > > Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault **twice** before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.

    > > > > > > > I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.

    > > > > > > > It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.

    > > > > > > The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.

    > > > > > > Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?

    > > > > > > All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.

    > > > > > > Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.

    > > > > > Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this _"its not true for X but is true for Thief"_ BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.

    > > > > What blue glow? kitten? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.

    > > >

    > > > So you don't even know Vault has massive blue aura glowing around Thief to indicate when to interrupt it and a different animation on top of that?

    > > > Cool now I see why you think its annoying since you dont even know kitten is going on.

    > > Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. Even if it would be there, there wasnt too many vault thieves in my life :joy:

    > > Are you struggle to read? Its more about evade uptime rather than just VAULT.

    > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:.

    > > > > Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime.

    > > >

    > > > Of course not, because why count in something that 70% of the time recharges skills that are not even on Thief's toolbar.

    > > > Not to mention that person didn't include Distortion for Mirage which is up to 4 sec invul which even spawns Mirage Mirrors on use so even moar evade that was not considered.

    > > Trick. Trick. Deception.Signet.Trick = 70% chance to recharge something that is not on thief utility bar??????? There only TRAPS/VENOMS that not on thief bar, what happened to your math boy?


    > In case you don't know _(which you dont because you don't know absolutely anything about Thief)_ DrD adds another line option but you definitely didn't manage to figure that out, you'd know that if you ever touched thief. But then again, those are pure facts and not baseless opinions so you wouldn't know that.


    > It is funny as hell that there is massive blue aura around Thief when using Vault which is **a pure kitten fact** that you can super easily check your self, but your argument is _"i didn't see it so there is none"_ instead of double checking that so you'd finally learn, which caused one of the greatest lols I've ever had on Forums, using your own ignorance as an argument, jesus, not gonna bother any further with this.

    You brought up s/d thief which doesnt have any addition traitlines(your math is still terrible, even with 6 skill types its going to be 3/6 aka 50%, even if I would take DRD and replace trick utility with bandit defense its going to be 4/6 aka 66.6% to recharge something), your facts are baseless bs (that blue glow LOL) and you accuse me in another BS... No words :joy:

    I edited my post but sure I will copy it for you once more :

    Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. LOL. I just log in on thief to spam vault and to figure out what MASSIVE BLUE AURA GLOWING AROUND THIEF to found...NONE.... Even asked people in mapchat and few thief players.... They thought im crazy LOL. So thats you who talking some high quality BS ...


    I never said I personally struggle with daredevil but its highly annoying. S/d thief is like 10 times more annoying to me... I think I have deja vu ...

    Ignorance? Having a conversation with biased triggered thief mains = pure ignorance :D

  10. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > There is no arguing possible because Vault is not **it simply IS NOT** in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

    > > > > > > Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault **twice** before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.

    > > > > > I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.

    > > > > > It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.

    > > > > The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.

    > > > > Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?

    > > > > All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.

    > > > > Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

    > > >

    > > > Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.

    > > > Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this _"its not true for X but is true for Thief"_ BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.

    > > What blue glow? kitten? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.


    > So you don't even know Vault has massive blue aura glowing around Thief to indicate when to interrupt it and a different animation on top of that?

    > Cool now I see why you think its annoying since you dont even know kitten is going on.

    Never seen any MASSIVE BLUE AURA on vaults, ever. LOL. I just log in on thief to spam vault and to figure out what MASSIVE BLUE AURA GLOWING AROUND THIEF to found...NONE.... Even asked people in mapchat and few thief players.... They thought im crazy LOL. So thats you who talking some high quality BS ...

    Are you struggle to read? Its more about evade uptime rather than just VAULT.

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:.

    > > Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime.


    > Of course not, because why count in something that 70% of the time recharges skills that are not even on Thief's toolbar.

    > Not to mention that person didn't include Distortion for Mirage which is up to 4 sec invul which even spawns Mirage Mirrors on use so even moar evade that was not considered.

    Trick. Trick. Deception.Signet.Trick = 70% chance to recharge something that is not on thief utility bar??????? There only TRAPS/VENOMS that not on thief bar, what happened to your math boy?

    > Anyway, I am not gonna drag Mirage in to it any longer as there's plenty threads for that, too much off topic.

