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Pet Peeves (so far!)

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1 NPC enemies that are "invunerable" Say WHAAAAAAAT! 2 NPC enemies (Like "Champion Theives) that can kick your arse in one hit, yet take virtually 0 damage from your most powerful hits. 3 Putting Vistas out of reach to players who don't have the ability to gluide,have the Hoppers, or Skyscales (I think they should always be acsessible...Somehow, last one Respawning I just kill a NPC monster, walk 10 feet astart on the next and well the one I just killed repans and attacks me from behind!

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1) This is often due to pathing or moving events along, the NPC's have to be unattackable until in position or the event glitches badly.

2) Champions are generally intended to be targets of groups. Doesn't mean they can't be soloed, but they are supposed to be pretty hard. They have a blue bar under their health bar, you usually have to break that to really unload pain on them. Break it by using hard cc (roots snares stuns knockdowns knockbacks etc). Save your cc breaking skills for when the blue bar is up.

3) Every vista in the core game can be reached without a mount of any sort. Source: I did full world completion including WvW maps on two alts in the first year or so of the game, years before they even announced mounts could be a thing. Sometimes you have to take a long path around and do some tricky jumps that mounts let you cheese now, but they are all completely doable on foot.

4) Respawns -- yeah, those can be annoying until you develop an alt that can mow groups down (love love love my Reaper). I get a respawn jumping me I mutter "You asked for this" or "Your funeral" and dispatch them.

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With some vistas the route may not be obvious at first. I can think of three just off the top of my head where you have to go around the far side of a hill to find the start of the path up, one where you have to talk to an NPC to get an item which allows you to reach it and one where the start is in a cave that appears to go in a totally different direction. But that's all intentional, the idea is to get you to explore the area in a bit more detail and think about how you could get there.


I often have to trace it backwards - I look at the vista and look for how it might be possible to get to that point from the areas immediately adjacent - for example is there a rock next to it that I could jump from? Then follow that back, looking for the route I'd take if I was up there until I've followed it to a point where it's low enough down to start. Once you get used to spotting which ledges could be platforms it takes less time to do it than to type this explanation, but it does need practice.


Mounts and gliding sometimes make that easier, or allow you to bypass it entirely, but I honestly prefer to do it without them most of the time because that practice comes in useful when they're not an option. (Or when you get into PoF and even with mounts you still need to figure out the right path.)

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The Vista on Malestrom is unreachable by mount or foot, same as the mastery point. you have to gluide there..ya I know a lot of them are reachable on foot with thosse Jumping Puzzles (fustrating but doable...there is one i the Wildlands where you have to have a raptor to jump across a broken bridge with a ton of bandits that respawn a lot! and the Jump has to be spot on, easier to gluide it I suppose, Will know when I get to maguma and actuallt (hopefully, at least according to the WIKI pages, learn to glude and master it. The one I am talking about is in a valley with a Veteran Flesheater.....no way over there withoput jumping the bridge and it leads to a new area I have not been to yet.

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> The Vista on Malestrom is unreachable by mount or foot, same as the mastery point. you have to gluide there..ya I know a lot of them are reachable on foot with thosse Jumping Puzzles (fustrating but doable...there is one i the Wildlands where you have to have a raptor to jump across a broken bridge with a ton of bandits that respawn a lot! and the Jump has to be spot on, easier to gluide it I suppose, Will know when I get to maguma and actuallt (hopefully, at least according to the WIKI pages, learn to glude and master it. The one I am talking about is in a valley with a Veteran Flesheater.....no way over there withoput jumping the bridge and it leads to a new area I have not been to yet.


No vista or POI on core maps is unreachable on foot. Many of us did world completion multiple times long before gliding or mounts were added to the game.


They existed before mounts and gliders after all..

