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pvp is unplayable

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The balance in pvp is so bad, and with each new patch, the devs change nothing and make the game worse. They remove all amulets and rune thinking that it fixes anything, meanwhile you still have completely busted professions with tons of balancing problems. Pvp is not fun in any way right now, on top of the fact that matchmaking is pure garbage, theres no reason to play pvp except to get legendary gear. Unless anet comes up with a huge pvp overhaul soon and a new expansion, this game is considered dead to me. Yes, before you say it, I will "just leave and play something else dude", and might not come back. The thing is, im not the only one with this sentiment and many are going to start leaving the game unless they fix pvp.



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Seems playable to me, always has, and I've heard this exact same tune since the day I started playing this game. You're welcome to your opinion. Balance is obviously not perfect and the degree to which we feel the impact of that is completely subjective. I'm not struggling in PvP and I just kept playing more or less the same build I used before 2/25. What else can I say but that overtuned and undertuned specs are a thing and always will be. Get used to it! There is no balance utopia and even if objectively such a feat could be achieved, half the player base would still be complaining about balance!


I think the lack of additional game modes along with a pretty casual, mostly anti-PvP playerbase (chicken or egg on that one, though?) is what dooms PvP in this game. For me the combat is pretty excellent and while I think some things are pretty ridiculous, this isn't my first MMO. PvP balance is always pretty sketchy in MMOs, from what I've seen. This one is certainly better than I remember from my WoW days (admittedly, it's been many years). They used to call it rock/paper/scissors (e.g. rogue beats warlock, warlock beats mage, etc.). Is that even attempting to balance? GW2 is way better than that, in my estimation. Some classes feel tougher to fight than others, but I can't think of any where I'm like "I don't stand a chance against this guy and he's not even as good as I am!" where WoW seemed intentionally designed that way.


In any event, what you want is pretty much what they're in the process of doing. 2/25 was a big change. I think what I can agree with at this point is that they really need to accelerate the pace here. They are clearly not meeting player expectations in terms of the pace of balance releases. It feels like more of the same from ANet, and that is pretty disappointing given what was promised.


I'm enjoying PvP, ANet! But I was enjoying it before you made all of these changes. That doesn't seem productive. What's the plan here?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Seems playable to me, always has, and I've heard this exact same tune since the day I started playing this game. You're welcome to your opinion. Balance is obviously not perfect and the degree to which we feel the impact of that is completely subjective. I'm not struggling in PvP and I just kept playing more or less the same build I used before 2/25. What else can I say but that overtuned and undertuned specs are a thing and always will be. Get used to it! There is no balance utopia and even if objectively such a feat could be achieved, half the player base would still be complaining about balance!


> I think the lack of additional game modes along with a pretty casual, mostly anti-PvP playerbase (chicken or egg on that one, though?) is what dooms PvP in this game. For me the combat is pretty excellent and while I think some things are pretty ridiculous, this isn't my first MMO. PvP balance is always pretty sketchy in MMOs, from what I've seen. This one is certainly better than I remember from my WoW days (admittedly, it's been many years). They used to call it rock/paper/scissors (e.g. rogue beats warlock, warlock beats mage, etc.). Is that even attempting to balance? GW2 is way better than that, in my estimation. Some classes feel tougher to fight than others, but I can't think of any where I'm like "I don't stand a chance against this guy and he's not even as good as I am!" where WoW seemed intentionally designed that way.


> In any event, what you want is pretty much what they're in the process of doing. 2/25 was a big change. I think what I can agree with at this point is that they really need to accelerate the pace here. They are clearly not meeting player expectations in terms of the pace of balance releases. It feels like more of the same from ANet, and that is pretty disappointing given what was promised.


> I'm enjoying PvP, ANet! But I was enjoying it before you made all of these changes. That doesn't seem productive. What's the plan here?


Tell me all about how getting one shot in pvp after missing a dodge is excellent combat

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> @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> The balance in pvp is so bad, and with each new patch, the devs change nothing and make the game worse. They remove all amulets and rune thinking that it fixes anything, meanwhile you still have completely busted professions with tons of balancing problems. Pvp is not fun in any way right now, on top of the fact that matchmaking is pure garbage, theres no reason to play pvp except to get legendary gear. Unless anet comes up with a huge pvp overhaul soon and a new expansion, this game is considered dead to me. Yes, before you say it, I will "just leave and play something else dude", and might not come back. The thing is, im not the only one with this sentiment and many are going to start leaving the game unless they fix pvp.






