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Please Never Reintroduce A PvP Legendary Item


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No offense, but there are so many bots in PvP. FiGhT On pOinT, dOn'T kITe eAt AoEe dIe On NoDe hurr durr. Ruins my gaming experience and rating which I actually give a sh*t about. From plat 2 to gold 3. It's impossible to carry bots, makes the game unplayable. So never reintroduce a legendary trinket and let the bots play PvE. As soon as I see someone on my team say "OnLy HerRE fOr TriNkEt" I slam my face into my desk.


End rant.

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It really wont stop bad players from being on ur team as the population is so low matchmaking prob has few bronze in ur games lol. Also it's just people being people, had a engie who sat above mid whole game just spamming bombs lol and when I killed him he called me a 2 spammer noob on my pd thief lol. What do he do next? He went back and spammed bombs on mid from a distance again lol. Point is ull never understand some people's thought process.

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I think Anet just needs to be more punitive with players who afk/bot. I'd go as far as removing their progress if they do that.

Disconnections happens, being a "bad player" is part of the game, but afking completely ruins the experience.

I had taken a break off pvp for that exact reason. Decided to go back because the incentive was there. I had honestly more fun in silver / gold. Getting near to platinum though is full of people who do not play to have fun.


And that's a problem. Some will even afk after losing 100 pts even though anyone who's played long enough have seen amazing recoveries... This is not what competitive should be.

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Unfortunately I agree.

Im all about new legendaries, but giving us two in pvp/wvw only accuisition with no alternative way to get the key pieces was really poorly made decision.

Im not a pvp player myself and Im bad at it, not being shy with that fact. But I also love legendaries and want to have full set... so ofcourse i join pvp to get the achievements to craft it. I dont play pvp and Im not a big fan of the mode, so i dont plan to search for build and change my play style for it.

With that said we have a situation where a bad player, joins pvp and ruins the fun for other 4 people just because you (anet) made it that way. i even feel myself bad for them what they have to experience lol.


So... maybe its worth to think about some alternative ways to get the items from achievements? Maybe some track for them that people like me dont have to ruin competetive for others?

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I think it was a pretty good idea actually.


New people coming into Ranked is a great thing for Ranked, and unlike Pips; the legendary isn't just something you get for just showing up, you actually have to win games to get it.


If you wonder why there's bots there, or the people who afk the moment they fall 50 or so points behind; it's honestly got very little to do with the ammy. They've always been there, because even if they lose every game with actual 0 effort; Ranked sPvP is and has been the single best gold farm in the game.


I agree with @"Psycoprophet.8107" too in that a lot of this has to do with the matchmaking as well. New players shouldn't have to feel guilty about ruining their games for 4 other well-experienced players, because New players shouldn't be matched with other well-experienced players at all. Similarly, well-experienced players shouldn't have tools that make it easier to purposely snipe newer players and bots.


I don't understand either why there isn't a way; albeit slower, to alternatively earn all these rewards in Unranked. The casual grinds should probably be in the casual mode, and if people want to earn them in competitive they should have to win games to get them.

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without anything being done pvp will die out, even more then it already did, for every 4 bad players the enemy team will have 5 bad players, abusing enemy mistakes is part of what it means to be good at the game, if you cant do that then I question why you would end up in plat 2 to begin with, learn to punish new players from enemy team and live long and happy pvp life

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> I think Anet just needs to be more punitive with players who afk/bot. I'd go as far as removing their progress if they do that.

> Disconnections happens, being a "bad player" is part of the game, but afking completely ruins the experience.

> I had taken a break off pvp for that exact reason. Decided to go back because the incentive was there. I had honestly more fun in silver / gold. Getting near to platinum though is full of people who do not play to have fun.


> And that's a problem. Some will even afk after losing 100 pts even though anyone who's played long enough have seen amazing recoveries... This is not what competitive should be.


gotta agree with you, most fun matches are in 1350-1450 range, where you can have interesting fights and your teammates are not clueless like in silver


as you go plat you start getting the duos and then the fun is mostly gone

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You've always had these kinds of players in your games. I'd say on EU the number of games where the majority of players actually are regular p2/p3 PvPers has increased overall this season, which is also reflected on the Leaderboard, with more people in P3/Leg than last season and more good players actually doing enough games to appear on the LB. Maybe that's a bit of a subjective view since my average rating is higher than last season [partly due to higher average rating in general, partly due to better position of my class in the meta], but I'd say what I see on twitch streams is roughly in accordance with my own observation. Of course there are always clownfiestas, especially at offpeak hours or during busy ATs and scrims. But that has been the case for years. And some of the more "hardcore" PvE mains are actually good players in PvP too, as Grimjack has pointed out.


"Fight on point", running in 1v3, dying in 5s and then crying "lol trash team" and similar stuff have always been an issue, as I have pointed out in a post here a year ago or so about common PvP misconceptions in Ranked.

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The trinket does attract more PvE players but it's not really the problem of what we have here.

The problem is the matchmaking and Anet just doesn't punish afk players or bots. They just don't.

I have this one specific case that every time we're in the match, he thinks he's good enough, and he doesn't have to fight, he thinks we'd lose the match because we only got wiped at the start once ffs. It doesn't matter if we catch up and get ahead of the enemy team, he'd afk.

I sent an email to support, asking any GM to monitor the said player and at least give them a warning or something. So it won't ruin other people's game play.

Anet only told me due to privacy concern, they cannot let me know how they'd investigate or do something about it.

I was just speechless.


I do agree that 5 man queue should be back as the main league because that would also revive lots of guilds to try for it and have fun with their players.

The 2v2 queue is nice to pop in between the main league.

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> @"Hex.2579" said:

> The trinket does attract more PvE players but it's not really the problem of what we have here.

> The problem is the matchmaking and Anet just doesn't punish afk players or bots. They just don't.

> I have this one specific case that every time we're in the match, he thinks he's good enough, and he doesn't have to fight, he thinks we'd lose the match because we only got wiped at the start once kitten. It doesn't matter if we catch up and get ahead of the enemy team, he'd afk.

> I sent an email to support, asking any GM to monitor the said player and at least give them a warning or something. So it won't ruin other people's game play.

> Anet only told me due to privacy concern, they cannot let me know how they'd investigate or do something about it.

> I was just speechless.


> I do agree that 5 man queue should be back as the main league because that would also revive lots of guilds to try for it and have fun with their players.

> The 2v2 queue is nice to pop in between the main league.


vallun reported me for afking with video footage, didnt even get warned.

in the same game I had a warrior bot that I played with 3 games in a row, he didnt get banned either :D

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