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Everything posted by Ashantara.8731

  1. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said: > Magicfind increases the rarity (colour) of your drops, not increase the rarity (preview category) of them. > > Since the junk items are the lowest rarity (colour) more magic find means less junk items. > > Working as intended. This is deceiving! I want my 20 stacks of exotic luck back! :angry: > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > This is very important to understand what's going on here, otherwise the annoying drooburt conversion story is meta for raw gold. What does Drooburt have to do with it? You're getting nothing worth mentioning in return for your legendary luck from him. It's so much less than whatever you get out of those bags.
  2. And no start of a new event week today. Hmph. Even less motivated to do them.
  3. > @"Touchme.1097" said: > If you are looking for a Goddess of lies that has to be Kormir, her lies started as soon as she became Goddess in GW1, she said that tyrians will never fight alone and in GW2 PoF Kormir now changes her mind saying that Gods cannot intervene leaving mortals to fight against a disgraced God. And she stated why: because it was a fight _against a God_, i.e. one of them. She explained in detail how that would lead to devastating destruction, which you can hardly classify as "help".
  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > @"Blude.6812" said: > > Hoping that your last part (April ....) is 100% wrong this year. Fingers X'd. > > As in hoping SAB isn't returning? They were likely talking about the related Gem Store items that are perceived as an annoyance by some players as they break immersion. Then again, there are plenty of non-Gem Store SAB items that fit the same category, so it's a pointless hope. ;)
  5. > @"mes.4607" said: > If you are playing a character, go to the character select screen, then immediately select another character to play, your game will crash. Please fix Not happening on my rig, so your claim cannot be generalized.
  6. The suggestion makes no sense, since there are already Legendary Sigils and Runes and introducing another lower tier wouldn't give you any advantage (unless they applied changes to the legendary variant, making it more powerful which then, however, would lead to a stat imbalance).
  7. > @"hobotnicax.7918" said: > Times are changing, ARM is pushing hard into the desktop and laptop market, and **Apple will lead the way. And we all know what happens when Apple does something new... others initially laugh, but then quickly follow.** :sweat_smile: Ridiculous claim.
  8. > @"Samnang.1879" said: > Hopefully it ends in the first 10 minutes of gameplay, and we can move on to a different theme/storyline :# Wishful thinking. ;)
  9. > @"Cibor.5690" said: > this issue was introduced in 2020 winters update or before that broke the ability to do so what' I stated above. I know and there are plenty of Bug report threads on this already.
  10. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > What happened to Ryland's Steel warband after giving them so much character in Forging Steel? We killed them at the end of the Drizzlewood meta and their deaths are mentioned during a story mission by Smodur - the whole story there is built around that fact and holding Ryland's last surviving warbandmate prisoner to blackmail him into rethinking his position (but then Smodur kills her, too, in front of Ryland).
  11. > @"Samnang.1879" said: > Can we have like a story related to the emperors and empresses of China? No more dragons please, I'm sick of killing them... Well, the expansion's title is "End of Dragons", so naturally it will be about the Elder Dragons.
  12. > @"gexmbla.7651" said: > Please fix Legendary Runes. As of this writing ... it cannot be slotted in any armor. Yes, it can. They are just making it extra complicated for you: select the item, right-click it and select "Customize"; then you can equip the legendary rune/sigil. In some cases, you must select a "linked" Legendary Rune/Sigil from the Armory instead and manually place it on the weapon or piece of armor. The whole system is so badly and unintuitively designed that it's making the in-game life of owners of legendary equipment a hell rather than an amenity. > @"Cibor.5690" said: > I told you so that legendary sigils or runes doesn't work. :disappointed: But they do.
  13. > @"Leamas.5803" said: > > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > Could be an issue with your software firewall or antivirus. Try adding the GW2 installation directory to the list of exceptions. > I don't have any firewall or antivirus installed on that machine, other than what comes with Windows. In that case, you should make sure there is no malware or virus on your system... You should also check the GW2 dump file to see what caused the crash. I think the file is located here (**%AppData%\Guild Wars 2\Coherent Dumps**) or in the GW2 game installation folder (**Crash.dmp**). To open it, follow these instructions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1357225#Comment_1357225 (You could also check your OS health status by following the instructions further down: DISM, SFC.)
  14. > @"Vyr.9387" said: > >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/WRC7Ykq.jpg "") :sweat_smile: _This_ is the best! Oh boy, they really need to fix whatever is causing this lately. It used to be an occasional bug, but now it's happening more often than not.
  15. > @"Batel.9206" said: > Happening here, too - I noticed it with my daredevil, but I haven't yet been able to confirm if it happens with other classes It has _nothing_ to do with the profession, it happens to every character.
  16. > @"Sindrela.1846" said: > its ok im getting there slowly By the way, for future reference (if you ever get around playing WvW): you can also do Hero Challenges by simply buying them on WvW maps at the respective vendor which will spare you of having to actually do them.
  17. Endless Repair Canister. 'Nuff said. :p I agree that the mechanic could have been made into something more interesting that involves player skill rather than running to the next anvil (or using your ERC). Right now it's just a pointless annoyance.
  18. > @"Loboling.5293" said: > I know all she casted was Fire Aura, but with the old animations from launch. That wouldn't of stopped him from testing how much Smodur flinches. Ryland really needs to learn what the different skills do... Such a shame, he had potential, but he's clearly not experienced enough to lead... > > ? You are aware that the spells the story NPCs cast in movie sequences rarely have anything to do with the skills that we as player characters can use? It's for story-telling purposes. See Queen Jennah casting her super-poweful protective dome around Divinity's Reach.
  19. All skill slots that differ from your landbased skills will cause a cooldown, because it counts as a skill swap.
  20. **This has been an increasingly occuring bug since this January.** It's _highly_ annoying in WvW where you have lots of stairs, hills, and other slopes. It needs to get fixed.
  21. Likely next Tuesday, just like the last times. There was always a one-week break in between.
  22. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > But we need closure on what happened to him. Or maybe just me, that story thread weirded me out way more than it should... It's not SOMA level of existential dread but it's up there for me... Me, too. The thought of him spending internity in darkness with no reality, no sign of life around. Just nothingness... horrible. > Also yes to Blish mini! =) :+1:
  23. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said: > * Guilds are only as good as the people in them. This. :+1: You can have organized content with guilds and still do solo play if you want. A good guild isn't a "cult", as the OP suggested. ;)
  24. He actually explained he was fully aware when he had been deactivated. Unless the whole machine body broke when cosumed by Kralkatorrik, he might be trapped in that agonizing state forever (unless the writers bring him back somehow, which I would welcome <3 ). I'm still waiting for my Blish mini! :angry:
  25. Could be an issue with your software firewall or antivirus. Try adding the GW2 installation directory to the list of exceptions.
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