![](https://i.imgur.com/WsR0hK6.png "")


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> > The balance in pvp is so bad, and with each new patch, the devs change nothing and make the game worse. They remove all amulets and rune thinking that it fixes anything, meanwhile you still have completely busted professions with tons of balancing problems. Pvp is not fun in any way right now, on top of the fact that matchmaking is pure garbage, theres no reason to play pvp except to get legendary gear. Unless anet comes up with a huge pvp overhaul soon and a new expansion, this game is considered dead to me. Yes, before you say it, I will "just leave and play something else dude", and might not come back. The thing is, im not the only one with this sentiment and many are going to start leaving the game unless they fix pvp.

> >

> >


> **+1**


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/WsR0hK6.png "")



my guess is power creep. I miss pre hots pvp

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It's like peeling an onion. Lots of layers and they all stink.


The reason for the persistent problems is that power creep still exists. When you nerf everything across the board, the stuff which was at the top before is still at the top after. PoF elites need redesigns. Power creep on core traits and abilities need rolled back.


IMO, the 15-30% damage and healing nerf was the wrong call. Nerf amulet stats and access to might stacks instead.

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> @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > Seems playable to me, always has, and I've heard this exact same tune since the day I started playing this game. You're welcome to your opinion. Balance is obviously not perfect and the degree to which we feel the impact of that is completely subjective. I'm not struggling in PvP and I just kept playing more or less the same build I used before 2/25. What else can I say but that overtuned and undertuned specs are a thing and always will be. Get used to it! There is no balance utopia and even if objectively such a feat could be achieved, half the player base would still be complaining about balance!

> >

> > I think the lack of additional game modes along with a pretty casual, mostly anti-PvP playerbase (chicken or egg on that one, though?) is what dooms PvP in this game. For me the combat is pretty excellent and while I think some things are pretty ridiculous, this isn't my first MMO. PvP balance is always pretty sketchy in MMOs, from what I've seen. This one is certainly better than I remember from my WoW days (admittedly, it's been many years). They used to call it rock/paper/scissors (e.g. rogue beats warlock, warlock beats mage, etc.). Is that even attempting to balance? GW2 is way better than that, in my estimation. Some classes feel tougher to fight than others, but I can't think of any where I'm like "I don't stand a chance against this guy and he's not even as good as I am!" where WoW seemed intentionally designed that way.

> >

> > In any event, what you want is pretty much what they're in the process of doing. 2/25 was a big change. I think what I can agree with at this point is that they really need to accelerate the pace here. They are clearly not meeting player expectations in terms of the pace of balance releases. It feels like more of the same from ANet, and that is pretty disappointing given what was promised.

> >

> > I'm enjoying PvP, ANet! But I was enjoying it before you made all of these changes. That doesn't seem productive. What's the plan here?


> Tell me all about how getting one shot in pvp after missing a dodge is excellent combat


Like I said, it wasn't a problem for me. The so-called "1-shot" meta prior to 2/25 was a blast, honestly. I felt very comfortable in that meta and I am very comfortable in this one, too. I play casually, but I've always played at plat level since my first season back during HoT. You're welcome to your opinion, but you aren't changing mine. GW2 combat feels great to me and always has and the balance, while not perfect, is better than it was when I played WoW. Maybe my frame of reference is lacking your degree of refinement?


Regardless, I already said I agree with calling on ANet to start producing on this one. What more do you want? I could pour you a drink and we could talk about our pain, maybe? Scotch sounds good, doesn't it?

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> It's like peeling an onion. Lots of layers and they all stink.


> The reason for the persistent problems is that power creep still exists. When you nerf everything across the board, the stuff which was at the top before is still at the top after. PoF elites need redesigns. Power creep on core traits and abilities need rolled back.


> IMO, the 15-30% damage and healing nerf was the wrong call. Nerf amulet stats and access to might stacks instead.


Yeee lets make pvp a bunch of unkillable aoe spam builds because ppl cant dodge stuff thats goig to make the game so much fun :)

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> @"wevh.2903" said:

> > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > It's like peeling an onion. Lots of layers and they all stink.

> >

> > The reason for the persistent problems is that power creep still exists. When you nerf everything across the board, the stuff which was at the top before is still at the top after. PoF elites need redesigns. Power creep on core traits and abilities need rolled back.

> >

> > IMO, the 15-30% damage and healing nerf was the wrong call. Nerf amulet stats and access to might stacks instead.