    Yes, enough threads of pure bs and exaggeration and random complaints that doesnt hit the root of the issue(and just people hate towards clones lol). Then you shouldnt bring an example from the ancient times :)

  11. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > There is no arguing possible because Vault is not **it simply IS NOT** in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

    > > > > Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

    > > >

    > > > In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault **twice** before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.

    > > > I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.

    > > > It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.

    > > The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.

    > > Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?

    > > All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.

    > > Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.


    > Not only Bound has a different animation it even doesn't have the obvious blue glow aura to be even further differentiated from Vault.

    > Highest evade in game belongs to S/D Thief not Staff DrD, someone did a spreadsheet on the complete evade time on Mirage, Thief and Weaver, that person didn't count in the auto-evade on Mirage mirrors when using stuff like Heal and it turns out Mirage had like 0.4 sec lower evade uptime than Thief, so don't bring this _"its not true for X but is true for Thief"_ BS because same as most other stuff, it simply is not true.

    What blue glow? wtf? Blue glow happens on healing skill, vault and bound almost look the same except vault jumps slightly higher than bound.

    This calculations were when vigor was unnerfed and MC was 1s. It was between weaver, s/d thief and mirage (idk what weapons he had it was kinda long ago). He didnt count or tried to do it for staff daredevil. Also that person forgot to include improved vigor in his calculations + he didnt count possible improvisation recharge for heal/roll/DS recharge which would lead to even further evade uptime. So you are totally wrong and you dont even understand this :joy:

    Why wouldnt I bring this? Mirage is way behind what its ever used to be.

    >Btw: I am "imposing" facts, not opinions. Are you telling me you'd not laugh your kitten off if someone was like "Core ele is annoying!!"? Because that's the case here, about the same impossibility of it.

    Cant you stop being ridiculous? Your opinion will never become a fact, doesnt matter how hard you believe in it.

    If I would say mesmer is not annoying to fight against, because I have fought countless amount of mesmers, that will not make it less annoying for any other player, simple as that. Annoying things are annoying. Especially when its something that you cant hit . Get over it

  12. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    >Like the ammo recharge should go down to 15 seconds on recharge and the full mantra cooldown should be 40 seconds on recharge.

    40 seconds ?!?!?!?! To save ths aids immob proc? Are you okay there?

    > Mantra of Daze and Mantra of Pain should probably be turned into Projectiles with travel time as well, just to add some counterplay to the abilities.

    Yes, sure, why bother interrupting close to instant skills, lets just make it slow moving projectile and make it 3 time worse than distracting daggers that has inbuild power block, 3 charges recharging automatically, you are genius ! /s

    > Also I get the whole randomness is part of the flavor for Chaos themed skills, but randomly pulsing daze on Chaos Storm (Aegis too for that matter) is just too much high value randomness that this game was always trying to get away from.

    Improvisation ?



  13. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

    > > > >

    > > > > There is no arguing possible because Vault is not **it simply IS NOT** in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

    > > Why are you defending this brainless evade spam ? Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.


    > In your universe thief has infinite initiative? We playing different game? DrD can use Vault **twice** before he runs out of Initiative. That a spam? I just dont understand how a gameplay that makes thief get deleted equals being annoying to someone, if thief spams Staff 3 or 5 it is Christmas time.

    > I find it funny how anyone can share their opinion here but I cant cuz I disagree according to you, logic level average forum user.

    > It is people like you who think that Thief can somehow spam skills like Vault even though its complete BS, who most obviously never even played Thief that got Thief chained in to the role its stuck with for almost 7 years now.

    The same way 99% of "average level forum users" clones are OP and impossible to find real memser and have perma of everything despite it not being true.

    Thier has extreme amount of evade, literally highest in the game, acro boosted perma vigor and staff trait gives endurance back when initiative spent, even heal gives evade,utility that gives more intiative and evade, DS(oh also passive invul on 50% as adept tier?) - all that not annoying and makes thief deleted?

    All this bounds looks exact the same as vault and its all more about evade spam rather than just vault exclusively if you dont get it.

    Its your 4rd post where you trying to impose your opinion on stuff that people find annoying for THEM, not YOU.

  14. > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > >

    > > Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

    > >

    > > There is no arguing possible because Vault is not **it simply IS NOT** in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

    Why are you defending this brainless evade spam? Thief main got triggered because he feels his class is in danger?

    Spam vaults, spam evades,spam staff 3 while jumping to abuse evade frames without rolling back while doing damage on top and this is REALLY ANNOYING. OP said its about ANNOYING(not OP) and if you disagree that is annoying keep your opinion to yourself and stop to impose your opinion to everyone.

