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What would it take to remove buttcapes?

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90% outfits are instant pass , can't find normal heavy pants for the life of me, just don't understand why everything needs to be buttcaped or some odd flap added to it.


Can you design more regular armor for the love of all the gods and 9 divine combined, especially in cantha don't ruin my fav aesthetic with endless buttcape. At the very least design ONE good armor set that is just normal for all and/or make outfits into skins again so we can mix match to look half decent.


For being a horizontal progression MMO I really do think the aesthetic game is below any other on the market aside from WoW which is actually probably better but suffers from lack of 3D textures and horrible poly count. FF14 gives me so many options to look how I want. Drop your outfit restrictions and even make 2 versions of the same set for outfits so we can choose the one without buttcape.


And for being a 'progressive' team I find it strange how in ESO I can be a big beautiful orc in a wedding dress or skimpy attire but can't do the same in GW2. There are too many limitations for a game that should be largely focused on fashion but actually isn't. I just can't click with this art team at all and its a shame that I am destined to be ugly forever in GW2 outside of using a full outfit that can't be customized in any way outside of dye. You really gonna make me use a outfit I've been using for years, for more years? -_-


GW2 needs like 10x more options, your fashion game is sorely lacking.

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Yes GW1 armor was good.

I think them customizing the engine for 2 really messed with the quality of armor, much of it just looks awful, even the ones directly taken from 1 just don't look or feel the same at all. In WoW they updated HD to some of the old sets and they were still the same just looked much better. I can't really put my finger on it in this game but its so inferior to what they had.

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All it will take is for people to stop complaining about them.

![](https://i.imgur.com/WTDnnwE.gif "")

All joking aside at one point you gotta accept that this is Arenanet's primary style for heavy and medium armors and for whatever reason they're just not interested in changing that in any significant way. Maybe the plurality of the dev's just aren't butt people. And yes, much of GW1's armors are better.

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I just hope that a decent amount of the armors from factions make a return. I love most of the shing jea, luxon and kurzick armors. I think gw2's armor problem is more because of the work for designing around 5 races. I wish they would just have made most armors racial as those all mostly look great.

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I wouldn't want racial armors as then most everyone would look the same. That's one of the things that I don't like about outfits in general. I also wouldn't want to get locked into a specific race just because I like the armor that's only available to that race.

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There's nothing inherently wrong with buttcapes and skirts...


However, it'd be nice to have more variety.


This goes with a lot of the themes we see with the different armour classes. Such as how Light armour has very few boots and is mostly just shoes (Which looks odd when half the skirts in the game come with tights that stop just above the ankle...). Or how Heavy armour barely has any "Trouser" style leggings.

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