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Margeon.9650" said:

> > The Vista on Malestrom is unreachable by mount or foot, same as the mastery point. you have to gluide there..ya I know a lot of them are reachable on foot with thosse Jumping Puzzles (fustrating but doable...there is one i the Wildlands where you have to have a raptor to jump across a broken bridge with a ton of bandits that respawn a lot! and the Jump has to be spot on, easier to gluide it I suppose, Will know when I get to maguma and actuallt (hopefully, at least according to the WIKI pages, learn to glude and master it. The one I am talking about is in a valley with a Veteran Flesheater.....no way over there withoput jumping the bridge and it leads to a new area I have not been to yet.


> No vista or POI on core maps is unreachable on foot. Many of us did world completion multiple times long before gliding or mounts were added to the game.


> They existed before mounts and gliders after all..


Agreed. Did full map completion with 12 toons before gliding or mounts. If people are having troubles, go to Dulfy. It may not be up on the new stuff, but its guides on at least the first six years of content is complete.

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> The Vista on Malestrom is unreachable by mount or foot, same as the mastery point. you have to gluide there..ya I know a lot of them are reachable on foot with thosse Jumping Puzzles (fustrating but doable...there is one i the Wildlands where you have to have a raptor to jump across a broken bridge with a ton of bandits that respawn a lot! and the Jump has to be spot on, easier to gluide it I suppose, Will know when I get to maguma and actuallt (hopefully, at least according to the WIKI pages, learn to glude and master it. The one I am talking about is in a valley with a Veteran Flesheater.....no way over there withoput jumping the bridge and it leads to a new area I have not been to yet.


Do you mean the one on top of the mountain?

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gAeM toO HaRd?


There's some good advice in this thread that I will gladly echo for you.


Yes, everything in core tyria is in fact reachable w/o mounts, gliding or any masteries. Ppl did mapcompletion before HoT release, many did. It wasn't as easy, as gliding/mounts trivialised much of the core content, nevertheless it was doable for many ppl of different skill levels.


Also, when a mob turns invulnerble, the game usually has a point to it. It's either to progress a quest, pass time so the NPC can transform or the NPC is not supposed to be killed by damage but by a mechanic usually found nearby. Most of these NPCs have a tagline that hints to the mechanic as well.


If you die too often, maybe get some defensive stats, get to know the game better then replace them with offensive ones again if you feel more comfortable.

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Are you on NA or EU server?


Sometimes partying up can help with tough areas. Be it tough enemies or finding the right path. I know I had to ask for help to figure out how to get to a few Vistas and POI's during my first map completion and I needed a help for a few of the tougher hero challenges.


My first two map completions were done before gliding or mounts were added. First on an Elementalist and second on a Warrior. So it is possible to do without gliding or mounts. Some areas it's actually easier without gliding due to the ability to not be able to separate the jump button from the glide button and it's not too hard to accidentally glide past where you wanted to jump.


I can bring my Elementalist (my main) and help if you're on NA. I can also bring my Mesmer (I may have to run some as I do not have map completion done for her) for porting if you're not that good with jumping and just want to be done with things. I can't guarantee that I won't die however on my Mesmer as I haven't quite found the right build for me yet on my mesmer.


Just let me know!

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> The Vista on Malestrom is unreachable by mount or foot, same as the mastery point. you have to gluide there..ya I know a lot of them are reachable on foot with thosse Jumping Puzzles (fustrating but doable...there is one i the Wildlands where you have to have a raptor to jump across a broken bridge with a ton of bandits that respawn a lot! and the Jump has to be spot on, easier to gluide it I suppose, Will know when I get to maguma and actuallt (hopefully, at least according to the WIKI pages, learn to glude and master it. The one I am talking about is in a valley with a Veteran Flesheater.....no way over there withoput jumping the bridge and it leads to a new area I have not been to yet.


The vista on Mount Maelstrom can be reached by walking up the volcano from the north side. The route is fairly flexible, but it's easiest if you stay at bottom of the 'channels' and follow the route they take.

