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Gift of Battle

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > If you're going to take camps, especially if you're solo here's some advice:

> >

> > * Do not aggro anything until the Righteous Indignation buff is gone on the Veteran Supervisor

> > * Look for the optimal location to be to group all the enemies together quickly so that you're already capping the camp when it shows contested

> >

> > When I didn't want to run with the zerg, I would often flip camps to maintain participation for the reward track.

> A bit more in-depth on this: If you can kill without letting the Supervisor get close to you, you could start killing the rest when the invulnerability timer hits around 2 minutes. The advantage of this is that you just need to kill the supervisor when invulnerability wears off so you can finish capping early. The sooner you finish, the less chance you have of being interrupted by enemy players. If you start killing the NPC too soon, they'll respawn before you can kill the supervisor. They actually have 3 minute respawn timers so the 2 minute thing isn't accurate, but it gives you a minute to kill he supervisor and capture the camp.


Only if this doesn’t contest the camp. I found that a lot of the time that the Supervisor is tied to the other mobs. Contesting the camp is essentially letting every roamer know where you are and what you’re trying to do.


Most of the camps have a place where you can stand in order to get all the mobs to ball up and killed quickly.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> I agree. WvW requirement needs to go!


What is the point of a Gift of **Battle** and not ever having battled? If you don't want WvW farm and buy a legendary.


It's a **Legendary** item, the prestige is from playing a good portion of the game. The requirements should never be reduced.

Thankfully, they did remove the RNG block from obtaining a preCursor with the crafting option.

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> It's a **Legendary** item, the prestige is from playing a good portion of the game.

Well that's news to me, I don't recall a WvW player ever having to leave WvW (for anything but throwing cash at some vendors) for the WvW legendaries. You can get Conflux without having to go play "PvE" but both Aurora and Vision require you to play WvW.

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > @"yorick.1305" said:

> > Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts (...)

> This is a clear comparison that shows why WvW'ers don't need (another) way to cheesing-up something. An entire map completion in about a week... let's extend this to a month in order to take into account players with a little less time to invest in the game. TWO Gifts of Exploration per month while an inept player in WvW would have about a year to get 80 Potions only from "Big Spender" or at least 2-3 months if doing all "easy" dailies


> The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).


> The whole looting distribution and recipes components is messed up in this game... >.<




The only thing you can instabuy in wvw are heropoints. Rest of map completion is done normally. If you think wvw is somehow privileged, by all means make it your main mode. Tell us how it went after a year

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > @"yorick.1305" said:

> > Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts (...)

> This is a clear comparison that shows why WvW'ers don't need (another) way to cheesing-up something. An entire map completion in about a week... let's extend this to a month in order to take into account players with a little less time to invest in the game. TWO Gifts of Exploration per month while an inept player in WvW would have about a year to get 80 Potions only from "Big Spender" or at least 2-3 months if doing all "easy" dailies


> The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).


> The whole looting distribution and recipes components is messed up in this game... >.<




So even IF you can do map comp in two weeks (which I cannot) the comparison is inadequate since you can get a gift of battle in roughly four hours.


And of course, you still have to do all the hearts, all the points of interest, and all the vistas. I am also assuming that two weeks included buying the waypoint unlocks from the gem store which is far from cheap. You also have to have spent enough time in wvw to GET the hero point unlocks.


I will stand by gift of battle being one of the easiest and fastest parts of a legendary.

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> This is the classic and evident proof ANet doesn't care enough with players around the globe as they should. A laggy game in an even more laggy environment (WvW) that only runs mildly decently on top rigs for players during the deified "primetime" forced down the throat to PvE'ers that already passed through a hell of a ton of difficulties in their Legendary journey just for one single item — and that I can say for sure now 'cause I always crafted Legendaries with a ready-to-use- precursor but when I decided to pursue the related achievements... hoo lee sheet.


> I do WvW once in a while and 5-8h later I get my Gift — I'm just off-the-loop for a while 'cause of some health issues I had in this kitten quarantine — but all in all, WvW'ers have pretty much everything PvE'ers have in a MUCH easier way (I've completed a few Dungeons RTs by myself while on PvE I would have to rely on other players to do so), but Gift of Battle? Noooooooooo, it's locked and very tight!


Any quad core Intel since 2012 or Ryzen chip can play WvW just fine. Just lower model limit and turn off reflections/shadows. If you can do a meta you can WvW.


If you really can't do anything because of playing on an old notebook with potato specs then you can ask a commander nicely (not like entitled people "I'm only here for GoB, give me participation") for scout participation and scout at a tower /keep on a map without a queue.


> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > @"yorick.1305" said:

> > Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts (...)

