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Please Remove Rune of Trapper

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Can this rune please be re-examined? Zero cast time stealth on classes that shouldn't have acesss to stealth(or super speed - guardians weakness is being slow) is a bit too powerful and downright unfun to fight. Games should be about fun, right?

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Problem isn't stealth but the ability to hide skills behind stealth. Suggested over 5 times now that someone about to burst (Or any heavy skill), they should be revealed at the start of their attack. Plain and simple. Makes no sense that people can get free 10k hits from nowhere, Backstabs on thief would have all the best reasons to be powerful if they would work this way in the first place.

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> @"Revolution.5409" said:

> I don't understand the problem are the runes or that Guardian can become invisible?

> If the problem is the second, it would be enough to change the DH traps into something else, and not remove the rune.


The problem is if a class with heavy armor (that have more blocks, immunites and heals than others) have access to stealth then it becomes Super Overpowered.

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> @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> > @"Revolution.5409" said:

> > I don't understand the problem are the runes or that Guardian can become invisible?

> > If the problem is the second, it would be enough to change the DH traps into something else, and not remove the rune.


> The problem is if a class with heavy armor (that have more blocks, immunites and heals than others) have access to stealth then it becomes Super Overpowered.


I don't see what heavy armour has to do with it and "super overpowered" is an exaggeration.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> > > @"Revolution.5409" said:

> > > I don't understand the problem are the runes or that Guardian can become invisible?

> > > If the problem is the second, it would be enough to change the DH traps into something else, and not remove the rune.

> >

> > The problem is if a class with heavy armor (that have more blocks, immunites and heals than others) have access to stealth then it becomes Super Overpowered.


> I don't see what heavy armour has to do with it and "super overpowered" is an exaggeration.


Thieves have stealth as compensation of their squishiness, heavy armor should never have access to that.

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> @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> > > > @"Revolution.5409" said:

> > > > I don't understand the problem are the runes or that Guardian can become invisible?

> > > > If the problem is the second, it would be enough to change the DH traps into something else, and not remove the rune.

> > >

> > > The problem is if a class with heavy armor (that have more blocks, immunites and heals than others) have access to stealth then it becomes Super Overpowered.

> >

> > I don't see what heavy armour has to do with it and "super overpowered" is an exaggeration.


> Thieves have stealth as compensation of their squishiness, heavy armor should never have access to that.


In GW2 armour weight doesn't really account for a whole lot. By the same notion I can say heavy armour classes should be the tankiest, because heavy armour. But history and present have often showed us that is not the case.

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> @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> Yes, let's remove more runes and amulets. That will be health for the game mode and promote more build diversity indeed!


Diversity doesn't give you a free pass to fill the game up with builds that are infuriating and unfun to fight.


> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Problem isn't stealth but the ability to hide skills behind stealth. Suggested over 5 times now that someone about to burst (Or any heavy skill), they should be revealed at the start of their attack. Plain and simple. Makes no sense that people can get free 10k hits from nowhere, Backstabs on thief would have all the best reasons to be powerful if they would work this way in the first place.


I love being CCed from stealth by mesmers and guardians.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > Yes, let's remove more runes and amulets. That will be health for the game mode and promote more build diversity indeed!


> Diversity doesn't give you a free pass to fill the game up with builds that are infuriating and unfun to fight.


> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > Problem isn't stealth but the ability to hide skills behind stealth. Suggested over 5 times now that someone about to burst (Or any heavy skill), they should be revealed at the start of their attack. Plain and simple. Makes no sense that people can get free 10k hits from nowhere, Backstabs on thief would have all the best reasons to be powerful if they would work this way in the first place.


> I love being CCed from stealth by mesmers and guardians.


"September 09, 2014 Superior Rune of the Trapper has been added to the game."... That's 5 years and 9 months trapper builds have existed with those runes. Wasn't a problem then, and isn't a problem now.


Mesmer and Guardian aren't the only ones who can cc from stealth...


What profession and build are you running in pvp? Maybe the community can help give you tips to improve against trapper builds...



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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > Yes, let's remove more runes and amulets. That will be health for the game mode and promote more build diversity indeed!


> Diversity doesn't give you a free pass to fill the game up with builds that are infuriating and unfun to fight.



Indeed. Same applies to your subjective opinion of what is fun, unfun, infuriating etc.



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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> You should probably read the patch notes if you think it was just "damage reductions".


Oh, I did read the patch notes and the entire game wasn’t revamped yet. There is way more to come...


The trapper runes have existed for almost 6 years, and now it’s suddenly an issue? Or perhaps you could post your build and the community can help you against certain things like tanks and trappers?

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys?

> > > >

> > > > **Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay** and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? "

> > > >

> > > > The kind of irony you only find within @"Crab Fear.1624" threads....

> > > >

> > > > Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?

> > >

> > > I said I would give up stealth, but I expect compensation.

> > >

> > > Ill take some aegis and Shield of Wrath as one of my thief weapon skills.

> >

> > Go right ahead, they are both trash. I'll take invis on demand as a weapon skill over blocking 3 attacks any day.


> Just remember that that invis on demand comes with a 1.25 second cast time. You will quickly realise why it is that thieves dont use stealth in-combat, and why they would gladly toss it away in favour of blocking 3 attacks.


LOL tell me some more good lies please. Thieves DO use TONS of stealth BECAUSE they can cast BEFORE its possible to Target and cast damage, interupt, etc on them before they STEALTH AGAIN AND CAN REMOVE REVEAL WITH A GD STEALTH, What the actual fuck!