  15. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > The daze mirage is so infuriating to play against that even if you win you feel like you don't want to play anymore.

    > >

    > > Mesmer is supposed to be annoying to duel anyway (without being overpowered). It's built around that, like how warrior is like a weapon master with mobility (without magic), strength and defenses.

    > >

    > >

    > Thats cool and all but should it make me alt F4 even if beat his kitten and win the game after a slog.

    Well, wont be missed. Better to not have such people that ruin the game with their outcries and defend their broken stuff (warrior need unblockable dodge to be nerfed as well, just as every skill in rampage by 50%).

    >CC on itself is defense on top of the condi cc and the active defenses at least you get to hit warriors (even though Rampage needs cd shave to 135 seconds base and that magic homing rock needs better animation).

    Active defenses was nerfed to the ground and vigor access was trashed across the board for mesmer, even at core level. Warrior can outdodge mesmer even without running any vigor.

    > We have problem with the population and if people just stunlock you till you die no one will stick around. I've seen in multiple other games that they reduced the easy access to ccs to the point where they are only on big abilities or with the requirement of combinations or skill shots, there you think they got you, here you feel like you are just spammed to death. Losing control for long time is not fun and long time here is under 5 seconds.

    > **This whole thing applies to holosmith, warrior in rampage and basically anything that can do raid cc rotation till you die.**

    And then you have biased monkeys defend their broken classes and think its fine because otherwise they know they will be dwelling somewhere in gold-silver. All they can do is complain about other classes they struggle to l2p against.

    As someone mentioned chaos interrupt was a MEME since forever but when its became a thing... you know when memes come true thats a huge indication of a problem, thats mean everything else is so trash so you have to play meme stuff now. The amount of wrong nerfs mesmer recieved is mind boggling, from huge variety of builds its downgraded to MEME interruption and thats all thanks to this "knowledgable community".

    P.S chaos interruption shouldnt immobilize, ,ever.

  16. > @"SaltyDogs.9073" said:

    I reported like 20 bots, I added some other bot players that have 1200 games RIGHT NOW, I was about to make another report but then I realized... some of them had 3200+++++ games last season and I reported them as well, which means they dont care to ban/investigate botting issues. As I said in previous thread,they literally dont CARE

  17. > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > It's people like me that are trying to make PvP a more skilled and engaging environment and not a spamfest.

    And thats comes from biased REV main defending it in every thread about revs, trying to downplay their strength...?

    Out of ALL META braindead unskilled spammers you complain only about the mesmer... literally begging to nerf rev counter, clearly not biased /s while holo and rampagemain and the main duo that dominate every competitive mode since PoF release its fine, lmao

  18. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

    > > Even the devs must realise now that the complaints about Mes are getting ridiculous. This is the most nerfed class already. Read the skill change notes on the class wiki including core traits. It reads like a massacre. They are not going to redesign what makes a Mes a Mes. There are no Mes topping the leaderboards to my knowledge. That says it all. This obsession with trying to turn Mes into a PvE only class is ludicrous and the devs need to stop pandering to this kind of kitten.


    > Account name ckod was rank 12 the other day on Chaotic Interruption on NA. It's doing better than mesmer usually does.

    Chaotic interruption need a nuke from the orbit. Immobilize proc. Thats truly dumb and shouldnt be like that, a lot of bad mesmers suddenly became "so good" at the class with this CI focused builds - bunker chrono,cmirage.

    After this trait would be destroyed mesmer can hope start get buffs(nerf reverts?) and fix power block bug >:(

    Only I see a problem in condition duration amulets ? Everything boiled down to maximum condition duration - Scourge and Mirage are now both in the same boat - maximum condition duration. I always have thought condition duration amulets shouldnt had been introduced.

  19. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

    > > Even the devs must realise now that the complaints about Mes are getting ridiculous. This is the most nerfed class already. Read the skill change notes on the class wiki including core traits. It reads like a massacre. They are not going to redesign what makes a Mes a Mes. There are no Mes topping the leaderboards to my knowledge. That says it all. This obsession with trying to turn Mes into a PvE only class is ludicrous and the devs need to stop pandering to this kind of kitten.


    > Not saying I agree with all the "hysteria" concerning mesmers .....but what you are saying might also indicate just how flawed by design that spec really is.