> Yeee lets make pvp a bunch of unkillable aoe spam builds because ppl cant dodge stuff thats goig to make the game so much fun :)


I agree, spam aoe sucks to play. Its true that they arent nerfing the right things though, and I would argue they arent nerfing enough things either

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > i miss the old meta where i could get necros from 100% shroud to 20% life

> I'm not so sure I miss the grouped stealth bursts where I'm downed before the models of the enemies even load properly at first midfight.


i liked post patch till a month ago, when were facing just condi fb, rev and necro


running non port spot to non port spot to not get 1 shot in first mid fight was honestly better than fighting all those condi builds wherever you go


now really, whats not condi or doesn't have a strong condi variation?


ele - tempest and LR, you still can play fire weaver, but it's not really close to what other consdi builds are doing


mesmer - weak but condi is the only option


necro - weaker than it was but still strong and condi


ranger - pewpew, pets and a rising dd sb condi build quickly rising since ot was posted here


Engi - power, not sure if there's a viable condi variation


thief - the most opressive condo build atm, with a good power option


warrior - power, you don't see many of them tho


guardian - pretty much all specs have a variation of a burning build, with also viable power builds in all specs


rev - strong condi and power build, with the condi build being noob friendly amd strong against most of other condi builds



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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > Seems playable to me, always has, and I've heard this exact same tune since the day I started playing this game. You're welcome to your opinion. Balance is obviously not perfect and the degree to which we feel the impact of that is completely subjective. I'm not struggling in PvP and I just kept playing more or less the same build I used before 2/25. What else can I say but that overtuned and undertuned specs are a thing and always will be. Get used to it! There is no balance utopia and even if objectively such a feat could be achieved, half the player base would still be complaining about balance!

> > >

> > > I think the lack of additional game modes along with a pretty casual, mostly anti-PvP playerbase (chicken or egg on that one, though?) is what dooms PvP in this game. For me the combat is pretty excellent and while I think some things are pretty ridiculous, this isn't my first MMO. PvP balance is always pretty sketchy in MMOs, from what I've seen. This one is certainly better than I remember from my WoW days (admittedly, it's been many years). They used to call it rock/paper/scissors (e.g. rogue beats warlock, warlock beats mage, etc.). Is that even attempting to balance? GW2 is way better than that, in my estimation. Some classes feel tougher to fight than others, but I can't think of any where I'm like "I don't stand a chance against this guy and he's not even as good as I am!" where WoW seemed intentionally designed that way.

> > >

> > > In any event, what you want is pretty much what they're in the process of doing. 2/25 was a big change. I think what I can agree with at this point is that they really need to accelerate the pace here. They are clearly not meeting player expectations in terms of the pace of balance releases. It feels like more of the same from ANet, and that is pretty disappointing given what was promised.

> > >

> > > I'm enjoying PvP, ANet! But I was enjoying it before you made all of these changes. That doesn't seem productive. What's the plan here?

> >

> > Tell me all about how getting one shot in pvp after missing a dodge is excellent combat


> Like I said, it wasn't a problem for me. The so-called "1-shot" meta prior to 2/25 was a blast, honestly. I felt very comfortable in that meta and I am very comfortable in this one, too. I play casually, but I've always played at plat level since my first season back during HoT. You're welcome to your opinion, but you aren't changing mine. GW2 combat feels great to me and always has and the balance, while not perfect, is better than it was when I played WoW. Maybe my frame of reference is lacking your degree of refinement?


> Regardless, I already said I agree with calling on ANet to start producing on this one. What more do you want? I could pour you a drink and we could talk about our pain, maybe? Scotch sounds good, doesn't it?


Which class do you play?

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> @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> The balance in pvp is so bad

balance should be bad. If you with non meta class/build try kill 1 vs 1 same skill meta warrior or reaper this is ony yours fail. Use meta biuld or chose teamplay-game .


> and with each new patch, the devs change nothing and make the game worse.

I accept balance patches as changes for changes, and nothing more. In this way of vision I don't feels bad. Try changes your vision.


> They remove all amulets and rune thinking that it fixes anything,

again, they don't try fix. It just changes for changes. If you think about this so - no any balance change give you trouble.


> with tons of balancing problems.

I don't wait any some magic balance. Take any class different, and don't wait that sword 1 on one class is equal sword 1 on other class. It can solve yours problem.