![](https://i.imgur.com/OmBptmvh.jpg "")


The mastery is trickier, but it can be done. Since masteries were introduced with HoT, aren't part of map completion and cannot be used unless you own the expansion they may well have been designed for gliding, since everyone who needs them would have gliding available. But you can still walk there.


Here's the route:

![](https://i.imgur.com/7a21ypjh.jpg "")


Starting from the Energy Probe, south east of the Hellmouth Falls POI look for this ledge, just to the north, with a Veteran Shadow Imp on it:

![](https://i.imgur.com/jHPODEoh.jpg "")


Run up the side of the ridge following this route (it looks very steep, but you can run up there):

![](https://i.imgur.com/aBFMLsMh.jpg "")


Go past the magma pit on your left, and look for two rock spikes on the right of the ridge. That gives you a point where you can jump up onto the upper level:

![](https://i.imgur.com/Sw3dwvBh.jpg "")


Then head east and jump over the little ravine here:

![](https://i.imgur.com/pU0zE7Gh.jpg "")


Turn north and run over to this ridge, then 'bunny hop' up it. (Point the camera in the direction of the ridge, hold down the forward button (W by default) and repeatedly push jump so you move up the ridge in a series of small jumps.)

![](https://i.imgur.com/6y1U8Bsh.jpg "")


Once you're at the top you can head over and jump down to the vista:

![](https://i.imgur.com/jHg5ZbVh.jpg "")


The problem is that I don't think you can get down alive without gliding, you'll probably have to waypoint out, or go to the Heart of the Mists and then to Lion's Arch.


**Brisban Wildlands**


Don't waste your time with the bridge and the portal, it doesn't actually go anywhere and there's an invisible wall along the top of the cliff on the far side of the bridge, which stops you from reaching the portal even with mounts. It's one of several portals which has been in the game since release but isn't used yet. I'm not sure if they were intended to go to areas which were cancelled, or if they were 'spares' put in the game ready for new areas to be added, but either way it's not a functional portal. (Brisban used to have two, but one of them now goes to Silverwastes.)


You can reach the vista next to it by climbing up the cliff from the Seraph Observers Waypoint:

![](https://i.imgur.com/3joirN9.jpg "")


Head west from the camp, over the tree roots and up the cliff here:

![](https://i.imgur.com/nryu31Eh.jpg "")


Head west again, to this point, then up through these tree leaves and up some stone 'steps' to the next level, then you can go back east to the vista:

![](https://i.imgur.com/kicfXk4h.jpg "")


> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> Oh forgot, one of the Points of intrest is Unreachable if you don't have a mount or have the guy looking for the plants change you into a rabbit becase the NPC enemies are Invunruable to all attacks (at least from me as a Elementalist,/Tempest.


I'm not sure which one this is, but if you can let us know where it is I'm sure someone can explain how to reach it. Alternatively you can look them up on the Wiki, which has instructions for many of the vistas and points of interest, especially the more difficult ones.

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The invun thing can be annoying but mostly cause by pathing or pulling enemies too far.

That said that are some events in the game where the enemies remain invun far too long and get all screwy..


As for Champs.. many of them can be solo'd with the right kind of build but there are some which are a lot more powerful than some expect them to be.

The Bandit champs in low level core maps are one example of this.. and while they can be solo'd as can the legendary spawn afterwards there are some which are annoyingly overpowered and will rip even tanks to pieces very quickly.


Ezal the Quick in harathi hinterlands is one example of a Bandit champion who's AoE damage is so OP it's straight up broken imo.

I fought her today 3 times with one of my max level Warriors and when she does the AoE I had literally less than a second from seeing the first ring appear to dodge it or it was instant death if it hit me.. no joke.

Even when there were 10-20 other players around there were just corpses everywhere, Ezal needs a serious damage nerf on that AoE.