    > Cause apparently you can just slap whatever traits you want on this class and still concoct some annoying BS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    They cry because mesmer now getting nerfs every patch and they see thats working, why not nag for more nerfs? Because l2p is hard, crying for nerfs is simple. Oh yes, any build that have clones is BS in 2019 (not sarcasm)

    In all this seven years I never seen clone complaints before. They literally running out of thigns they can complant. All is left from the list they can complain are clones .. that dies to 1 autoattack and exaggerate to extremes and try to make it look like its an ultimate nemesis of the mankind slotted with double elite spec and all utilities and both berserk and sage amulet equipped.

    They have their last chance with incoming (hopefully) patch before more people quit, in fact, all good players quit alrdy. But since they favors one certain streamer and listen to his cries("holo isnt broken because holo can beat another holo!") and buff his class istead of nerfs, chances that this will happen about zero.


  20. > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > Killshot core war


    > The one who for half of fight have no adrenaline or takes adrenaline granting utilities and then can't even 1v1 anyone in entire game. And i never seen one hit for +16k in pvp. Well, at least this is a close one.

    So taking utilities for "oneshot" setup is ok? Make build especially for oneshot is ok? Then why its bother you AT ALL if they build for it ? Makes you complaints and thread itself ridiculous

    In fact like 4-5 days ago I did play unranked and it did hit me 19k because I didnt pay attention to literally 1500 range around me (he came from respawn and didnt even hit me to get in combat or get adrenaline) when I'm fighting other people in a teamfight. There is also berserker with MemeDivider and Meme-flame. SPB with meta build can send you on respawn with boulder and dash while wearing demolisher amulet.

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > Churning Earth memes


    > You must be joking....

    It does oneshot easly. Watch that youtuber guy, I cant remember his name cuz i'm not really into eles. Ah right Cellofrag

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > Churning earth memes but better and FA


    > You weren't joking???

    Watch above.

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > DH traps and GS


    > :D :D alright.


    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > Sic Em core

    > :D :D how in the name of the lord, could it do 16k damage in 1 sec or less? :D :D :D

    Maul sic em gazelle CC chain death. Can be done from stealth ez.

    Any engineer can oneshot with "meme barrage". Also Kamikaze holo with overheat bomb.

    Like... why anyone need to prove you wrong because you have no clue what classes are capable of ? What a facepalm.

    What is the most hilarious you are trying to justify warrior oneshots which defeats purpose of your thread, if you even had it...

  21. > @"DigiQWill.6378" said:

    > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > and even with thief you would have a general idea of being stalked.

    > >

    > > How? Don't just say that you see invisible enemies, share how you see them. Do you use some sorts of hacks or something, because no other player in here seems to know the trick you are using to see invisible enemies.

    > >

    > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > While on point there is more than enough distance for you notice a target approaching.

    > >

    > > Oh, so you one of those people who don't know that mesmer can teleport around. That explains a lot.

    > >

    > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > Sorry, but no good player finds it “impossible” to dodge stealth attacks. The game gives you enough tools to discern for yourself.

    > >

    > > Yeah, pro player like you, who see invisible enemies despite the fact that you don't even know that mesmer can teleport, can dodge attacks from stealth. Teach us, master.


    > Actually, excepted for pure stealth nuke builds (with over 10 seconds of stacked stealth) you can usually see them stealthing up. I.e., a one-shot chrono using only The Prestige has the "poof" audio effect that is easy to recognize, after which you just dodge after 2 and a half seconds (approx). Things like perma stealth Deadeye that can one shot you though is very hard to counter, especially if they are using DP, where they can stealth upwards 15 seconds after maxing their Malice stacks and then just wait for an opportunity to 20k backstab. (Dang I am giving myself some intentions to play that now lol).

    Small correction : they dont need any malice to oneshot you while deny your ability to evade with a THREE seconds knockdown and 2 seconds of immobilize, just dodge4head (4.4k invisible ranged bullcharge + 17.500 DJ, MB would hit even more). Stealthed targets take solid second to render so even even then I see this laser post factum after I alrdy took the hit (I have 50-60 ping btw, not 200). There was some youtube video where guy took 20k oneshot on wvw, thief used anti-reveal elite and guess what? It looked like nothing has killed him (literally not even rendered except elite stealth animation), there was some smoke animation, and stomped him.

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