> Pvp is not fun in any way right now,

it is fun, if you don't wait from gameplay some unreal balance.


> theres no reason to play pvp except to get legendary gear.

have a lot of legendary sets, still playing. It is fun.


>Unless anet comes up with a huge pvp overhaul soon and a new expansion

if wait some changes and some balance from exp you will fail 125%.


> this game is considered dead to me.

it ok, Try play other game. do it time to time. After some time I am come back and happy.


> unless they fix pvp.

make only one class for pvp, off traits, give only one amulets, and one wepon set ? this?


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> > The balance in pvp is so bad

> balance should be bad. If you with non meta class/build try kill 1 vs 1 same skill meta warrior or reaper this is ony yours fail. Use meta biuld or chose teamplay-game .


> > and with each new patch, the devs change nothing and make the game worse.

> I accept balance patches as changes for changes, and nothing more. In this way of vision I don't feels bad. Try changes your vision.


> > They remove all amulets and rune thinking that it fixes anything,

> again, they don't try fix. It just changes for changes. If you think about this so - no any balance change give you trouble.


> > with tons of balancing problems.

> I don't wait any some magic balance. Take any class different, and don't wait that sword 1 on one class is equal sword 1 on other class. It can solve yours problem.


> > Pvp is not fun in any way right now,

> it is fun, if you don't wait from gameplay some unreal balance.


> > theres no reason to play pvp except to get legendary gear.

> have a lot of legendary sets, still playing. It is fun.


> >Unless anet comes up with a huge pvp overhaul soon and a new expansion

> if wait some changes and some balance from exp you will fail 125%.


> > this game is considered dead to me.

> it ok, Try play other game. do it time to time. After some time I am come back and happy.


> > unless they fix pvp.

> make only one class for pvp, off traits, give only one amulets, and one wepon set ? this?



neckbeard commenting

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> @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> Dev don't understand that balance and destruction are different concepts. They would rather destroy the popular and useful builds than optimize the outdated ones


This^ majority think games direction is going in the more positive direction which if were talking JUST balance of MOST of the roster I'd agree but as a whole putting all other factors aside for this one goal will ruin the game and decrease its population faster than balance ever would. If games fun but balance isn't great the game will still have far more active players than if its better balanced but not fun to play.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> > Core necro, condi mirage, burn guard and immob druid all need to be nerfed.

> > Do this and the game will be fine.


> rip cmirage

> PepeHands it never ends



No really, I understand that the average condi mirage player would disagree, but have you fought a seriously competent one? Unless you're running antitoxin fire weaver with infinite cleanse uptime YOU CANNOT WIN 1v1. Simply, you won't. Not if they're good and know what they're doing. And that's the definition of OP.


edit: mind you I'm talking about WvW roaming. Guess I should've mentioned that.

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> @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> > > Core necro, condi mirage, burn guard and immob druid all need to be nerfed.

> > > Do this and the game will be fine.

> >

> > rip cmirage

> > PepeHands it never ends

> >


> No really, I understand that the average condi mirage player would disagree, but have you fought a seriously competent one? Unless you're running antitoxin fire weaver with infinite cleanse uptime YOU CANNOT WIN 1v1. Simply, you won't. Not if they're good and know what they're doing. And that's the definition of OP.


Nah, you can win against CMirage pretty easily in a 1v1. Its really high damage, but its also really squishy and without a lot of defenses. If you have the usual 2 burst condi cleanses (that you need to play anyway), then you can survive the initial burst, then crush the CMirage on the backswing.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> > > > Core necro, condi mirage, burn guard and immob druid all need to be nerfed.

> > > > Do this and the game will be fine.

> > >

> > > rip cmirage

> > > PepeHands it never ends

> > >

> >

> > No really, I understand that the average condi mirage player would disagree, but have you fought a seriously competent one? Unless you're running antitoxin fire weaver with infinite cleanse uptime YOU CANNOT WIN 1v1. Simply, you won't. Not if they're good and know what they're doing. And that's the definition of OP.


> Nah, you can win against CMirage pretty easily in a 1v1. Its really high damage, but its also really squishy and without a lot of defenses. If you have the usual 2 burst condi cleanses (that you need to play anyway), then you can survive the initial burst, then crush the CMirage on the backswing.


Theoretically yes but try that out on a melee class. Hard to just burst them down when they condi spam, invuln, evade, then teleport/stealth, all the while spamming condis. It's not easy to counter by any means unless you're running a build designed to counter it.

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