Granted these are higher tier Champions introduced during later living world season current events and supposed to pose a higher level of challenge for max level characters but some of them are still far too strong compared to the downgrades forced on our characters in these maps.

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.....took a lot of maxed out tanks and me at a very high level to take hum out..but I have done it 2x..But I agree they need a serios overhaul on this, I mean really one hit and you have 10 Life points and your like level 40-60..oh the Q I had..why is it they scale your life/Hp down in areas?..I earned this level!! LOL

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> .....took a lot of maxed out tanks and me at a very high level to take hum out..but I have done it 2x..But I agree they need a serios overhaul on this, I mean really one hit and you have 10 Life points and your like level 40-60..oh the Q I had..why is it they scale your life/Hp down in areas?..I earned this level!! LOL


So that low level areas don't lose their relevance just because you gained a level.


I personally wish that their downscaling worked a little better as it's still way too easy for a max level character on a starter map.


Edit: It sounds like your build may need some work if you needed 10 tanks to beat the enemy. I've only needed 2-3 others at max to help out and I originally played my Elementalist main with random stats while leveling up (but tried to maintain even so aimed for Celestial?) and then at max level was Clerics which is Healing Power main with Toughness and Power as secondary. I was not winning any awards for speed clearing stuff. I was actually slow enough that I would face the same before I killed my second foe, the first had respawned, issue. But I knew it was a build issue since I wasn't geared for fast clearing. I was built however for self-sustain so I just had to make sure I was making progress towards my goal and didn't get too upset when I just couldn't outlast them if I ended up overpulling.


Can you post your build so that we can look to see if we can help improve it?

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Will try, I am just now Building Tempest in Hero Points, oh and this one really gets my goat so to speak, I kill the monster, but just before I do... it knocks me out of normal heath bar and "Fight to survive" uh...fight what? I beat it! no more enemies to fight.

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If you haven't fully unlocked Tempest to get the build you're aiming for, it's probably best to play a core Elementalist build and switch over to Tempest once you've unlocked everything. Or at least wait until you can choose a major trait in each of the three columns in Tempest at the minimum.


You should be able to post your build's chat code for sharing or use one of the various build sharing sites to generate a web page that shows your build.

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> .....took a lot of maxed out tanks and me at a very high level to take hum out..but I have done it 2x..But I agree they need a serios overhaul on this, I mean really one hit and you have 10 Life points and your like level 40-60..oh the Q I had..why is it they scale your life/Hp down in areas?..I earned this level!! LOL


Hi! Welcome to GW2!


Ezal is probably the toughest bandit champion. He deals heavy ranged damage and those rings he drops will down you in no time! But like most champions in this game (and even many legendary bosses!), he can be beaten solo. In fact, I have a video of exactly that from a couple of months ago!



You're new. Some things are going to frustrate you because you don't understand them yet. But a lot of things that seem impossible to you now may be perfectly doable later on.



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Margeon.9650" said:

> > Oh forgot, one of the Points of intrest is Unreachable if you don't have a mount or have the guy looking for the plants change you into a rabbit becase the NPC enemies are Invunruable to all attacks (at least from me as a Elementalist,/Tempest.


> I'm not sure which one this is, but if you can let us know where it is I'm sure someone can explain how to reach it. Alternatively you can look them up on the Wiki, which has instructions for many of the vistas and points of interest, especially the more difficult ones.


That's the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Valley_of_Gwaun

You can get that poi just by charging in until it pings for you. If you don't have stealth/aegis/blocks you may die and have to wp out, but there's nothing blocking it. Or you can do the event and get disguised so the ghosts don't attack you, and that event occurs very frequently.

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Ok both screenshots are on Verdant Brink. That's the first Heart of Thorns map. Yes some things will be hard to reach or out of reach there since that map is designed to teach you how to glide and use updrafts (after training the mastery)


If you need specific points in that map, you can also try ask someone if they can help you out.

I often port people to places in those maps, if I am on my thief or mesmer

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