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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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Thetrs been dozens upon dozens of diff speculation threads on cantha, story ideas, elites, weapons etc recently.


I won’t post links to them, but worth a search around and a peruse of the lore forums for stuff other than what will be posted here if you want to read the thoughts

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Thetrs been dozens upon dozens of diff speculation threads on cantha, story ideas, elites, weapons etc recently.


> I won’t post links to them, but worth a search around and a peruse of the life forums for stuff other than what will be posted here if you want to read the thoughts


This is true but I would be sad to not get my weekly new Cantha thread to read ?


I'm not kidding, I love reading these since it is currently my only way to visit Cantha in GW2.

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Another set of Elite Specializations seem like a given. There will also be a major feature like in the previous two expansions (elite specializations, mounts) and I haven't really seen any suggestions here for what that would fit that description, other than dual professions.


Given the hints of things happening underwater, I wouldn't be surprised to see that side of the game developed with several new weapon types and a mount for underwater navigation.


At some point the game will - like all games that get up there in age - need to undergo a significant tune-up for older content. Not sure if it will be part of the expansion, but I do believe it will come at some point.


It will be interesting. I hope that they do more with the open world than just have it provide a backdrop for a very lackluster story, as has been the case before. The game was launched as a mixture of sandbox and theme park, but since then it's become more and more focused on a single player story experience that I - quite frankly - think is among the worst parts of the game.

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Harder/decent pve :bleep_bloop:

GS rev duno who would choose for legend maybe kunvie?

Shiro outfit + daggers + envoy backpack and glider

Master togo outfit

Vizu and Nika airstyles (maybe a raid or fractals themed helping them)

Kurzik and luxon themed outfit


Moar turtles why not?



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New open world PVE content. I think they are doing a good job in increasing the quality here so just continue. New interesting maps but also some events in core maps or even LW3 wouldn't hurt. It also wouldn't hurt if this time the bad guy wasn't a dragon.


Develop strikes further. I like the concept but I wouldn't mind if they are just a tad (and really just a tad) longer and with more lore. Difficulty is fine. It is cool that it varies so anyone can find a challenge but also anyone can participate in at least some of them.


New WvW border map.


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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> **Elementalist**

> This one is the only one I am not sure what I want to see for them. Still have to think about what this profession could get thematically....


I would like to see a rifle/longbow elem shooting elemental projectiles that explode on foes or do massive attacks with beautiful animations. -> Destroyer.

Through dunno, someone may come with a better idea fitting Cantha lore.



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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> 3.) Dungeon Finder (Que and port in) - Give buffs for each player outside of your party (Like WOW) -> First _ Randoms give achievement benefits

> 4.) Fractal Finder - See Above (Option to select Difficulty)

> 5.) Strike Finder

> 6.) Raid Finder


I would donate money so it wouldn't happen.


> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> 8.) Master Tome/Portal. New interfaces that doesn't take bag space. Having the item allows you to choose from the options in a new interface.

> 9.) New Elite Specs


Yes !


> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> 10.) New Races. I would personally love to be a Skrit. :-)


Not gonna happen.

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My wish list for what is assumed to be a Cantha expansion are as follows:-


- A return to "Cities", or rather one city in particular. I would very much like Kaineng Centre to be implemented similar to the curent Lion's Arch. I would appreciate a city in Cantha with no combat or enemies, and instead, packed with lore and non-combat achievements. I would also appreciate this being a centre for crafting, trading post, bank, guild services and all other services typically associated with such cities.

- Underwater combat overhaul. A proper one, with underwater masteries and a mount. I'd also like to see an underwater build which you automatically swap to when diving underwater which changes one of your land-based trait lines to an underwater-specific trait line. I think in the case of Revenant this would involve including an underwater spirit to channel which could be amazing. The UW trait lines would not necessarily be elite specialisations, but perhaps could be. I think that the Jade Sea provides a perfect opportunity to include a large amount of underwater combat, but not so much that the entire expansion is underwater focused.

- Tengu as a playable race, but with a caveat. My proposal is you'd have to level one of the existing races up to 80 in order to unlock Tengu. Tengus would be able to play through the pre-Cantha story, but as an optional thing, and would have to play as a "standard commander model", so as to avoid having to go back and re-record all story voice acting with a Tengu voice actor. Once starting as a Tengu you would be given the option to level up from scratch in existing core regions (with their home city being the Dominion of Winds), or to jump to level 60 and play through the new Shing Jea levelling map, comprising two maps (60-70 and 70-80), before joining Core races in the Cantha Story at L80, in Kaineng Center. I think a lvl 60 jump wouldn't be adopted as this would mean less incentive for players to buy instant-80 boosts (but who is buying these outside of new players anyway, who would potentially buy one to get around having to level a core race to 80 before being allowed to play Tengu?)

- I would like the city to not be "condensed" down into one zone, as happened with the Desolation and Vabbi. Cantha's city area is so sprawling and complex that I don't think this can or should be condensed into one map.

- I'd like to see a mixture of map types; some large zones with hearts, standard events and interesting features and a couple of smaller zones with whole-map meta events

- Underwater legendary weapons to complete the Gen 2 set.

- New land-based elite specialisations, in addition to underwater specialisations as previously discussed.


I also don't understand the obsession with Fishing and Player Housing. Happy for these to be excluded from the next XPac, whatever it ends up being.

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I want to see Bubbles!

Or tengu

Or anew weapon? Like a poleax or brass knuckles...

Or more racial skills/race related story.

Profession-based story?

Or dyeable weapons

Do we have a legendary aquabreather yet?

A dye that changes color day/night

Maybe a new profession

And probably some other stuff

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> @"Tiale.2430" said:

> Let's give some ideas for our amazing devs to sell a good product to us.


> - Weapons not locked to Elites.

> - New Elites

> - New Legendaries

> - Dyeable Legendary Weapons and Backs.

> - Tengu, Kodan or Dwarves playable.

> - More slots for Guilds.

> - Outfits in Gem Store as individual pieces.

> - Shortcut to active the outfit.

> - More horizontal leveling diversity.


- I think it's time to give you alts AI and use your alts as pets in group pvp or pve. Be able to assign them roles and give them personality.

- Add 3 elites spec. this time, instead of 1.

- Expand underwater content.

- Out at sea content.

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i dont know something? new expansion after pof is coming or this theme is just a dream? maybe new specialisations with new weapon use with each class and underwater mount with new water teritorys and new water weapons coz anet stoped making underwater weapons with all new weapon sets.

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I would love new hairstyles....I change my hair a lot ( have to do something with all those kits I keep getting) so something new would be nice.

The Living Story needs to be something more than a 2 hour play through then nothing. Give it some depth. Make it take some time to get through. Make it worth our time. I like the idea of new specs. The ones that Kodama.6453 put forth are quite nice and well thought out. Just give me a reason to play. I am not playing any other game, as my husband has moved to Neverwinter.

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Storywise, maybe Anet could use a 3rd expansion to start clean slate. There is no rhyme or reason to gw2's technology, magic or society - so I think it'd be cool if they begun to build up the worlds lore and imersion for those of us who care (and don't want to interpret everything!).

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