> This is a clear comparison that shows why WvW'ers don't need (another) way to cheesing-up something. An entire map completion in about a week... let's extend this to a month in order to take into account players with a little less time to invest in the game. TWO Gifts of Exploration per month while an inept player in WvW would have about a year to get 80 Potions only from "Big Spender" or at least 2-3 months if doing all "easy" dailies


> The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).


> The whole looting distribution and recipes components is messed up in this game... >.<




You only get Mystic Coins for winning. Also in the amount of time you spend to get those wins (matches around 10 min after Feb 25 update) you could have gotten much more gold than the Mystic Coins are worth.



Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?


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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player. There is also the issue that they only put proper effort into designing weapons if they're legendaries but that's a different topic entirely.


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End of the day people have chosen to go for it, you dont need it, dont want to do WvW? make ascended weapons.. or buy gen1 weapons from Tp, you all choose to make a legendary therefore you should be ready to do what is needed to make one, im quite surprised they haven't added a gift needed from PvP reward track tbh

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

> They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player.



That makes no sense because PvP has no need for gear , it uses the PvP amulet system. The PvP legendary armor was so people have an alternative to PvE-only. With tournament of legends in the past , people were only given legendary weapon choices if they won the tournament. The amulet was introduced so there are more people doing seasons , without that incentive anyone finished with mistforged has very little reason to do seasons over unranked or tournaments unless they actually want to PvP. It's pretty much a given that once people finish their 120 ranked wins they're probably not returning unless they actually enjoy the RNG fest of ranked seasons. While tournaments have a decent level of interest among the PvP community and ranked is often "gamed" , it still has sufficient reason for people to pay attention to it that are remotely interested in PvP. Players have set up 1v1 tournaments and private rooms to PvP in and such with player contributed pools, it has never been because of Arenanet's "design elements" alone. With the reduction of powercreep it probably has slightly more viewership and coverage even if it is on the decline in terms of replay value (dwindling playerbase).


For WvW , there aren't any legendary accessories (only rings + back) and arguably it has the most stat combinations in use when you include roaming specs. Mist Amulet can be stat changed so it is a inconvenience but not gamebreaking. WvW shouldn't necessarily get a legendary weapon skin in the near future since gen1 legendary weapons are tradable and the vast majority of weapons are only run in a few stat combinations anyway. If Eternal Ice wasn't so readily available many WvW players would be in a worse situation grinding out PVE just to gear up multiple setups (i.e. minstrel, marauder, celestial, trailblazer , berserker, dire/etc).

The reason why WvW has replay value is because of the players, it is 100% not because of Conflux or the legendary armor. WvW used to charge for repairs (so did PvE). People played WvW regularly even before tournaments , the pip rewards, server links, or "alliances". Players made their own GvG when Arenanet did not support GvG , plus most replay value in video content is made of WvW/ organized PvP (not random ranked) as there's no reason to watch someone doing PvE after you've completed something. The #1 complaint not related to balance (or exploits) has been that there is no incentive for winning now (seasons stopped , per Arenanet the playerbase dropped after seasons actually) and players abusing server hopping due to the linking system.


For PvE, since people mostly run berserker / viper it truly is a privilege rather than a necessity. Per gw2efficiency less than 5% have the ring from PVE raid and that represents a portion of the userbase that is more invested in the game. Does it actually increase replay value for PvE though? The amount of people that stay around to raid after finishing armor is quite low per their metrics. Highest owned legendaries are weapons at ~16% (Twilight) per gw2efficiency, earnable by outright purchase or openworld.


By the numbers, **yes it is a privilege**

* Twilight (gen 1 weapon): 43,548 of 266,104 (16.365%)

* Ad Infinitum (PVE fractal back): 25,561 of 266,104 (9.606%) ; 26,500 of 254,167 (10.426%) have the achievement

* Aurora II achievement: 24,721 of 254,167 (9.726%)

* Envoy Armor II: Refined Armor achievement : 23,078 of 254,167 (9.080%)

* Nevermore (gen 2 weapon): 20,530 of 266,104 (7.715%)

* Ascension (PVP back): 20,478 of 266,104 (7.695%)

* Emblem of the Conqueror (required for Conflux WVW ring): 18,001 of 254,167 (7.082%)

* Perfected Envoy Vestments (highest owned PVE armor): 11,995 of 266,104 (4.508%)

* Vision II achievement: 10,081 of 254,167 (3.966%)

* Triumphant Hero's Breastplate (highest owned WVW armor upgradable to legendary): 10,572 of 266,104 (3.973%)

* Warbringer (WVW back): 8,065 of 266,104 (3.031%)

* Coalescence III: Culmination achievement (PVE ring): 5,146 of 254,167 (2.025%)

* Emblem of Victory (required for PVP amulet): 2,044 of 254,167 (0.804%)

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

>If you think wvw is somehow privileged, by all means make it your main mode. Tell us how it went after a year


Lol I had something to add to the conversation, but after reading this I laughed so hard I forgot what it was.


