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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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> @"Tere.4759" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > Content...pure and simple...zerg meta events are not content.

> > I'd like to see more and better use of our home instances. It seems like a total waste of a game system. You gave us this area...let us use it...decorate it, make it ours.

> > More Elite Specs. - Make playing a class feel different. Give me my Arcane Archer!!

> >


> That's a good one for elementalist. I am still for Hunter class with rifle for ranger.


Kinda doubt that this will happen.

Hunter suggest a dps elite spec, which ranger already got with soulbeast.


Looking at what ranger is lacking, they could use a bruiser/tank spec ala scrapper/daredevil/spellbreaker.

My own idea for ranger would be "stampede". They get to wield hammers as weapons, use the physical utility skill category and have a class feature that allows them to use 2 pets (with reduced stats) at the same time.


Main focus of the spec would be survivability and CC.

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While I'm sure the exploration of Cantha will be a blast, it won't offer a lot of replayability, I want something that can engage me for a long time, something the game never really managed to do.


Ideally I'd like Raids with three difficulty levels, easy (to get casual players in), normal (current difficulty), and hard (challenge mode with extra spice), but I'd just be happy with only repeatable challenge modes, and of course a steady flow of new raids (which let's be honest won't happen). If not Raids I want to see challenging instanced PvE, and for the love of god stop focusing on instanced story that no one wants to replay, that's a waste of time in an MMO, just shove those story bits into a dungeon or something, and again different difficulty level would be perfect to satisfy both the casual and hardcore crowds

But above anything else I want actually engaging open world PvE content, not the cookie-cutter borderline braindead content à la Drizzlewood Coast, force players to split into different groups rather than following one commander while face rolling, and force them to care about mechanics rather than just bursting stuff without knowing what they're doing, make the content actually challenging and rewarding to play, have consequences for failures without having them feeling unfair ...


I'd like to see the content to reflect more HoT than PoF, meaning challenging but also intricate to navigate while having somewhat good events. I wouldn't mind one large map like PoF, particularly if it's an area designed for newer players/returning players who bumped their characters to level eighty to make them learn mechanics from the game and their classes, something the game still to this day doesn't do well, but to be fair learning the game with 2012 content is bad to begin with, so let's say Shing Jea Island.


I think a new race is a huge waste of time, so no thanks. Same with housing to be honest, I mean guilds are kinda useless in the game, unfortunately, but you can already create a one man guild and customize your guild hall, which is housing with few extra steps.


New elites go without saying, on that front I just want the Revenant's to focus on power builds and have a greatsword, everything else I don't have hard feelings either way. Both HoT and PoF introduced new general combat mechanics (Alacrity with HoT, Barrier with PoF ...) so I'd like new toys like that while keeping the game balanced too.


Fishing as a mini game would be nice, while not mandatory, having to collect a wide array of fishes would be awesome, bonus points if we get random event where you have to defeat some under water monsters (or on the beach for ground combat) attacking you while you fish.


15v15 for sPvP, you can call it GvG, and create a separate ranked queue for it.


WvW love, alliance and maybe some overhauls, siege turtles would be nice too.


I'd like to see some open world PvP, like the light hearted events we had during the beta of the games, I understand otherwise the game is not really made for that kind of content, and WvW is what's replacing it, but some sort of call back to Alliance Battles from Faction would be nice.

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- huge map, make it actually feel like an expansion, not a small dlc with four new areas to explore

- better optimization, dx12 support

- option to turn off all player effects, mount models and back items

- PvP modes from GW1, we need normal 4v4 RA/TA instead of that conquest shit

- more options in character creator

- masteries that will be useful everywhere in the game world, not "learn this to be able to talk to tengu merchants in cantha"


definitely don't want:

- new race - waste of time, there are no meaningful unplayable races anyway, why would you want to play as a quaggan or tengu, and there is no place in core tyria map for another race's story, what, do you expect a retcon and Anet to suddenly add another city and 3 areas for a new race?

- new class - we have a nice set of 3 armor classes x 3 classes already, and new class would means devs would have to balace the game from scratch

- new specialization - they all feel forced, what's left to do, warrior with a focus?

