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Everything posted by Oxstar.7643

  1. To summarize this as quickly as possible: They will never make the completion of the maps significantly easier by introducing power completion just because you don't want to wait for your friends. Also, with all due respect, isn't waiting for them the not selfish thing to do?
  2. Pretty much. A combat mech to pilot and kick butt in. This is actually a pretty classic concept and people still like it. I'm not against something more creative. But I'm banking on a classic concept with plenty of inspiration to draw on rather than a much more original concept that has a much higher chance to fail.
  3. I... went with the last option. Sorry, but having a big metal pal is just a big engineer fantasy. The things we create are supposed to be our strength after all. Engineers do not use magic. And they lack the training of warriors, thieves, and rangers. BUT! They have a lot of tools and creative minds. That should be the core strength. So, golem lends itself very well to this =)
  4. The lava fonts in ember bay burns. The ones in mount maelstrom doesn't. I think ANet wised up to the idea that slowing certain things to a crawl for condition builds didn't make much sense, but haven't touched the base game in eight years.
  5. > @"MokahTGS.7850" said: > > @"Oxstar.7643" said: > > *sip* > > This thread just keeps going don't it. > > Actually, with someone pointing out the custom soundtrack options GW2 has (which I had no idea was a thing) this has become one of the most useful threads on this forum in the last 5 years. Look at what we've done together. Beautiful =)
  6. > @"Avatar.3568" said: > > @"Astyrah.4015" said: > > > @"Davidm.2419" said: > > > Do you think guild wars 2 will be on playstation 4 and nintendo switch > > > > switch? unlikely. ps4? not likely either (unlikely because they'll need to rewrite the engine and optimise it for the ps4) > > > > GW2 for the new xbox and ps5? unlikely as well unless arenanet wants to invest on out-sourcing a company to do the porting to console. hardware-wise the new xb and ps5 probably outperforms the typical super-budget/entry level gaming pc setup > > I bet it wouldn't be that hard, both have a x86 CPU, bundle the game with the dx12 proxy and than you only need to add proper controller support Switch is a much weaker console than ps4, owing to its handheld nature. That's why, for instance, there is no monster hunter world on it. Too big. In a similar vein, I'm unsure how well consoles would handle this game. It's not a small one, after all. And even if its possible, I do not, not, NOT!!! not - want this game to suddenly be limited in development because it "has to work for consoles" or updates to take longer due to "multi platform development".
  7. Festivals are about fun, not profit. While you should absolutely be able to do both, if all you care about is making gold then you're missing the spirit of it. That said, I too am displeased with the festival, but for different reasons.
  8. Here's my engie girl ![](https://i.imgur.com/D4qGY9j.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/I0VcWnY.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/TWAqWcM.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/0ew7wZj.jpg "") and one before she went all red.
  9. Personally I find having 600 range on spammable 1 in holo pretty useful. That and getting into high overheat faster is sometimes good since it means more healing. I'd call it a more defensive config, which fits me fine. Love the build in general tho, very good.
  10. I think ANet, and indeed many of the players, need to realize that gorgerous gear is not in how flashy it is but how well it fulfills the fatasy of the class you play. Picture, if you will, a warrior. His chest plate is reinforced to prevent armor piercing. His helmet has a visor with small spikes on it to prevent enemies from wrestling him down. His legs are rounded at the knees to make arrows slide off. His boots are simple yet elegant, with ribbed soles to get a better grip on the ground. His shoulders are simple, yet a square of metal on both sides, emblazoned with the banner of his home town. He is an imposing figure, for although you can tell he have seen battle, he keeps his gear so well maintained that it shines as he walks. His sword is well balanced, practical, a tool made to kill, with a slight curve at the top for cutting power, yet with a vicious point to it. It is made of the best steel, and it has, like him, seen battle. It's stained with the blood of his enemies. This, to me, truly fulfills a class fantasy. It is infinetly better than "lol, gear with super glowy bits and huge fire sword". There are times when I swear ANet are becoming the michael bay of MMORPG's - I think they should focus less money on bling and more on the content.
  11. GW2 has done many things that are different. When it came out, the idea of things like having a dodge roll, weapon swaps, and the abolition of the holy trinity of classes was groundbreaking sned sent ripples through the gaming world. That it haven't grown into a titan is wholly due to what ANet did with it and how they handled what they had. That and marketing. Point being - while GW2 is not like many other MMORPG's and uses that as its core strength, SOME things just are synonymous with gamers. Suck as wanting a bit of bling. Something to show their hard work. Or their wallet I suppose. Which is all well and good, fashion is as much a thing here as in real life. But... BUT. When you go around in short pants with a peace of the night sky on them and massive angel wings with a sword that drips ooze and swirl with void-y blackj colors... then that is not fashion to me. That just tells me you want to be noticed. Noticed for your appearance. Well, that will not make me remember you. It might make me remember what I saw, but I won't remember YOU, person who wore it. But. If you are a noticable player, be if for your personality, your controbutions, or how you play, then I might remember you. Heck, I might even try to find you again. A good person is always worth finding. A suit of flash armor is just that - flashy.
