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Do You Think Server Hate is Justified?

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(This post is meant to allow for possible understandings of server hate and left to the public to determine if it is valid under participating opinions.)


One might have heard the phrase or general idea that "winning/losing matches do not matter in WvW." If this is the case, then why does server hate exist in your opinion? In other words . . .


Do you think server hate is justified?

**Please omit attacking specific server(s) and present your opinion as a generalized one.** This post intends to invite some potential root causes in hopes of reaching a better, respectful resolution/understanding. Thank You.

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While winning or losing doesn't matter that much, many play WvW as a sandbox mode and some behavior earns more hate than others because it ruins the fun.


Groups that are known to hop maps when they wipe to less or equal numbers, groups that build siege more than anything else, and groups that simply tank until they find easy opposition are just not going to be popular. We understand that they bought the game and can play it as they like, but at the same time people don't want that kind of stuff around and will often act to discourage said behavior. It is not uncommon to see the siege bunker server being double teamed because nobody wants to see them stick around.


Of course, many have moved around a lot, servers are not monolithic entites, others have died and got stacked with bandwagoners, and often times the link also matters, but some things just stick. It is no doubt a bit unfair in some cases, because it's actually some guilds that do this, and they just bring it to wherever they go, sort of like a pandemic of some sorts.

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Its almost like a server is a big mass of different people with different reasons for playing. Stereotyping the lot of them is a pointless exercise that just creates tribal divisions where there are none. I haven't seen servers get double teamed for being siege bunkers. I can't say I've ever seen that many people exhibit such unified and principled behaviour.


2v1s happen because the 1 is weak.

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After several years of playing i found myself characterise enemy servers

After moving to EU ive Done the same bit merely compare them to the na i know...which is rather ironic


And yes i have a hatred to certain characters of servers...i dont mind ac deployment but 3 on a wall watching or jumpingyou with 5 people


Edit: removed server names

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From any given match to the next some guilds or squads I was covering before will be on an opposing server and some groups or squads I was trying to dismantle a week or two ago I'm now reviving in a fight. I gauge servers based on their floaters and fixer-uppers mostly and most are the same as my server in general although there's usually some pace or broad techniques that identify them and let you know a little of what you're in for that week.

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core communities often share a mentality or playstyle that -individual- people might find abrasive. hate is definitely a way too strong a word, but dislike for sure. piken, wsr, gandara, bb etc, all these servers have a distinct style. its good tho, adds banter to the gamemode.

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I've develop enmity towards certain servers overtime due to the general behaviour of their players.


I mean if yu get ganked like 5 to 30 by the same zerg in the same timezone 5 times in a row and get siege tossed every time with 20 people jumping on yu while downed, it's no surprise yu will generate a strong dislike to that server.


Sure, it might be just that one guild which does it but hey, I don't play in all their active timezones, the only timezone I play is when their dingusheads are active, so that's the only people from their server that I recognize and characterize their server by.


And usually, their entire server behaves the same way.

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I've had some bad experiences with servers that just constantly double team and cooperate against other severs but what gets me is the ones that think it's necessary to cheat by having players eavesdrop in map or team chat and pull ewp's before actually engaging, it's pathetic, truly pathetic. To date there are only a few that do it regularly that I'm aware of it and they deserve to be despised for such behavior, especially groups that condone and those who even pay people to grief other servers.

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If you would’ve asked this question some 5 years ago before World Servers, I would’ve said “absolutely yes.” Now “absolutely not,” server identity is gone, the people you’re fighting and hating on this week, are your best friends next week when they transfer to your link.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> I mean if yu get ganked like 5 to 30 by the same zerg in the same timezone 5 times in a row and get siege tossed every time with 20 people jumping on yu while downed, it's no surprise yu will generate a strong dislike to that server.

This behavior causes me to have player/guild hatred, not server hatred. There are several guilds whose players I will mercilessly slaughter on their zerg builds with my roaming build thanks to the behavior you've described. A couple of those guilds have been on just about every server at this point, so if I had the server-hate mentality, I would hate every server, including my own.

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Yes, it is justified. But pretty much over half the fulltime-WvW population transfers around every one or two relinks.


I dislike some servers because the ideology they were built upon (f/e lets stack on empty server so that we never lose any fights) and others because they hold some of the most obnoxious type-of commanders, the ones that tag down/transfer after losing a fight, handhold with multiple guilds everytime or never leave their keeps despite being stronger, in the game.


It does vary though. Lot of the links are pretty much full of rubble tho, either the new generation GvG crybabies that quit after 1 death and never follow opentags or pugs that pipfarm and make queues. Not really worth hating either.


Now do I tag up for my hate of enemy server? Not really. I tag up to give people on my server something fun to do. So hate doesn't really matter in the end, only the outcome of the matchup and how much fun you have.

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> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> why does server hate exist in your opinion?

Maybe server hate is not really justified, but absolutely mandatory, because it makes the ppl from your server play together, instead of hating each other(s playstyles).


if you would take server hate away, you would be left with half of your server fighting vs. each other in voice or team chat, or in their minds at least. The usual stuff is "ppl dont play the way I want", or "my apporach is the only right one, nothing else works", or the usual elitist behaviour of ppl that are unable to teamplay in a big scale mode "my guild is the best" / "our linking partner is garbage". The percentage of elitists has massively increased over the years, since most casuals that want to teamplay already left because of that.


Thats why server hate is mandatory so your server would at least temporarily team up vs. a mutually hated enemy.

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I hate Zerg servers. Specifically: a server where similar people get together. (Zerg server. It can be understood as a bunch of players with poor skills or a bunch of players with good skills. In my eyes, they are Zerg servers. My ideal WvW. * Strength balance, balance is very important!

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > why does server hate exist in your opinion?

> Maybe server hate is not really justified, but absolutely mandatory, because it makes the ppl from your server play together, instead of hating each other(s playstyles).


> if you would take server hate away, you would be left with half of your server fighting vs. each other in voice or team chat, or in their minds at least. The usual stuff is "ppl dont play the way I want", or "my apporach is the only right one, nothing else works", or the usual elitist behaviour of ppl that are unable to teamplay in a big scale mode "my guild is the best" / "our linking partner is garbage". The percentage of elitists has massively increased over the years, since most casuals that want to teamplay already left because of that.


> Thats why server hate is mandatory so your server would at least temporarily team up vs. a mutually hated enemy.


I agree that mutual hatred can bring people together. Yet, those people must share that hatred for them to come together over it. However, as you might be able to decern from this poll, not everyone possesses this hatred and still enjoys WvW to some extent. Also, I know many players/friends, besides myself, who have had their more than fair share of respectful fights where no hatred was felt. Therefore, I find the word "mandatory" at odds with their/my experience.


Do not mistake my position too much, however. I do understand that perceived or outright disrespectful actions can fuel a certain hatred, but only to the extent of those who actually fueled it.

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