- water content

- fishing and other shit that is just time wasting

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Some kind of rethinking of traits and ability points like it used to be in the beginning (all trait lines available to distribute points in). Yes, it does create a big mess to balance (more things to balance, more work for anet :) - but also adds tons of new(old) options.


In-combat multiple weapon swap system. I can do it in CoD, BF, Unreal... and they did it in Myth Busters too :)


The Legendary Armory (where is it!?)


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* More in-game cinematics which include the PC

* Epic soundtrack (more Core/HoT than PoF)

* Multiple (more than 4-5) maps, that are range and mix of wide & flat(PoF) to vertical(HoT). With one having a large underwater area.

* Greatsword elite spec for thief

* Playable Tengu

* Massive list of bug fixes across the whole of the game

* Character creation updates(faces, hair, horns, etc...)

* A lot of love to WvW(not that I play that mode much, but it needs it)

* Option to limit combat visual FX to show only mine

* A sprinkling of all types of activities from the game's history (hearts, bounties, adventures, strikes, etc...)

* A large scale dragon fight which does not require smacking feet or hands (mix of encounters like Kralk in Living World and Mordremoth in Dragon Stand)

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Less over tooled enemies and bosses, more like tyria less like hot and pof... I don't want to have to avoid the third expansion.

Less CC craziness.

> @"Kichwas.7152" said:

> Number 1 on my list, the return of the Dervish, Assassin, Ritualist, Paragon, and Monk - as elite specs if not full classes. The Monk should be a class. The others I'd welcome as elite specs.


> I won't get it.


> But I still want it.



If monk returns the old healing synergy i'd be all over that.. something akin to druid in a style.

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I will write them starting with what I want the most.


1. **DX12 & multi-core support**

2. **New weapon** or **More skills for some weapons**

3. **Make a city in Cantha a hub & possibly starting zone**

This one needs some explanation. I would love to see another big "hub" city such as Lion's Arch where players have a reason to stick around for years to come. I don't just want to see 1 or 2 special vendors that people will buy from then teleport away or an achievement everyone will grind the first two weeks then have no reason to return. Meta events are fun and all, but they don't attract that many players. One of my thoughts was to actually make it a possible starting zone that players can choose to begin their journey in. This would provide a constant flow of players around the area even after the expansion launch. Plus, a lot of new players tend to boost their characters to 80 just to check out the new expansion anyway, so why not just make it a starter zone? I will admit I do see two major issues with this: 1. Difficulties to incorporate personal story 2. Expansion has limited amounts of new maps and a starting zone needs enough maps for new players to explore at low-med level, so there might not be much room for maps with difficult content that caters more to the established playerbase.

4. **Dungeon update & new Dungeon**

Give players a reason to go back to dungeons & motivate new players to do them. And don't just boost the gold & gear drops to make it comparable with fractals, that will probably only create more issues than it solves. Make new players aware of the exclusive dungeon weapons & gear. Give old players some sort of exclusive material or drop that can only be found in dungeons.

5. **More character customization**

Faces, hair, body types.

6. **New Elite Specializations**

7. **Good mix of relaxing vs difficult maps**

I love difficult content, Verdant Brink with its terrain and pocket raptors was so much fun to me. I really do want to see an area with tough mobs. However, I also want to see calm open fields where I'm not getting constantly attacked by mobs that will 3-shot me every 5 seconds.. a map that makes me relax where I can just sit on a field and listen to the music. You get me? I'm talking like Level 30 Alpacas that want to hug me, not Level 9000 dragons that will aggro me from across the map.

8. **Make Silver Ore great again**

Seriously, add some good items or something that require lots of silver & gold to craft so that silver isn't as useless as it is now.

9. **Expand PvP**

PvP in gw2 has such potential if they only added more content and features to it.

10. **More jumping puzzles & give my necro more minions to choose from <3**

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More skills. Dual profession system.


Guild Wars 1 had a player surge just from [adding 1 new elite skill](

) to each profession because of all the synergies it helped create.


Warframe had a player surge just from adding a way of [transferring developer selected warframe abilities](

) to other warframes.


Less work to create things players can play with endlessly.