  12. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said: > > @"Oxstar.7643" said: > > Yes, that's what OPINIONS are. > Your 'opinion' boils down to artificially generating BS outrage to [checks notes]... get triggered at video game music. This is why I used the term 'fabricate'. This is textbook keyboard warrior behavior. What you ought to do instead is 1) Get over it 2) Get over yourself > What are you even talking about? Like I made crystal clear, it's JUST ME. That is why the "pet" part is there. Then you come and tell me it's BS, like I have to pass your criteria? I really don't get you. Also, what's with the "keyboard warrior" remark? You're the one coming at me dude. All that aside, thanks everyone for letting me know about the playlist. Very cool.
  13. That is still an epic for the ages. Keep rolling, brother!
  14. I'm not a fan of overly flashy weapons. I prefer them with grounded and practical looks. That said, what I reacted to was how much shorter the sword becomes when you preview it. It just scales down by a lot. Not sure why.
  15. The icebrood saga IS focused on the Norn... you go up north to their old homelands, talk with the spirits of the wild, go through trials, and learn the fate of the Norn who foilowed Braham north after he cracked the tooth. Focusing on doesn't mean being the ONLY focus. And regardless, there is clearly some level of interest into learning more about the lesser races. I've even seen some people who wants to play as them. Like I said - it isn't on their top priority now and it likely won't ever be, but it's still a chance to them to create more stories that people actually want.
  16. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > But don’t give them the satisfaction of thinking they got under your skin. If I'm being honest... you're kinda replying to people with a sort of passive aggressiveness that makes it look like you might be someone who WANTS to get under peoples skin. It's all good to have a civlized debate about social behaviour, but maybe dial back the frustration a bit?
  17. I doubt ANet will do anything to curb all these shallow people who sunk ungodly amounts of time and or money into the game. Take whatever solace you can in knowing that all the flash and glitz is not communicating anything but being a tryhard.
  18. Oh people are getting this much out of that trait? I played around with it a bit, and while I never got that much damage out of it, it did feel fun to actually strive towards overheat and then go all "DETONATE!!!" on the enemies =) But it's awesome to see you lads combine this with jumpshot for some insane burst damage. You're taking things people call trash on their own, comboing them in clever ways and getting RESULTS. And that is what this class has always been about. Try adding grenade toolbelt on top of that combo and see what you can reach. PS: I better see some videos in the future of someone jumpshotting into a WvW blob, detonating, and then using a grenade barrage. Oh my god, the amounts of people you could down xD
  19. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > I don’t wonder why people do things like that. > > I also don’t know why people like to name and shame on a forum. > > Or why people let others get so far under their skin that they need to complain about it on a forum. > > But that’s really mild compared to the whispers in WvW lol. 1. I'm scientifically interested. 2. There have been no named actually named on the OP. The act is being condemned, not a specific person. 3. I for one wants this sort of behavior to be publically condemned. 4. Things have gotten worse in there, huh? It has been... 6 years or so since I PvP'd in WvW, and I didn't get a lot of these.
  20. Too bad ANet could not keep the theme and the actual execution on the same level, then. But yes, I think of gameplay first.
  21. Renegade is revenant. You can't pretend like they are two different classes just because it suits your narrative. What you CAN argue is that the CORE of the CLASS is in need of improvements, which is a perfectly valid argument. We keep saying the same of Engineer. I'm not saying I know how to fix it. Instead, I want to ask a question - is there ANY class that has a core build on level with elite specc build?
  22. I must say that I disagree with your Kodan assessment. Charr - lions on two feet with human intelligence and the most advanced war machine. Norn - norse-themed hunters who worship the spirits of the wild Tengu - birdmen who favor archery and likely has limited flight. How is this too similar to ice bears who have a religion of one singular deity and their own type of magic? Their beliefs are different, their customs are different, and they use the magic of Koda's flame. The only similarities they share with the Norn are the ice fields of home and the fight against the sons of Svanir. The other two you mentioned have almost nothing in common with them. Especially NOT appearance. As for Nuhoch, there is actually an event where you temporarily transform into one, with the same skill set the variant that fights unarmed would use. While this means we already have playable Nuhochs in a very limited way, they only use fists and hammers, so making that work with all the weapons would likely require so much work. That and the size is an issue. Also, Tengu would not be unique. First off, oh god, the name. The name has been used so many times in popular culture. Second, archery and birdmen are not really new thing either. If Tengu gets added, then don't be surprised if some people say GW2 are copying Breath of the Wild. I think they are better off creating a new race altogether, but that would mean a lot more work. You'd have to establish the story, culture, class system, religious beliefs, and so on from scratch. But, you also get a clean slate to work your imagination on. Finally, I don't think racial skills should be removed. I think they should be improved. I understand that the reason they are not up to snuff with the rest of the skills is because ANet did not want one race to dominate certain classes. But if the skills were balanced with and against each other it could work. At the very least I think it shouid take a spin in the think tank. But, I also think it would be very interesting if you could study the ways of the other races, and if not learn their racial skills get some sort of passive instead.
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