I'm totally with you on that point. I enjoy PvE and sPvP, but hate WvW with a passion. Because of Conflux I've been doing WvW consistently these days, and it seems like a great way to never make any gold at all. The rewards, outside of many things specific to WvW, are terrible. I can't imagine doing this for a year and not quitting the game; I'm always impressed to see longtime WvW-only veterans, it takes a special kind of.... perseverance.



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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly),


That depends on the use of the coins. Both WvW and PvP reward tracks provide mystic clovers directly. At 2 clovers per repeatable track that is roughly 6 coins per track or 1.33 hour per coin(without any boosts involved) versus 24 hours per coin in PvE. Which is providing more coins in that case is pretty obvious. There are also additional Mystic Coins in the skirmish tracks.


Fractals does offer 2 clovers per day for purchase but that would require doing fractals and also a lot more math and it still requires spending coins.


> but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).


For a guaranteed of **1** not 5 there can not be more than 8 teams because only 1st-8th place gets any coin. A guaranteed of 5 from the daily tournament would require nobody else but your team to participate since 5 coins is from first place(second gets 3 coins).


A guaranteed of 5 from the monthly would require no more than 32 teams to participate otherwise it is a guaranteed of 1



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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > > Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

> > They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player.

> >


> That makes no sense because PvP has no need for gear

Which is irrelevant for the argument at hand.


The lack of necessity doesn't make something a privilege just how necessity doesn't make something an entitlement.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > > > Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

> > > They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player.

> > >

> >

> > That makes no sense because PvP has no need for gear

> Which is irrelevant for the argument at hand.


> The lack of necessity doesn't make something a privilege just how necessity doesn't make something an entitlement.


So now you're suggesting legendary items are somehow a necessity? I don't understand the wordplay.


Exactly what is a PvP player going to do with a legendary that doesn't have an effect? Because it certainly is not going to be used for PvP stat purposes.


There's armor (no added effect), back, and an amulet so unless trinkets or rings are added there is literally nothing else besides weapons.


Asking for something that has existed in the game since the advent of legendary weapons (gift of battle) to be changed because you think it is "too hard" or "too long" is the definition of entitlement. I and many others have already suggested ways to get Gift of Battle even if the original poster has an "unplayable" PC. Before 2016 (i.e. pre-Heart of Thorns era) there was the option to trade in 500 badges of honor, but those are also accountbound ; any POF-era legendary had to do the reward track.


P.S. Legendary armor now roughly costs what ascended armor used to cost when it was new.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > > > > Why are people presenting the idea that Legendary items are somehow a right and not a privilege?

> > > > They are neither a right nor a privilege. They're a design element with the goal to increase replayability of the content in question by giving the player something to work towards. Ideally every type of content should offer at least one full set of legendary gear to the player.

> > > >

> > >

> > > That makes no sense because PvP has no need for gear

> > Which is irrelevant for the argument at hand.

> >

> > The lack of necessity doesn't make something a privilege just how necessity doesn't make something an entitlement.


> So now you're suggesting legendary items are somehow a necessity?

No, that's just you reading stuff into things.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly),


> That depends on the use of the coins. Both WvW and PvP reward tracks provide mystic clovers directly. At 2 clovers per repeatable track that is roughly 6 coins per track or 1.33 hour per coin(without any boosts involved) versus 24 hours per coin in PvE. Which is providing more coins in that case is pretty obvious. There are also additional Mystic Coins in the skirmish tracks.


Most legendaries require coins AND clovers. You can't equate coins with clovers if you want to craft a weapon for example. The 250 coins will cost a lot of gold, a lot of time (44 per 28 days, 20 from login rewards, 24 from skirmish tracks) or a lot of PvE play. It probably boils down to a combination for most people.


The only legendaries I can think of that don't use coins are the WvW legendary armor pieces. There might be a few more.

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > @"yorick.1305" said:

> > Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts (...)

> This is a clear comparison that shows why WvW'ers don't need (another) way to cheesing-up something. An entire map completion in about a week... let's extend this to a month in order to take into account players with a little less time to invest in the game. TWO Gifts of Exploration per month while an inept player in WvW would have about a year to get 80 Potions only from "Big Spender" or at least 2-3 months if doing all "easy" dailies


> The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).


> The whole looting distribution and recipes components is messed up in this game... >.<



I should have added the character already had 27% map done beforehand. My bad.




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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > > The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly),

> >

> > That depends on the use of the coins. Both WvW and PvP reward tracks provide mystic clovers directly. At 2 clovers per repeatable track that is roughly 6 coins per track or 1.33 hour per coin(without any boosts involved) versus 24 hours per coin in PvE. Which is providing more coins in that case is pretty obvious. There are also additional Mystic Coins in the skirmish tracks.