Often times they only/best way to counter a thief is to cleave at the air around you while turing 180 over and over cause you cannot see or counter them via targeted attacks and they will BS you, shadowstep in stealth and repeat or build malice on things like clones then 1shot from 1500 range with bascially instant cast invis and the ability to remove revealed WTF

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The rune should have only been accessible to classes that use stealth for sustain purposes so not ranger even if it has stealth on lb. It woulda fit with thief preparations or mes. These classes where designed around having access to stealth. If the devs wanted to allow classes designed not to be reliant on such a strong mechanic than using them should put the trap skills used on a much longer CD as a drawback for the addition of the strong added mechanism but that requires balance consideration and unless its something being spammed about in threads constantly won't recieve that consideration.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> The rune should have only been accessible to classes that use stealth for sustain purposes so not ranger even if it has stealth on lb. It woulda fit with thief preparations or mes. These classes where designed around having access to stealth. If the devs wanted to allow classes designed not to be reliant on such a strong mechanic than using them should put the trap skills used on a much longer CD as a drawback for the addition of the strong added mechanism but that requires balance consideration and unless its something being spammed about in threads constantly won't recieve that consideration.


The drawback is:

1: Condi runes on a class with only power bonuses

2: playing DH, one of the weaker classes in PVP since the early nerf sets. There have been no periods of time where DH has been top teir meta since the longbow nerfs very early in HoT.

3: Running traps that are generally sub-par in order to justify the rune. Procession of Blades, Purification, and Dragon's Maw are the only 3 viable traps, and i'd never take Dragon's Maw over Contemplation of Purity

4: Your traps break your stealth, meaning they aren't very good for escapes beyond the superspeed (though you don't have a 25% movement speed trait, lynx runes, or innate swiftness)


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> @"Zephoid.4263" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > The rune should have only been accessible to classes that use stealth for sustain purposes so not ranger even if it has stealth on lb. It woulda fit with thief preparations or mes. These classes where designed around having access to stealth. If the devs wanted to allow classes designed not to be reliant on such a strong mechanic than using them should put the trap skills used on a much longer CD as a drawback for the addition of the strong added mechanism but that requires balance consideration and unless its something being spammed about in threads constantly won't recieve that consideration.


> The drawback is:

> 1: Condi runes on a class with only power bonuses

> 2: playing DH, one of the weaker classes in PVP since the early nerf sets. There have been no periods of time where DH has been top teir meta since the longbow nerfs very early in HoT.

> 3: Running traps that are generally sub-par in order to justify the rune. Procession of Blades, Purification, and Dragon's Maw are the only 3 viable traps, and i'd never take Dragon's Maw over Contemplation of Purity

> 4: Your traps break your stealth, meaning they aren't very good for escapes beyond the superspeed (though you don't have a 25% movement speed trait, lynx runes, or innate swiftness)


Condi dh traps have to low of a CD, do far to much cc and damage and burns have far to high potential for burst dps each tic, dont mistake that for me saying dh is OP as those are design and specific balance issues that anet has failed on among others. Until those get addressed dh will never get the buffs in the proper spots to be viable in high tier play as it stands now the most effective dh playstyle is brainless spamming. It could have been a awesome spec as the themes really cool but the design team failed so hard on it especially the lb, it should be far more effective than it is.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Condi dh traps have to low of a CD, do far to much cc and damage and burns have far to high potential for burst dps each tic, dont mistake that for me saying dh is OP as those are design and specific balance issues that anet has failed on among others. Until those get addressed dh will never get the buffs in the proper spots to be viable in high tier play as it stands now the most effective dh playstyle is brainless spamming. It could have been a awesome spec as the themes really cool but the design team failed so hard on it especially the lb, it should be far more effective than it is.



Please show me where there are 'condi traps' for DH. Literally the only way DH can proc burning is if they trigger the F1 passive, meaning they never can use the F1 active. There is no viable burning build on DH that isn't near strictly worse than core. DH trait line has nothing that improves burning and you lose all your meditation healing if you take DH, leaving you one of the squishiest classes in the game.


There is only ONE trap that DH has that can cc, and that is the elite trap. I noted before that i wouldn't even take that trap due to better options in the slot. There is only one good damage trap and thats Procession of Blades.

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> @"Zephoid.4263" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Condi dh traps have to low of a CD, do far to much cc and damage and burns have far to high potential for burst dps each tic, dont mistake that for me saying dh is OP as those are design and specific balance issues that anet has failed on among others. Until those get addressed dh will never get the buffs in the proper spots to be viable in high tier play as it stands now the most effective dh playstyle is brainless spamming. It could have been a awesome spec as the themes really cool but the design team failed so hard on it especially the lb, it should be far more effective than it is.



> Please show me where there are 'condi traps' for DH. Literally the only way DH can proc burning is if they trigger the F1 passive, meaning they never can use the F1 active. There is no viable burning build on DH that isn't near strictly worse than core. DH trait line has nothing that improves burning and you lose all your meditation healing if you take DH, leaving you one of the squishiest classes in the game.


> There is only ONE trap that DH has that can cc, and that is the elite trap. I noted before that i wouldn't even take that trap due to better options in the slot. There is only one good damage trap and thats Procession of Blades.


Never stated that traps are condi I was referring to guards and its specs having access to burning which in its self is overperforming as all condis are right now but burning is worst offender of them. Traps power damage mixed with symbols alone just themselves outright 100-0 a high hp spec in matter of seconds all while hard ccing them preventing them from leaving the aoe and trap area which is fine the damage wasn't so easily combined with the guard attacks well, deleting even high sustain classes. If u get caught without stab or a tele ur insta deleted and even if it's not the greatest tactic in grand scheme it's still far to much damage. Also why arnt CD's started when traps triggered instead of when dropped promoting being able to drop a second the instant its triggered,stupid design.

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