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> @"Redfeather.6401" said:

> More skills. Dual profession system.



i would like this myself. so much build diversity which opens up more fun playstyles


but then again i can already see the PvP & WvW people raging and complaining about balance because X+Y combo profession is broken/op/etc, game will die if not, etc. so it probably wont happen, sadly


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I should probably add that I would like to see more interesting boss fights in story instances in future content, including the upcoming expansion. Some of the bosses in the instances just have lots of health or repetitive invulnerable stages that repeat the same mechanics to make them vulnerable again. IMO these mechanics are boring and unimaginative, and only serve to make these fights very tedious and time consuming. The Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem boss in the Sandswept Isles story is a good example of this. I am hoping for more engaging boss fights in the future story instances otherwise I might get bored and not bother finishing the story. I had this problem with the PoF expansion story.

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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > @"Redfeather.6401" said:

> > More skills. Dual profession system.

> >


> i would like this myself. so much build diversity which opens up more fun playstyles


> but then again i can already see the PvP & WvW people raging and complaining about balance because X+Y combo profession is broken/op/etc, game will die if not, etc. so it probably wont happen, sadly



I tell ya I am sucked back into warframe now that I can combine skills. I gave Ash a skill from Mirage called Eclipse and it's like I'm a kid in a candy store. A whole new way to play warframe.

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More fun, creative Achievements! Look to what worked on past maps for inspiration. Endless grinding for the sake of grinding isn't fun.


With grinding, Bjora was a turn in the wrong direction. Despite feedback on that map, Drizzlewood's achievements are so much worse: Not only does the map continue with the strong focus on grinding for the sake of grinding, the sheer cost (in both time and gold) to unlock achievements feels like a slap in the face.


I can't count how many people I ran into working on the old Henge backpack (a grind people notoriously avoided, not too long ago, before grinding was ramped up), instead of spending time on the new map.


Make the Achievement structure feel like it's actually worth the investment.

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* Significant game engine improvements. DX12/true multicore support for example.


* Embedded, comprehensive systems that help players understand game mechanisms, from gear stats to build strategies for common roles in fractals and raids, and educationally-designed solo trials in which players are expected to practice use of utility skills, dodging, positioning and defiance bar breaking.


* Open world mob design that rewards active play without invalidating numerous build strategies. Attacks that deal direct/dot damage that ignores all forms of toughness/resistance (or is just so much that any amount of toughness/resistance is pointless), outsized AoE's, over-use of knockdown (and other agency-removing powers), unavoidable area/DoT damage that cannot be cleansed or avoided and mobs with long evasion windows in which they can still attack you but you can't do anything to them; these need to go. These are not good mechanics.


In the new expansion, I want the overworld mobs to feel too easy for someone like me to wade through, because I'm going to be wading through them for years to come and I promise you, I won't enjoy whatever 'challenge' they presented the first few times I encountered them in three more years after having encountered them a hundred thousand times or more. I want them to be made interesting through lore and the role they play, but otherwise to pose no significant hassle to me to plow through even if they have some strong attacks that could kill anyone quickly if they're asleep, not paying any attention or just never, ever dodge ever. Also, the zergs will run everything over without pause and over-engineered open world mobs will have been a waste of time on all fronts yet again.


I want the personal story instanced segments to have difficulty options, even if it's just Story Mode and Challenge Mode. I want Story Mode to be ridiculously easy and to offer no achievements other than maybe a 'Completed Chapter UmptyScrunch' and no rewards of significance, and I want Challenge Mode to be where the achievement hunting and ascended/unique rewards are stashed. I also want Challenge Mode to scale well for 1-5 players so that small teams can have some good times with this as well.


I want SKIPPABLE DIALOGUE to return in mainstory/living story content. Don't get me wrong; I love the story content. It's a big part of why I'm here. I'll even love it the second or third time I play through it. I won't love it the forty-second time I'm going through a chapter trying to get that last cheevo and I have to sit here for seven and a half minutes listening to Braham whine about how I'm terrible and everyone's terrible and he needs his binky.


That's about it. Is it all tall orders? I dunno. I don't care. It's a wish list.

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