> >

> Most legendaries require coins AND clovers. You can't equate coins with clovers if you want to craft a weapon for example. The 250 coins will cost a lot of gold, a lot of time (44 per 28 days, 20 from login rewards, 24 from skirmish tracks) or a lot of PvE play. It probably boils down to a combination for most people.


> The only legendaries I can think of that don't use coins are the WvW legendary armor pieces. There might be a few more.


If you can get clovers directly...

no coins are needed for gen 1 weapons

no coins are needed for runes

no coins are needed for sigil

no coins are needed for legendary armor(WvW, PvP, raid)

no coins are needed for any of legendary back items(Warbringer, The Ascension, Ad Infinitum)


250 coins are required as part of the Mystic Tribute for

gen2 weapons

trinkets(ring, accessory, amulet)


Since there are more gen1 than gen2 weapons, if we want to be pedantic then the actual majority of weapons do not require coins

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > > > The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly),

> > >

> > > That depends on the use of the coins. Both WvW and PvP reward tracks provide mystic clovers directly. At 2 clovers per repeatable track that is roughly 6 coins per track or 1.33 hour per coin(without any boosts involved) versus 24 hours per coin in PvE. Which is providing more coins in that case is pretty obvious. There are also additional Mystic Coins in the skirmish tracks.

> > >

> > Most legendaries require coins AND clovers. You can't equate coins with clovers if you want to craft a weapon for example. The 250 coins will cost a lot of gold, a lot of time (44 per 28 days, 20 from login rewards, 24 from skirmish tracks) or a lot of PvE play. It probably boils down to a combination for most people.

> >

> > The only legendaries I can think of that don't use coins are the WvW legendary armor pieces. There might be a few more.


> If you can get clovers directly...

> no coins are needed for gen 1 weapons

> no coins are needed for runes

> no coins are needed for sigil

> no coins are needed for legendary armor(WvW, PvP, raid)

> no coins are needed for any of legendary back items(Warbringer, The Ascension, Ad Infinitum)


> 250 coins are required as part of the Mystic Tribute for

> gen2 weapons

> trinkets(ring, accessory, amulet)


> Since there are more gen1 than gen2 weapons, if we want to be pedantic then the actual majority of weapons do not require coins

Huh, my memory isn't what it used to. I've not made anything that didn't requite coins in years. The gift of fortune's 250 ectos somehow changed into 250 coins in my head.

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According to your framerate and your statement that your game completely crash everytime you encounter 20 or more players in WvW, the best I can suggest to you is to activate "Gift of Battle Reward Track" and then each day complete as much daily WvW quests as you can (WvW reward potions from these dailies increase your WvW reward track progress when you "drink" them), preferably in a nightime / early morning, when WvW maps are less populated than at primetime. Make sure your WvW participation is maximized (at stage 6) at all time. Keep in mind that even escorting Dolyaks between Camps and Towers also refresh your WvW participation timer (In that escorting Dolyaks case, be sure you are escorting Dolyak not only to the first Tower, but also to Keep, if its on that Dolyak road, otherwise the game will not consider your event participation long enough to give you an escort event completion reward).


Entire GoB reward track can be completed just by this Dolyak escorting, nothing else is really needed (other things are a bonus of course, but as long as you have active participation stage 6, the exact type of activity does not matter). You can still be killed by other players, but thats the risk of entering the WvW game mode,


Tip: The easiest and shortest location to quickly escorting Dolyaks is on Alpine Borderlands map from the most south-western Camp to "Bay" Keep.


Bonus thing: No WvW veteran will blame you or calling you bad names for escorting Dolayks, some of them can even thanks you for escorting : ) .


Best class for escorting Dolyaks (dont look at this too seriously, literally ANY class can do this, Im just mentioning the best in it): Lazy mode: Herald with perma AoE swiftness Facet - you just run along the Dolly, and ... ehm ... thats all =) , or Active mode: Scrapper AoE superspeed spammer. The faster the Dolly reach the objective, the less chance you will get killed.


Hope this post will help ppl who dont enjoy WvW game mode to get their Gift of Battle as quickly and as non-frustrating as possible. Btw we WvW veterans are not so toxic as it may seem, we are nice and helpfull if we see new ppl want to listen and learn, many servers even have training guilds for new players where experienced commanders explain things and even leading newbies squads in some "first steps" WvW gameplay.


// edit: Last note - chat system in WvW works a little bit differently than in PvE, many ppl are confused by this

/t = team chat - this is visible in ALL 4 WvW maps (all 3 Borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds)

/m = map chat - this is visible only in the WvW map you are currently playing on

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